How to Enter and Exit a Marina (Dock like a BOSS!!!)

Here's how to enter and exit a marina on your boat. We hope you are following along with our "Sailing Basics Guide" More than likely your adventure will begin in a Marina. Whilst a safe haven and a convenient place to store a vessel there is always a lot of eyes watching and things to crash into. In this episode we show you how to enter and exit a Marina several different ways. We also show you things to watch out for and the various things you should be concentrating on to make the process smooth and event free. Remember to give the video a like if you found it helpful and subscribe to see more content. Song Credits: 00:00 Baby - Angharad Drake 03:22 Crimson - Andrew Rothschild Videos made by Elayna, starring Riley!! Don't forget to like us on Facebook! Want the chance to come aboard/unseen footage privileges? Please become a Patron and support our production! Download Elaynas music here! Pick up some official La Vaga merch and help support our journey! Subscribe to our new sexy website for blog posts and updates! Follow us on Twitter! Like Elaynas Music page on the book! FAQ What cameras do we use? BIG CAMERA: OTHER BIG CAMERA: HANDY CAM: GOPRO: DRONE: SELFIE STICK: What software do we use? Premiere Pro Predict Wind

How to Enter and Exit a Marina (Dock like a BOSS!!!) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 156

Sailing 6 years ago 164,547 views

Here's how to enter and exit a marina on your boat. We hope you are following along with our "Sailing Basics Guide" More than likely your adventure will begin in a Marina. Whilst a safe haven and a convenient place to store a vessel there is always a lot of eyes watching and things to crash into. In this episode we show you how to enter and exit a Marina several different ways. We also show you things to watch out for and the various things you should be concentrating on to make the process smooth and event free. Remember to give the video a like if you found it helpful and subscribe to see more content. Song Credits: 00:00 Baby - Angharad Drake 03:22 Crimson - Andrew Rothschild Videos made by Elayna, starring Riley!! Don't forget to like us on Facebook! Want the chance to come aboard/unseen footage privileges? Please become a Patron and support our production! Download Elaynas music here! Pick up some official La Vaga merch and help support our journey! Subscribe to our new sexy website for blog posts and updates! Follow us on Twitter! Like Elaynas Music page on the book! FAQ What cameras do we use? BIG CAMERA: OTHER BIG CAMERA: HANDY CAM: GOPRO: DRONE: SELFIE STICK: What software do we use? Premiere Pro Predict Wind

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Most popular comments
for How to Enter and Exit a Marina (Dock like a BOSS!!!)

Ed Rosenberger
Ed Rosenberger - 6 years ago
I received my "Sailing Basics Guide", thumbed thru it and then read to page 15.....I can already see that this guide is an awesome buy for only $20! You two have done a wonderfully experienced job writing about what I want to do and this will no doubt save me many dumb errors. I was also impressed with how easy you made the purchase and how flawless and easy the download was....thank you both!!
Vital Chance
Vital Chance - 6 years ago
I too would purchase this if I had a sail boat, in support of this lovely couple -- but i don't, lol. And I don't have any bags of chips to give away in exchange for the cost of this pdf.
Lawrence Gleason
Lawrence Gleason - 6 years ago
Already bought and into it! That was fast, Fast Eddie.
Bottom UP - Boats
Bottom UP - Boats - 5 years ago
Once you get docked be sure use the perfect cleat hitch to keep your boat secure. The linked video can help you get it right everytime
Stacey Schuett
Stacey Schuett - 5 years ago
Omg you guys make me laugh. I'm supposed to be going no to sleep, not chuckling at your videos lol
Roel Storms
Roel Storms - 5 years ago
Hi, 2:45, you seem to pull the boat away by putting the engine in reverse.Why would you not use a spring and put the engine forward using that same fender as pivot point when the wind is blowing you onto the dock?
C Q - 5 years ago
Elayna is good at the controls. Thanks for sharing.
Edge of Tomorrow
Edge of Tomorrow - 5 years ago
Your guide is truly a gift from the Gods, and its price was a saving grace. Iv'e been quite nervous for my first sailing trip ever in two weeks (with my much more knowledgeable friend), and your guide has made me loads more confidant. Thank you both so much.
Matt O
Matt O - 5 years ago
Zombies Can't Swim
Zombies Can't Swim - 5 years ago
You guys are my favorite youtube couple ! Both absolutely adorable and full of awesome info !!!
ubatubacasa - 5 years ago
Very special video! Congratulations Guys! Thank You!

10. comment for How to Enter and Exit a Marina (Dock like a BOSS!!!)

tjvr 236
tjvr 236 - 5 years ago
this really helpful
Melanie Saedi
Melanie Saedi - 5 years ago
You both are excellent video hosts. Your communication style compliments each other and you deliver the info really well. Do you prepare scripts before filming?
Matthew_Aviation - 5 years ago
That's really easy. Anybody can do that.
Adrian Bartlett
Adrian Bartlett - 6 years ago
Great work guys! Getting my wife and kids keen for an east coast AUS trip in a couple of years
bobtailvw22 - 6 years ago
Do you do disaster planning? as in man/woman overboard while under sail, or cabin fire etc? Love your vids the quality and production is second to none. Long may you continue.
Skypig67 - 6 years ago
Thanks for this! I'm on my two year countdown to getting out there myself and this is exactly the kind of thing I'm looking for. Thanks for putting this up.
Peter Cruz
Peter Cruz - 6 years ago
Is there a chapter entitled "How Not to Snap Your Gooseneck"? Joking aside, I think you guys have amassed quite a body of knowledge in your first two boats. Maybe more importantly for Outremer, watching these videos has given me a very strong impression of the brand. That boat really performs! I can't honestly say that I will be buying a boat soon. Maybe after I sell my house after my kid finishes med school in about 6 years. But if I do find myself at that decision point, Outremer will be the first boat I look at and probably the first 2 I look at. Before this series, I didn't even know they existed to be honest. So, good on them for taking a chance on you guys. I think it will pay off for them big time. Looking forward to the expansion in the family. Also looking forward to finding out whether a 7x is in your future. I think Elay is ready to dock one!
Kirsten K
Kirsten K - 6 years ago
The sailing guide is not opening for me? It says the page is not found....would love to purchase it but not sure what is going wrong. Any ideas?
Cptn Uwe's Pirate Tales
Cptn Uwe's Pirate Tales - 6 years ago
John Woods
John Woods - 6 years ago

20. comment for How to Enter and Exit a Marina (Dock like a BOSS!!!)

Chuck Price
Chuck Price - 6 years ago
Go to Grenada ASAP ! NO JOKE !
Two of Pentacles
Two of Pentacles - 6 years ago
You guys are awesome !
ibkennedy - 6 years ago
The last 40 seconds! You kids are so in love!!!
MattOldroyd - 6 years ago
Just wanted to say I’m a west coast Canadian boy. I’m not veggie or vegan and don’t think it’s the way for a healthy earth or human. But I can eat that way. I think pescatarian is great on your own terms. You guys are doing it right. Keep doing what you are doing. Can’t wait to do the same.
Patrick Rio
Patrick Rio - 6 years ago
I love these how to videos! Keep em coming.
paanikki - 6 years ago
These were great how to-videos. At least for those whose first yacht is a multihull with two engines.
We all know the ultimate majority of sailors start their sailing with a monohull, because there is much larger variety of used, affordable but very seaworthy monohulls available, and because a monohull is much safer and more forgiving for a novice sailor in rapidly changing conditions.

It would have been great if you could have told the audions what are the main differences when performing the same maneuvers with a monohull. Or single engine vessels in general.
For example, the temporary loss of maneuverability when reversing a single engine boat, and the fact how important it is to know whether your yacht has a right-handed or left-handed propeller when maneuvering in confined marinas.
Ronald Forester
Ronald Forester - 6 years ago
Loved the learning channel today
Annie Duc
Annie Duc - 6 years ago
Thank you so much guys for sharing this precious knowledge you got through all those nautical miles sailed! Also thank you for making sailing a communal thing and affordable for everybody!
Next year around the world <3
Neila Ramos
Neila Ramos - 6 years ago
Hello guys, love your videos let us know when you are coming back to Florida we would love to meet you guys!!!!
Jim Fuller
Jim Fuller - 6 years ago
good job guys.

30. comment for How to Enter and Exit a Marina (Dock like a BOSS!!!)

Curtis Whitwam
Curtis Whitwam - 6 years ago
This is great. Well done guys!
Mike Orr
Mike Orr - 6 years ago
Thanks again guys
arnaud morin
arnaud morin - 6 years ago
Excellent ! Thumb up
Norman Seeger
Norman Seeger - 6 years ago
Hey Elayna and Riley, from the bottom of my heart thank you so much for sharing with us what you do! I wanted to quickly share my story of what impact your sharing had on me. Roughly, two and a half years ago, because of my interest in healthy food, I stumbled upon Elayna's detoxing retreat video soon realizing that your main "thing" is to live and travel around in a boat. And pretty much while the first time watching a sailing video of yours a thought manifested in me: "I also want to do that; I want to sail in turquoise blue waters." So how to get there was the question?! First step, I live in Holland and started taking sailing lessons on a keelboat last year. This was fun, but also made me realize that this path would take me quite a while to reach my goal. So fast forward, roughly two months from now I had the epiphany that maybe I could to both; learning to sail and sail in turquoise blue waters. Some googling, some booking, and some flying brings me to the presence. Just now I am sitting in a hotel room in Phuket Thailand after having spent two weeks here, learning to sail, sailing in turquoise blue waters, and actually passing my bareboat skipper licence exam yesterday. It is my last night here before tomorrow flying back home to Amsterdam and I am enjoying it by reading through your SLV guide that I bought some days ago (also I just registering to be a patreon of yours :-) ). So it is done! The sailing seed that had been planted two and a half years ago and that had been wet with some Dutch lake water started to grow. Now after being watered with turquoise blue Thailand seawater it has been growing to become a strong sailing flower that will soon start to blossom when I will head out to live my own little sailing adventures. Thank you, thank you, thank you, and all the best wishes for you three, Norman
Philip McManis
Philip McManis - 6 years ago
this is good information but it only applies to catamarans or boat with twin screws. Keep up the good work/ play
andy da
andy da - 6 years ago
Ah man I love you guys ... Again lovely videos and I am going to purchase this for myself. Thank you for putting your knowledge and experience into the La Vagabonde Boat Guide.... oh and Congratz on the little Bambito! ... Shout out from British Columbia, Canada
justfly2525 - 6 years ago
Awesome... Can't wait to see the rest.
Jason Circle
Jason Circle - 6 years ago
This guide is full of info that anyone needs to know, Sea or Lake.
Brian Jester
Brian Jester - 6 years ago
My wife and I are inspired by your journey and are looking to see you out the soon
Jano Tenev
Jano Tenev - 6 years ago
you guys are the best ... i am having so much fun following your channel! Keep up the good work!!
Leanne Vogel
Leanne Vogel - 6 years ago
The guide is great! Thanks, guys ;)
John T
John T - 6 years ago
elayna. I hope I said that right? I saw one of your videos where you played guitar and sang I think you should do a little of that in some of your videos you have an awesome voice
Mikeztarp - 6 years ago
This video needed the track "Docking" from the Interstellar soundtrack. ;)
William Lilliott
William Lilliott - 6 years ago
Just can't wait for each of the videos. Always informative and entertaining. And the video proves what I've always thought, Riley just cannot keep his eyes or hands off her. There are many beauties in the world but none as enrapturing as Elayna. She just basically owns the camera. And best of all, Riley really and truly appreciates her. I love that.
Chase McRobie
Chase McRobie - 6 years ago
YESS!! So nice to see you two mastering your boat, I'm sure Matthieu is proud!
Alex Young
Alex Young - 6 years ago
Alex Young
Alex Young - 6 years ago
Nathan F
Nathan F - 6 years ago
Thank you guy's for all the time and effort put into these amazing videos. Safe Sailing
golf_geeks - 6 years ago
Bought The guide guys, Brilliant price and really fantastic content and honest as well as always.
Videos are great as well as really help get some more complicated stuff across.
Geoff Hall
Geoff Hall - 6 years ago
Hey Riley and E-lay... Does your boat have Bow Thrusters?

50. comment for How to Enter and Exit a Marina (Dock like a BOSS!!!)

Sarah G
Sarah G - 6 years ago
Don't own a boat myself but sometimes sail as a guest of friends (I'm a dingy sailor)...have picked up a bit but generally feel useless unless told...understanding is key. I'm going to love these videos so I can grasp all the processes of sailing a yacht and may well buy the guide next month when the $ come in. Love your channel x
Jon Bramms
Jon Bramms - 6 years ago
OUT-Takes at the end! BEST PART!
BayAreaBlues - 6 years ago
I don't have any experience with catamarans (other than Hobie 16's when I was a kid), but you didn't mention prop walk when reversing.  Is this not such an issue with cat's because of the twin engines?  Or did you just not mention it?  Thanks!!
Cat1Taylor - 6 years ago
Yes yes yes - just what I have been waiting for :-)Me and my family (2 adults, 2 young teens) also want to buy a boat and sail, however never ever been on one, let alone know what to do with one!!!
Domi One
Domi One - 6 years ago
Hey guys,
Truly in love with every vid you’re uploading. We’ve got a 60ft + Motor Yacht in the Mediterranean region and concerning your “how to videos” you guys might describe more how to play with the engines. After I understood how a yacht can manoeuvre with just the two engines throttling against each other, the rest was easy. Because I suppose that people who can’t really imagine how a boat handles on water could get a better feeling. I’m also wondering if you ever thought about bow/Stern thruster? In situations of Beaufort 6+ bow or stern thrusters really can make the difference. Just thinking about your safety.
Sonja Steininger
Sonja Steininger - 6 years ago
i dont sail and still thought this was super interesting to watch :) love this extra information..thank you xx
Sailing La Vagabonde
Sailing La Vagabonde - 6 years ago
Now that is a comment I find really interesting.
I AM DAN REEVE - 6 years ago
Great motion graphic and drone work guys. You should be very proud of this.
Nathan Mara
Nathan Mara - 6 years ago
awesome advice, gold
Stiff Wood
Stiff Wood - 6 years ago
The most important safety issue/learning/point at high sea: at all time wear a harness. I lost a dear friend when he unhooked for a split second. It still affects me, now 20 yrs later.
Rick Chollett
Rick Chollett - 6 years ago
I've got a great idea for a video: How To find a woman as beautiful (inside and out) as Elayna!
Cory Crouch
Cory Crouch - 6 years ago
I always say to clients..... "It's like parking a bar of soap!"
Tolga - 6 years ago
why we don't see anymore you while sailing?
Roberto Conte
Roberto Conte - 6 years ago
Salty Buster
Salty Buster - 6 years ago
Many would use a spring line and fenders to push out the stem or stern
russell3380 - 6 years ago
LOL @ the ending.. Great video!
demimcleodart - 6 years ago
never approch adock faster than you are prepared to hit it! great viewing vagabonds!
spectre bond
spectre bond - 6 years ago
Elauna wears the pants...Riley c'mon brah
Jacob Arde
Jacob Arde - 6 years ago
Show us those _ _ _ _
The Gentleman Voyager
The Gentleman Voyager - 6 years ago
One think I'd love to do someday is spent a few months on a boat learning how to sail! Thanks for making such inspiring travel/boat content!
Phineas Jones
Phineas Jones - 6 years ago
I think we’ve been visited by the wing nut fairy
Robert Dayton
Robert Dayton - 6 years ago
I went back to watch your season 1 videos...who/what is NuBlue? I thought you two own the videos...
Sir Fed
Sir Fed - 6 years ago
Wait what, she can reverse park.... now to tell the wife that its not always a male thing...
Bayl's - 6 years ago
Is there a "how to" video for getting your wife to buy in to your sailing fantasy when she gets sea sick and wants to story at Uni instead? Hoping you can help......
Matt's Horsemanship
Matt's Horsemanship - 6 years ago
That's to cheap for the lessons. Its a DVD right? MOST good "how to sail DVD's" go for around 200 bucks. No lie. so 80 is cheap. You got a baby on the way.. I would've charged 85 bucks not 20 and the 85 is still a deal.
Jesper Friberg
Jesper Friberg - 6 years ago
Would love it as a book with inspirational photos and good content :D
Creazioni di Realta
Creazioni di Realta - 6 years ago
Couldn't put it better myself......
Lina Safstrom
Lina Safstrom - 6 years ago
Love it!! Straightforward, no-bullshit kinda advice that is easy to understand :) Thank you for all the work and love you put in and share so generously with us! Your videos always brings me inspiration to further get into sailing. Spreading feel-good vibes across all YouTube!
1bike10 - 6 years ago
Excellent, watching Elayna park the boat is impressive
Cobir1 - 6 years ago
Just got the guide and love it already! Thanks SLV ❤️
Paul Hellard
Paul Hellard - 6 years ago
You guys have kept yourselves VERY busy. Well done. LOVE the overhead shots from the drone that accompany the descriptions. (*sniff,... what are you gunna do now??)
Cole - 6 years ago
This is hands down the best advice video I have seen to date. Simple back to basics. Thank you!
Pat Rick
Pat Rick - 6 years ago
Did you find the missing Drone?
Padraic McHale
Padraic McHale - 6 years ago
You two continue to impress and inform. I can't wait to see what's next. Well, besides the obvious addition to the crew. That's pretty clear. But everything else. I can't wait to see all that!!! :-)
Scarlet Begonias
Scarlet Begonias - 6 years ago
Loving the How To, series
Jerry Miller
Jerry Miller - 6 years ago
@ 5:05 you comment on why she is driving. There is another factor and that is that everyone who cruises as part of the crew should learn to do every job related to cruising that that they are physically able to learn. Never know when you may HAVE to do it.
dugclrk - 6 years ago
Love you guys!!! Best sailing channel ever! Thanks so much for everything.
Les W. Rood
Les W. Rood - 6 years ago
Two thumps up, however I got distracted by the half-crushed hat behind Riley! Buggar!! And wouldn't the title "Helmsperson" be more PC? …….Or "Helmsmate" …….Or "HelmsHoney" [Side note: I must say Riley, you're really hard on your hats, …..or should I say your "Riley-hard"on your hats??] BTW: if you two are ever near Riverside, CA, y'all got a place to crash at, 'specially when you got your little bugger in tow!
Jacob - 6 years ago
I love you guys :) Will be buying the guide for sure.
pantloadd - 6 years ago
... because, she is special, and Riley is a lucky man. Cheers!!!
Laura Müller
Laura Müller - 6 years ago
hey I would love to hear what u guys think of the movie ADRIFT? maybe do a reaction video?
Gary Sherman
Gary Sherman - 6 years ago
awesome very informational good job
Lawrence Gleason
Lawrence Gleason - 6 years ago
My goodness! Damned well laid out guide, and for $20 a fair price. I say that as someone who works in print for a living. With four years of sailing behind you and 60,000 nautical miles sailed, you've passed your apprenticeship. For passing on knowledge, good on you. Good rapport on the videos, good graphics, good use of drone. (E's goodbye kiss sendoff is not a bad trademark, either.)If I ever get to tidewater from the backcountry of the Great White North I will definitely purchase your guide. Muchos gracias and ευχαριστώ, as some say on the high seas.
Brett Campany
Brett Campany - 6 years ago
Well done guys, will be grabbing this for sure!
Gogs - 6 years ago
Great instructional video, well done, looking forward to the rest of them.
Ezra Wylie
Ezra Wylie - 6 years ago
YES! I've been waiting for something like this. No one has figure out how to make a decent how to sailing video. Please make tonssssss of these!
Jamie Nicholson
Jamie Nicholson - 6 years ago
Legends. I can only imagine how much effort you've put into all this!
Pierre Clot
Pierre Clot - 6 years ago
next How to look beautiful?
John Taylor
John Taylor - 6 years ago
Outstanding video! Very well done and a topic you don’t see videos on. It would make any novice start to feel comfortable with their own vessel both salt water or fresh water
Maverick Magrew
Maverick Magrew - 6 years ago
LOADS of thank you for this. It is much appreciated.

100. comment for How to Enter and Exit a Marina (Dock like a BOSS!!!)

My dog Blue
My dog Blue - 6 years ago
Great video once again, I bought and downloaded the guide, one can never have too much good information.
Really appreciate all you do for the sailing community, I hope to be as adventurous as you someday soon, this winter we are planning to vacation somewhere so I can get my ASA 101, 103 & 104 certifications and relax on the beach for a few weeks, any suggestions for locations would be greatly appreciated, we're Canadians and only sailed fresh water.
ScottOne - 6 years ago
You guys look so beautiful! Love your videos! Stay amazing!
Chip S
Chip S - 6 years ago
Sweet, the YouTube search for diesel pulled up Engineered Diesel, my buddy owns that company
Kruk Weekend
Kruk Weekend - 6 years ago
when I'm dealing with wind situations marijuana is the top tool. Always has been it helps one to focus on wind.
Joshua Parker
Joshua Parker - 6 years ago
I don't even have a bit but love anything LaVegabonde. You guys are awesome. Thanks for sharing your experiences with all of us.

Edit. Stop looking at my wingnuts. Bahahahaha. I nearly feel puts my chair.....
Ray Kem
Ray Kem - 6 years ago
Hi guys well I jest got my sailing guide going to go look at it now thanks and keep up the good videos
Per Nicolaisen
Per Nicolaisen - 6 years ago
Very thoughtful put together. Thanks
Zed Moe
Zed Moe - 6 years ago
Yes yes more more!
Jack Trudel
Jack Trudel - 6 years ago
Great vids, kids!
Itzik Pinko
Itzik Pinko - 6 years ago
sweet couple. Doing great work. Very disappointed you never arrived to Israel tho...
Vital Chance
Vital Chance - 6 years ago
Can you give me in-depth detail on 4:36 that 'fingerkey'; You guys seem to be highly successful at birthing a vessel. Tell the others out there how you do it! But, How could you let a women be in charge of the helming and call you "nimble & flexible.." ? I took note that forward motion and speed are the key elements to most of the success. Thank You guys!
Vital Chance
Vital Chance - 6 years ago
Vital Chance
Vital Chance - 6 years ago
Riley, that thing beside you, wow! Talk about blossoming, look at that growth, perky and voluptuous; Whomever is looking after that succulent plant is doing a really great job!
Vital Chance
Vital Chance - 6 years ago
Alia Marie
Alia Marie - 6 years ago
Hey, is the skull with the burned design in the background of the shot from Peter Draws?
Andrew Baumgartner
Andrew Baumgartner - 6 years ago
60'000 miles together? Is that Riley has done 30'000 and Elayna has done 30'000 and although almost all of it was together you add the miles?
Joe Summers
Joe Summers - 6 years ago
Great video but this is very cat specific, are you planning on doing any video for other types of boats?
Kahlila - 6 years ago
This is excellent. Thank you!!
dwaynema - 6 years ago
Lars Andersen
Lars Andersen - 6 years ago
This is so awesome! You guys are the best!
derrick johnston
derrick johnston - 6 years ago
Gone a long ways mates..Remember that trip with the jib up side down... seen it though it then thought maybe it's made that way...hhhee got to love it got 5,000 miles in 8 yrs...feel I should had gone so much more... great video bless.
PurpleBox89 - 6 years ago
Awesome video!!! I look forward to seeing more in the coming months!

One question: What would you do on a single engine vessel in this case?
Eelco Snijders
Eelco Snijders - 6 years ago
Errors most made by people docking or leaving is over revving, too much power on the engine. You didn't mention anything related to that.... You Made it look easy, but sometimes it can be tricky....
Jack Mathew
Jack Mathew - 6 years ago
Well done guys !! been impressed by the content you show, and all done without the need to flash body parts around everywhere like a lot of others who vlog sailing vids.
Rick R
Rick R - 6 years ago
Dont agree that anyone can drive at the marina. I think that you are simply good at it.
wi11y1960 - 6 years ago
Learn to tie a tug boat bowline. If you watch Moana, you will see them doiing it, and yes it is that fast to tie.
Jenny Shaw
Jenny Shaw - 6 years ago
Loved the outtakes at the end, you must have loads of outtakes that you could make into a video too. xx
harry Ord
harry Ord - 6 years ago
Who are the 49 plums who gave this a thumbs down????
Janice Borland
Janice Borland - 6 years ago
Don't forget birds perched on pilings always face into the wind!
srq lisa
srq lisa - 6 years ago
I'm sure this Sailing Guide will help many new sailors. Great job for this needed guide. Be proud of yourselves. :) peace happy sailing
Linn Kelly
Linn Kelly - 6 years ago
Thank you both, it looks like a lot of work went into filming that video! We just bought the guide, looking forward to reading it :) It’s $28AUD for any Aussies playing at home. Cheers Riley and Elayna!
Jez Swallow
Jez Swallow - 6 years ago
Love this idea! I hope it works for you as I'm sure it will be a comprehensive guide but easy to understand. I don't have a boat but enjoy your travels and your experiences! Keep being inspirational and I hope baby is sailing along nicely. x
Paul Taylor
Paul Taylor - 6 years ago
Great v log guys keep up the good work and cheers
sam defoe
sam defoe - 6 years ago
These are great
dziazisteable - 6 years ago
I have never sailed, just didn't have a chance, but this is soo interesting to learn about!
Paulo RicardoPereira Tina
Paulo RicardoPereira Tina - 6 years ago
they are such a beautiful couple.
CauliflowerEars1 - 6 years ago
Great drone footage makes the manouvers so easy to understand. Very pro editing too. And the guide has clearly had a Graphic Designer's touch. You guys are raising your game to a new level. G'd on ya mates!!
Alex Hnilov
Alex Hnilov - 6 years ago
You've made an awesome job, guys! Thank you very, very much!
Rupert Lassen
Rupert Lassen - 6 years ago
love it
Stephen J Payne
Stephen J Payne - 6 years ago
Really nice.
C.E. Jarvis
C.E. Jarvis - 6 years ago
The guide sounds very helpful. Good video folks. I love the "bloopers" at the end, you guys should always do that.
Thanks for the video.
Nils Kunze
Nils Kunze - 6 years ago
Not like a Cart on Ice, more like a boat... mhmm
gurchtschalllly - 6 years ago
great vid aerial dronefootage super useful
Alex H
Alex H - 6 years ago
can I watch the videos in the PDF-Guide offline or do I need internet access?
Thank you and keep up the good work!
Sailing La Vagabonde
Sailing La Vagabonde - 6 years ago
You need internet for that mate.
Rasmus Kurtén
Rasmus Kurtén - 6 years ago
Great job guys!
Monk Petite
Monk Petite - 6 years ago
Nice instruction video! Well done.
One everyone can use as a refresher.. thanks for sharing
Jeremy Stanger
Jeremy Stanger - 6 years ago
This is good! Just worth noting that some of these manoeuvres, especially where you pivot around a ball fender, are specific to a catamaran and you couldn't do them on a monohull. There are more slick ways you can do it in those cases.
Paul Swainston
Paul Swainston - 6 years ago
I thought this might be a bit dull, but I thought that was awesome really interesting. Well done.
Grace Corboy
Grace Corboy - 6 years ago
Did anyone see the ring on elaynas finger
Sailing Legend
Sailing Legend - 6 years ago
Hi, interesting video. One thing I would have mentioned was to say when you are changing from forward to reverse it can take quite a time for the rudder to engage. A lot of people not used to marina parking don’t understand that you need time and space when going from forward to reverse, especially the previous owners of our boat, you can easily get into a panic where you just slam it between forward and reverse and don’t actually manoeuvre the boat. If you are coming in stern first give yourself enough space and time to get the rudder to kick in .
Ebacherville - 6 years ago
Any way to give this as a gift? Do I get to download the PDF document that contains everything? So I can give it to my beginner parents as a gift? Thanks!
David Hamlin
David Hamlin - 6 years ago
Hope you're now considering the 'how to live onboard with a new baby series". Great vid as always, although I reckon Riles might have ignored such a guide in the beginning cause he just loved the craziness of the adventure ?
Grace T
Grace T - 6 years ago
you two are amazing aye
Vincent Lemage
Vincent Lemage - 6 years ago
Great episode Guys! In the fingerkey berth it’s important to go without fenders. Like you did in the video, but didn’t mention. The fenders can get caught during the maneuver and make you pivot in the berth. Keep up the great work looking forward to the next in these series!
ThinkinG .1
ThinkinG .1 - 6 years ago
I am already missing the Cadaquès Intro :(
Robbie Leffel
Robbie Leffel - 6 years ago
I have never and will never sail... but still found this interesting! :)
Steven Sheeran
Steven Sheeran - 6 years ago
Superb as always you two. Thank you. You both always make me smile and it's incredibly heartwarming to see a couple being so kind with one another. I'd love to stay and chat, but I have a Sailing Guide to go and buy. Later Wingnuts! x
Phil The Farrier
Phil The Farrier - 6 years ago
So, anyone know what happened to the old mono La Vagabond?
Simon G
Simon G - 6 years ago
Another great video guys. But was thinking when i wached the video that not all are in to english that well so words like prop could be difficult for some. Just saying :-)
Marc Del
Marc Del - 6 years ago
Finally, it's nice to see your two being yourselves and embracing, giggling, teasing, etc. That's what lovers do, and it's the best part of loving someone too!
Building Sailboats
Building Sailboats - 6 years ago
Wow, great video, very nice shots that compliment what you are explaining. Well done :) Thank you
Phil Collins
Phil Collins - 6 years ago
thank you for the guide to sailing brilliant idea and fab price too. oh and you guys are certified love it
Dose - 6 years ago
WooW. That's exactly what I'm waiting for. For months... I have not bought the guide yet. But as soon as the sales process becomes more transparent, I will do it. For example: By clicking on buy button you will find only the price, but neither the payment method, nor further details on the ebook.
Glenacus - 6 years ago
That is a fantastic idea.....
Briggs Yalung
Briggs Yalung - 6 years ago
I hate to compare but I enjoy watching these two Aussies than the two from Texas. IMHO.
Chris - 6 years ago
Very nice job, everyone on board, has to be educated, to do everything on board. The Captain is only as good as his/her crew....
Fair Winds!!
kiniwo00 - 6 years ago
love you so much guys :)
Ron Johnson
Ron Johnson - 6 years ago
Whew, nice ending. Please return my breath! At once...
alphasxsignal - 6 years ago
The Amel sailboat has a Bow thruster which makes docking easy.
ICE BEAR - 6 years ago
Oh and to add to my previous post yachting world did a whole series of videos on docking , anchoring and sailing in difrent conditions.
I only bring these up and the PDF guide from Katana because you said you were unaware of any one else having done this.
Again great videos. Keep it up.
ICE BEAR - 6 years ago
Great video. But I think you guys should know Katana did a comprehensive guide of over 300 pages a few years back. Not sure if it’s still in print but with a quick search of “ complete guide of Catamaran sailing” I found it.
It is very good.
Alex B
Alex B - 6 years ago
Hi Guys, just purchased your Sailing Guide , but you guys being Aussies and saying $20 dollars , Paypal is in US dollars, So it becomes $28 AUS . all good and keep up the good work/sailing cheers Alex
o o
o o - 6 years ago
So awesome guys! Lots of valuable information there. Thanks so much!
Malcolm Convey
Malcolm Convey - 6 years ago
Loved the Outtakes. I'm so happy for you, both!
AC07V - 6 years ago
Awesome! I've been waiting for something like this!
Joe’s RV Home Turtle
Joe’s RV Home Turtle - 6 years ago
Cool video...thanks for sharing
Liam Carey
Liam Carey - 6 years ago
Every time I think "I could go for a Riley and elayna video" one appears!
Kym Bouckaert
Kym Bouckaert - 6 years ago
Just bought a copy of your new sailing guide which goes against every pirating bone in my body but it goes to you guys so I'm ok. Turned into $29 AUS as well but looks like it will be worth it. Thanks
Mantreaus - 6 years ago
Most Polite way I've seen to shut a woman up. Did I say that? :)
Bob Iverson
Bob Iverson - 6 years ago
Damn , now I want to go out and by a boat.....and I live in the mountains ( well close ) .

I totally believe , as a basic beginner , it is easier to learn from an experienced amateur, then a full pro .

It is my experience that whether learning to sail or drive or fly , golf , garden put Ikea stuff together etc, a pro has done it so many times , that they miss telling/teaching some of the steps , as they are done without thinking about them.

An experienced amateur hasn't got to that yet , and so . teaches it all .

You will be teaching as much from mistakes that happened or almost happened , as when things go or are done correctly .

And as such , I believe that your book/videos shall have a great deal of valuable education . ( way more than $ 80 , but $ 20 just fine til I buy one )

Did you ever have that one ( or two ) really great teachers in school that made learning easy ...cause they made it fun , and/or really easy to connect with .

As always ...looking forward to more ...

Bob from Calgary
Tacking to Catch a Fresh Breeze
Tacking to Catch a Fresh Breeze - 6 years ago
While not the final word on all things sailing this guide is a worthy addition to a cruiser's library and at twenty bucks it's a bargain.

David L Hough wrote a series of books on proficient motorcycling which to many are considered required reading for new and experienced riders. They are an informative, easy read. I had been riding for over three decades before I read his first book and was blown away by how much I didn't know about riding.

Although I've yet to read your entire guide my initial sense is it is comparable to David Hough's book. Maybe not as polished but written and presented in the same down to earth manner. Well done and thanks for publishing.
EstabuanWoudstamos - 6 years ago
How to dock like a boss only if you have two engines.
mick mccrohon
mick mccrohon - 6 years ago
Some days I dock like a Boss... other days not so much!
My cat only has one engine but it pivots like an outboard.
'Stern in' messes with my head!
Love the ending.
smokin Dauberdoo420
smokin Dauberdoo420 - 6 years ago
you make it look to easy & glamorous
Tim Stammers
Tim Stammers - 6 years ago
Hey guys greetings from Melbourne just to let you know you've not only mastered vlogging but "killed it" in the writing department.Your book is excellent and answers all the email/comments I've had over the years watching SLV. It's a fantastic read with really handy info and both your writing styles are personable, entertaining and addictive. Thanks
William1942 - 6 years ago
Can't sail. Love the videos anyhow. Good job, both of you. Thank you.
Jeremy - 6 years ago
7:43 gees, Ok I get it. I'll get your guide. Just had to single out the guy with the 20 ft monohull
James the Other One
James the Other One - 6 years ago
What ever gets you to that next waypoint.
Craig Overend
Craig Overend - 6 years ago
It might not be a person, it could be a helmscomputer, or a helmpig, I saw one fly today:
James the Other One
James the Other One - 6 years ago
Could have been "helmsperson"...
hycron1234 - 6 years ago
Helmsmen - "A helmsman or helm is a person who steers a ship, sailboat, submarine, other type of maritime vessel, or spacecraft."
Peter L
Peter L - 6 years ago
Yes I know, so how about helmsmen?
hycron1234 - 6 years ago
Helmswoman - "A woman who steers a ship. (by extension) A female leader" ...
Terry Zammit
Terry Zammit - 6 years ago
Love how to videos!
Terry Zammit
Terry Zammit - 6 years ago
O man how I love how to videos! I think it’s great
Patrick Hammer
Patrick Hammer - 6 years ago
You guys rock k3ep it up!
Tom C.
Tom C. - 6 years ago
Excellent! And, there is "no such thing" as too slow when mooring or docking. Wisdom provided by Sam Devlin.
Ryan Jack
Ryan Jack - 6 years ago
This is so true, being quick is great, but rushing is bad and often dangerous!

Love the video, so nice to see that you enjoy making them as much as I enjoy listening.
Ryan Jack
Ryan Jack - 6 years ago
This is so true, being quick is great, but rushing is bad and often dangerous!

Love the video, so nice to see that you enjoy making them as much as I enjoy listening.
Brubeck Desmond
Brubeck Desmond - 6 years ago
Damn productive people. These are the kind of people who will rise to the top regardless the circumstance.
c dawg
c dawg - 6 years ago
Jeremy Williams
Jeremy Williams - 6 years ago
This is a so good. If I could subscribe again and again I would. love the videos and those in them. Yeeeeew
Good4Y0u - 6 years ago
This is pretty cool. Good job!
Thomas Mcluckie
Thomas Mcluckie - 6 years ago
RICHARD SCUDDS - 6 years ago
you's pair have a fantastic relationship , love how you's interact .
chris smale
chris smale - 6 years ago
well done
Subbed Channels
Subbed Channels - 6 years ago
Riley - "think you dont need the guide because YOU DO"- Elayna "OK thats enough" - Bhahahahahaha
irateyourvideo2 - 6 years ago
can't wait to see lababybond! what a crazy ride to happen on your first video so long ago and get caught up in your story. it's been lots of fun
Christopher Salmon
Christopher Salmon - 6 years ago
Stop looking at my wing nuts LMFAO
Ryan g
Ryan g - 6 years ago
rofl you 2 ....great work on the guide keep having fun !!!
craig me
craig me - 6 years ago
Great one guys. Good to know what you needed to know. I WILL need it ha ha! But how do I learn to laugh like Ryles...Ill keep practicing
david hethorn
david hethorn - 6 years ago
awesome camera angles! you can really see the work you guys put into your videos! really great quality series you have!
Brian Middleton
Brian Middleton - 6 years ago
When did you get the plants?
schwags1969 - 6 years ago
Perfect, great work!!
TheZmt325 - 6 years ago
This is great!!
Terry Walls
Terry Walls - 6 years ago
FYI - I have been in touch with the ABC Program War on Waste and drew attention to yours, Sailing Catalpa's and Saling into Freedom's efforts to reduce waste. I have suggested that they might like to do a program on it. What email can I use to send you a copy.
Terry Walls
Terry Walls - 6 years ago
Sorry Craig that was meant to be Sailing Nandi not into Freedom.
Craig Overend
Craig Overend - 6 years ago
Don't forget Sailing Nandji doing their bit:
Sailing La Vagabonde
Sailing La Vagabonde - 6 years ago
Terry Walls mate cheers.
SKYHAWK - 6 years ago
What size sailboat would you recommend for a single sailor to adventure the world.
Abe Swells
Abe Swells - 6 years ago
SKYHAWK , Anything between 6.5m and 16.5m. All depends on your budget, and sailing program. How much you want to spend, where you want to go sailing, how good and experienced you are, how fast you want to sail, how comfortable you want to be....
SKYHAWK - 6 years ago
Sailing La Vagabonde Will do, safe sailing.
Sailing La Vagabonde
Sailing La Vagabonde - 6 years ago
SKYHAWK check out the guide mate it’s all in there!!!
Gwendolyn Phillips de Ashborough
Gwendolyn Phillips de Ashborough - 6 years ago
Awesome Guys! we are about to buy a Catamaran and I really want to be comfortable with swimming in the Ocean. I am contacting a Scuba Diving/ Free Diving Coach to be more comfortable with diving and being among wide living creatures in the sea (Not just Wide Creature on Board standing watch = )
Sailing La Vagabonde
Sailing La Vagabonde - 6 years ago
Gwendolyn de Ashborough big section on freediving and spearfishing in the guide.
Cape CodBob
Cape CodBob - 6 years ago
If you haven't already, could you touch a little on the rules of the road, such as red right return and what that actually means and point out how you recognize certain markers as you enter exit ports.
Tim Hale
Tim Hale - 6 years ago
Cape CodBob That depends in which IALA (International Association of Marine Aids and Lighthouse Authorities) area you're sailing. IALA-B is Red, Right, Returning.  IALA-A the aids are opposite.  IALA-B is basically North, Central and South America, Japan, Korea and the Philippines. The rest of the world is IALA-A.
Harry - 6 years ago
Hey guys, I love the videos and I've been subscribed for about a year now. I race offshore (ISORA) and I love the idea of cruising, imo your videos are by far the best sailing vlogs on YouTube!

I have one question about the how to videos and that is whether or not there will be a 'how to recover a MOB' as many inexperienced sailors do not know how to do this correctly and I couldn't find any decent videos about it myself. (There was one by yachting world but with far too many steps and most others involve the fast tack manoeuvre which is daunting). I think this is especially important for cruising as it can be a one man job if there are only 2 people on board!

Keep up the brilliant work and best of luck with the kiddo! Love from Ireland ♥️
Harry - 6 years ago
Sailing La Vagabonde oh and I agree with your harness snippet. The only time I have used one was last Saturday when it was 40ish knots, 5 meter swells and we broke the speed record and set a new one 6 times. 19.8 knots without a spinney and white sails.

The sail tore when we tried to reef for the upwind in the middle of the Irish sea and had to go in on headsail and motor. Took 6 hours and was in contact with coast guard.

Good times
Harry - 6 years ago
Sailing La Vagabonde sweeeet, easily the most important manouvre and one that everyone on a boat should know how to do!
Sailing La Vagabonde
Sailing La Vagabonde - 6 years ago
Harry we did a MOB video mate. Early access in the guide.
Bill Law Marshall
Bill Law Marshall - 6 years ago
Nice video. I took a boaters safety course last fall and have been on boats a lot of my life. Hope all is well with yall
John B
John B - 6 years ago
Did anyone else see the Corona next to Riley at the start of the video and think... Gee I'd really like one?
Sailing Beyond
Sailing Beyond - 6 years ago
For anyone who doesn’t know

Wingnuts: A person who was unfortunate in the allotment of his or her genetics, causing his or her ears to be abnormally large and protruding. Terms originated in Australia
Ameliah houghton
Ameliah houghton - 6 years ago
Fabulous price. I know my man will love this for Chrismas xx
Tanya DuPras
Tanya DuPras - 6 years ago
Yay. Love you guys!!! ❤️❤️
KWB - 6 years ago
You are having a girl. Pick a name now!
freddy c
freddy c - 6 years ago
Riley noticed you said helms woman . Smart man for giving credit to Elayna .
Roger Mace
Roger Mace - 6 years ago
Nice work guys
CnCEndeavors - 6 years ago
Nicely done guys!
Robert Jensen
Robert Jensen - 6 years ago
The sail guide is not cheap dear Riley, great value would do it for me :-)
Robert Jensen
Robert Jensen - 6 years ago
Indeed you are right, but it is great value, not cheap :-)
Cheap would be mickey mouse's guide to sailing and I am certain you would not be publishing something like that
Sailing La Vagabonde
Sailing La Vagabonde - 6 years ago
6 videos and a guide were independently valued at well over $80. If your new to sailing, like I was, its the best money you can spend IMHO.
Kirk Singleton
Kirk Singleton - 6 years ago
You two are awesome! There is no hesitation to click on a video from you two, I find them making me smile no matter what hour it is or how bad the day is going!
RJs Salty Adventures
RJs Salty Adventures - 6 years ago
Hey guys, another outstanding job. That will help sooooo many cat yachties out there. Any chance you could revise one for the mono hullers also? Just bought the Guide but not sure how I'm supposed to be receiving it? Have fun, be safe and KEEP ON, SAILIN ON. cheers
RJs Salty Adventures
RJs Salty Adventures - 6 years ago
I have 2 emails from Send Owl Downloads with my receipt but no new email with the pdf file as per the latest email receipt.
RJs Salty Adventures
RJs Salty Adventures - 6 years ago
I'll do that right away Thank you
Sailing La Vagabonde
Sailing La Vagabonde - 6 years ago
It should be in your email. Can you check your junk folder?
Richard Getz
Richard Getz - 6 years ago
Purchased the guide. I would prefer these videos to be less voice over, and more voiced as you are doing it. But that is just my two cents. Love you both. Truly excited anytime I see new videos in my feed.

A true respite for the day.
alden sisemore
alden sisemore - 6 years ago
Harry Limes
Harry Limes - 6 years ago
Yipee! Exactly what i thought would be a good idea and you've read my mind. I look forward to learning how to sail.... ⛵
David Miorgan
David Miorgan - 6 years ago
Riley's drinking a corona? At last some common ground! I'm your man at last!
Joesph Best
Joesph Best - 6 years ago
Good luck in your book and video's. Thanks for thinking of others and beginners.
blondegaijin - 6 years ago
The CHAIN shot..!! OMG I just CAME..!!!
Christopher Burkett
Christopher Burkett - 6 years ago
More bloopers!!
Sails - 6 years ago
New people need this stuff..... well done guys.
ed nesbit
ed nesbit - 6 years ago
you guys are the best i love the program thank you for sharing them love it
Wadah AlMatar
Wadah AlMatar - 6 years ago
God Bless you ❤️
VERTICAL Wisdom - 6 years ago
Look forward to the guide and videos. Great job.
Toby Visuals
Toby Visuals - 6 years ago
Do you ever plan on doing a Q&A?
Sailing La Vagabonde
Sailing La Vagabonde - 6 years ago
Did one a week ago live with our Patrons... :)
CK H - 6 years ago
Docking advice all cat related, or just this video?
EstabuanWoudstamos - 6 years ago
He says it, but no actual mono advice in the docking video though...Only for those with two engines.
iain lyall
iain lyall - 6 years ago
he says at the end, mono through tri docking.
Ian B
Ian B - 6 years ago
I like the comments about controlling the vessel by juggling the port and starboard engines. I think my Hallberg Rassy 38 has a problem, it seems to be deficient to the tune of one engine! Buggar!!!
minermarcus - 6 years ago
Ian B
You just need to do the same thing with prop walk
When I first got my boat I practiced turning the boat (Hans Christian 38) in the fairway of the marina for many hours until I could spin a 360 easily in any wind condition.the biggest complement I received was being accused of having a bow thruster that I didn’t have.
Cody Brown
Cody Brown - 6 years ago
Yay a vid
OcRefrigeration , Hvac & Electrical Video's.
OcRefrigeration , Hvac & Electrical Video's. - 6 years ago
Good vid.
Bostrovas - 6 years ago
sean combs
sean combs - 6 years ago
Very cool video love you guys
Thomas Paroz
Thomas Paroz - 6 years ago
Whooo im the 50th veiw!!
IOXAN PHENOMENON - 6 years ago
Valuable stuff
Thanks for sharing
Adventures With Bosh
Adventures With Bosh - 6 years ago
P. T. Anderson
P. T. Anderson - 6 years ago
WooT FirSt ComMenT!!!! Unlisted??? WhAAA?
Cap - 6 years ago
Well Hello Guys!!!
big boi boss
big boi boss - 6 years ago
Maxamillion 1244
Maxamillion 1244 - 6 years ago

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