Further South We Go! | Sailing Wisdom Ep 104

We spend a bit more time in Fernandina and are joined by our friends, Jessica and Ryan before setting back out to the ocean for the journey further south towards Miami. Herby explains the importance and convenience of AIS. For painting commissions: artisticeyestudio@gmail.com Our Swag: https://teespring.com/stores/rigging-doctor Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/riggingdoctor Follow us on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/riggingdoctor Check out our website: http://www.riggingdoctor.com Music: Music provided by Bensound http://www.bensound.com Music: Maddie

Further South We Go! | Sailing Wisdom Ep 104 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 10

Sailing 7 years ago 2,929 views

We spend a bit more time in Fernandina and are joined by our friends, Jessica and Ryan before setting back out to the ocean for the journey further south towards Miami. Herby explains the importance and convenience of AIS. For painting commissions: artisticeyestudio@gmail.com Our Swag: https://teespring.com/stores/rigging-doctor Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/riggingdoctor Follow us on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/riggingdoctor Check out our website: http://www.riggingdoctor.com Music: Music provided by Bensound http://www.bensound.com Music: Maddie

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Most popular comments
for Further South We Go! | Sailing Wisdom Ep 104

Fordyce Eldred
Fordyce Eldred - 7 years ago
You still in Ft Pierce?
Grant Myers
Grant Myers - 7 years ago
nyess, nyess
John Johnson
John Johnson - 7 years ago
Just curious could you circumnavigate in wisdom?
John Johnson
John Johnson - 7 years ago
Awesome! I need a boat like that!!!
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
We sure could if we wanted to! She's built for anything.
She was designed by Charley Morgan as a rule beater boat for solo, around the world races.
Mark Mahan
Mark Mahan - 7 years ago
Good to see you two, glad you took a little time to pamper yourselves. Steady on...
Thomas Perdue
Thomas Perdue - 7 years ago
Some great sun scenes there....love it.
Thomas Perdue
Thomas Perdue - 7 years ago
Will you stop at Jacksonville? or no? What is your next port o call?
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
Our next stop is Fort Pierce :)
Shelagh Egar
Shelagh Egar - 7 years ago
I am curious as to why you don’t transmit on AIS and just receive.
Shelagh Egar
Shelagh Egar - 7 years ago
Rigging Doctor fair enough.
Sailing Contigo
Sailing Contigo - 7 years ago
did you rip your main? That's the second time I've seen you using the trisail when it didn't seem warranted. Just wondering. Maybe more wind than it seemed on the video.
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
We were flying it because of the predicted winds. The first time, they were around 25-30 knots. This time they were lighter at 20-25 knots.
On a run, it was deceptively calm, but at other angles we were glad to have such short sail up.
We could have had the main up with two reefs and still be comfortable, but it was nice to not have to worry about the boom and accidental jibes when on a dead run.
We look forward to setting the main again soon, but we have now sailed under trysail from Charleston to Fort Pierce, with speeds never dropping below 4 knots!
pate allan
pate allan - 7 years ago
Maybe I need to look at my AIS too (same radio). Wait a minute.....I havent got out of the freaking ICW yet. Well, maybe soon now that my engine is fixed.
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
Glad to hear you got it running again! I can give you a quick tutorial when we get back on the radio if you'd like.

10. comment for Further South We Go! | Sailing Wisdom Ep 104

little off topic perhaps: Red Right Returning.... almost killed me :D Being from Europe but having sailed around the world I bought my first sailboat in the US and the RRR is NOT true in the rest of the world (few exceptions of course, like US (minus inland waterways), Japan, ...) bottom line... ran aground after 10 minutes owning a boat :D
Terry Baker
Terry Baker - 7 years ago
The are two recognised systems for navigation marks System A and System B. The US, Japan, Philippines and Korea use B, the rest of the world A. Interesting sailing from Hong Kong past the Phillipines where both system can overlap. Simialrly Vietnam which is nominally system A, but many ywars post the Vietnam war the US influence can still be found. Further reading can be found at http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview/id/740740.html and http://www.nauticalissues.com/en/iala.html
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
Ouch! We will have to see what each country does when we are approaching. Thanks for the heads up!
John Beskow
John Beskow - 7 years ago
And the enjoyment keeps on coming !
Dale Buckley
Dale Buckley - 7 years ago
thank the lord above , i don't have to watch speed painting . and guess what .. most of the western world is aware of ais
Mark Mahan
Mark Mahan - 7 years ago
Dale Buckley RUDE!
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
Many of our viewers are not sailors.
Robert Whitfield
Robert Whitfield - 7 years ago
I want to say how much I appreciate the xylophone music(I think it's a xylophone). Very peaceful and contemplative. Oh yea, question- why do you not transmitt on the AIS?
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
Wow VERY cool!! The song is "Enigmatic" by Bensound. He provides free music to the YouTube community.
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
We don't transmit because the cost for the units was too expensive. The cheapest transmitting unit I could fine was $800 at the time, so we spent around $200 and got a receiver only radio.
Robert Whitfield
Robert Whitfield - 7 years ago
What is the song name? BTW I have never sailed the oceans, but I have sailed the sky for a zillion hours in these machinces..https://youtu.be/e_RbWEp8nJA
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
I'm glad you like it! That song is one of my favorites. I try not to over-use it haha
David Clark
David Clark - 7 years ago
Thanks for the video from your biggest fan. Love your videos. Both of you are almost too nice to be on Youtube. I hope you get all the positive comments you deserve (but I am not holding my breath).
Rigging Doctor
Rigging Doctor - 7 years ago
Thank you so much, David! It means a lot to read that.

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