First weeks on Aquarius / Sailing Aquarius #1

In this video we share our first week of living aboard and trying to survive, while later Jemp and Loni, previous owners joins us and helps us with Aquarius refit and general sailing tips. Please forgive for not the best quality as I'm still learning how to edit videos and also have to do my best with poor internet connection.

First weeks on Aquarius / Sailing Aquarius #1 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 0

Sailing 8 years ago 3,969 views

In this video we share our first week of living aboard and trying to survive, while later Jemp and Loni, previous owners joins us and helps us with Aquarius refit and general sailing tips. Please forgive for not the best quality as I'm still learning how to edit videos and also have to do my best with poor internet connection.

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Most popular comments
for First weeks on Aquarius / Sailing Aquarius #1

Doug B
Doug B - 7 years ago
You have a great sense of humor and your wife is gorgeous!   I look forward to hearing about te rest of your journey.
Abi Gor
Abi Gor - 7 years ago
u have your list mixed.. can u put in order? thanks
Sailing Aquarius Around The World
Sailing Aquarius Around The World - 7 years ago
Not sure the meaning of "List". But let me know and I will try.
Brent Cameron
Brent Cameron - 7 years ago
That is a monster solar arch!   I haven't seen one that holds the dingy like that.  I can see that you got it installed in Le Marin (Where I was on another SM only 3 weeks ago after helping sail it down from Bermuda) but did you get it from the Amel guys there or from somewhere else?  I'd be interested to know how it's held up for the past 7 months - and do you keep the dingy there on big passages?  I love the 600W capacity.
Sailing Aquarius Around The World
Sailing Aquarius Around The World - 7 years ago
O - on long passages we will put the dingy on the bow.
Sailing Aquarius Around The World
Sailing Aquarius Around The World - 7 years ago
Yes, we had the arch installed in Martinique (Le Marin). Frank did it, and his company is in the haul-out area. He did a great job, but he does take a bit longer than quoted. But, then again, perfection is not always on time.

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About First weeks on Aquarius / Sailing Aquarius #1

The "First weeks on Aquarius / Sailing Aquarius #1" video is part of the Sealing, tipps, boating category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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