Ep. 19 - Bow Upgrades ~ Big Easy Sailing
Sailing 7 years ago 4,316 views
Shawn builds and installs a bow roller on Gone with the Wind. After some troubleshooting, we now have a working windlass too. We make a quick trip to grab a new used dinghy. We are Shawn, Jessie, Mojo and Voodoo. We started our Youtube channel, Big Easy Sailing, to document our journey on our 1972 Gulfstar 36 sailboat. We've been together for 20 years and moved everywhere from our hometown of New Orleans to Alaska to Denver to Florida. Now our home will travel with us as we travel across beautiful blue waters. Show your support by becoming a krewe member on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/bigeasysailing or you can show us your tips using: https://paypal.me/bigeasysailing Keep up to date with us on social media at: https://www.facebook.com/BigEasySailing or https://www.instagram.com/bigeasysailing
10. comment for Ep. 19 - Bow Upgrades ~ Big Easy Sailing
2:15--true words spoken.
'Holy ship' that's a lot of chain. Smart.
That's a great size dingy,
look forward to the video when it's full of lobsters and a case of rum somewhere in the land of coconuts, as you stock up for your days of doing absolutely nothing.
Do you have an Amazon account? My friend in the Americas has one, with a wish list. It's wonderful.
If you have a wish list with items you would like we can purchase it for you and Amazon sends it off to the address of your choice.
Nice teak. Good job. Was it Scarlett who said something about "the kindness of strangers"?
It's really cool how you're adding classic touches to her.
Well, best let you get back to your beauty.
Big smiles:)
Make sure you have dual snubber lines to relieve tension on the chain at the bow roller. Run the snubber lines thru your existing chocks. good job. Cheers, Richard
my gosh so much accomplished, how exciting for you to be so close to sailing her.
Those sweet grandpups of mine are so awesome xoxo
20. comment for Ep. 19 - Bow Upgrades ~ Big Easy Sailing