How to Tie the Most Vital Sailing Knot!
Sailing 13 years ago 42,677 views
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I must admit I don't fancy this one as it looks like it has the potential to collapse, jamb or even slip undone under excess wet load, different ropes, rails etc.
Having said that if it is likely to take significant load then a different method of attachment should be employed. (considering viewers maybe employing this knot for use other than sailing).
I prefer the rolling hitch where two turns; double lock, the standing part before the final hitch.
The rolling hitch I prefer is #1735 pictured on wikipedia, knot #1734 (the one in this video is also there and described as a rolling hitch but also as a clove hitch with extra turn).
I love skipper Johns tips, so this post is no criticism because it is correct this is a rolling hitch, however #1735 is the more secure rolling hitch taught by the RYA in the UK and Naval institutions, it is also noted as being the more secure of the two (or 3) rolling hitches. Maybe Skipper John could revise this video and give both with emphasis on #1735 being the more secure?