Buying a boat in Europe | Buyers Tips | Sailing Sunday

Like, Subscribe or contact Beneteau to give us a B57! If you have any questions please leave a comment below and I will try answer as best I can. Our 10 tips for buying a sailboat in Europe Step one: Where you want to purchase your boat Step two: Research and narrow down your selections Step three: Estimate the value of your chosen boats and extra features. Step four: Fly over and view your selected boats Step five: Get drunk, you've earned it! Step six: Survey your final boat Step seven: Be prepared to walk away if your boat is crap! Step eight: Start again... Step nine: Buy your boat / use a broker Step ten: Transfer ownership and registration (Australian example) ....Useful Info..... Australian Maritime Safety Authority - Register a vessel: (for Aussies) Broker we used: Henry - Imperial Yacht Brokers Website we used: We also google searched "Beneteau Oceanis 46 for sale" to view other smaller websites and listings day and night. Special thanks to Low Light Guy and others for requesting this video! -----Instagram----- @sailing_sunday @brittnimoffatt @ryanweepers @jacksontheshepherdx -----Website-----

Buying a boat in Europe | Buyers Tips | Sailing Sunday sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1

Sailing 5 years ago 1,376 views

Like, Subscribe or contact Beneteau to give us a B57! If you have any questions please leave a comment below and I will try answer as best I can. Our 10 tips for buying a sailboat in Europe Step one: Where you want to purchase your boat Step two: Research and narrow down your selections Step three: Estimate the value of your chosen boats and extra features. Step four: Fly over and view your selected boats Step five: Get drunk, you've earned it! Step six: Survey your final boat Step seven: Be prepared to walk away if your boat is crap! Step eight: Start again... Step nine: Buy your boat / use a broker Step ten: Transfer ownership and registration (Australian example) ....Useful Info..... Australian Maritime Safety Authority - Register a vessel: (for Aussies) Broker we used: Henry - Imperial Yacht Brokers Website we used: We also google searched "Beneteau Oceanis 46 for sale" to view other smaller websites and listings day and night. Special thanks to Low Light Guy and others for requesting this video! -----Instagram----- @sailing_sunday @brittnimoffatt @ryanweepers @jacksontheshepherdx -----Website-----

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Most popular comments
for Buying a boat in Europe | Buyers Tips | Sailing Sunday

Solaris-Orion - 5 years ago
Loving the vids guys! That Wedding party was wild! Polish vodka goes down way too easily. Its dangerous.
Sailing Sunday
Sailing Sunday - 5 years ago
thank you!! it is dangerous alright....ahaha trying to keep up with the seasoned Polish drinkers was a bad idea.....
Harvey LOVE
Harvey LOVE - 5 years ago
Hi guys, It’s me again...just got some time to get up to date with where you guys are at. The beneteau 57 looks beautiful mate. It is pricey that’s for sure. My wife Jodi thinks we should maybe get something a little smaller to start with. What’s your thoughts now that you’ve been at it for awhile?

Cheers guys and keep up the awesome vids!
Sailing Sunday
Sailing Sunday - 5 years ago
Harvey LOVE hey thanks!!! I still love the 57 lol. Would be much harder to move around than ours, but you will feel comfortable with it very quickly.
I’m very happy with the 46 and very easy to move around especially with the bow thrusters incase we ever need them.
We have more than enough room for the 2 of us, well 3 of us I should say. I think 46’- 50’ is a great size for all on going costs and maintenance. Once you get over 50’ the prices just escalate from moorings, insurance, rego, maintenance, cruising taxes, fuel, lifting etc...
I’ve been on soooo many boats this summer (at anchor having beers with neighbors) and I have came to conclusion these newer 2014+ 43’-45’ boats have twice as much living space than ours. The 2017+ boats feel bigger again inside whilst still easy to move around in tight spots, some also now have stern thrusters for anchoring stern to the rocks which would be extremely helpful!
Taking that all into account there are some cons, the newer boats have a lot of electronics, eg, I met a guy who’s throttle broke down and he couldn’t fix it because it needed a software update or a special program to reboot it. He was stuck in a little marina somewhere on an island with no “tech guy” with the program to fix it, but that’s just one incident...
SV Avocet
SV Avocet - 5 years ago
love it! Cheers Sailing Sunday, maybe we will share an anchorage someday!
SV Avocet
SV Avocet - 5 years ago
@Sailing Sunday nice! Cheers guys!
Sailing Sunday
Sailing Sunday - 5 years ago
Oh wow! We want to cross over the Atlantic, do some time there, then cross to Hawaii and head north aswell to see Brittni’s family in Vancouver!! But... baby steps first, only 4 months ago we were learning how to anchor!!!
SV Avocet
SV Avocet - 5 years ago
@Sailing Sunday We push off asap, projecting the summer of 2020. Heading to Hawaii, then north to Alaska! then all the way down to Panama :)
Sailing Sunday
Sailing Sunday - 5 years ago
SV Avocet when will you guys be heading out around the world?? And where too first????
Marc Wouters
Marc Wouters - 5 years ago
Rayn needs a beer and a hairdresser !!!!!!!!!!!!
SV Avocet
SV Avocet - 5 years ago
bahaha probably a beer first!
Jesmond Ciantar
Jesmond Ciantar - 5 years ago
Ryan .......we all have been dead drunk.

Not a good experience at all.

Quite a short version of how you bought the boat.
Low Light Guy
Low Light Guy - 5 years ago
Thanks for the video guys. Really appreciate it
Sailing Sunday
Sailing Sunday - 5 years ago
Low Light Guy no worries, I tried to keep brief so it wouldn’t drag out but ask us any questions and I will get back to you guys!

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