FULL Guide Efficient DAILY QUEST SAILING Route, Tips and Trick
Sailing 4 years ago 1,939 views
If you do this guide every day, I GUARANTEE you will got carrack soon and got so much Sea coin, same as I have. (Ship Recommended: Improved Frigate/Galleass with Cannon damage against sea monster up to 7500) (WARNING: Make sure you use TIMESTAMP on this video description to get directly to point you want to watch and use SUBTITLE with your language) (0:10) Intro How to Check Daily Sailing Quest: (1:08) Taking Quest at Velia (4:40) Taking Quest at Port Epheria (6:19) Taking Quest at Oquila Eye Part 1 Link Location for Iridescent Coral Piece: https://bit.ly/2Upsndj (9:22) Starting Quest (12:33) Finish Quest "Delivery Goods: Baremi Island" (Miya, Velia) (13:30) Start Killing Hungry Ocean Stalker "Wanted: Hungry Sea Creatures" (Proix, Velia) (18:18) Finish 2 Quest barter "Ravikel's Test" + "For Wider Trade Route" (20:25) How to Make Preparation Bartering at Margoria (22:33) Route Planning for Oquila Eye Quest Part 1 (27:08) Killing Small Goldmount Ship (28:55) Killing Hekaru (30:42) Killing Young Sea Monster (34:08) Killing Ocean Stalker (38:12) Report Quest Oquila Eye Part 1 (38:43) Taking Oquila Barter Quest part 2 (10x Barter) (39:05) Taking Oquila SMH Quest Part 2 (Candidium, NineShark, BlackRust) (39:56) Taking Daily Quest for "Seaweed Stalk" and "Ruddy Manganese Nodule" (41:10) Take off from Oquila to do Daily Oquila Part II and Margoria bartering (41:43) Explanation for Route Margoria Bartering + Oquila SMH Daily Quest Part 2 (47:28) Killing Nine Shark (52:52) WORLD BOSS KZARKA (SKIP THIS PART) (58:06) CONTINUE AFTER WORLD BOSS KZARKA (1:01:37) Killing Black Rust (1:03:55) Explanation Kill Large Goldmount Ship + Port Rat (1:06:40) Killing Large Goldmount Ship (1:16:49) Take Daily Quest Deliver Item from Port Ratt (1:18:12) Restock at Port Ratt (1:19:55) Explanation Storage Management for Port Ratt (1:22:35) Take off from Port Ratt + Explaination next Plan until reach Oquila again (1:35:14) Last Spot Bartering Margoria (1:35:28) Killing Candidium (1:42:22) Continue Finishing Quest Small Goldmount Ship (1:43:38) Report Daily Quest SMH Oquila Eye Part 2 (1:44:19) Explanation How to prepare Effective Valencia bartering (1:46:33) Killing Hungry Hekaru "Wanted: Hungry Sea Creatures" (Proix, Velia) (1:49:51) How to Finish Quest "Cox Scout in Disguise" (Proix, Velia) Link Video Grinding Cox Pirate Extermination Seal: https://bit.ly/2QESlZg (1:52:22) Preparation Valencia Bartering (2:04:54) Arrive at Ancado Inner Harbour (2:05:50) Finish Daily Quest Deliver Item from Port Ratt (2:06:18) Preparation to Hakoven Bartering (2:13:56) Arrive at Hakoven, Last Bartering (2:14:10) Refresh Bartering (2:14:16) 2nd Hakoven Bartering (2:14:36) Explanation to Reporting all Quest at Velia and Port Epheria FINISH You can support me by like, subscribe, and share so I can making another content to share about Black Desert Online in future. Don't hesitate to ask me in comment, I will reply your comment as soon as possible to help you.Thank You
Sementara apa pake galeas bagus buat barter?
klo u rasa dah kuat daily smh pake improved frigate, mending ke caravel dl buat percepat proses barter
tapi klo u rasa SMH daily nya masih lelet, up galleass bs jadi pilihan terbaik
Such a good planned guide! Thank you!
Edited: Maybe U want to check you mic volume, its a bit slow when listening with phone here. I also have problem with mic in my vids. Aiyoo
activate Subtitle that I provide in this video to fully understand message I want deliver to you
I know my video not perfect, but I try My Best and keep improving in time