Ep 42 Finally Sailing! Overnight Passage to Cascais Portugal

After our disastrous stay in Leixoes, Portugal (losing Doc), we swallow hard and head south to Cascais, which turns out to be the perfect respite.

Ep 42 Finally Sailing! Overnight Passage to Cascais Portugal sentiment_very_dissatisfied 0

Sailing 7 years ago 3,801 views

After our disastrous stay in Leixoes, Portugal (losing Doc), we swallow hard and head south to Cascais, which turns out to be the perfect respite.

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Most popular comments
for Ep 42 Finally Sailing! Overnight Passage to Cascais Portugal

Braavos - 7 years ago
3 on , 9 off, with a cook and a maid .....lol,,, my kind of boat schedule
Braavos - 7 years ago
Rolling on Floor Laughing ... Yeaaaaa... better let it go .... . yes .. alot use that 3 on 3 off... but , i seriously dont understand why . .. 5 and 5 always worked for me ...
Sailing Yacht Talisman
Sailing Yacht Talisman - 7 years ago
I know. I was so ready to say yes, but if I asked about how cute the maid would look I was doomed. Better to let it go.
frits Chvasta
frits Chvasta - 7 years ago
you can talk a little louder you sound so sneaky
Sailing Yacht Talisman
Sailing Yacht Talisman - 7 years ago
Unfortunately, I have video already shot going forward about 7 or 8 episodes, but I will work to do better. I'm obviously not a pro at this, but still want to improve the product and do take constructive criticism as it comes.
Sailing Yacht Talisman
Sailing Yacht Talisman - 7 years ago
Your English is great. Nice to know we have non-Americans watching.
Sailing Yacht Talisman
Sailing Yacht Talisman - 7 years ago
Hi JP. Thanks for the kind words. And we appreciate your being with us.
Richard Collins
Richard Collins - 7 years ago
Nice video, great work, thanks for sharing. :)
Sailing Yacht Talisman
Sailing Yacht Talisman - 7 years ago
You bet Richard. Thanks for watching.
Bob Harlow
Bob Harlow - 7 years ago
Great video and beautiful area! I'm so sorry about Doc, and know how hard it is (I lost my 13 yr. old Choc. Lab Maggie last summer, and still miss her every day).
Sailing Yacht Talisman
Sailing Yacht Talisman - 7 years ago
Hi Bob. We're so sorry about Maggie. We miss Doc every day too. New places to go help ease the thoughts of him though, as there's always something to take the mind elsewhere. Thanks for being with us.
wnbgrn - 7 years ago
Love that Yacht!
Sailing Yacht Talisman
Sailing Yacht Talisman - 7 years ago
So do we. Thanks for watching.
Maj. Tom
Maj. Tom - 7 years ago
Hope you took advantage of the wonderful dining and Fado music while in Portugal.
Lisboa, one of the most overlooked cities on the continent.
Sailing Yacht Talisman
Sailing Yacht Talisman - 7 years ago
We love Portugal. It's wonderful. And we did take advantage of it. It doesn't show on the video but we stayed for almost two weeks.
Sailing Yacht Talisman
Sailing Yacht Talisman - 7 years ago
We appreciate it!

10. comment for Ep 42 Finally Sailing! Overnight Passage to Cascais Portugal

Valden23 - 7 years ago
Yes please. A video on marina wifi and phone stuff would be very helpful. Thanks. Another great episode. :-)
Sailing Yacht Talisman
Sailing Yacht Talisman - 7 years ago
Hi Bill. In Cascais, it included water, but electricity was metered. Also, supposedly free wifi, but as we've discovered marina wifi rarely works even passably. This stems, we suspect, from the fact that most people tether off their phones or have a wifi hotspot that performs better. I should do a video on how wifi and phone sim cards work in Europe. Maybe in the future. Thanks for watching.
Daniel Voon
Daniel Voon - 7 years ago
Good to see you guys out sailing again. Cheers from NZ.
Sailing Yacht Talisman
Sailing Yacht Talisman - 7 years ago
Cheers back. Glad to see our work go global.
Jim Milligan
Jim Milligan - 7 years ago
Looks like you guys are having a great time.
Sailing Yacht Talisman
Sailing Yacht Talisman - 7 years ago
We are. Just a lot of work. I'll have vids of that coming up in a few episodes.
TheMonkeyrock77 - 7 years ago
Cascade. I lived in a Town in Idaho with that name. Nice Sculptures. To drive a scooter in 70 MPH traffic would be crazy. I love that tile work in that town square.
Sailing Yacht Talisman
Sailing Yacht Talisman - 7 years ago
Well 70 mph would be insane. This was 70 kilometers per hour, but it still felt very fast. I think you just have to get used to it. We saw a lot of other scooter drivers going easily the speed of traffic.
Mark Gotham
Mark Gotham - 7 years ago
New Journeys Ahead...... ;-)
Sailing Yacht Talisman
Sailing Yacht Talisman - 7 years ago
Yes sir!
Clay Farnet
Clay Farnet - 7 years ago
Sailing around the world is relatively safe...scooters, I question your judgement. :) Great video...fair winds!
Sailing Yacht Talisman
Sailing Yacht Talisman - 7 years ago
Hi Clay. Yeah, Wendy actually crashed/dropped hers. You can see the bruise on her leg late in the video when she's wearing the pink dress and floppy hat. A bit of a sprained ankle and some scuffs to the scooter plastic but otherwise okay. Thanks for watching.
Tim K
Tim K - 7 years ago
Some nice driving in tight quarters for sure. Great to see you guys out enjoying life again.
Sailing Yacht Talisman
Sailing Yacht Talisman - 7 years ago
Hi Tim. Thanks so much. It looked pretty smooth on video but we were stressed. On the way in the dinghy actually passed (very slowly) over the stern rail of another boat and I didn't want that to happen again.

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