Hidden Gem of the Bahamas! - Barefoot Sail and Dive (Ep 25)
Sailing 5 years ago 7,354 views
We were unbelievably lucky with the weather and had the opportunity to explore one of the hidden gems of the Bahamas! Hogsty reef is a stunning atoll in the Southern Bahamas! Music: www.bensound.com As always please find us on Patreon if you like our videos! www.patreon.com/Barefootsailanddive
It really has no protection! We had it perfect on day one. No wind whatsoever but on day 2 the wind picked up a little to 10knots and it was uncomfortable. It felt like we were in a washing machine. Active captain also advises that you have settled weather as there is little to no protection from wind and waves. I personally wouldn’t want to be here if a squall blew through!
It’s such a beautiful spot. Fingers crossed you can get the right weather window to visit!