Shot 100% on the GoPro HD Hero 3+ Sailing, Racing, getting Salty near Boston on a Merit 25. Vlog #90! Help support Wicked Salty at Tons of Wicked Salty rewards! --------------------------------- Check Wes - ✯ VLOG channel - ✯ Twitter - ✯ Instagram - ✯ Facebook - --------------------------------- Check Kate - ✯ VLOG Channel - ✯ Blog - ✯ Instagram - ✯ Twitter - ---------------------------------

GOPRO - THIS IS SAILING sentiment_very_dissatisfied 19

Sailing 8 years ago 16,766 views

Shot 100% on the GoPro HD Hero 3+ Sailing, Racing, getting Salty near Boston on a Merit 25. Vlog #90! Help support Wicked Salty at Tons of Wicked Salty rewards! --------------------------------- Check Wes - ✯ VLOG channel - ✯ Twitter - ✯ Instagram - ✯ Facebook - --------------------------------- Check Kate - ✯ VLOG Channel - ✯ Blog - ✯ Instagram - ✯ Twitter - ---------------------------------

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Most popular comments

George Fedelski
George Fedelski - 7 years ago
Nice to hear the horn when you crossed the finish, that means you were 1st.
I lived in Bermuda for 8 years in the '70s and raced Solings until the maintenance got to much for me to carry plus keeping a reliable crew.
Only a few of the NAVY guys I knew turned out to be sailors.
Then I got a Laser and loved it. What a hoot it was sailing that little boat in 25-30 kn winds with the waves splashing me and the dagger board buzzing like a giant bumble bee.

Stay out of dirty air when going upwind and get that whisker pole hooked up as soon as you can.
Emily BH
Emily BH - 8 years ago
At 5:38, your skipper should have headed above the stern of that boat in front of you and taken the wind out of his sails and you'd have passed him instead of letting him head you off. Oh well. . Don't know how you manage filming and crewing at the same time. Great multi-tasking!
Ron Harbin
Ron Harbin - 8 years ago
Great video! I'm sure you will agree that racing makes you a much better cruising sailor and removes some of your fear of what boats will and will not take. Thanks.
Glup Po
Glup Po - 8 years ago
great video :)
Learning the Lines
Learning the Lines - 8 years ago
Great video Wes. Can't wait until you're back to cruising!
KC2UOO - 8 years ago
Damn you guys were killing it! That's some solid racing!
Bergfinken - 8 years ago
How it it going with your plans to sail the world?
Journey Is The Way
Journey Is The Way - 8 years ago
All caught up. I see your gaining mad experience, can't wait to see you sailing around thee world again, but this time like a pro.
Tepid Bread
Tepid Bread - 8 years ago
How fast can your Merit 25 go in a tack? I usually get around 6.4-6.7 knots on a day like this on a tack in my catalina Capri 22. I am wondering how the Merit 25 compares...

10. comment for GOPRO - THIS IS SAILING

Glenn Jacques
Glenn Jacques - 8 years ago
Awesome video. I miss doing the Wednesday night races!! congrats on the 1st place win.
Indecisive Players
Indecisive Players - 8 years ago
Love this! We race on an Olson 30, very similar to this setup. Ultra light racing? I wonder how many knots you were in and how fast you were going?
Laron Woods
Laron Woods - 8 years ago
Wes, this was a great vid! Damn, am I jealous! But watching was great. Congrats on a great race.
Wicked Salty
Wicked Salty - 8 years ago
Thanks Laron!
Chris Knapp
Chris Knapp - 8 years ago
For a guys who sailed his own boat down to the Bahamas and back, they sure don't let you do much.
Wicked Salty
Wicked Salty - 8 years ago
I go where I'm needed, they need a nimble person on the bow. One on tiller, one on winches, one tails the winch (if needed) and an agile person on bow. Next video, I'm on the winches trimming the jib.
Preston H.
Preston H. - 8 years ago
did you not have a gib sheet?
Mike Sedinger
Mike Sedinger - 8 years ago
any word on getting your own boat again
Grumpy 1
Grumpy 1 - 8 years ago
Looked like a great day for sailing!
I thought the Harbinger gave an enthusiastic blast of the horn for you guys! congrats!

if you ever travel up the Coast... or is it down the coast? lol.
Down East as it's said, look me up.
New boat (for you) next season?
SV Hopi
SV Hopi - 8 years ago
Did he say port?
chris stannard
chris stannard - 8 years ago
miss kate and the puppy!
Wicked Salty
Wicked Salty - 8 years ago
Check out Kate's vlog channel if you haven't
Tons of Kate and Lola action, the pack will be back here soon!
Chase Mixon
Chase Mixon - 8 years ago
wicked cool!

20. comment for GOPRO - THIS IS SAILING

499PUCK - 8 years ago
Wes, the boat seems like a good run group.  Great experience for you.  Keep up the good work.
SenseiDave13 - 8 years ago
Parady sure looks big in the cabin compared to this boat not sure of the size difference! Any word on the sale of Parady? Your getting some really good experience here it will come in handy when you get your mega yacht! Keep up the good work and videos Wes!
K4282 - 8 years ago
nice, I was in that area last weekend off Long Wharf
Lee Cummings
Lee Cummings - 8 years ago
Sweet racing!!!!! Reminds me of my ole "J24" days when I was younger and skinnier, like you and they always put me up front to jump around and do all the work..."Like You!!!"
Wicked Salty
Wicked Salty - 8 years ago
It's exciting out there! The merit 25 is not too different than the j24 either!
Allyn Onderdonk
Allyn Onderdonk - 8 years ago
Number two isn't so bad a placing. Out of how many boats??? I see from the comments you made first last night! Awesome dude, keep up the good work. 83 Ericsson 30 Sold recently for 5k, just to let you know.
Wicked Salty
Wicked Salty - 8 years ago
Thanks Allyn, getting better out there! I'm not sure how many boats we were up against this day typically it's around 4 or 5 in our class, 6 on a good day.
Rodger Snyder
Rodger Snyder - 8 years ago
Good coming of the action. What model of sailboat was this?

Wicked Salty
Wicked Salty - 8 years ago
She's a merit 25!
Uncle Muir
Uncle Muir - 8 years ago
i used to race a lot of the beer can races many years ago and had a great time. Most of the guys I sailed with went on to sail in the Trans Pac and other races. I couldn't take the time for those. Whenever we get together today they don't talk much about the big races, we talk for hours about the beer can races.
Nick Pegg
Nick Pegg - 8 years ago
man, I wanna sail so bad
zZjomastaZ z
zZjomastaZ z - 8 years ago
I have a 19 foot flying Scot and I live in Virginia (high winds is around 10-20) mph and on Saturday we are getting 30 mph winds with 55mph wind gusts... Great...
Wicked Salty
Wicked Salty - 8 years ago
Just looked up a flying scot, looks like a fun boat! Good luck! Should be exciting, stay safe
Capt Chef Mark SV Alcina
Capt Chef Mark SV Alcina - 8 years ago
so did you win ?
Wicked Salty
Wicked Salty - 8 years ago
2nd in our class this day I believe

30. comment for GOPRO - THIS IS SAILING

Shawn Fitzgerald
Shawn Fitzgerald - 8 years ago
That looked like a lot of fun, makes me want to get back into racing! Thanks for sharing.
Victor Cocco
Victor Cocco - 8 years ago
Wes ,what is your favorite trophy race ?
Moshe Azan
Moshe Azan - 8 years ago
Great footage!
Harpo Marx
Harpo Marx - 8 years ago
Love the footage! Great close racing. Not a day for a spinnaker eh ;). Thanks for sharing and giving me some flashbacks to my racing days.
Trent White
Trent White - 8 years ago
Really enjoying the raw edits Wes! Keep on enjoying the sailing, and I will keep on enjoying watching.
Wicked Salty
Wicked Salty - 8 years ago
Thanks so much Trent, I'm glad you like them! I'll keep them coming!
Dispatch Erie
Dispatch Erie - 8 years ago
Any plans to go on another big adventure next year?
Wicked Salty
Wicked Salty - 8 years ago
hell yeah that's all we talk about, making it happen! We are getting there.
Wicked Salty
Wicked Salty - 8 years ago
Been killing it on Falcon lately. Just got off the boat tonight and made this upload after a great 1st place win, that video and more to come!

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