How to Enter and Exit a Marina (Dock like a BOSS!!!)
Sailing 6 years ago 164,547 views
Here's how to enter and exit a marina on your boat. We hope you are following along with our "Sailing Basics Guide" More than likely your adventure will begin in a Marina. Whilst a safe haven and a convenient place to store a vessel there is always a lot of eyes watching and things to crash into. In this episode we show you how to enter and exit a Marina several different ways. We also show you things to watch out for and the various things you should be concentrating on to make the process smooth and event free. Remember to give the video a like if you found it helpful and subscribe to see more content. Song Credits: 00:00 Baby - Angharad Drake 03:22 Crimson - Andrew Rothschild Videos made by Elayna, starring Riley!! Don't forget to like us on Facebook! Want the chance to come aboard/unseen footage privileges? Please become a Patron and support our production! Download Elaynas music here! Pick up some official La Vaga merch and help support our journey! Subscribe to our new sexy website for blog posts and updates! Follow us on Twitter! Like Elaynas Music page on the book! FAQ What cameras do we use? BIG CAMERA: OTHER BIG CAMERA: HANDY CAM: GOPRO: DRONE: SELFIE STICK: What software do we use? Premiere Pro Predict Wind
10. comment for How to Enter and Exit a Marina (Dock like a BOSS!!!)
20. comment for How to Enter and Exit a Marina (Dock like a BOSS!!!)
We all know the ultimate majority of sailors start their sailing with a monohull, because there is much larger variety of used, affordable but very seaworthy monohulls available, and because a monohull is much safer and more forgiving for a novice sailor in rapidly changing conditions.
It would have been great if you could have told the audions what are the main differences when performing the same maneuvers with a monohull. Or single engine vessels in general.
For example, the temporary loss of maneuverability when reversing a single engine boat, and the fact how important it is to know whether your yacht has a right-handed or left-handed propeller when maneuvering in confined marinas.
Next year around the world <3
30. comment for How to Enter and Exit a Marina (Dock like a BOSS!!!)
Videos are great as well as really help get some more complicated stuff across.
50. comment for How to Enter and Exit a Marina (Dock like a BOSS!!!)
Truly in love with every vid you’re uploading. We’ve got a 60ft + Motor Yacht in the Mediterranean region and concerning your “how to videos” you guys might describe more how to play with the engines. After I understood how a yacht can manoeuvre with just the two engines throttling against each other, the rest was easy. Because I suppose that people who can’t really imagine how a boat handles on water could get a better feeling. I’m also wondering if you ever thought about bow/Stern thruster? In situations of Beaufort 6+ bow or stern thrusters really can make the difference. Just thinking about your safety.
100. comment for How to Enter and Exit a Marina (Dock like a BOSS!!!)
Really appreciate all you do for the sailing community, I hope to be as adventurous as you someday soon, this winter we are planning to vacation somewhere so I can get my ASA 101, 103 & 104 certifications and relax on the beach for a few weeks, any suggestions for locations would be greatly appreciated, we're Canadians and only sailed fresh water.
Edit. Stop looking at my wingnuts. Bahahahaha. I nearly feel puts my chair.....
One question: What would you do on a single engine vessel in this case?
Thanks for the video.
can I watch the videos in the PDF-Guide offline or do I need internet access?
Thank you and keep up the good work!
One everyone can use as a refresher.. thanks for sharing
Fair Winds!!
I only bring these up and the PDF guide from Katana because you said you were unaware of any one else having done this.
Again great videos. Keep it up.
It is very good.
I totally believe , as a basic beginner , it is easier to learn from an experienced amateur, then a full pro .
It is my experience that whether learning to sail or drive or fly , golf , garden put Ikea stuff together etc, a pro has done it so many times , that they miss telling/teaching some of the steps , as they are done without thinking about them.
An experienced amateur hasn't got to that yet , and so . teaches it all .
You will be teaching as much from mistakes that happened or almost happened , as when things go or are done correctly .
And as such , I believe that your book/videos shall have a great deal of valuable education . ( way more than $ 80 , but $ 20 just fine til I buy one )
Did you ever have that one ( or two ) really great teachers in school that made learning easy ...cause they made it fun , and/or really easy to connect with .
As always ...looking forward to more ...
Bob from Calgary
David L Hough wrote a series of books on proficient motorcycling which to many are considered required reading for new and experienced riders. They are an informative, easy read. I had been riding for over three decades before I read his first book and was blown away by how much I didn't know about riding.
Although I've yet to read your entire guide my initial sense is it is comparable to David Hough's book. Maybe not as polished but written and presented in the same down to earth manner. Well done and thanks for publishing.
My cat only has one engine but it pivots like an outboard.
'Stern in' messes with my head!
Love the ending.
Love the video, so nice to see that you enjoy making them as much as I enjoy listening.
Love the video, so nice to see that you enjoy making them as much as I enjoy listening.
I have one question about the how to videos and that is whether or not there will be a 'how to recover a MOB' as many inexperienced sailors do not know how to do this correctly and I couldn't find any decent videos about it myself. (There was one by yachting world but with far too many steps and most others involve the fast tack manoeuvre which is daunting). I think this is especially important for cruising as it can be a one man job if there are only 2 people on board!
Keep up the brilliant work and best of luck with the kiddo! Love from Ireland ♥️
The sail tore when we tried to reef for the upwind in the middle of the Irish sea and had to go in on headsail and motor. Took 6 hours and was in contact with coast guard.
Good times
Wingnuts: A person who was unfortunate in the allotment of his or her genetics, causing his or her ears to be abnormally large and protruding. Terms originated in Australia
Cheap would be mickey mouse's guide to sailing and I am certain you would not be publishing something like that
A true respite for the day.
You just need to do the same thing with prop walk
When I first got my boat I practiced turning the boat (Hans Christian 38) in the fairway of the marina for many hours until I could spin a 360 easily in any wind condition.the biggest complement I received was being accused of having a bow thruster that I didn’t have.
Thanks for sharing