Buying A Used Sailboat | S01E02

Follow Desiree and Jordan as they arrive in Key West to survey a 1963 Allied Seawind to find whether it really is the sailboat of their dreams, or if this boat has been neglected beyond the point of repair. Could this be the beginning of a new phase for Project Atticus? Did you like this video? Please don’t forget to give it a thumbs up, it helps us out a lot! Want to get to know us better? Hop over to our Patreon Page for a Behind the Scenes peek into our everyday life! For daily updates check us out on facebook: To learn more about us and our adventure head over to our website: Here is a list of our sponsors whose products we love! Sailrite Super Sailmakers Sleep on Latex Silent Wind Monitor Windvane

Buying A Used Sailboat | S01E02 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 7

Sailing 11 years ago 43,340 views

Follow Desiree and Jordan as they arrive in Key West to survey a 1963 Allied Seawind to find whether it really is the sailboat of their dreams, or if this boat has been neglected beyond the point of repair. Could this be the beginning of a new phase for Project Atticus? Did you like this video? Please don’t forget to give it a thumbs up, it helps us out a lot! Want to get to know us better? Hop over to our Patreon Page for a Behind the Scenes peek into our everyday life! For daily updates check us out on facebook: To learn more about us and our adventure head over to our website: Here is a list of our sponsors whose products we love! Sailrite Super Sailmakers Sleep on Latex Silent Wind Monitor Windvane

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Most popular comments
for Buying A Used Sailboat | S01E02

No Job
No Job - 7 years ago
Project Atticus On your live stream you mentioned full keel, not sure if you seen my reply to that. A couple of good things A it's a true blue water vessel and B you can heave to in big wave n bad weather rigging Dr channel explains it on his YouTube channel.
Project Atticus
Project Atticus - 7 years ago
Haha thanks no job!
Hans Etter
Hans Etter - 7 years ago
I am glad you took on Scotts boat, and make it happen.
Project Atticus
Project Atticus - 7 years ago
Thanks Hans! He was a great guy, and we're still in touch with his family!
Daniel - S/V Rhapsody
Daniel - S/V Rhapsody - 8 years ago
Just found and going through your videos. Found through the sewing projects as I plan my own projects out. Looks like a nice boat despite the work. I bought my boat knowing it was in need of work and still working on it. Right now it's sitting at a marina by the Chesapeake just south of Annapolis with a long way to go still.

Have fun out there! :-)
Project Atticus
Project Atticus - 8 years ago
Hi Daniel! Thanks for your note! Good luck with the repairs! It will totally be worth it in the end :) At least that's what we're trying to believe!
Mark Gailmor
Mark Gailmor - 8 years ago
I will never buy a plastic boat. Wood all the way for me. Fiberglass is just yucky to me. Wood boats have been around since the beginning of time and there's a beauty that comes with a wood boat that you simply don't find with a fiberglass boat. Anyway, I probably won't watch the rest of your videos but I wish you all the best with your first sailing vessel.
Project Atticus
Project Atticus - 8 years ago
Good for you, Mark. Thanks for sharing.
wallabyshane - 9 years ago
Hey guys. I have just come across your channel as i am in the early stages also of finding a yacht to purchase. I'm not sure yet whether or not I will buy "ready to go" or as you guys have done one that needs some TLC. i have only just watched your 3rd episode so am really excited I have so many eps to go. Looks like not too much sleep for me in the next couple of days. My plan is to eventually start coastal hops of the east coast of Australia whilst learning to sail and also learning about the vessel I eventually buy. love your work guys. Thank you in advance because I know you documenting your experiences on your refit will teach me and help me immensely. Best regards, Shane
Project Atticus
Project Atticus - 9 years ago
+wallabyshane Hi Shane! Thanks for your note! Great to hear of your sailing plans. Jordan and I have both debated countless hours about whether or not we made the right decision to buy a project boat with such little knowledge. Truth be told, we're glad we jumped into it and got started, and we've learned hundreds of new skills and developed confidence throughout our 2 year refit, but on bad days, we really wish we could have started sailing earlier. So, in retrospect, I think buying a project boat was a good idea, but we probably could have found a boat that was closer to sailing and still learned a lot. Best of luck and keep us in the loop of your sailing plans!
Mushaschi - 9 years ago
A good way. It always begins with the first step. Greetings from Germany.
Project Atticus
Project Atticus - 9 years ago
+Mushaschi Hi Mushaschi! Thanks for the greetings! Happy holidays!
Whit-Ness Travels
Whit-Ness Travels - 9 years ago
Just started watching. Enjoy the videos!
Project Atticus
Project Atticus - 9 years ago
+Whit-Ness Travels Thanks very much! Welcome!
Mike S
Mike S - 9 years ago
Lovely story. Best wishes.

10. comment for Buying A Used Sailboat | S01E02

Paul - 9 years ago
A shite load of work ahead of you, but the journey itself is the best part. As he said...

“It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.”
― Ernest Hemingway
Project Atticus
Project Atticus - 9 years ago
+Paul Young indeed!
Pass Me By
Pass Me By - 9 years ago
Looks like a fun story.
Erga Omnes
Erga Omnes - 9 years ago
great happy 4 you guys !  Desiree is your best asset ! indeed!
GoThic Gamer And The GoThic Life
GoThic Gamer And The GoThic Life - 9 years ago
Great prize my sailing boat is not really modern as well but I fixed it and it works great I'm a 23 year old sailer and I started last year I love it a lot and I love to play my Xbox and jam my rock music as I relax on my 10 20 minute break s its awesome guys I'm really happy for you
Project Atticus
Project Atticus - 9 years ago
+GoThic Gamer And The GoThic Life awesome!
Urban Deployment
Urban Deployment - 9 years ago
Idk. I was born in 63' and I wouldnt sail me around the world. Lol
H Peterson
H Peterson - 9 years ago
I was so excited you guys bought this boat. and what a great price! you are living two dreams at once. his and yours... what an auspicious beginning.
OkinawaWild - 10 years ago
Cap'n Fatty Goodlander. The only man you need to listen to. Forums may be good for technical know how, but all the attitude and encouragement you need is in that book.
Dougyelnats - 10 years ago
Great Video series, Capt. & 1st. Mate
Bugs Moran
Bugs Moran - 10 years ago
So Cool
Stephen Lediard
Stephen Lediard - 10 years ago
Very polite you guys but you should never buy a boat without having a survey or seeing the boat yourselves out of the water. Blisters on the hull is not such a big problem but through hull fittings and the rudder are. If you really are going off into heavier seas then the boat can either save you or kill you. In the end you are very, very alone and you have only one good friend and that's your floating bubble. The sea cares for nobody.

20. comment for Buying A Used Sailboat | S01E02

Levi May
Levi May - 10 years ago
Thanks for the video.  I am grateful for you giving me an idea of how much a boat like that costs.  
Kevin Schank
Kevin Schank - 11 years ago
plus don't you guys have a website you gotta put that in the description brother
Kevin Schank
Kevin Schank - 11 years ago
Way to pick a boat and go for it.  Just remember that that if anything's gonna happen it's gonna happen out there! There will always be problems, some things more expensive than others.  Don't listen to everything everyone says or your mind will explode.  Get salty. Follow your heart.  She is still looking better than the More Hands On Deck boat though we are about a month away from sailing again finally! Nice camera work with the flip we may have to use that... hahaha keep it up! And keep in mind that all of the most expensive fixes in the world still won't buy you peace of mind, only faith in yourself, your vision and whatever else is out there will do that.  Just send it. 
Scott S
Scott S - 11 years ago
How is it going. We are anxious to see more of your dream project. Hi from me and my family.
Project Atticus
Project Atticus - 11 years ago
It's going well chad, but slow. On the hard in key west and have another few weeks before we're back in the water and then another month or so of work and we'll be off.

By 72 you mean hull # 72? Where is she and how is it going? Would love to hear from another new Seawind owner.
Chad Yarborough
Chad Yarborough - 11 years ago
Wow. I almost bought this exact boat! How's it going? I'm now looking at 72 up here now. 

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