How I Learned to operate a Sailing Boat in 5 Days

I spent 5 days at Reef Runner Sailing School to learn how to Sail Learn to Sail with Capt. Jeremy: BECOME PART OF THE TEAM: Learn to sail! The most helpful book I've ever bought: Follow me on Social Media Business inquires or music submissions: Music: Epidemic Sound: Dolphins - Gunnar Johnsén Heartbeats (Instrumental Version) - David Björk Unsettled Outcome 1 - Magnus Ringblom Good Mood Guitar 4 - Bo Järpehag Get Back Home (Instrumental Version) - Daniel Aldenmark The Journey 1 - Andreas Boldt Amiss In Wonderland 2 - Martin Landström Lounge Lizards 1 - Jack Elphick Celtic Flavour 2 - Örjan Karlsson Smokey Grill Guitar 8 - Bo Järpehag CAMERA GEAR Full Gear List:

How I Learned to operate a Sailing Boat in 5 Days sentiment_very_dissatisfied 11

Sailing 6 years ago 29,250 views

I spent 5 days at Reef Runner Sailing School to learn how to Sail Learn to Sail with Capt. Jeremy: BECOME PART OF THE TEAM: Learn to sail! The most helpful book I've ever bought: Follow me on Social Media Business inquires or music submissions: Music: Epidemic Sound: Dolphins - Gunnar Johnsén Heartbeats (Instrumental Version) - David Björk Unsettled Outcome 1 - Magnus Ringblom Good Mood Guitar 4 - Bo Järpehag Get Back Home (Instrumental Version) - Daniel Aldenmark The Journey 1 - Andreas Boldt Amiss In Wonderland 2 - Martin Landström Lounge Lizards 1 - Jack Elphick Celtic Flavour 2 - Örjan Karlsson Smokey Grill Guitar 8 - Bo Järpehag CAMERA GEAR Full Gear List:

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Most popular comments
for How I Learned to operate a Sailing Boat in 5 Days

Rivers_of_Blood Marshal
Rivers_of_Blood Marshal - 5 years ago
I need a class like this, I live close to Chesapeake Bay in Va.....Currently, Im learning to sail a 18 ft Sailing Scot, my 2nd round of lessons happen in 3 weeks. But I need experience on bigger boats, I have big dreams.
Benjamin Wiles
Benjamin Wiles - 5 years ago
great teaching
Jeremy Fox
Jeremy Fox - 6 years ago
Jeremy seems super cool and a great instructor, I'm going to go to the Reef Runner Sailing School to learn to sail next summer, it looks brilliant - thanks for the heads up Dylan!
nuget102 - 6 years ago
I like how when the coast guard realizes who your teacher is they just decide to leave.
Ray - 6 years ago
ReefRunner! When I decide its time to get certified, I'll be calling Jeremy! Thanks for the video Dylan! Great stuff as always! Good luck!
Patrick GVA
Patrick GVA - 6 years ago
I used to teach sailing. Here's an easy way to remember the Clew corner of a sail: as it's the flapping end of the sail, you can say that it has "no clue where it's going". Fair winds!
Miles Williams
Miles Williams - 5 years ago
I think we all know where a boom gets its name.
John Cusick
John Cusick - 6 years ago
what a lovely guy that instructor is. cool dude!
Bretzky - 6 years ago
Blowing up my life jacket while drowning has never worked great for me.
Oliver Lloyd
Oliver Lloyd - 6 years ago
It is spelt Gybe, not Jibe.

10. comment for How I Learned to operate a Sailing Boat in 5 Days

Dylan you have done very well so happy for you man
Daniel S
Daniel S - 6 years ago
I love this new series! Have a great time with your sailing adventures!
Molle Nifkin
Molle Nifkin - 6 years ago
king man
srq lisa
srq lisa - 6 years ago
OH yeah looking forward to your sailing vlogs soon.
srq lisa
srq lisa - 6 years ago
You are doing great, good for you still learning. That captain must have one hell of a good rep if the c. g. leave him alone. safe sailing
Dapper Don
Dapper Don - 6 years ago
i want more of this dude. awesome
mmmVIEWER1 - 6 years ago
me thinks Dylan is a quick study
chess747 - 6 years ago
I like any teacher, but if I’m paying, and their talking to me like shit, regardless of their title and experience, I’ll bit my tongue, then I’ll tell them to get fucked. I’m paying to learn, and if I’m trying to learn, then their is no need to talk to anyone, like shit. And it’s no good for the student, as their confidence goes, what little they had to start with, and you can’t learn, when you’re stressed out, especially as a beginner at anything, period. So this instructor was patient, and gave his knowledge, so that’s a good teacher.
clint smith
clint smith - 6 years ago
van life seems much more simple lol...
belizeguy - 6 years ago
Your instructor seems to be one of the most patient men I have seen ! You are lucky .
Josef - 6 years ago
Instructor: Turn the wheel all the way to your right.
Student turns wheel all the way to his left.
Instructor: Perfect!
Then they proceed to rip the bimini off and take out the neighbor's dinghy.

20. comment for How I Learned to operate a Sailing Boat in 5 Days

Ariana Elaine
Ariana Elaine - 6 years ago
What I've learned from sailing is go gentle and be aware of what's going on. It sounds simple but it's pretty hectic
Rimona Gale
Rimona Gale - 6 years ago
Great video!
john doe
john doe - 6 years ago
dude, you are so cool...i've been watching your life and what adventure and life experience you are creating...cheers!
Brian Petersen
Brian Petersen - 6 years ago
Excellent video!
Ivan B
Ivan B - 6 years ago
Can’t wait brother! Best of luck to you! Jeremy seemed like one amazing teacher. Great friend to make that’s forsure!
1111 Balance
1111 Balance - 6 years ago
Mathieu Tremblay
Mathieu Tremblay - 6 years ago
Dude, that's the worst boat driving skill I saw by far lol you need to calm down and go easy on the boat otherwise you will explode everything. Boat responds slowly to steering and engine commands. Keep in mind that there is no rush, take all the time you need or do it all again. It's a lot different than a van! Good luck bro and mostly, stay safe. Have fun!
Artisan Josh
Artisan Josh - 6 years ago
Always lovin your vids!
Bob Sturgis
Bob Sturgis - 6 years ago
Dylan love the video,as i might of said before.I am a Radio Control sailer,i enjoy the info given on these video.Are you planning on getting your own boat,and how much does it cost for the course you took? Thanks again.:}
Red Gingerbread
Red Gingerbread - 6 years ago
Very nice video. Looked like lots of fun learning. I've never sailed but I've been to Gulf many times, as my hometown is only 20 miles inland off the Gulf.
I've been on a couple cruises lol & I do love being on the water.
Safe travels & adventures. You tell a great story. Enjoyed it.

30. comment for How I Learned to operate a Sailing Boat in 5 Days

Sam Kinney
Sam Kinney - 6 years ago
you look like a natural man, nice
FLORB - 6 years ago
The Sailing adventure is fully underway! Did you learn something today? What stood out to you in the video?
MJ Cubo
MJ Cubo - 6 years ago
How my ASA instructor sucked compared to your instructor.
Matty Cwell
Matty Cwell - 6 years ago
i found ya be lookin at traveling channels
Matty Cwell
Matty Cwell - 6 years ago
what stood out to me is the advice to live your dreams and how valuable time is. live it up bro
Rixanne H
Rixanne H - 6 years ago
Yes, I learned that I didn't get a notification for this video. Ever. Even though I'm subscribed and have the bell up. All the other ones I did.
Elliot Thompson
Elliot Thompson - 6 years ago
Dylan Magaster What stood out to me is that docking a boat is definitely NOT easy!

I think a trip you should really consider in future is Ireland. We're just coming to the end of the Foyle Maritime Festival here in Derry which this year, was the finish destination for the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race. It's the second or third time we've been a destination.
Avery Jones
Avery Jones - 6 years ago
Yes. Only the very basics though. I sailed over 20 years and learned something new each time.
Alan Galdamez
Alan Galdamez - 6 years ago
I can't wait to start sailing
Alan Galdamez
Alan Galdamez - 6 years ago
Holy cow I'm first happy Friday Dylan!!!
The Budgeteers
The Budgeteers - 6 years ago
Hey dude, how do you get to add those series playlist titles...
Sveva - 6 years ago
What a coincidence ! Tomorrow I’m going on a week long course of full sailing immersion for an introduction to sailing (Caprera Island) not gonna lie I’m very excited !!
autumn - 6 years ago
Sveva how was it?
Different Media.
Different Media. - 6 years ago
Great video Dylan! Safe travels for the rest of your trip!
N S - 6 years ago

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About How I Learned to operate a Sailing Boat in 5 Days

The "How I Learned to operate a Sailing Boat in 5 Days" video is part of the Sealing, tipps, boating category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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