How I Learned to operate a Sailing Boat in 5 Days
Sailing 6 years ago 29,250 views
I spent 5 days at Reef Runner Sailing School to learn how to Sail Learn to Sail with Capt. Jeremy: BECOME PART OF THE TEAM: Learn to sail! The most helpful book I've ever bought: Follow me on Social Media Business inquires or music submissions: Music: Epidemic Sound: Dolphins - Gunnar Johnsén Heartbeats (Instrumental Version) - David Björk Unsettled Outcome 1 - Magnus Ringblom Good Mood Guitar 4 - Bo Järpehag Get Back Home (Instrumental Version) - Daniel Aldenmark The Journey 1 - Andreas Boldt Amiss In Wonderland 2 - Martin Landström Lounge Lizards 1 - Jack Elphick Celtic Flavour 2 - Örjan Karlsson Smokey Grill Guitar 8 - Bo Järpehag CAMERA GEAR Full Gear List:
10. comment for How I Learned to operate a Sailing Boat in 5 Days
Student turns wheel all the way to his left.
Instructor: Perfect!
Then they proceed to rip the bimini off and take out the neighbor's dinghy.
20. comment for How I Learned to operate a Sailing Boat in 5 Days
I've been on a couple cruises lol & I do love being on the water.
Safe travels & adventures. You tell a great story. Enjoyed it.
30. comment for How I Learned to operate a Sailing Boat in 5 Days
I think a trip you should really consider in future is Ireland. We're just coming to the end of the Foyle Maritime Festival here in Derry which this year, was the finish destination for the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race. It's the second or third time we've been a destination.