Fixing Sailboats-Sailing Indian Ocean to Chagos; AIS,Squalls,Fuel Siphon, Patrick Childress Sail #14
Sailing 6 years ago 4,429 views
Fixing Sailboats-Sailing Indian Ocean to Chagos, AIS, squalls, fuel siphon. The passage to Chagos (BIOT), is difficult. The Chagos Islands are deserted. Fuel transfer at sea in big waves requires a special way to siphon fuel. Also, How to use AIS at sea makes this one of the Sailboat how to videos! Pertinent to Pacific Ocean Sailing too. Some great sailing tips in this Sailboat How to Video, for sure! See more videos at the See our blog at #WhereIsBrickHouse **As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases** #PatrickChildressSailing #Valiant40 #BluewaterSailboat #FixingSailboats
What is the history behind the name brick house? Can we get a tour?
10. comment for Fixing Sailboats-Sailing Indian Ocean to Chagos; AIS,Squalls,Fuel Siphon, Patrick Childress Sail #14
Can you make one video on bad weather sailing? Maybe how you set your boat up to heave-to.
What do you do when you're caught in a squall? Do you heave-to?
Do you use a drogue or sea anchor? If yes, did you make your own?
Do you have a storm sail? Or do you just reef in your jib?
Some actual footage of you dealing with a squall will be interesting. :-)
You are headed to the Atlantic? We have a history related voyage planned across the South Pacific. I hope we meet up someday.
20. comment for Fixing Sailboats-Sailing Indian Ocean to Chagos; AIS,Squalls,Fuel Siphon, Patrick Childress Sail #14