Downwind sailing and gybing tips from Sarah Ayton

Double Olympic gold medallist Sarah Ayton and 470 crew Saskia Clark give their downwind tips, including gybing, hoisting spinnaker, race tips and more. Follow Team Volvo on the Volvo Sailing App. Search for Volvo Sailing in the App store or download here

Downwind sailing and gybing tips from Sarah Ayton sentiment_very_dissatisfied 7

Sailing 14 years ago 102,420 views

Double Olympic gold medallist Sarah Ayton and 470 crew Saskia Clark give their downwind tips, including gybing, hoisting spinnaker, race tips and more. Follow Team Volvo on the Volvo Sailing App. Search for Volvo Sailing in the App store or download here

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Most popular comments
for Downwind sailing and gybing tips from Sarah Ayton

figuristar gameplay  oficial
figuristar gameplay oficial - 7 years ago
goshensquash - 9 years ago
It would have been nice to see what they did with the pole after the gibe.
Nigell Butlerrr
Nigell Butlerrr - 10 years ago
why not release the main outhaul downwind??????
flat main downwind suckssssssssss
Jacek Turczynowicz
Jacek Turczynowicz - 9 years ago
+Natts Bab Flat main means more projected area, baggy means more power. Somewhere in between is the best. Tight outhaul means more open leech down low, loose more hooked. I think it all depends on sailors weight and wind velocity. Try to work it out with your kicker. With low wind I would go for loose kicker and a little bit tighter outhaul, Avarage wind - bit more kicker on and loose outhaul. Strong wind more vang, a little more outhaul - even twist at the leech.
jose - 10 years ago
Hi...for professional purposes I would like to ask if someone could briefly describe what  "safe gybing area" and "downwind sail"...thanks guys
Fionn McGibney
Fionn McGibney - 11 years ago
Gybe first then pole?
AJ Libby
AJ Libby - 12 years ago
Dana Sutton
Dana Sutton - 12 years ago
I speak english and I can't understand what you are saying
randombadger41 - 12 years ago
Actually putting the board down gives stability during the gybe and also accelerates the boat and makes it not slip side ways so ye put it down a bit more than usual if you have time, otherwise it doesn't really matter.
KiraOldStar - 13 years ago
Лодочка у Вас классная! И сами Вы - молодцы!

10. comment for Downwind sailing and gybing tips from Sarah Ayton

Sailingismylife1 - 13 years ago
why is it that we are taught to go dead down wind and let out the main so its up against the shroud btw this is in a 420

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