Dodging Storms and Chasing Cyclones-Bluewater Sailing Africa (Patrick Childress Sailing Tips #37)

Dodging Storms and Chasing Cyclones- Bluewater Sailing Africa Tanzania to Mozmabique- (Patrick Childress Sailing Tips #37) Sailing around the world on our Valiant 40 Sailboat “Brick House”, our sailing life forces us in to heavy weather sailing sometimes. Brick House is a seaworthy Bluewater sailboat ready for stormy seas... and we love making sailing videos filled with sailing tips!! Predictwind predicts that cyclone Idai will devastate the Mozambique coast soon. Brick House scrambles to provision, and fuel up, and begins the long sail from Tanzania down to South Africa, chasing the tail of this cyclone almost the whole way on this stormy passage filled with calm seas too! Offshore Sailboat “Brick House” sails 1000 miles, as far as Bazaruto before another storm at sea sends their sailboat running for shelter behind the sand dune islands, waiting for a weather window to go the next 700 miles to South Africa, and soon on to the Cape of Storms. Our Iridium GO, and Predictwind, for communications at sea, and for getting weather offshore has been a great improvement for communication at sea, as well as getting weather at sea, and was vital for this coastal passage..not an offshore passage I would have made without it! A local weather Router/guru, Des Cason, was also instrumental in helping us get safely down this notoriously dangerous coast of Mozambique and soon, the Wild Coast, and the Cape of storms! Please, start your Amazon shopping here: here: ✘✘ MY CAMERA GEAR ✘✘ ▬▬ FOLLOW ALONG ▬▬ ✩Instagram: ✩ Twitter: ✩ Facebook: ✩Our blog: : ✩Youtube: ✩Tshirts and other: Our two other small sailing and travel related channels: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Wish we were on Patreon? We aren’t...but you can support us in 5 other ways: 🍯(Tip Jar) ⛵️ TWO FREE SAILING COURSES: ⏩ Amazon shopping here: ⏩ West Marine Shopping here: ✩Tshirts and other: **As an Amazon Affiliate, I may earn commissions on qualifying purchases, as well as from other affiliate links listed on this page** %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Music Credits “Enter the Maze” by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creative Source: Artist: #SailingTips #PatrickChildressSailing #TravelsAnimals

Dodging Storms and Chasing Cyclones-Bluewater Sailing Africa (Patrick Childress Sailing Tips #37) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 5

Sailing 5 years ago 6,828 views

Dodging Storms and Chasing Cyclones- Bluewater Sailing Africa Tanzania to Mozmabique- (Patrick Childress Sailing Tips #37) Sailing around the world on our Valiant 40 Sailboat “Brick House”, our sailing life forces us in to heavy weather sailing sometimes. Brick House is a seaworthy Bluewater sailboat ready for stormy seas... and we love making sailing videos filled with sailing tips!! Predictwind predicts that cyclone Idai will devastate the Mozambique coast soon. Brick House scrambles to provision, and fuel up, and begins the long sail from Tanzania down to South Africa, chasing the tail of this cyclone almost the whole way on this stormy passage filled with calm seas too! Offshore Sailboat “Brick House” sails 1000 miles, as far as Bazaruto before another storm at sea sends their sailboat running for shelter behind the sand dune islands, waiting for a weather window to go the next 700 miles to South Africa, and soon on to the Cape of Storms. Our Iridium GO, and Predictwind, for communications at sea, and for getting weather offshore has been a great improvement for communication at sea, as well as getting weather at sea, and was vital for this coastal passage..not an offshore passage I would have made without it! A local weather Router/guru, Des Cason, was also instrumental in helping us get safely down this notoriously dangerous coast of Mozambique and soon, the Wild Coast, and the Cape of storms! Please, start your Amazon shopping here: here: ✘✘ MY CAMERA GEAR ✘✘ ▬▬ FOLLOW ALONG ▬▬ ✩Instagram: ✩ Twitter: ✩ Facebook: ✩Our blog: : ✩Youtube: ✩Tshirts and other: Our two other small sailing and travel related channels: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Wish we were on Patreon? We aren’t...but you can support us in 5 other ways: 🍯(Tip Jar) ⛵️ TWO FREE SAILING COURSES: ⏩ Amazon shopping here: ⏩ West Marine Shopping here: ✩Tshirts and other: **As an Amazon Affiliate, I may earn commissions on qualifying purchases, as well as from other affiliate links listed on this page** %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Music Credits “Enter the Maze” by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creative Source: Artist: #SailingTips #PatrickChildressSailing #TravelsAnimals

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Most popular comments
for Dodging Storms and Chasing Cyclones-Bluewater Sailing Africa (Patrick Childress Sailing Tips #37)

T Power
T Power - 5 years ago
great video, valuable tip heading in at low tide.
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 5 years ago
It is called PathoScreen and made by the Hach company. The product is first shown in the video, "Water, What's In It" filmed on an Indian Ocean,coral atoll in Chagos and then shown again in the much newer video "Sailing the Storms and Weather of Africa, Zanzibar to the Mainland". Thanks for tuning in.
Johnno Sprads
Johnno Sprads - 5 years ago
You're going to love SA. It's a beautiful country to enjoy an abundance of wildlife and learn about our melting pot of cultures. Richards Bay is probably nearest to a plethora of game reserves. Consider that as it's probably an hour's drive to any from the Bay, which also has the largest coal port in the southern hemisphere. You're also entering a beautiful time of year with the weather. Whilst we do have a few cold fronts that run up the coastline bringing southerly winds and up to 3 m swell, the wind generally swings once the southeaster dissipates. Weather is cooling and northerly land breezes are a guarantee in the mornings as the sun warms the coastline. Be safe, its still a developing country, and keep posting these inspiring videos.
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 5 years ago
This is Rebecca...Already love it! And Richards Bay is just the right size for our personality! Thanks for watching!
Clay Farnet
Clay Farnet - 5 years ago
You guys are looking like professional vloggers now. Looks like a most interesting area of the world. You know you're off the beaten path when no other cruisers are around. Great job. Fair winds!!!
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 5 years ago
Clay, thanks for the compliment. We have been trying to learn better editing techniques. It has been a long learning trajectory. We are definitely looking for the less crowded sailing areas. In a year or so, maybe Uruguay and the Straits of Magellan.
Armando Flores
Armando Flores - 5 years ago
Another interesting informative, and fun video from one of my favorites you tube channels. Thank you good work!
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 5 years ago
Armando, what a great compliment. Thank you.
Reload 'n Charge!
Reload 'n Charge! - 5 years ago
Fun video as always Mr Patrick....informative...with teaching points that sailors can use on any coastline or landfall (arriving into an unfamiliar port at low tide...) across any continent. I enjoy seeing your wife participate whether as the narrator or two make a good team. Thanks, Andrew
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 5 years ago
This is Rebecca...thanks for your nice compliment...I still have my hesitations and don’t like the constant presence of a camera...but the little bit of money that we make now from it encourages me I guess ;) And I like to support Patrick in this thing that he is very passionate about too. Thanks for watching, and again, thanks for the encouragement ;)
RV Curious De Warren
RV Curious De Warren - 5 years ago
I don’t own a sailing vessel yet, but the coming in at low tide makes sense to me. Thanks, I hope I never forget that.
Steve Burton
Steve Burton - 5 years ago
+Patrick Childress Sailing LOL. I like to say there are seasoned cruisers that have bumped the bottom and there are seasoned cruisers that lie about it. :-).
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 5 years ago
Every cruiser bumps the rocks now and then but some we know who were stranded on a high tide, was a sharp reminder.
pate allan
pate allan - 5 years ago
another great video.
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 5 years ago
Thank you, much, Pate!
lisa dorenfest
lisa dorenfest - 5 years ago
Looking forward to the next installment!
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 5 years ago
Thank you Lisa for watching. My finger tips are so worn down from all this editing, I never realized the dangers of producing video. I used to have heavy, worker man, calloused hands from working construction but these finger tips just keep getting thinner. The next video might take a little longer to complete. I hope you are doing well!
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 5 years ago
Thanks...this is Rebecca may be 3 weeks or so but it will cover from Bazaruto down to Richards Bay... Inhaca was a real pain! We had to leave IN the storm because the anchorage became too unsafe! We made less than 20 miles in 24 hours...but at least it was safer out there than in the anchorage!
Cesc FY
Cesc FY - 5 years ago
I was sailing back to Barcelona from the Balearics i the 80`s and we were hit by a cargo boat despite having a radar reflector and our lights on.A Doctor friend of my father was on watch. He had been recently diagnosed diabetes. We think he either fell asleep or had a hypoglycaemic fit but did not react to the ship approaching until too late. We were born again because my brother in law (sister` bf at the time) jumped out of bed and turned the boat the very last second. Only the dinghy and back railing was destroyed. My father spent every peny to buy an alarmed radar and no more single watch ever again. The cargo ship did not stop or even answer our radio calls.
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 5 years ago
We have cruising friends who simply vanished. I do wonder if a ship collision might have been the cause. I have had ships steer out of our way but far more often, they don't know we are there. Happy to hear your encounter was not the disaster it could have been.
Travels and Animals
Travels and Animals - 5 years ago
Cesc FY This is Rebecca...amazing story...glad it didn’t have too horrible of an ending!!!

10. comment for Dodging Storms and Chasing Cyclones-Bluewater Sailing Africa (Patrick Childress Sailing Tips #37)

bill hanna
bill hanna - 5 years ago
Lost my bother off a yacht were you are , so all the planning is most important , some big seas further south , wind Against tide , nice vid.
bill hanna
bill hanna - 5 years ago
+Travels and Animals With your well found yacht, modern nav, & weather info & most capable crew I Know you will have a great trip to Capetown & beyond , Fair winds ,
Travels and Animals
Travels and Animals - 5 years ago
This is Rebecca...bill hanna Horrible about your brother...thanks for the reminder to always plan and be careful! Yes...I am nervous about what lies ahead!
Daniel Olson
Daniel Olson - 5 years ago
Great Video! Everything is so well presented!
Travels and Animals
Travels and Animals - 5 years ago
Daniel Olson Thanks so much! This is Rebecca from our other (tiny) YOUTUBE channel ;)
Lp j
Lp j - 5 years ago
Very informative thank you. I thought one of the first rules of sailing was never be in a hurry and have deadlines.
Travels and Animals
Travels and Animals - 5 years ago
Lp j This is Rebecca. We indeed have no deadlines...but this north wind for such a long stint was just too tempting to let it pass without using it! If we waited it would have been 1000 miles of beating to get down to the wild stormy coast of Africa. We got a free ride until the first storm came ;) Thanks for watching!
Steve Burton
Steve Burton - 5 years ago
Patrick, not sure if that was the mast connection but if it is I would take that ground off the through-hull because if Brickhouse ever did get a hit from lightning, it could blow that throughout right out of your hull. I've seen the damage that a direct hit causes and it will easily blow that to smithereens. Also, while I absolute agree on grounding the mast, be very careful to make sure that the cable is sized very large (looks like you have 0 gauge which should be O.K.) but also try not to have any big bends in it as the lighting will take the shortest path to get to ground and will jump when it gets to big bends with ease. That said, grounding the through hulls is the right thing to do for keeping down the electrolytic damage but I would make very sure it wasn't tied into your mast bonding. (I don't think you did that but the way you talked about them together in the video might lead people to do that) I also agree with your strategy on the witches broom as they put them on airplanes for similar reasons (although I've also flown on airplanes with them through heavy precipitation and had St. Elmo's fire jump 6" from the windscreen to my hands - looks really cool but don't do it wearing rings!). So sad you are leaving Tanzania... l loved that place too but you will love S. Africa as well. Nice seamanship with that channel... strong currents running against strong winds make for uneasy passages. Looks like you found some nice people in Mozambique too! (I haven't had that pleasure). Keep the white side up! You and Rebecca are awesome... love your channel.
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 5 years ago
Thanks for your input on the grounding. I have always been a little concerned about my grounding system. Not only does the mast ground go the prop strut but also the SSB radio grounds. The radio ground also goes to the thruhull. So lightening could possibly back up back to the radio rather then just dissipating into the ocean. With your motivating comment, after 12 years, I think I will move all SSB grounds to the one thruhull and leave the strut for only the mast ground. Gordon West says only a thruhull is needed anyway. I am familiar with the static dischargers mounted on the trailing edge of aircraft maybe there is a correlation with that and a mast mounted witches broom. I just had an exchange with a sailboat owner who was once hit by lightening. His mast was not grounded so there really does seem to be something in the equation about grounding the mast. Thanks for you compliment!
Dutch Globetrotter
Dutch Globetrotter - 5 years ago
I keep learning from your channel, keep up the good work.
Travels and Animals
Travels and Animals - 5 years ago
Dutch Globetrotter This is Rebecca...Thanks so much. Thanks for watching!
mike hess
mike hess - 5 years ago
You guys are awesome! Thanks for sharing.
Travels and Animals
Travels and Animals - 5 years ago
mike hess Thanks for that! Patrick drives me crazy sometimes with this camera in his hand all the time, but compliments like this make it all ok :) Thanks for watching!
wayne mazan
wayne mazan - 5 years ago
Great video thanks
Travels and Animals
Travels and Animals - 5 years ago
thanks for that Wayne Mazan! This is Rebecca on our other channel by the way ;)
glassman51 - 5 years ago
Thanks so much Patrick you guys are terrific and I always enjoy your videos, not to mention I learned so much from you. Cheers
Travels and Animals
Travels and Animals - 5 years ago
glassman51 Thanks so much! This is Rebecca on our other Channel btw...Thanks for watching!
The Sailing Kiwi
The Sailing Kiwi - 5 years ago
Another informative and fun video, thanks
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 5 years ago
Sailing Kiwi, always good to hear from you. Thanks for your very nice compliment.
Will Sails
Will Sails - 5 years ago
A couple days ago I came to the realization that one of my favorite sailing stories was in fact one that you wrote in BWS, involving coconuts! I didn’t realize it was yours until browsing my app on my iPad and seeing that story again and who wrote it! Been a follower of this channel for a while and it was cool to match your names with BWS and your channel!
Will Sails
Will Sails - 5 years ago
Great work, we all appreciate your time!
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 5 years ago
Will Sails, What a fun coincidence. I have known George Day, who owns Blue Water Sailing, from the long ago days when he was an editor with Cruising World. Every year, since leaving Rhode Island, over 11 years ago, Rebecca and have had an article in the October issue of Blue Water Sailing, called "What Worked, What Didn't". I think we will be doing that article for as long as we live on a sail boat. Sorry for the delay in responding to you. We just hauled out in S. Africa and I have been very busy organizing all the work to be done. Thanks a lot for tuning into our channel!
Travels and Animals
Travels and Animals - 5 years ago
Will Sails This is Rebecca...What a cool comment! Thanks for watching us, (and reading us) all these years ;)

20. comment for Dodging Storms and Chasing Cyclones-Bluewater Sailing Africa (Patrick Childress Sailing Tips #37)

John Wislar
John Wislar - 5 years ago
You two are world class sailors, great videos.
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 5 years ago
John, thanks for your very nice compliment. And thanks for watching.
Steve Holett
Steve Holett - 5 years ago
Can you give more details or direct us to more details about the boat collision involving your friends? How did it happy? Thanks!
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 5 years ago
Our friends kept it very quiet, they were so embarrassed. They had already sailed once around the world. It was night, both were down below and whallop!! Ships do not keep a good lookout for us small boats.
Malama Robinson
Malama Robinson - 5 years ago
Boy, that was dumb. I would have stayed in the wonderful harbor until the coast was clear....
Malama Robinson
Malama Robinson - 5 years ago
I live in Hawai'i.....
Malama Robinson
Malama Robinson - 5 years ago
+Patrick Childress Sailing I know...
Travels and Animals
Travels and Animals - 5 years ago
Malama Robinson This is Rebecca - Would have been more dumb to waste the first 800 miles of sailing with beautiful 15 knot north winds when it’s nearly always Southeast winds on this coast but the cyclone gave us many many days of nice north wind ;) Thanks for watching!
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 5 years ago
The coast was clear. But once you are out at sea, anywhere in the tropics, very localized weather can develop which is impossible to show up any weather report. Weather like that can come out of no where, cause a lot of damage, then a few minutes later it is sunny skies again.
Doug Moore
Doug Moore - 5 years ago
Nice to hear you are okay. Thought of you ever sine I heard of the big cyclone.
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 5 years ago
Doug, we had no idea how devastating that cyclone was till we got a couple emails of concern over the Iridium Go.
Learning By Doing
Learning By Doing - 5 years ago
Nice video, looking forward to visiting those places in a few years.
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 5 years ago
Originally, when sailing across the Indian Ocean, we were to go straight to Durban. We knew nothing of the east coast of Africa and it all seemed like Somalia to us. Then we started talking to S. African cruisers who said we had to go to Tanzania. What good advise those S. African cruisers gave us.
razorsharpbt - 5 years ago
I'm really enjoying your channel, guys! Great stuff!
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 5 years ago
Thanks for tuning in, Razor.
Bob Rose
Bob Rose - 5 years ago
Great video - always supremely informative and engaging - thank you!
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 5 years ago
Thank you, Bob.
Jack Taylor
Jack Taylor - 5 years ago
Hello Patrick Childress Sailing Crew,
What an amazing breakdown of your latest rough water Adventure's, although it may be cold and horrifying at times, your descriptions are so real about what y'all experienced. I can just imagine being in your place as you sail this stretch of the world.
I remember one time when I was coming back into Savannah, Georgia, after a day of fishing thirty plus miles out. A sudden thunder storm popped up full of lighting, and we had outriggers stretching high into the skies. The waves grew rapidly to 15+ feet or more. as the visibility dropped to 600 feet at best, and were right in the middle of a heavily traveled shipping channel. Thank goodness no ships came out of nowhere, it would have been difficult to get out of the way with such short notice.
Thanks for awakening my fond memories I have, when I used to venture out on the Seas. Stay safe, plan well, and have tons of fun, Love Y'all.
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 5 years ago
Half the fun of boing out on the water is to be able to tell sea stories like yours. Thanks for tuning in.
circum navigation
circum navigation - 5 years ago
Excellent video
Travels and Animals
Travels and Animals - 5 years ago
This is Rebecca...form our other channel...thanks from me too!
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 5 years ago
Thank you Circum Navigation and for your comment.
Mike Ferguson
Mike Ferguson - 5 years ago
Not sure where you guys currently are ? At the southern tip of Bazaruto across the channel to the open sea you have Benguerra island and it’s a great place to anchor. My favorite in this area. Just outside the mouth/ channel into the open sea is a rock formation called 2 mile with great scuba diving
From there down to Inhambane (Barra) is the next spot to hide from southerlies if you need it.
From Barra the next point is Inhaca island as a southerly hiding spot.
Safe winds hopefully if you have not passed through we could meet up at Inhaca island. Rgards
Mike Ferguson
Mike Ferguson - 5 years ago
+Travels and Animals pity. When the southerly blows there is a nicely protected Anchorage at Santa Maria which sits at the bottom of inhaca. I was in Richard's bay 2 weeks ago (via road) returning from Durban. Enjoy your stay there. Some nice parks to visit nearby
Travels and Animals
Travels and Animals - 5 years ago
Hi Mike...when we were there I put a comment up, I think up on our Predictwind Positions Page...the only thing I could access without internet to try to let you know we were there...but alas you didn’t see it... sorry we missed you. my mistake for not writing down your info for when we didn’t have was sort of a messed up time in Inhaca...more about that in the next wouldn’t have been very “social” if we did meet up with you there since we were chasing anchorages there at Inhaca for somewhere comfortable during THAT blow.
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 5 years ago
Hi Mike. We did spend a day or two at Inhaca, moving around to the light house when the wind shifted. But as expected, the waves wrapped around the island and we found it better to be tacking against 25 knots than sitting in the swell under the lighthouse. That will be in the next video. Now we are safely hauled out at Zululand. Maybe still, our paths will cross.

30. comment for Dodging Storms and Chasing Cyclones-Bluewater Sailing Africa (Patrick Childress Sailing Tips #37)

Rick James
Rick James - 5 years ago
Patrick & Rebecca - Both of you have the most informative sailing channel on YT...nice job!! There’s an old adage out there that states what I think when I’m watching your videos. It is: “You two will forget more about how to sail the world than I will ever learn!” lol, :))
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 5 years ago
Thank you, Rick. That is a very generous compliment. We try hard to pick out the details that might help others.
Marcel D
Marcel D - 5 years ago
Plenty of information here! 
Stay safe.
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 5 years ago
Thank you, Marel. We will do our best. Thanks for watching.
Sir Prancelot
Sir Prancelot - 5 years ago
Great stuff. So informative. I am not a sailor but even so.........perhaps one day! Ace tip about sailing in to an anchorage at low tide so that if you get stuck the tide will lift you off. So obvious but I've not heard it mentioned on any other videos. Fair winds!
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 5 years ago
Hopefully we can keep picking out those details and put them in videos. We now do things without thinking about them so I have to slow down and think what might be useful to others. Thanks for tuning in.
Whigger Hunter
Whigger Hunter - 5 years ago
Would like to know what items should be stocked on board for bartering, since money doesn't have any value in these parts of the world and what's can a pair of sunglasses get you ?..
Travels and Animals
Travels and Animals - 5 years ago
Patrick Childress Sailing This is Rebecca. Crisp $1 bills do wonders too! We once came in to an anchorage in the eastern Solomon’s where the locals were waiving their local currency at us, desperate to buy the sheets and towels and any other household item we could spare...pots, pans, utensils, clothing. Some islands have NO stores and it’s a life’s ransom to get to their capital city far away on another island to go on that once in a lifetime shopping spree, but this is the exception for sure...many island, especially in the Pacific Islands have little available to spend money on!
But remember...ALWAYS trade even if it’s an “uneven” trade...don’t just GIVE unless you wish for them to lose their pride and become like other “welfare state” islands that we know (Many American Protectorates for example). You may think you are being charitable to the less fortunate...and it may make you feel oh so nice...but it truly is not helping the culture there...
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 5 years ago
Sunglasses and hats do very well. Hand fishing line and lures. Rope, towels, old kitchen knives, mask and snorkels, fins, clothes, especially child sizes since most cruisers do not carry childrens sized clothes.
Noel Faulkner
Noel Faulkner - 5 years ago
Your Videos are so informative wise and helpful, this is the kind of stuff that really tells people what to look out for , thanks again x
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 5 years ago
Thank you, Noel, for watching.
Anna Aldridge
Anna Aldridge - 5 years ago
Yikes! Was this the monster cyclone Idai that hit Mozambique middle of March?
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 5 years ago
We had no idea of the shore side devastation till friends started informing us, which we got their emails through Iridium Go.
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 5 years ago
This is Rebecca. was that one!
Jim H.
Jim H. - 5 years ago
Like they say regarding weather and sailing and most other things, "Timing is everything!" Nice video.
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 5 years ago
In the old days, it was as much luck as anything. Now weather predicting is much easier and leaves fewer surprises.
cody evans
cody evans - 5 years ago
I watch all the sailing channels on YouTube religiously, yours is by far the most informative!
Travels and Animals
Travels and Animals - 5 years ago
cody evans This is Rebecca. Thanks for that very nice compliment! And thanks for watching! And for sharing with your sailing friends!
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 5 years ago
Thank you Cody, we will keep working at it.
Sonny Lange
Sonny Lange - 5 years ago
Another awesome video. Patrick thanks for sharing
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 5 years ago
Thank you Sonny, for coming back to watch another one.
Soma Devo
Soma Devo - 5 years ago
Highest Respect
Travels and Animals
Travels and Animals - 5 years ago
Yes..thank you (This is Rebecca from our other channel ;). )
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 5 years ago
Thanks you Soma.
John Rice
John Rice - 5 years ago
Though, sadly, I believe that my seafaring days are behind me, I still love learning from you two 'kids'. I'm certain your videos have saved others' vessels and perhaps lives, as well. Thank you for producing and sharing them with us. I'm curious about the name of your vessel "Brick House", and wonder if it is a contraction of a phrase describing how strong and well-built she is--as in "built like a brick sh*t-house"? Or am I totally over-board and 'all wet'? Please,, keep enjoying your lives to the fullest. Best of luck to you all, from John.
Travels and Animals
Travels and Animals - 5 years ago
Rick James Hi This is Rebecca. I don’t know what Patrick is talking about...blackberry brandy, and dancing...on the ski slopes of Killingtom to the tunes of the Commodores...hahaha...
...Clearly our boats names come from the story of the 3 little pigs...Lily, Rebecca and Patrick...with the Paper(?) House, the Stick House, and the Brick House!
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 5 years ago
John, sorry to hear your seafaring days are to be in the past. The same has happened to long time sailing friends of mine. I am in a rush to get in at least one more good adventure, like sail the Beagle Channel or Straits of Magellan….while I can. The Brick House name. There is the raunchy version and the child's version. Of course the raunchy version is too long to tell but part of it is that I was doing a lot of home repair and remodeling in Rhode Island. When Rebecca moved to Rhode Island, she became a very good real estate agent. We teamed up and started flipping houses, which is what got us out here. The song by the Commodores, Brick House also fits in there....a lot of black berry brandy on the ski slope and more after wards and dancing around to that song after a fun day of snow skiing...… The name of this boat used to be Yellow Rose. That is a soft name, like Petunia. The name had to be changed.
Rick James
Rick James - 5 years ago
I’ve thought the same thing. It could be a reference to the popular 70’s song?!?
Richard Gallant
Richard Gallant - 5 years ago
Nice to follow a experienced crew , and nice clear video as well. Thanks for all you tips.
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 5 years ago
Thank you for watching.
Rusty Baban
Rusty Baban - 5 years ago
thx you again ... you 2 are the best
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 5 years ago
Thank you, Rusty.
Timothy P. Lamarre
Timothy P. Lamarre - 5 years ago
Excellent video. The lightning protection and wind generator issue--important info. Impressive planning and navigation.
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 5 years ago
Thanks, Timothy.
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 5 years ago
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About Dodging Storms and Chasing Cyclones-Bluewater Sailing Africa (Patrick Childress Sailing Tips #37)

The "Dodging Storms and Chasing Cyclones-Bluewater Sailing Africa (Patrick Childress Sailing Tips #37)" video is part of the Sealing, tipps, boating category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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