Diving, "work" and flat earth - Ep46 - The Sailing Frenchman
Sailing 5 years ago 6,671 views
Playing around with some skipper friends, and doing the Q&A session #2 Enjoy! Questions Q&A #2 1. What do you do with trash on long passages 2. How do you find the money and the time to make such a trip ? Most of people would never be able to do something like this not because it seems dangerous but because it very expensive . 3. How do you find work so easily when you arrive in a harbor? 4. As a guy who sails around the world? what do you think about the flat earth theory? 5. For someone whos never even boated before.. The amount of things you would need to know, where do you even start? 6. How was sailing a catamaran compared to a Monohull 7. Just install an electric motor you dumbass Questions Q&A #1 1. Do u have to show passports when you dock ? 2. You cross the Atlantic ,with that tiny thing?! What if there was a storm?? 3. Where do you poo? 4. Ain't you afraid of pirates? I mean, for real. Some bad people armed and in a bigger boat just find you in the middle of the sea and just rob you. 5. You need a bigger ship 6. What material do you use for filming? 7. Why don’t you have a patreon? 8. Don’t you have a job you need to attend? 9. When offshore alone, how do you sleep? Auto helm with radar warning or small boat big ocean theory. 10. do you ever capsize? 11. How do you upload videos? 12. Can i join u on a trip? This looks too good 13. that is not rough seas. If they were rough you would either not have a sail anymore because it broke or you reatreated the sails before they broke TURN ON SUBTITLES: Henry is french, so am I, so sometimes, guess what, we speak french. And that's also why I work a lot to provide subtitles in english and in french, to turn them on, you can click on the CC button at the bottom right corner of the youtube player, and click on the small wheel to choose which language you want the subtitles. This link also explains the process pretty well : https://www.wikihow.com/Turn-On-YouTube-Subtitles More on Instagram #thesailingfrenchman and on the facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/TheSailingFrenchman/ Music: Quentin Buffier - El Oelha : https://www.facebook.com/El-Oelha-522963817773156/ and http://quentindummkopf.wixsite.com/el-oelha The Anatomy of Frank - South America : https://theanatomyoffrank.bandcamp.com Samuel Scott McCumber : https://soundcloud.com/samuelscottmccumber and https://open.spotify.com/artist/3kjqCOTD5l4VTHHOzX2W83 The Dying Wake: https://www.facebook.com/dyingwake/ Gypsy Thief https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5gDmXj0WqCct5H4i7Hywrw https://www.facebook.com/GypsyThief-1646532742246627/ Holly’s Hat Trick https://open.spotify.com/artist/4zEdrvXJN3ZDaf20jGM1jY?si=qGutHkkzQpyTZMbL-vuztg Time Toulouse https://open.spotify.com/artist/5gsMP8HkiI1IYhX1hp5tuA?si=rqom3ZdxTAeiOMxxLeMhAA https://soundcloud.com/joakimmalmhed https://www.instagram.com/jockemalmhed Simon BC: https://soundcloud.com/simon-bc Aimar Morelo Music: https://www.behance.net/aimarmolero https://soundcloud.com/siberianrailway RETROBLUE Soundcloud:https://soundcloud.com/retro-blue Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/RetroBlueofficial1/ Spotify:https://open.spotify.com/track/3iD7LnIuzBBaXEJD8RORYa?si=6LgRWwW3SnqwHtZE_kEssg Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/RetroBlue_official/ Apple Music: http://itunes.apple.com/album/id1445566632?ls=1&app=itunes https://www.bensound.com http://teknoaxe.com
quelle est cette chanson 3:00
Granted you also need wind for turbines but when they're charging your boat for near enough free minus the price of the unit and for people who aren't in a hurry and just want to travel almost continuous then definitely turbines and electric are a great step in the correct direction.
If you know any creative engineers then of course you could design detachable units that can be put in the sea with a water sock and if there's water flow then it will be charging.
I think people can work really well with electric with some good creativity, nothing on any boat should only have one use, I think when peoples creativity and eye for integration kicks in there will be all manner of very great points for switching to electric not just to get away from petrol or diesel.
Fuel is only going to increase in price, if you're on a SAIL BOAT think outside the box and think what else that free wind and water flow can be doing for you.
The water only stops flowing at slack tide and if you're anchored over reasonably shallow ground then the water flow will be even greater and believe me sea currents can get pretty powerful.
I can't wait until I can afford to buy and modify a sail boat myself, she will be converted to run electric only.
The only reason I'd leave a sail on it is to have the more stable hold over for sleeping on the move.
I really like your boat and seeing your journey with your dad across the pond, it's a shame you can't keep her but hopefully she's off to a new family that will love and cherish her.
Great video and all the best for your racing.
Sinon, j'ai adoré ton spot pub pour Décathlon: excellent !
En ce qui concerne mon opinion, je pense que c'est important de ne pas l'imposer. Et je ne crois pas que la Terre est ronde parce qu'on me la dit a l'école, je pense ca parce que l'école m'a donné les outils pour reflechir et arriver a cette conclusion d'aprés les données disponibles. Et c'est ce processus que je trouve intéressant.
600 kilometres,
found the problem ;)
10. comment for Diving, "work" and flat earth - Ep46 - The Sailing Frenchman
That will be a great journey...are you planning to share it on YT?
Great Q&A!
It's within their personal ability to test the shape of our planet. Get on a boat and go east or west. The only thing left to doubt at that point is a compass. But if a person can believe the Earth is flat then they can believe anything, so why wouldn't compasses be just another tool in a vast pointless misinformation campaign?
I know a flat earther. Sure, she's a nice person. She's also a complete idiot who pulled her kids out of school to save them from being brainwashed by 'the state.'
20. comment for Diving, "work" and flat earth - Ep46 - The Sailing Frenchman
30. comment for Diving, "work" and flat earth - Ep46 - The Sailing Frenchman
Catamarans are not goodsailing in heavy seas and in strengthening winds can turn over if you have too much sail up. A monohull with a relatively heavy keel beneath the water does not have this problem.
.... Ca doit te faire bizarre de le laisser pour six mois ton pote... Bah, le bonheur n'en sera que plus grand de le retrouver!...
Bonne bourre pour la suite!...
Hey there, about electric engines while there is wind blowing, I found these motorbike electric motors that are 8kw but at 48v 80A continuous they use about 3840w at 700rpm. With a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine that is 4m Wide x 4.2m High spinning at 40rpm in a 20nt or just over 23mph Wind with 952.428 Nm force which is plenty to drive section A vee belt pulleys 2 stage 40rpm 10" to 2.5" with 11" to 2.5" 704rpm to the motor's shaft it will produce 3,920 watts. That power is then fed into another motor which will spin at 700rpm & then using section A vee belt pulleys with a single stage mounted from the motor shaft 700rpm 12" to 2.5" pulley mounted to the propeller shaft giving 3360rpm. There would be some ingenuity needed to make a vertical spinning stainless steel tube sit on a 4 point frame with a sealed bearing for the spinning tube to rotate on plus a way to make the 3 horizontal C shaped wind turbine blades able to lock in at 120 degrees from each other & also unlock to rest all next to each other.
If you can work out a motor controller for 48v 80A such as maybe getting one for that motorcycle motor then the whole setup could be very cheap. The 3 blades can be made out of thick truck plastic cover sewn onto stainless steel tubing where the 3 blades could be mounted in a way where they can be unlocked from mast that they are on & tied up together when not in use. Each 96V Electric Bicycle Brushless Dc Electric Wheel Hub Motor 8000W cost $295 USD plus shipping.
If there is no wind then you could use a petrol generator with 48v charger to 4 car batteries to temporarily get the boat moving until you found wind to take over. This whole concept is to work with the sails so that you can go faster on the water perhaps up to 30nt's.
Bear with me for a moment s'il vous plait.... I've been a scientist for 40+ years and I always did my best to teach students the difference between knowing and believing. In the middle ages folks believed that the earth was flat. Today we know that it’s not. I am with Mike Hensen (see below).
OK, back to what we like -- sailing!
50. comment for Diving, "work" and flat earth - Ep46 - The Sailing Frenchman
There is no othe possibility for them but burning.
On my boat I have a watermaker and a soda stream for deinking issues and I have never thrown any awsty to environment in my life, but about 10 or twelf glasbottles when ocean crossing and you?
+Noah Rondou
Imagine spending a lot of energy making transparent glass and then instead of molding it into something new for cheap letting it become sand again and then spend a lot of energy to make it again.
Your channel is interesting as we see you alone, with friends, and meeting new people. The sit down sessions are a great change of pace and you pick good questions.
What will come of the channel when you travel back for hurricane season? Do you have backlogs, or do you think there will be a break in the videos?