35,134 likes 3,208,605 views 7 years ago
The Gifford family left their home in Washington in 2008 to sail around the world. They have not stopped since. We...
12,113 likes 2,141,077 views 10 years ago
Having zero knowledge or experience with sailing, or even how to furl in the head sail, we bought a yacht in Italy.....
1,766 likes 1,860,029 views 9 years ago
http://www.kielisreal.de/content/740-White-Pearl-geht-auf-Probefahrt-auf-der-Kieler-Förde #SailingYachtA #whitepearl...
15,540 likes 1,652,189 views 7 years ago
Yep, La Vagabonde reached 22.7 knots boat speed. We couldn’t believe it. With a max of 28 knots wind behind us from...
5,736 likes 1,520,061 views 16 years ago
Northern California has a storied, 500-year history of sailing. But despite this rich heritage, scientists and boat...
11,733 likes 1,061,731 views 10 years ago
2017 voyage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5m9yT06Khg ; The book: "Alone Together: Sailing Solo to Hawaii and...
35,134 likes 3,208,605 views 7 years ago
The Gifford family left their home in Washington in 2008 to sail around the world. They have not stopped since. We...
12,113 likes 2,141,077 views 10 years ago
Having zero knowledge or experience with sailing, or even how to furl in the head sail, we bought a yacht in Italy.....
15,540 likes 1,652,189 views 7 years ago
Yep, La Vagabonde reached 22.7 knots boat speed. We couldn’t believe it. With a max of 28 knots wind behind us from...
5,736 likes 1,520,061 views 16 years ago
Northern California has a storied, 500-year history of sailing. But despite this rich heritage, scientists and boat...
11,733 likes 1,061,731 views 10 years ago
2017 voyage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5m9yT06Khg ; The book: "Alone Together: Sailing Solo to Hawaii and...
664 likes 713,480 views 11 years ago
Storm sailing round Cape Horn. Yachting World teamed up with expedition sailor Skip Novak to round the notorious...
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10. comment for How to Sail a Sailboat In 3 easy steps SAILING 101
For me there were actually 4 Steps; in between (2) hoisting the sail and (3) "Powering up" the sail, he arranged a Class IV as a cushion...Yep!
20. comment for How to Sail a Sailboat In 3 easy steps SAILING 101
From an educational standpoint you may want to explain in your videos
1. WHY your heading into the wind before you attempt to raise the sail(s)
2. WHY your roping off the tiller
3. WHICH way the wind was blowing.
4. How would some one without a trolling motor do it.
2. So the tiller doesn't turn him away from the wind..
3. From the front of the boat..
4. A regular motor will work..
But it leaves out ALL of the WHY you do what he's doing and he just got the boat moving forward, slowly, in a gentle wind doing a close haul "tack"
Turn more with wind to the side without knowing what you are doing and you'll very quickly lay the mast in the water, throwing everyone out of the boat.