Ep 38. Sailing around the World means: Fixing things in beautiful places. (Sailing Susan Ann II)
Sailing 5 years ago 9,397 views
Ep 38 WE HEAR THE BABY’S HEART BEAT! At long last we’ve reached the 12 week point in Hayley’s pregnancy and head to a great Doc in St Martin and see and hear our little angel. You’ll have to watch thru to the end to see how it goes. We start this episode in Anguilla doing all the regular maintenance jobs that yachts deserve and then head for Saint Martin in what we expected to be 35kts + so we got there pretty fast! That’s nothing that Susan Ann II hasn’t sailed before or can easily handle… it’s just the crew (us) would prefer to avoid if possible but we had a hospital appointment to make. Cheers to those of you who took the time to help out with our water heater issue. It’s a small problem but a real PITA changing that anode every 6 months when I know other Lagoon 450’s that have never changed it! I’m typing this 12 months after this episode was filmed and I’m still having the issue regardless of where the water comes from. In Lagoon’s defence they have been great with all other issues to date but the most important consideration is the lack of issues that we have had. We’ve been very lucky compared to many other yacht manufacturers we know. Thanks for following our adventure, we make these vids for you guys so please don’t forget to leave us a comment and a thumbs up. Don’t forget if you want to know where we are and what we’re up to now then follow us on our Instagram and Facebook accounts. ****PLEASE ALSO FOLLOW**** FB: https://www.facebook.com/TheDaleyAdventure/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thedaleyadventure/ Website: https://www.thedaleyadventure.com (coming soon). ****MUSIC**** Epidemic sound: https://player.epidemicsound.com Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com
10. comment for Ep 38. Sailing around the World means: Fixing things in beautiful places. (Sailing Susan Ann II)
to Ass washers and for a sail boat they are brilliant you use less paper, and the ladies like them as well.
20. comment for Ep 38. Sailing around the World means: Fixing things in beautiful places. (Sailing Susan Ann II)