Cruising Tips from Capt. Jack - Reducing Heel

From Cruising Tips with Capt. Jack Klang Full Show: 65 minutes. Get the complete collection of Capt. Jack's 30 Cruising Tips. This is a must see for those who want to learn sailing basics and refresh their sailing skills. How-to topics include, sail trim, docking, and anchoring. Jack combines innovative classroom models with real world situations to show how things work so anyone can understand. Stream Cruising Tips with Capt. Jack Klang with a SAILFLIX monthly subscription at... Rent $4.99 / Buy $9.99 (stream + download) On SailFlix ... On Vimeo on Demand ... ABOUT CAPT. JACK Captain Jack holds a 50 ton USCG Master license, power and sail. He has a way of showing how things work so anyone can understand. Capt. Jack was a long-time consultant for Quantum Sails. ABOUT THE BOAT Hells Bells is Capt. Jack's 1966 Sparkman & Stevens designed 30 ft Chris Craft sloop, Homeport: Suttons Bay, MI. Also stream Singlehanded Docking & Sail Trim with Capt. Jack Klang on Sailflix... Stream both videos with a SailFlix monthly subscription ... Rent or Buy both videos on Vimeo On Demand ... Buy the Capt. Jack Klang Cruising Instruction 2 DVD Set ...

Cruising Tips from Capt. Jack - Reducing Heel sentiment_very_dissatisfied 22

Sailing 15 years ago 72,177 views

From Cruising Tips with Capt. Jack Klang Full Show: 65 minutes. Get the complete collection of Capt. Jack's 30 Cruising Tips. This is a must see for those who want to learn sailing basics and refresh their sailing skills. How-to topics include, sail trim, docking, and anchoring. Jack combines innovative classroom models with real world situations to show how things work so anyone can understand. Stream Cruising Tips with Capt. Jack Klang with a SAILFLIX monthly subscription at... Rent $4.99 / Buy $9.99 (stream + download) On SailFlix ... On Vimeo on Demand ... ABOUT CAPT. JACK Captain Jack holds a 50 ton USCG Master license, power and sail. He has a way of showing how things work so anyone can understand. Capt. Jack was a long-time consultant for Quantum Sails. ABOUT THE BOAT Hells Bells is Capt. Jack's 1966 Sparkman & Stevens designed 30 ft Chris Craft sloop, Homeport: Suttons Bay, MI. Also stream Singlehanded Docking & Sail Trim with Capt. Jack Klang on Sailflix... Stream both videos with a SailFlix monthly subscription ... Rent or Buy both videos on Vimeo On Demand ... Buy the Capt. Jack Klang Cruising Instruction 2 DVD Set ...

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Most popular comments
for Cruising Tips from Capt. Jack - Reducing Heel

Maynard - 12 years ago
Good stuff Capt.Jack.I am picking up many pointers on sailing from yourself and other youtubers.You seem to keep all info simple and to the point.I am getting a boat in the spring if all goes well.I certainly appreciate your videos.Thanks.Keep on top of the waves.From Nova Scotian sailor.
Dano Vido
Dano Vido - 6 years ago
Still learning but doesn’t loosening the vang/kicker also upright the boat?
TERRY WOODS - 6 years ago
Jack Makes More sense in Three Steps to Avoid Heel, Than a dozen explanations by a dozen other sailors... I Now Have a Resource of 3 Go-To Reactions for Heel recovery... ThanX JACK
Dan Meade
Dan Meade - 7 years ago
tighten your main and add some vang that thing looks like a bed sheet
Êinfach so
Êinfach so - 11 years ago
Hey Jack your  roach:))))
TheSailingChannel.TV - 11 years ago
Definitely sitting on the high windward side of a day sailor will reduce heeling. But on larger, heavier keel boats, you need sail adjustment techniques like Capt Jack describes.
arbiteroftaste - 11 years ago
Sit on the high side!
John DiSarro
John DiSarro - 12 years ago
Buy A sailing book online. Steve Colgate would be good. also look online, cruisers forum dot com for someone looking for crew and just get out there, or find a local sailing club. Good luck
MrDoritodude - 12 years ago
i would like to learn to sail how difficult is it? my brother says its the marathon of boat he is a motor boat fan i have no experience at either. a sailing coarse near me is at lake erie and is 1500 bucks for a week any suggestions?

10. comment for Cruising Tips from Capt. Jack - Reducing Heel

plasticapple7 - 13 years ago
Nice life jackets!
TroyaE117 - 13 years ago
Sit on the port side of the ship when on port tack. That will help. too.
TheSailingChannel.TV - 13 years ago
Captn Jack doesn't mention "dumping" the traveller to leeward in this video. However, his boom is tacked using a three-point system that has the same effect as moving a sheet car to leeward to ease the main and dump wind from the sail.
Alan Littlefield
Alan Littlefield - 13 years ago
That would be true, but that boat doesnt have a traveller. the main sheet seems attached to the transom
Ted Crocker
Ted Crocker - 14 years ago
Another way is to let the main sheet car "down" on the traveler, while taking it in slightly. This will reshape the sail to spill more air. This works especially well in heavy winds.
TheSailingChannel.TV - 7 years ago
Captn Jack doesn't mention "dumping" the traveller to leeward in this video. However, his boom is tacked using a three-point system that has the same effect as moving a sheet car to leeward to ease the main and dump wind from the sail.
zenoyogo - 15 years ago
Great advice for us newbie sailors. Thanks for the upload.

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