Ep 10. Internet and Weather Maps for our Leopard 45 Catamaran | Sailing Sisu
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We are preparing our Leopard 45 Catamaran to sail around the world. We want to visit off the beaten tack places and need to prepare for ice bergs, storms, heavy seas, as well as nice tranquil tropical waters...follow us as we discuss how to get Internet and weather maps on board to assist us in our adventures. We watch Delos and the Wynns for internet solutions, but could not remember if la vagabonde ever discussed this? Thank you for all our subscribers! If not yet subscribed, please click on subscribe and click the bell next to the sub button for quick notification. And please click the like button :-) Links section Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SailingSisu Sailing Sisu Blog: https://sailingsisu.blog/ Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/SailingSisu Twitter: @SailingSisu. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sailingsisu/ Iridium Go ($899): http://www.groundcontrol.com/Iridium_Go.htm Coastal Marine Wi-Fi (less than $500): https://www.coastalmarinewifi.com/technical.aspx The Wiriepro (WiFi and 2G/3G/4G) ($699): http://www.thewirie.com/the-wirie-products/the-wirie-pro-marine-wifi-3g-4g-system/ WeBoost 4G ($479): https://www.weboost.com/products/drive-4gx WeBoost Marine Antenna ($199): https://www.weboost.com/products/wilson-electronics-4g-wide-band-omni-directional-marine-antenna PredictWind: https://www.predictwind.com/apps/#offshore-app zyGrib (no Android or iPhone): http://www.zygrib.org/ SailGrib (Android only): https://www.sailgrib.com/#download Squid: http://www.squid-sailing.com/
SSB is not the way to go. The future is satellites. Build for tomorrow.
Consider electric:
Interesting DIY batteries:
More to consider"
Satellites are coming too. And the new, lighter, high performance carbon fiber cruising cats are also coming. But everything is about 5 years away.
Mission possible. Thanks for all the extra education. Info, gabs, and learning. Frik what is your target date for sailing off to a world unknown and have all the fun. Ron and Gilda
10. comment for Ep 10. Internet and Weather Maps for our Leopard 45 Catamaran | Sailing Sisu
The best-known use of this phrase was by Isaac Newton in a letter to his rival Robert Hooke, in 1676:
"What Descartes did was a good step. You have added much several ways, and especially in taking the colours of thin plates into philosophical consideration. If I have seen a little further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants."
Standing on the shoulders of giantsNewton didn't originate it though. The 12th century theologian and author John of Salisbury used a version of the phrase in a treatise on logic called Metalogicon, written in Latin in 1159. Translations of this difficult book are quite variable but the gist of what Salisbury said is:
"We are like dwarfs sitting on the shoulders of giants. We see more, and things that are more distant, than they did, not because our sight is superior or because we are taller than they, but because they raise us up, and by their great stature add to ours."
The phrase may even pre-date John of Salisbury, who was known to have adapted and refined the work of others.
20. comment for Ep 10. Internet and Weather Maps for our Leopard 45 Catamaran | Sailing Sisu
Apart from that, until SpaceX launches its satellites, or Iridium NEXT comes online, it’s going to be between 3 to 5 years before we have blazing fast, very cheap worldwide satellite internet.
As for the weather, I’d stick with the Iridium satellite portable system you mentioned at the start, others use this and it seems to be one of the best, there is also the Garmin system that is great for messaging, and predict wind gets my vote for weather provider.