Ep. 19 - Bow Upgrades ~ Big Easy Sailing

Shawn builds and installs a bow roller on Gone with the Wind. After some troubleshooting, we now have a working windlass too. We make a quick trip to grab a new used dinghy. We are Shawn, Jessie, Mojo and Voodoo. We started our Youtube channel, Big Easy Sailing, to document our journey on our 1972 Gulfstar 36 sailboat. We've been together for 20 years and moved everywhere from our hometown of New Orleans to Alaska to Denver to Florida. Now our home will travel with us as we travel across beautiful blue waters. Show your support by becoming a krewe member on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/bigeasysailing or you can show us your tips using: https://paypal.me/bigeasysailing Keep up to date with us on social media at: https://www.facebook.com/BigEasySailing or https://www.instagram.com/bigeasysailing

Ep. 19 - Bow Upgrades ~ Big Easy Sailing sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2

Sailing 7 years ago 4,316 views

Shawn builds and installs a bow roller on Gone with the Wind. After some troubleshooting, we now have a working windlass too. We make a quick trip to grab a new used dinghy. We are Shawn, Jessie, Mojo and Voodoo. We started our Youtube channel, Big Easy Sailing, to document our journey on our 1972 Gulfstar 36 sailboat. We've been together for 20 years and moved everywhere from our hometown of New Orleans to Alaska to Denver to Florida. Now our home will travel with us as we travel across beautiful blue waters. Show your support by becoming a krewe member on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/bigeasysailing or you can show us your tips using: https://paypal.me/bigeasysailing Keep up to date with us on social media at: https://www.facebook.com/BigEasySailing or https://www.instagram.com/bigeasysailing

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Most popular comments
for Ep. 19 - Bow Upgrades ~ Big Easy Sailing

justin larue
justin larue - 7 years ago
Have u looked into Indian town boat yard? Supposed to be pretty cheep and close to you,it’s where MJ sailing did there refit
justin larue
justin larue - 7 years ago
Hey man good job on the anchor roller.i don’t have one on my boat either and have been trying to figure out how to do it without messing with the rigging. I just figured it had to be centered like all my other boats
ItsmeDave H
ItsmeDave H - 7 years ago
I say it every week....you guys are awesome. Cool color choices on the chain. Fat Tuesday is always with you now.
Cptn Uwe's Pirate Tales
Cptn Uwe's Pirate Tales - 7 years ago
David Chandley
David Chandley - 7 years ago
Wow,, looking good ... you'll be underway in no time at all ... Cheers
roderick mchardy
roderick mchardy - 7 years ago
nice job
Michael Zakharoff
Michael Zakharoff - 7 years ago
Sorry, but that little tiny wood is going to (easily) snap under high load. For a boat your size, fabricate/weld a metal bow roller bracket/mount.
Big Easy Sailing
Big Easy Sailing - 7 years ago
My design is suspect for failure if used improperly, but I definitely will not be using it to absorb the load of opposing forces. Its only job is to roll the chain in & out and hold the anchor during the passage. The bow roller will not be used while at anchor.
Crickett Green
Crickett Green - 7 years ago
I know it will seem like a pain in the stern feathers, but any time you drill the deck, and it has a core of wood, over drill your screw holes. Fill with thickened epoxe, and then when dry Redhill the right size zmaller holes. This serves to keep the core of your vessel dry if you get a leak where a screw hole is, saving you massive damage later.
Darrell Allen
Darrell Allen - 7 years ago
You could have just cut that aluminum with a skill saw.

10. comment for Ep. 19 - Bow Upgrades ~ Big Easy Sailing

Andrew Craig
Andrew Craig - 7 years ago
That was a good one.
2:15--true words spoken.
'Holy ship' that's a lot of chain. Smart.
That's a great size dingy,
look forward to the video when it's full of lobsters and a case of rum somewhere in the land of coconuts, as you stock up for your days of doing absolutely nothing.
Do you have an Amazon account? My friend in the Americas has one, with a wish list. It's wonderful.
If you have a wish list with items you would like we can purchase it for you and Amazon sends it off to the address of your choice.

Nice teak. Good job. Was it Scarlett who said something about "the kindness of strangers"?
It's really cool how you're adding classic touches to her.
Well, best let you get back to your beauty.
Big smiles:)
Big Easy Sailing
Big Easy Sailing - 7 years ago
Thanks, lobsters and rum sound good. Patience and a lot of hard work seem to pay off. Jessie uses the hell out of Amazon. Never thought of using the wish list like that.
tartansailor - 7 years ago
While at anchor with strong winds, a boat has a tendency to swing left and right and this action puts lots of lateral tension on the bow roller.
Make sure you have dual snubber lines to relieve tension on the chain at the bow roller. Run the snubber lines thru your existing chocks. good job. Cheers, Richard
Big Easy Sailing
Big Easy Sailing - 7 years ago
That's the plan. Thanks
lowell mccormick
lowell mccormick - 7 years ago
Good advice.  No load should ever be put on that bow roller.  A rough night at a mooring would rip it out and leave a big hole in the deck.
G King
G King - 7 years ago
Way to go scoring the teak lumber. If oiled occasionally it won't rot. Nice job all around. BTW, do you plan to epoxy the holes you drilledi n the deck? ;<}
Big Easy Sailing
Big Easy Sailing - 7 years ago
Thanks, I didn't want to double drill in this location. I sealed the inside of the holes with marine silicone, 5200, and butyl tape to secure and waterproof the design.
Dave O
Dave O - 7 years ago
Nice fab job. Are you sure that wood will support the roller? It will generate some pretty big forces if you anchor in heavy seas.
Big Easy Sailing
Big Easy Sailing - 7 years ago
Plan on using the 2 fairleads on the nose to absorb all the stresses of being at anchor in all conditions. Snubber lines will go from the chain, threw the fairlead, to cleats on the deck.
wrthrash - 7 years ago
That's a great solution, serious length of chain too, how many feet & how heavy is the anchor?
Big Easy Sailing
Big Easy Sailing - 7 years ago
200ft of 5/16 g4 anchor is a 35.lb cqr
Silas Marner
Silas Marner - 7 years ago
Dog: Dad i wanna hang out with you but loud noise scares me
Chase Mixon
Chase Mixon - 7 years ago
Great Job Shawn!
Big Easy Sailing
Big Easy Sailing - 7 years ago
Thanks bro
mark graves
mark graves - 7 years ago
Great job. Time for a cold one
Big Easy Sailing
Big Easy Sailing - 7 years ago
Thanks, Lager it is!
Ed Charbonnier
Ed Charbonnier - 7 years ago
You guys are awesome. Makes the minor glass work I have to do to the cabin sole on my new, old boat seem much less daunting!
Vicki Munson
Vicki Munson - 7 years ago
That was so much fun to watch, it sure made me miss my little family;
my gosh so much accomplished, how exciting for you to be so close to sailing her.
Those sweet grandpups of mine are so awesome xoxo

20. comment for Ep. 19 - Bow Upgrades ~ Big Easy Sailing

Ty Trammell
Ty Trammell - 7 years ago
Are you worried about the wood rotting that you fastened your bow roller to?
Ty Trammell
Ty Trammell - 7 years ago
Big Easy Sailing thanks I didn't realize what that was.
Big Easy Sailing
Big Easy Sailing - 7 years ago
Teak is not only beautiful but very durable. It's used in outdoor furniture and marine applications due to its rot resistance.

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