Ep. 17 - Winter is Coming but That Doesn't Stop Boat Projects ~ Big Easy Sailing
Sailing 7 years ago 4,089 views
Winter hits South Florida with a vengeance. As bad weather moves in, bad news follows. We continue working on Gone with the Wind's exterior by adding Kiwigrip as our non-skid deck. We also take some time to make a donation to the Bid Dog Rescue Ranch. www.bdrr.org Video uploads will now be every other Thursday. We are working really hard to finish up Gone with the Wind and want to prioritize getting her ready to sail. We will continue to document our journey and hope to return to weekly videos shortly. Thanks for understanding! We are Shawn, Jessie, Mojo and Voodoo. We started our Youtube channel, Big Easy Sailing, to document our journey on our 1972 Gulfstar 36 sailboat. We've been together for 20 years and moved everywhere from our hometown of New Orleans to Alaska to Denver. Now our home will travel with us as we travel across beautiful blue waters. Show your support by becoming a krewe member on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/bigeasysailing or you can show us your tips using: https://paypal.me/bigeasysailing Keep up to date with us on social media at: https://www.facebook.com/BigEasySailing or https://www.instagram.com/bigeasysailing All music provided by YouTube Audio Library
within 100 miles of Pahokee.
10. comment for Ep. 17 - Winter is Coming but That Doesn't Stop Boat Projects ~ Big Easy Sailing
20. comment for Ep. 17 - Winter is Coming but That Doesn't Stop Boat Projects ~ Big Easy Sailing
I really like the product and have talked to a bunch of people online and IRL as well as a distributor at the local Chicago boat show whom I asked 1000 questions, and took his time up for the better part of an hour. I can't wait to try it out when it finally gets warm.
Looking good. When the tape was removed from the grip paint it looks very professional, factory finished. Kitchen looks homey as well. Paying it forward, nice!
Rain rain go away, come again on a non painting day. Big smiles to you all. Good job. Tea time.
30. comment for Ep. 17 - Winter is Coming but That Doesn't Stop Boat Projects ~ Big Easy Sailing