Great Sailing Knots (Sailing Virgins) Ep.02
Sailing 7 years ago 23,556 views
Great sailing knots are a staple for skippers around the world. In this episode we cover not just the six great sailing knots, but a couple of different methods of tying them. For example did you know you can tie a sheet bend using exactly the same method as tying a bowline? This means you can use your muscle memory for a knot you tie all the time, for a knot you may not tie so often. Bowline - faster take on the traditional method: 0:48 Bowline V2 - incredibly fast "special forces" method: 2:01 Clove Hitch - full and quick-release method: 3:53 Round Turn & Two Half-Hitches - the underrated knot: 5:41 Double Sheet-Bend - our favourite method: 6:54 Pro Tip: NEVER DO THIS!! Bowline on bowline: 9:15 (ps. its efficiency is probably better than 5% - James was exaggerating. It's still a shit solution. Do a double sheet-bend. SO much better) The Rolling Hitch - VERY handy in certain situations: 10:18 Figure 8 - tried and true stopper knot: 12:21 Check our our blog post to see a write -up: Cheers, Jack and James
Bowline - my two favorite methods. I teach the first as the "Sailor Method" and the second as the "Jedi Method" or the "Slipknot" method.
I prefer a Carrick Bend to the sheetbend because it is less likely to come apart when not under load. Thank you.
:-)) I'm totally agree with you. Great video, thx
and you need some trumpet. ill send you some for the jingles.