Custom Rudder Bearing Fabrication Time! | ⛵️Sailing Britaly ⛵️

In this video we order some Delrin rod and go and get new rudder bushes fabricated to our measurements in a local engineering shop. On this occasion the 'West System Epoxy Rudder Repair' did not go as planned. Some of our viewers can now say "I told you so!" 😂 ***Please note*** We read every single comment, but we only have time at the moment to reply to the first three we receive. Please keep your comments coming though - we love hearing from our viewers! ⛵ Sailing Britaly ⛵ brings you the sailing shenanigans of Chris (British), Rossella (Italian), and baby Emma (Britalian) as we sail our 1992 Bavaria 350. We make sailing vlogs of our cruising adventures and share any tips and tricks we can along the way. After all, sailors are one big family! Thank you very much for watching, subscribe to see more of our videos! (It's FREE) Join our Patreon Crew! More Sailing Britaly here: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Fair winds! 👍 Chris and Rossella -------------------- 'Sailing Britaly' is a Helvellyn Ltd brand. Disclaimer: Due to factors beyond the control of Helvellyn Ltd, we cannot guarantee against unauthorized modifications of this information, or improper use of this information. Helvellyn Ltd assumes no liability for property damage, injury or death incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. Helvellyn Ltd. recommends safe practices when working with power tools, automotive lifts, lifting tools, jack stands, electrical equipment, blunt instruments, chemicals, lubricants, open flames, or any other tools or equipment seen or implied in this video. Due to factors beyond the control of Helvellyn Ltd, no information contained in this video shall create any express or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not Helvellyn Ltd. Disclosure: any links in this description may be affiliate links. If you decide to buy some items from them, Helvellyn Ltd may receive a small percentage compensation for having suggested the suppliers to you. (This costs you nothing) Helvellyn Ltd only recommends suppliers and products which we believe in, so there is never any conflict of interest. p.s. Check out our Sailing Tips here: p.p.s. Check out our Sailing Adventures! #sailing #boatwork #refit #babyonboard

Custom Rudder Bearing Fabrication Time! | ⛵️Sailing Britaly ⛵️ sentiment_very_dissatisfied 4

Sailing 6 years ago 12,361 views

In this video we order some Delrin rod and go and get new rudder bushes fabricated to our measurements in a local engineering shop. On this occasion the 'West System Epoxy Rudder Repair' did not go as planned. Some of our viewers can now say "I told you so!" 😂 ***Please note*** We read every single comment, but we only have time at the moment to reply to the first three we receive. Please keep your comments coming though - we love hearing from our viewers! ⛵ Sailing Britaly ⛵ brings you the sailing shenanigans of Chris (British), Rossella (Italian), and baby Emma (Britalian) as we sail our 1992 Bavaria 350. We make sailing vlogs of our cruising adventures and share any tips and tricks we can along the way. After all, sailors are one big family! Thank you very much for watching, subscribe to see more of our videos! (It's FREE) Join our Patreon Crew! More Sailing Britaly here: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Fair winds! 👍 Chris and Rossella -------------------- 'Sailing Britaly' is a Helvellyn Ltd brand. Disclaimer: Due to factors beyond the control of Helvellyn Ltd, we cannot guarantee against unauthorized modifications of this information, or improper use of this information. Helvellyn Ltd assumes no liability for property damage, injury or death incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. Helvellyn Ltd. recommends safe practices when working with power tools, automotive lifts, lifting tools, jack stands, electrical equipment, blunt instruments, chemicals, lubricants, open flames, or any other tools or equipment seen or implied in this video. Due to factors beyond the control of Helvellyn Ltd, no information contained in this video shall create any express or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not Helvellyn Ltd. Disclosure: any links in this description may be affiliate links. If you decide to buy some items from them, Helvellyn Ltd may receive a small percentage compensation for having suggested the suppliers to you. (This costs you nothing) Helvellyn Ltd only recommends suppliers and products which we believe in, so there is never any conflict of interest. p.s. Check out our Sailing Tips here: p.p.s. Check out our Sailing Adventures! #sailing #boatwork #refit #babyonboard

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Most popular comments
for Custom Rudder Bearing Fabrication Time! | ⛵️Sailing Britaly ⛵️

z non
z non - 6 years ago
Great video! Perfectly executed cliff hanger. What's that mystery goo? Guess we're going to have to tune in next video to find out : )

My guess - an anti seize of sorts
Jeffrey Robbins
Jeffrey Robbins - 6 years ago
As I said in an earlier post, divide repairs into categories relative to their criticality in maintaining fundamental sea keeping functionality. The structural integrity of your rudder is definitely an "A" level issue. No shortcuts or guessing on "A" level repairs! Glad you learned that lesson in the yard and not during a Force 8 night with family aboard. Love your attitude and sense of humor. Be well all!
Patrick Curtis
Patrick Curtis - 6 years ago
Just had to say: Emma is the most beautiful little baby! What a blessing. God bless your family! I love your videos. Thanks for making them.
HL Fitzpatrick
HL Fitzpatrick - 6 years ago
Do babies get seasick?
David Kean
David Kean - 6 years ago
I'm a repair mechanic by trade, large construction equipment stuff. I'm also a welder fabricator. I've heard of the West system repair for rudders but I always hold true to the old car engine stop leak treatments, head gasket repair especially. Always repair it right technically and engineering wise, no short cuts it's a 50/50 shot it will work! A car you just call a tow truck in the ocean wellllll! Repair it right
Archibald Tuttle
Archibald Tuttle - 6 years ago
There are no mistakes, just happy accidents!
Cleo Torris
Cleo Torris - 6 years ago
Anchor swivels should not be connected like that. They are only strong when taking a linear load. They will snap if side loaded so a shackle should be attached between the swivel and anchor. Research it!
Cleo Torris
Cleo Torris - 6 years ago
Well that absolutely makes sense. Keep in mind I am only relaying what I have read\heard as a warning regarding swivels. The design may have improved. I am new to sailing but not to boating so also consider the source. I only sound the warning so research can be done to confirm the best setup. It is bad enough having an anchor drag, but having one break free would be horror story. Love the channel and all the tips!
Sailing Britaly
Sailing Britaly - 6 years ago
Cleo Torris Hi Cleo, I agree and disagree with you: I understand perfectly about the reduced strength of the anchor swivel when subjected to a side load. I purchased three links of anchor chain intending to fit them between the anchor swivel and the anchor but then when I went to buy shackles the biggest ones I could buy which would fit the chain were only rated to 860 kg. The Kong anchor swivel we bought is rated to 5000 kg on a straight pull and 2000 kg on a sideways pull, so I refuse to reduce the breaking strength of the system by introducing shackles which are rated far lower than that. Fair winds, Chris
Flatcap007 - 6 years ago
I watch Sail Life over in Denmark he done same thing great vlog crack on
The Butte Life
The Butte Life - 6 years ago
This can't be?!?! Now, I must watch the video. :)
Jonathan Landwer
Jonathan Landwer - 6 years ago
We haven’t seen a video from you in some time. Are you okay?

10. comment for Custom Rudder Bearing Fabrication Time! | ⛵️Sailing Britaly ⛵️

Stéphane VITALI
Stéphane VITALI - 6 years ago
hello, about the anchor, I advise you a Plastimo Kobra II for your segond anchorage (or first) it is so effective that you do not need to take too heavy - 10 Kg for a 12m long boat ! you can see
it's been years that I use it and it is simply "super efficient" and not expensive.
if you search on the web you will find tests that confirm it. In addition, depending on the model, it can fold to store it.
Ciao to you 3
Matthew Hill
Matthew Hill - 6 years ago
Nice hat.
maurice harvey
maurice harvey - 6 years ago
its 2 days latter ......what happened ...?
curacao11 (Alsino Ferreira)
curacao11 (Alsino Ferreira) - 6 years ago
good job
Andy B68
Andy B68 - 6 years ago
Good job Chris. Thorough as usual. The right and wrong of it does not matter; only safety matters with that great family of yours. Keep going!
SV Impavidus (Ant & Cid Sailing)
SV Impavidus (Ant & Cid Sailing) - 6 years ago
Great video. Good to see your supporting local small business, good on you. 100 mtrs Chain you wont need to worry about side loads, in anything more than 30 mtrs. Its a popular misconception that the anchor takes all the load when actually 70% of holding is down to the chain. Great to see the little one is getting a boat life upbringing. It will not be long before she is helping with the antifoul! thanks for sharing. Sail Safe. Ant & Cid xx
Samingo Sailing
Samingo Sailing - 6 years ago
Good Vid! Fair Winds Stay Safe
Sailing Jabuka
Sailing Jabuka - 6 years ago
bellissimo video ragazzi! sometime the most difficult things is to avoid to be put down from the adversities; it occurs very often that one job asks for another one, that is normal, and you seem to deal with that in the best possible way, with optimism. that is great!! no dispair, the splash is very close! By contrast, we are still very far from that moment with our boat, but we will hold out! In the meanwhile we watch your videos. A presto e buon lavoro. Best. Alberto & family.
Greg K
Greg K - 6 years ago
When there is no land or help within a thousand miles in either direction you will be damned glad you replaced those bushings. Nice job on sail drive. Beautiful family. How much did the machinist charge you out of curiosity?
Alfredo Catani
Alfredo Catani - 6 years ago
Forza Chris .."chi la dura la vince" ! ...fair winds and perfect gears

20. comment for Custom Rudder Bearing Fabrication Time! | ⛵️Sailing Britaly ⛵️

Velero Albatross
Velero Albatross - 6 years ago
kakaka jjajjj! two little bambino having fun!
Velero Albatross
Velero Albatross - 6 years ago
kakaka jjajjj! two little bambino having fun!
CK H - 6 years ago
How's the KEEL???
Blair King
Blair King - 6 years ago
Your repair effort was very admirable, sorry that in the end it didn’t take. Get some rest! Thanks for the lesson! Having to engineer the replacement parts was just as interesting and educational! Thanks for the second lesson! Good luck!
P.D. Smith Jr.
P.D. Smith Jr. - 6 years ago
The only people not making mistakes, are the people doing nothing; however, they are usually the first to though stones!! That being said, only hard earned knowledge will help you change course when thing start to go to Sh7t. Well done!!
Sailing Inconceivable
Sailing Inconceivable - 6 years ago
This is my first hearing of a failed epoxy rudder bearing fix. Does this mean no more pots of flaming sandpaper?
faircompetition1 - 6 years ago
Takes guts to admit a mistake .
kfa4303 - 6 years ago
Ah well, live and learn. It was worth a shot and your experience will helps many other people. I just hope you get the bush sorted so you can get the family on the water ASAP. Thanks for all the great vids. They're much appreciated.
Patrick Wentz
Patrick Wentz - 6 years ago
Great Video!
SV GITANA - 6 years ago
That little bambino of yours makes me laugh every single time

30. comment for Custom Rudder Bearing Fabrication Time! | ⛵️Sailing Britaly ⛵️

Craig Overend
Craig Overend - 6 years ago
Good to see progress, even if the bushing fix didn't quite work.
If that's egg white, I've often wondered why it might work but have never tried. I have seen people paint it on once without whisking and hope for the best and have it fail. So I did some learning. :) Overbeat it. Apparently this forms covalent disulphide bonds that exclude water. I think you want these disulphide bonds, so it's probably also important to make sure the egg white dries completely between each coat, and apply as many coats as time permits.
Apparently most cell membrane proteins exist in an oxidized redox state as disulfide bonds. The redox state may be what reduces growth as it may cost more energy for microbes to break it down than the benefit they get in doing so. Prop material may also be important, glutathione disulfide-glutathione couple has a reduction potential of -240 mV (similar to admiralty brass/silicon bronze) during cell proliferation, and -170 mV (similar to lead and nickel-aluminium bronze) during cell apoptosis (death).
I know Chefs use copper bowls to impart copper nanoparticles and prevent these covalent bonds forming so as to keep the egg white soft and fluffy, however I don't think that's what you want. Good luck.
Yves Lemoine
Yves Lemoine - 6 years ago
Can you provide a link for the rubber chain markers? They look like the best solution I ever seen for marking chain. Thanks and fair winds.
lucious brun
lucious brun - 6 years ago
Lol. Good for you Sir. It takes a man to admit he is wrong. Respect to you. Enjoyable vid. I can't help you, but I bet if you asked for help a fair few people would come and help you. Good luck with rudder. Do you have a hole in the rudder top to take the weight of it when you are hove too ? Check out Maryland Sailing School, on youtube, for managing a storm - life saving stuff Bruv, and you have got access now to the rudder. All the best.
Old Solider
Old Solider - 6 years ago
Very magnanimous Chris! The buck stops and all that. Another day at school! You have a beautiful family! Another great video thanks.
Jonathan Bresler
Jonathan Bresler - 6 years ago
Good work, Chris. Its hard to step back and decide to redo part of a project. Well done to bite the bullet, take the hit, and redo the bushings. How did you connect the end of the chain to the boat. Missed that part of the chain installation.
Aquarius61 - 6 years ago
"BUSH~INGS"! M8 ~ Bushes are the greenery behind you!
Aquarius61 - 6 years ago
Well then... Ask your wonderful wife what "BUCO" in Italian is.... Your dictionary source mentioned everything but the actual origin if the word... It means a hole.
And you my friend are "Inner-Sleeving" a hole. Use an English to Italian translation app and drop in the word BUSHING and it will translate to "MANICA" = SLEEVE.
Is that not what a BUSHING is? Leonardo Da Vinci perfected the bushing and it is of Italian\Latin base origin.... Sorry mate! Calling it a BUSH is improper use of the english language... So your using a SLANG. The rest of the world refers to them as Bushings. BUSH is a bad English translation of Italian... It would have made more sense to call it a SLEEVE. Carry on M8! I am enjoying your videos and can't wait to see the launch. Bless you and your wonderful young family. Cheers
Sailing Britaly
FrenchAM100 - 6 years ago
Well the important thing is you admitted it was t right before heading off and finding you had to lift out again. No right or wrong here just first solution didn't work. Anyway, good progress with Saildrive, chain and now rudder nearly there. As for prop concoction, maybe egg white or another home brew prop run the Rival FB page and someone in Greece uses egg white and says it works great. Another tried beeswax and that failed miserably. Another polishes his prop, to 800 wet and dry and found that worked well and another swears by baby oil and zinc... Prop treatment from chandlers is very pricey so worth trying something new. God I hope this weather perks up soon, dreadful. Happy days. Andy UK SY Corrival Rival 32
S/V Happy Mondays
S/V Happy Mondays - 6 years ago
Nice one it takes a big balls captain to say I was wrong I'm more worried that your turning in to shaggy off Scooby Doo
Biana Doubt
Biana Doubt - 6 years ago
So glad you've properly addressed your rudder and that it was essentially painless.
No worries mate!
maurice harvey
maurice harvey - 6 years ago
yay for new bushes , I have two peaces of that stuff for my rudder tube ....your chain locker mine I'm fitting sections of conveyor belt rubber to help protect the inside of the locker and make it quieter inside the whole boat..... cheers
Robert Aderholdt
Robert Aderholdt - 6 years ago
It's good that after all the work you can still laugh about it. But you did do one thing right, Emma is a beautiful baby!
Octavio Perez
Octavio Perez - 6 years ago
Buen trabajo. Muchas gracias por compartirlo. Saludos desde Argentina!
Jonathan Landwer
Jonathan Landwer - 6 years ago
Good job!
Jean Dekeyser
Jean Dekeyser - 6 years ago
Funny .... i do recognise your story as it were mine as i also needed 2 new bushes before success.... keep on the good work....
Bob Ratcliffe
Bob Ratcliffe - 6 years ago
Being a bit of a lay person in respect of multi meters. What settings did you use?
CK H - 6 years ago
Some meters have a continuity buzzer for audible verification of a connection. Less expensive meters don't.
CK H - 6 years ago
On every meter I've seen it's: Ω
The ohm (symbol: Ω) is the SI derived unit of electrical resistance, named after German physicist Georg Simon Ohm.
korgeth - 6 years ago
Lotophagi - 6 years ago
I'm sure you need more advice :-) It's normal to put a few links of chain between the anchor and the swivel. Then you won't need to use a shackle or worry about side loads...
Lotophagi - 6 years ago
Fair enough.
Sailing Britaly
Sailing Britaly - 6 years ago
Hi there, we knew about that (and even bought the three links of 10 mm chain...) but in order to connect these links of chain to the anchor I have to use extra shackles in the system and the strongest shackles I can find that fit are only rated to 860 kg. This swivel is rated at 5000 kg on a straight pull, or 2000 kg on a sideways pull so there is no need to reduce the strength of our anchoring system by adding shackles. (The shackle I added never comes under load, it just alters the geometry of the anchor attachment point - eliminating any possibility of 'dog legging' of the anchor swivel on the anchor...) Fair winds, Chris
Doug - 6 years ago
When in doubt make it stout.
Brad Larden
Brad Larden - 6 years ago
Geez, I wouldn't say it was a mistake. It was worth a try and it just didn't work out. Hopefully your second lower bush will fit nicely.
Thomas Mulder
Thomas Mulder - 6 years ago
Well done! Better to admit defeat gracefully and go one victoriously. The proverb says pride goes before the fall!
I’ve been there too many times. Good to see your cheerful attitude back.

50. comment for Custom Rudder Bearing Fabrication Time! | ⛵️Sailing Britaly ⛵️

John Christopher
John Christopher - 6 years ago
What great character you have.
Claas R
Claas R - 6 years ago
Yes the anchor looks very much like a Delta. Nice one. In regards to the rudder repair. Here are my 2 cents. Your attempted epoxy repair did sound good in theory, but there was just no way to verify that the repair did in fact work. And luckily you found out while on the hard that there was an "issue", shall we say. I have also done many many repairs on boats and sometimes I need to trust my gut on those. If I don't feel confident about any repairs, I have to go back to square one. On a boat-no shortcuts-no unverifiable repairs-no cheaping out- . Thats what I have learned and sometimes the hard way. Thanks for sharing your valuable experience.
alan sellen
alan sellen - 6 years ago
Bugga take it on the chin and move on its only time and money

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