Catamaran tacking technique the fundamentals and tips - onboard with commentary

Here we go over the technique for improving tacking on any type of catamaran. It's all about the mainsheet! You don't need to go into the tack with speed as long as you do the right thing with the mainsheet. Sheet in hard before the tack turn into the wind when head to wind release the mainsheet - the more that you ease the more likely you are to succeed. move across the boat, sit down look forwards jib across and re trim main as you start sailing forwards again. Ways to support the channel - Online Store for t-shirts and hoodies - For boat parts, gear and other useful stuff - If you need any biking or general outdoor clothing check out this website for the best prices, #catsailing #joyridertv

Catamaran tacking technique the fundamentals and tips - onboard with commentary sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1

Sailing 5 years ago 3,278 views

Here we go over the technique for improving tacking on any type of catamaran. It's all about the mainsheet! You don't need to go into the tack with speed as long as you do the right thing with the mainsheet. Sheet in hard before the tack turn into the wind when head to wind release the mainsheet - the more that you ease the more likely you are to succeed. move across the boat, sit down look forwards jib across and re trim main as you start sailing forwards again. Ways to support the channel - Online Store for t-shirts and hoodies - For boat parts, gear and other useful stuff - If you need any biking or general outdoor clothing check out this website for the best prices, #catsailing #joyridertv

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Most popular comments
for Catamaran tacking technique the fundamentals and tips - onboard with commentary

prindle 15 Port Weller
prindle 15 Port Weller - 5 years ago
Another great video joe. Couple of questions that you may be addressing on the future ...
1) the steps on tacking when wind is coming at different angles from behind you (not necessarily downwind) and jybing and when to jybe properly. Thanks joe.
Feeds Ravens
Feeds Ravens - 5 years ago
It seems somehow you could make a booklet "How to efficiently move on the trampoline during the maneuvres" as "homework". Then one could train that on the garden lawn (with Amstels limiting the virtual trampoline)
Joseph Bennett
Joseph Bennett - 5 years ago
good plan - maybe a video instead of a booklet though
mark logan
mark logan - 5 years ago
Best video yet Joe, worth twelve months of my Paetreon alone. Thanks.
Joseph Bennett
Joseph Bennett - 5 years ago
Thanks Mark!
Hobiemarty - 5 years ago
Thought of this as a video you may want to put out there. Could you do a video about mooring? At our place on Lake Martin, Alabama, we have very deep water, sea walls, rickety pier which will be replaced this fall when the water is down, but in the meantime, I need to moor my Hobie 16. I have used line from the pier to the boat and from the boat to an anchor point on land at diagonals and that works, but I’d like to know how to properly moor the boat with a mooring ball. I just thought that might be a good topic to explain, how to moor. Thanks Joe.
Joseph Bennett
Joseph Bennett - 5 years ago
Hi Marty, i'll see what i can do - it'll be very interesting to put together.
Ариэль Русалка
Ариэль Русалка - 5 years ago
Спасибо Джозеф)
Hobiemarty - 5 years ago
Thanks for a great lesson as always. I’ve been doing it wrong at times, not waiting for the jib to backwind. Your process looks very smooth. Thanks Joseph for the detailed explanation about how to properly tack the Hobie 16!!!! Happy Sailing “y’all “!!! Lol.
Conlin Arrowsmith
Conlin Arrowsmith - 5 years ago
Next video idea could be reading telltales on the h16 while sailing
Joseph Bennett
Joseph Bennett - 5 years ago
Good idea - it's on the list
Brian In Colorado
Brian In Colorado - 5 years ago
Another great how-to video, Joe. Really appreciate your mix of the "what to do" and the technical "why to do it." Seems everyone else on YouTube does one ro the other. Also, do you have a video (or could you make one) on dagger-board management for the major points of sailing on a Hobie 18? Also, on how to set the mast rotation?
Joseph Bennett
Joseph Bennett - 5 years ago
Mast rotation is already onTiger mainsail settings -
Michael Pashby
Michael Pashby - 5 years ago
Thank you for all of your videos, but this one in particular. I’m a new Hobie owner and I’ve been challenged in completing my light air tacks effectively. I’m looking forward to applying some things I’ve learned from you.
(‘83 H16 “Blue Hawaii”)
Joseph Bennett
Joseph Bennett - 5 years ago
I'm glad that it's been helpful!

10. comment for Catamaran tacking technique the fundamentals and tips - onboard with commentary

emu2 - 5 years ago
How much let you go out the main sheet, if the Wind is strong it will run out completely!?
Usually one lenght of an arm,right?
Great job, thanks. best sailing Channel on earth.
Joseph Bennett
Joseph Bennett - 5 years ago
An arms length is enough, if it runs out completely the tack will be successful but it will take longer to get the speed on the new tack.
USA4thewin - 5 years ago
If you take anything from this video its RELEASE the main sheets when tacking
robbie77300 - 5 years ago
Yes indeed. In simple terms, a tight main as the wind goes to the other side, simply prevents the boat continuing the turn as the wind pushes the tight main, and boat back toward pointing into wind.
Paul Rennie
Paul Rennie - 5 years ago
Resort not very busy then ???
Joseph Bennett
Joseph Bennett - 5 years ago
Just picking up now.
Tim Beacham
Tim Beacham - 5 years ago
Thank's Joe.
Sailomatics - 5 years ago

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