Docking an Amel Super Maramu - Tips on Tuesday

A Patreon requested a video showing how we enter a marina. This video shows our approach and docking at Admiral Marina, 5 miles South of Port Dickson Malaysia on December 22, 2019. Also, includes some things to think about when weighing anchor, or leaving the dock. Hope you enjoy!

Docking an Amel Super Maramu - Tips on Tuesday sentiment_very_dissatisfied 9

Sailing 5 years ago 4,169 views

A Patreon requested a video showing how we enter a marina. This video shows our approach and docking at Admiral Marina, 5 miles South of Port Dickson Malaysia on December 22, 2019. Also, includes some things to think about when weighing anchor, or leaving the dock. Hope you enjoy!

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Most popular comments
for Docking an Amel Super Maramu - Tips on Tuesday

R. E. Hill
R. E. Hill - 5 years ago
Next one in a lot more windy conditions... Makes for more drama, you know, for the video... ☺
jwrappuhn71 - 5 years ago
Good vid ya'll, that's something you never see on any other channel.
michael d
michael d - 5 years ago
A Pro! Thats how you do it. Not a panic drill!
Chango de la Porcelaina Canada
Chango de la Porcelaina Canada - 5 years ago
Great vid and great docking! My gf doesn’t want to try to dock our 37 footer, does Isabelle try sometimes? I find docking stressful sometimes but satisfying. Btw, when I dock I have a squealing nervous dog yelping in fear trying to jump off the boat. Your beeping is nothing compared to my dog.
RightPanel - 5 years ago
Central cockpit is not for singlehanders like me.
Daniel Callinan
Daniel Callinan - 5 years ago
I'd go nuts trying to maneuver with an alarm sounding off like that. You made it look easy, so obviously does not affect you two. Nice job and thanks for sharing!
Chris Rushing
Chris Rushing - 5 years ago
FEEL THE BERN 2020!!!! Love the shirt and vid. Nicely done. Show us a cross wind docking next time? Maybe with the wind blowing you off the dock AND on to the dock.
Geoffo O
Geoffo O - 5 years ago
When I saw the Bern shirt I laughed because Bern felt the burn and had a mild heart attack and I thought Ken was feeling the same burn. Please tell us about the prop walk effect next time, it looks like she moves a lot to starboard. Good vid,
Peter Nicholson
Peter Nicholson - 5 years ago
Ya gotta love "Tips on Tuesday" its short sharp presentation is fantastic.
Alan Loves Music!
Alan Loves Music! - 5 years ago
Ugh, that beeping! Makes me think I'm in a hospital. Never sailed a boat with a bow thruster but a few practices with how the boat reacts and it looks to be no different than any other kind of boat docking. You just get used to the 'feel' and 'reaction'. You get to "know her".
Sailing Aquarius Around The World
Sailing Aquarius Around The World - 5 years ago
Fair Winds Alan Loves Music!! Happy New Year

10. comment for Docking an Amel Super Maramu - Tips on Tuesday

Dennis MacDonald
Dennis MacDonald - 5 years ago
Very informative. Just got a 35 foot sailboat, but got no ais or bow thruster. Thank for tips, love tips tuesday it a great addition lucky Ken u got a good navigator too as I solo
Sailing Aquarius Around The World
Sailing Aquarius Around The World - 5 years ago
Congratulations on your new boat too!
Sailing Aquarius Around The World
Sailing Aquarius Around The World - 5 years ago
Thanks Dennis! Fair Winds, and hope to see you out here!
R Gildersleeve
R Gildersleeve - 5 years ago
Luv that in depth analysis and documentation "this place is insane". LOL!
Sailing Aquarius Around The World
Sailing Aquarius Around The World - 5 years ago
M. sawmill
M. sawmill - 5 years ago
If I could give it 1000 likes, I would!! Great info but maybe more info on steering/maneuvering at little to no speed; no rudder control.
Sailing Aquarius Around The World
Sailing Aquarius Around The World - 5 years ago
That might be good for another video!
Roger Mace
Roger Mace - 5 years ago
Nice job Captain
Sailing Aquarius Around The World
Sailing Aquarius Around The World - 5 years ago
Thanks Roger
M. sawmill
M. sawmill - 5 years ago
Not sure if it was me or what but your channel is popping up more frequently when I hit the BIG O'le YOUTUBE BUTTON to refresh youtube search results. Happy happy, Joy joy!!!!!!!!! Keep the vids coming, great job.
Sailing Aquarius Around The World
Sailing Aquarius Around The World - 5 years ago
Thanks M. Nice to hear!! Hope Youtube will continue to serve Aquarius up.
John Richard
John Richard - 5 years ago
Well done. But, "Feel the Bern"???
goolug - 5 years ago
I liked the video first because of the Bernie shirt, then because of everything else.
Steve Burton
Steve Burton - 5 years ago
As a pilot, that warning buzzer was driving me crazy... you should always silence an alarm once you acknowledge the problem and have determined it isn't an issue. If you got another warning from a different issue, you might lose that because your brain has tuned out the first alarm. (plus it annoys the crap out of your viewers! :-). Nice docking job however Skip!
Sailing Aquarius Around The World
Sailing Aquarius Around The World - 5 years ago
When I have less than 3M under my keel, I am watching the Echo Pilot all the time. And each time it beeps I try to make a quick scan. I will keep the beep, for now.. But, I do agree with the statement. Thanks!
lucien pellerin
lucien pellerin - 5 years ago
Next time,cut the beep off.
Safe travels.
Rightscooper - 5 years ago
Dear Zivile & Ken, very good video. This shows perfectly the sensation when entering a new marina. Never docked a centre cockpit vessel yet. Seems harder than an aft cockpit. However Ken, nice docking! Grtz Scintilone
Sailing Aquarius Around The World
Sailing Aquarius Around The World - 5 years ago
Thanks Grtz!

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