How to catch BIG FISH while sailing


How to catch BIG FISH while sailing sentiment_very_dissatisfied 133

Sailing 6 years ago 122,766 views


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Most popular comments
for How to catch BIG FISH while sailing

Jamie C
Jamie C - 6 years ago
My favorite Canadians of all time.
Meantime .Smith
Meantime .Smith - 6 years ago
Awesome video, my mouth was watering and my stomach growling. That tuna.....Nothing like offshore fish!
Mark Jennings
Mark Jennings - 6 years ago
Why do lots of people hold the rod upside down? Reel and guides are designed to hang below the rod in my world.
fha gerber
fha gerber - 6 years ago
Hi very nice video
Bryan Bridgeman
Bryan Bridgeman - 6 years ago
Where are you from in Canada? I live in Ontario.
Merica'fuck yeah!
Merica'fuck yeah! - 6 years ago
That tuna looks delicious!
Mike Jernigan
Mike Jernigan - 6 years ago
Do you ever see any other boats? and have you ever been to Gulf of Mexico area? Do you only get your income from You Tube.? also why did you pick that type cat?, and how much did it cost?
Mateo Diego
Mateo Diego - 6 years ago
Rebuild that Senator. They are actually great reels. You can replace/upgrade the drag washers to address the burn ones. Then upgrade the frame to stop it flexing and the handle for a better grip.
Epic878787 - 6 years ago
Why dry on passage?

10. comment for How to catch BIG FISH while sailing

Rachel Teariki
Rachel Teariki - 6 years ago
I JUST love this video . I know my husband would love to know your coordinate and as well as the season of that crossing. Pls...
glu 24
glu 24 - 6 years ago
How old are you guys?
Maggie McBroom
Maggie McBroom - 6 years ago
You my lady....are a scream!!!! Love watching you as your rye sense of humer is THE BOMB!! Nothing makes a person feel better (well almost) than laughter! Just started watching you all recently and enjoy it so much as always smieling..shit cant spell that! You two should have way more subscribers and I bet if I asked certian questions you would probobly give some sort of answer. As the La Veg bnd have too many secrets and are good but I have noticed some problems. Like she wont read any coments..And he used to have to get half in the bag before he could talk to the camera! Now all their vids are so rushed and over edited and cut so short that Ive lost total interest. And Delos to much dirtyness on that boat with comment he made about hairs everywhere and lots tits and ass shit and some is good but drifted away on land alot. You two are pure fun and make me smile alot both funny but ashley cracks me up! Lots of good material too. But only watched a few here and there as have just discovered you and dont know how to put in a order. PS The wynns make me puke cuz I know someone else sailed their boat to where they are now and they caught a flight! Cuz they never sailed alone and film everything but that long trip from panama to the south Pacific seems to be staged. Thats my best guess besides she couldnt be away from clothing stores that long! And than theirs Capt Rick...He has attention defesit disorder as every vid he says "What do you want me to mke a vid of?" I swear at least every other one! But once in awhile he will shut up and just film with no one talking and make the best vids Ive ever seen! Like getting up one morning and just filming the sails, water, sky, wind, etc. Best vid ever! But you have it all and I will enjoy watching. Thanks!
travel and food
travel and food - 6 years ago
great video and I would hate to see what the tuna would cost to buy in the uk
dj Jeff cee
dj Jeff cee - 6 years ago
Thanks for taking the time out and bring this to us who is dreaming of doing that great footage and sound quality.I enjoy it good work.
Caleb Rogers
Caleb Rogers - 6 years ago
Love it subbed
Denys Smith
Denys Smith - 6 years ago
Hey Ben and Ash, great video. When the vacuum bagger dies, place fillets in plastic zip lock bog, lower into a bucket of water to expel air and zip when done. Worked for us.
Mellemau Otord
Mellemau Otord - 6 years ago
im from Palau and you've prob left the island. those are awesome fish you've caught! thanks for great video! I own 3 big reels, 14/0 and 16/0 senators and shimano tiagra 80w. they are all great for any big fish. happy sailing and God Bless!!
donovan campbell
donovan campbell - 6 years ago
Blind to your nastiness and see evert thing about people just imagine how dirty and nasty inside you sail boat is
Scott Michael
Scott Michael - 6 years ago
Loved it! I live in central Florida east coast, I gotta sail the Keys before I die. Much respect amigos.

20. comment for How to catch BIG FISH while sailing

Scott Michael
Scott Michael - 6 years ago
New sub. Sweet guys. Really nice. Thanks for sharing.
1st Class RV Adventures
1st Class RV Adventures - 6 years ago
Super cool guys that Tuna must have been fun to catch lol
ChriJohJos - 6 years ago
Hey Captain Ben,
what line do you use on your reels?
50 pound mono with braid backing?
Cheers from Germany!
Szymon Jarosz
Szymon Jarosz - 6 years ago
can you do a video on which lures you use?
Craig Munday
Craig Munday - 6 years ago
Great lifestyle you both have.
mark duncan
mark duncan - 6 years ago
You two should have a comedy hour!
BASH Soap Co
BASH Soap Co - 6 years ago
Love it !!!!
Brian Griffin
Brian Griffin - 6 years ago
Did you mean tenet by any chance??
Dean Mojica
Dean Mojica - 6 years ago
Great video thanks
Rammell Transfiguracion
Rammell Transfiguracion - 6 years ago
catch only what you need.
only to feed you and your family; private sale of fish is wrong.
eventually everyone wants to go fishing because its fun! yes... but then they catch more than they need and sell it for profit depleting the natural resource
I live in Hawai`i and trust me the private sale of reef and big fish is ruining their populations.

30. comment for How to catch BIG FISH while sailing

Nik Rahmat
Nik Rahmat - 6 years ago
Just wondering, you caught all those big fishes, do you just eat a snippet of the fish (assuming you eat them) and just throw all the rest of the fish away? It would be a shame to throw away good food when there are starving people in some parts of the globe.
DaKat - 6 years ago
Just wondering, why you comment when you obviously did not watch the video
Farda Crip
Farda Crip - 6 years ago
Nice video ... tell me wen y'all sailing st.kitts lets go fishing
Chris Redding
Chris Redding - 6 years ago
you gotta work on the filet skills brother.
Chris Redding
Chris Redding - 6 years ago
i have fished my entire life and i can honestly say that i absolutely love that you guys are not the most knowledgeable(no offense) but that you want to learn and you get into these huge schools of Yellowfin, Wahoo, and Dorado. I will say that you need to pack your reels 90% with a 60 lb braid and then put about 100 yards of 60-100 lb mono for the leader line. You will never get spooled again. I just subscribed to your channel because i love your attitude about life and MY GOD!!!!!! if you are ever around South Florida then my wife and i would pay you thousands of dollars to let us sail with you for like a week or something where i can fish with your husband/boyfriend...? and just be out on the water! I would pay $3,000 easily.
Brady Schwabach
Brady Schwabach - 6 years ago
Have fun with mercury poisoning.
Ben V
Ben V - 6 years ago
Awesome stuff, you seem like very happy people.
Yellowfin is the best I agree
Григорий Балеевский
Григорий Балеевский - 6 years ago
this video reminds me of my trip around Rhodos, we didn't catch any tuna, unfortunately, but the atmosphere was exactly the same. missing it so much and can't wait for the next trip.. so envy. Anyway, guys wish you to get the best wind and the best fish ever.
Richard TBear
Richard TBear - 6 years ago
The video of the "big Fish" you show (your Rod and reel are upside down . Bait or jigs should be cedar plugs or small to medium skirted lures red green blue and pink are good colors. Heavier lure in a rough windy sea lighter in calm things that swim pushing water or dive push water and then swim down with bubbles.  The senator has a Drag called a star drag btw they kiiled allot of fish in there day . Top shot of Mono Backing is braid Shimono 2 speed (thumbs. Up)Tug means set the hook. Never give any slack keep the line tight. your still moving so it also creates string on the line and will dump a larger amount off the reel. Wahoo fastest fish you can catch 40-50 MPH Ginsu knife very long first and 2nd runs. Hoo's have very sharp teeth and will cut through mom like butter and even braided line that's why of you know there are Wahoo use wire leader.  Stake them when cleaning the fish. they also like warmer water and things that move fast in a wash. the turbulence your wake is creating looks like a school of bait fleeing a predator. Also turn off the clicker when your reeling in the fish. Mahi go ballistic when you gaff them of put them aboard. a spray bottle of 151 rum or tequila in the gill knock them out for a little bit till you get them in a fish box. Well thanks for the fun . Just remember the definition of a fisherman is …. a jerk on one end of the line waiting for a jerk on the other end. :)
Warren Zigmont
Warren Zigmont - 6 years ago
You smile like this guy I know. Bill Carney. You look just like him.
JigFishingTV - 6 years ago
Awesome catches! Keeping it simply on a sailing boat is key. Is that a Capt. Harry's rod?
Bruno O'neil Ferreira
Bruno O'neil Ferreira - 6 years ago
lol funny couple. I loved you... the chicken story was really funny....
chru cas
chru cas - 6 years ago
Great vid! Great to watch how much fun you two have out there. How about cooling the fishing line with water if it smokes because of heat? I've seen this before on other fishing boats.
Jill Moore
Jill Moore - 6 years ago
What poles do you use? Thank u for great info
Luke Schmidt
Luke Schmidt - 6 years ago
I hope you realise that a similar disease is found in pelagics such as Wahoo, Spanish Mackeral etc
Bob George Malem
Bob George Malem - 6 years ago
Around those islands, it's a lot easier to catch wahoos right behind the breaking waves, about 200 to 500 feet from the breaking waves.
KuhChuck - 6 years ago
Do you know how many yards of braid and mono you have on the TLD? And what pound test of braid and mono? Thanks.
jmcelwee76 - 6 years ago
Ditto, i'd be interested in this additional info
Steve Kaplan
Steve Kaplan - 6 years ago
Great, now I have "big handle" envy as well as boat envy..
Instagram: Kevinthesaltwaterbeast
Instagram: Kevinthesaltwaterbeast - 6 years ago
U need a heavier rod for the tld 50. Check out star rods there awesome and have life long warranty
Forensic Hypnotist
Forensic Hypnotist - 6 years ago
Do you know everyone who reads this eventually dies
Nosa Omoziku
Nosa Omoziku - 6 years ago
when Ben stands at the back end edge of the boat holding the fish, I get this feeling that a shark would fly up and take him away. i guess that what happens when you watch too much shark movies

50. comment for How to catch BIG FISH while sailing

Nosa Omoziku
Nosa Omoziku - 6 years ago
@5.25 LOLOLOLOL man said you could put your hand around this, I DIED!!!!!!!!!!!!
cast to catch fishing
cast to catch fishing - 6 years ago
it is pronounced (sig-ah-teara) obviously not spelt that way
Hooked-n-Rolling Offshore 2009
Hooked-n-Rolling Offshore 2009 - 6 years ago
All you need is a hundred ft of 100 lb mono as a shock leader rest braid
Anders Marstrand
Anders Marstrand - 6 years ago
Nice vid guys :) You can vacuum like this. It works fine.
Matthew Smith
Matthew Smith - 6 years ago
Must be careful of ciguatera poisoning from pelagic species such as large wahoo and spanish mackerel. These species often spend a lot of time right on reefs and eating lots of reef fish meaning the toxin can accumulate in the flesh. People on the east coast of Australia where i live are often very cautious of keeping larger wahoo and mackerel because they spend so much time on the GBR eating reef fish.
The Econo Traveller
The Econo Traveller - 6 years ago
First time first video I saw. Subscribed. And at 4.03 unsubscribed. It's more or less the ethnocentric view of the woman in the video that made me unsubscribe.
Douglas Von
Douglas Von - 6 years ago
Oh my god, really?you've gotta be nuts. The "everyone who doesn't think, speak, communicate just like I'd prefer them to is WRONG" disease.
marcus mar
marcus mar - 6 years ago
Buy a Shimano Tiagra 80W if you really want to have a chance of landing a reasonable sized Yellowfin Tuna/Marlin. Also buy up some Pakula Lumo Sprocket lures these are my go to lures for marlin across multiple areas and disciplines.
Apex Gaming
Apex Gaming - 6 years ago
you missed so much meat on that huge tuna:(
Ben Add
Ben Add - 6 years ago
Shark in the water @ 2:57
dale charles
dale charles - 6 years ago
that was fantastic! Probably what, 150 lbs? underwater footage is a huge plus and the shark at the end.. wow. thanks for sharing.
JackVoodoo - 6 years ago
did you just poke fun at a Penn senator ????!?!??!?!?!?!?!??!?!
when it only the best in my eyes for pelagic species offshore LOL
no but in all seriousness love your vids fishing is awesome as a sport cant wait to see you guys adapt and learn more about it over time SUBBED !!
wolfe fishes
wolfe fishes - 6 years ago
Ay you guys should get an international for fishing like a 30 wide bc that can handle some big fish
None Ya
None Ya - 6 years ago
Rich people....ugh.
Milksteak - 6 years ago
None Ya your envy is showing
Mike Lla
Mike Lla - 6 years ago
i had no idea you guys were from the island i just saw you on cheknews and was shocked
Sailing Nahoa
Sailing Nahoa - 6 years ago
Raised and grew up on Vancouver Island!
Audrey Warren
Audrey Warren - 6 years ago
incredible catch!
Josh James Adventure VLOGS New Zealand
Josh James Adventure VLOGS New Zealand - 6 years ago
good shit, some epic fishing right there
Sam - 6 years ago
Lets just say, this isn't La Vagabonde
Furthermorem8 - 6 years ago
let’s just say this isn’t Instagram, idiot
KIM I - 6 years ago
WEIGH ANCHOR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,GOOD BY..........
Jayme Villela
Jayme Villela - 6 years ago
Your sailing and fishing videos are always EPIC! Thanks for sharing a fun fishing on a boat´s class.
masdbo - 6 years ago
Thanks for the fishing gear tips..... looking for TDD50 now. Kinda hard to find!
Victor Bitter
Victor Bitter - 6 years ago
You cant beat a shimano reel. the best reel money can buy at any price point whether you have $20 or $1000's.
Sail Before Sunset
Sail Before Sunset - 6 years ago
Okay, my First Mate went mad over fishing when we first started sailing about nine years ago, so she will love this vid. She now owns eight rods and about six reels, along with two tackle boxes. When she sets out to learn something, she goes all out. She has caught many fish and lobster (oh yea, she has three lobster traps), so she keeps us fed when we sail the islands. I have shared this with her on our Facebook page ( so she will probably subscribe and watch this vid. VERY informative, and I have just put one of the Shimano TLD 50 reels in our cart on Amazon because I know she will want one. We're about to untie the lines for the last time and sail south into retirement, so the information on the reel and line you used will come in handy.
Sailing on a Whim
Sailing on a Whim - 6 years ago
Great info! I just purchased my first boat (Tartan 37) and am leaving for the Caribbean in a few months. Really looking forward to fishing down there but I am definitely intimidated coming from fishing on lakes!
Jason O Sullivan
Jason O Sullivan - 6 years ago
Hi guys found you both on YouTube recently very enjoyable watching your journeys and adventures... Good sailing... Greetings from the Republic of Ireland
Fire Up the Smoker
Fire Up the Smoker - 6 years ago
Great video you guys are fun to watch ... new sub. Glad I found ya
Josh-uk96 - 6 years ago
Would you ever sail to greece or some place near there
Tommy Vestergaard
Tommy Vestergaard - 6 years ago
Hi i just want to wish you a merry xmas from Denmark, I have seen many of your video`s and you are doing what so many of us only dream to do, so Godspeed and hope to see something from you soon.
With love Tommy
PS. Sorry for the bad spelling, I am Danish and it is not my native tongue.
Jay Fitmob
Jay Fitmob - 6 years ago
Great video guys!
45searay - 6 years ago
Lydia Johnson
Lydia Johnson - 6 years ago
I think the word is tenet: a belief, principle, etc. A tenant is someone who rents. Smile!
Dirk Diggler
Dirk Diggler - 6 years ago
Dirk Diggler
Dirk Diggler - 6 years ago
Nathan Quinsey
Nathan Quinsey - 6 years ago
Great video, with some impressive fish! I don't think there is a nautical term opposite to 'ahoy', closest I can think of is 'avast', meaning 'cease'. Also, at the beginning it sounds like you said 'tenant', which is someone you rent a house to. I think the word you're looking for is 'tenet'. Thanks for the video!
Philippe Virgili
Philippe Virgili - 6 years ago
razzorbladz - 6 years ago
you can get all the parts you need to fix that Penn senator on Ebay quite cheap including a carbon drag washer upgrade kit and a big handle kit
Danny M
Danny M - 6 years ago
Nice catch nice tuna
JACK of ALL TRADES - 6 years ago
Fish flopping around your bare feet with big hooks in its mouth = major possible life threatening (infection/tetanus) injuries! AWESOME VIDEO THO BRO
JACK of ALL TRADES - 6 years ago
Penn makes larger size model squall reels that would suffice your needs
JACK of ALL TRADES - 6 years ago
Fishing out in the middle of nowhere maybe review accidental hook in body removal!
Brian Boys
Brian Boys - 6 years ago
Great Tenants
Zach Davis
Zach Davis - 6 years ago
buy live chickens, i've seen them in the markets on some sailing channels.
Patrick Stich
Patrick Stich - 6 years ago
oh damn!!! subscribed!
Jared Huber
Jared Huber - 6 years ago
I very much enjoyed watching this. I have dreamed of this lifestyle my entire life. Very inspirational. I'm now 48 yrs old and finally getting my last child out of the nest, so the time has come. I see a Bavaria 46 in my immediate future. Keep these coming, and who knows? Might run into you somewhere.
Cheers, Spartacus
Lee Coleman
Lee Coleman - 6 years ago
The off-set is , did you bring your prick : aye...
Lee Coleman
Lee Coleman - 6 years ago
Thank You . Safe be and Merry Christmas ,then A Happy New Year .saleh
Kallie Gayer
Kallie Gayer - 6 years ago
I am knew are u two dating
caribbeanchild - 6 years ago
easy...... troll at 4 knots!
Scott Williams
Scott Williams - 6 years ago
Opposite of Hello (Ahoy) is Bon Voyage
elbobcat - 6 years ago
Amazing fishes. But you never mentioned the lures. What were you using to catch the monsters?
manfred schmalbach
manfred schmalbach - 6 years ago
Fish's better than chicken anyway, but when You do not catch fish, buying the chicken alive does rid You of a couple problems in one go: You'll know exactly how long it was dead before You prepare it, and You can see the health condition as long as it still has feathers to spread its own. I'd still prefer the fish any day. Chicken just can't compete with a predator fish, can it?
Dux Buggy
Dux Buggy - 6 years ago
I think it’s anchors aweigh.

100. comment for How to catch BIG FISH while sailing

ExpeditionTrio - 6 years ago
Couldn’t agree more on eating fish over chicken and other options while your out there. My wife and I gave up on getting good meet while traveling in Underdeveloped areas for the most part. If I can’t catch it or get it from a fishmonger we’re out.
Steve Wright
Steve Wright - 6 years ago
Google search "sous vide" for your vacuum bagged tuna
Chas Ket
Chas Ket - 6 years ago
I am salivating just watching this dreaming of sashimi and all the sushi I can eat I think I've got to go to the store thanks guys for all the tips
bertie perret
bertie perret - 6 years ago
Cool video,
Couple of tips
you don’t need a vacuum machine, ziplock bags in a saltwater bucket, gets all the air out!
The Other reels are junk, Shimano TLD are the best, and lightest (adjust your drag at 1/3 of the lines breaking strength),
always “bleed” you fish (especially the Tuna), improves the meat allot.
Try the Mahi Mahi’s roe, first boil in saltwater, then cut in small pieces and pan fry in butter/olive oil.
Keep up with the great videos
We all enjoy your vibes
Capt Bertie (Caribbean)
JackVoodoo - 6 years ago
+bertie perret i have used the same penn senator 14/0 for 22 years for tiger bull and hammerhead sharks its never flinched or hesitated in quality i have had a 9/0 for 16 years and a penn senator 6/0 for 19 years
if you update the drags to the new drag systems their drags (the ones they come with) degrade yes and are not advanced you can change the drags out for the new quality ones straight from penn its costly about 5 dollors a washer but worth the cost in my exsperience they run fine if you service them and keep them in healthy condition at the end of the day if you take a vintage truck and restore it to modern quality they work not arguing your point of view i respect it we have just had vastly different experiences that all
bertie perret
bertie perret - 6 years ago
Hello Jack,
Down here we do Blue Marlin fishing, we stopped using Senators like 30+ years, not used anymore. Their drag system is not consistent. Only good thing about them are robustness & pricing....
JackVoodoo - 6 years ago
have you ever used a penn senator they have been on the shark fishing scene and deep scene scene since they stepped out of the factory they are basically indestructible huge line capacity especially in the larger sizes great drag power classic design trusted battle proven simple in design and contruction
Beaver_Mechanic - 6 years ago
That's alot of Sushi
frabisher - 6 years ago
Opposite of Ahoy is just plain Bye
Brian - 6 years ago
kevin mulvihill
kevin mulvihill - 6 years ago
My brother in Ireland had the same opinion and actually left the scouting organization after being in it for over 20 years, as he felt the changes were not for the better.
Sailing Nahoa
Sailing Nahoa - 6 years ago
Love it. Go! It’s amazing how stuff just works out.
Gunnar birgisson
Gunnar birgisson - 6 years ago
one great way to extend the freezing storage time is to GLAZE the fish with ice.... so basicly you freeze the fillet then take it out of the freezer and dunk it in freshwater just a second or two then you will get a thin ice layer that will protect it and you wont get the dry spots that damage your fish... didnt find the method on youtube but found this it might help
Jonathan Kaany
Jonathan Kaany - 6 years ago
Too bad you didn't bleed properly.
Andrew kovasok
Andrew kovasok - 6 years ago
You guys are great happy holidays
Steven Harris
Steven Harris - 6 years ago
I Love you Guys ... so much fun !!!
David Harris
David Harris - 6 years ago
Im jelly nice yellow
BIG CITY - 6 years ago
Hey,since you're our eyes on the world out there, do you see lots of debris out there ?(pollution) Have you seen junk on remote islands,stuff floating on the surface, seen the plastic geyers,and do you check your catches stomachs for plastic ? Let us know; we need to know. thx.
BIG CITY - 6 years ago
Roger that,Nahoa.Keep us posted on all that;it matters,and job well done on the show;you've come a long way.+Sailing Nahoa
Sailing Nahoa
Sailing Nahoa - 6 years ago
There is not a single atoll or deserted island we have been to that does not have plastic on its beaches. Worst offenders are plastic pop bottles followed by flip flops. The presence of mankind is absolutely everywhere.
Beachcomber - 6 years ago
Unless i missed it - dont you 'bleed' the fish so the blood leaves the meat and it tastes even more delish?
Robert Curtin
Robert Curtin - 6 years ago
They clean it immediately, bleeding only if you going to ice the fish for later cleaning
Do what you must, I have already won
Do what you must, I have already won - 6 years ago
Surely drown the fish by pouring alcohol into it's gills.
Len Losalio
Len Losalio - 6 years ago
Bleeding the Ahi or yellowfin tuna, is done to help the meat (muscles) to release the Lactic Acid and not "burn" or discolor the meat. Its done more for fish that will be sold at auction or fish markets because the brighter/deeper red the meat, the better the price. Lactic Acid will accumulate in Ahi and make it not as red colored.
Mike Villano
Mike Villano - 6 years ago
you are right. bleed and get the blood up.A single speed reel with a small handle he's trying to describe.
Yes, TLD Shimano 2 speed.
wolfe fishes
wolfe fishes - 6 years ago
Beachcomber yes you do bleed your fish bc if you dont the meat just won’t taste as good and if u don’t knock it out or kill it as soon as I get it on board the meat will build up altic acid and will turn white and taste not as good also
Chris Kibb
Chris Kibb - 6 years ago
Spot on.....actually, the meat will cook internally and turn to a white / grayish color, meaning the meat goes bad. To prevent this, a small incision just an inch behind the pectoral fins on both sides will severe a large artery and bleed out the blood but more importantly the heat in all the muscle. Also, if you have xtra ice, remove the head and guts, and pack the cavity with ice. Nothing better than fresh caught tuna, and nothing worse than having meat go bad on freshly caught tuna.
californiakayaker N6GRG
californiakayaker N6GRG - 6 years ago
Ok, this is a good one. I REALLY like this video. My first thought was "another fish video" and actually didn't watch it , but YouTube put it on when I was busy lol. A lot of good pointers. Riley would keep getting hooked up with Marlin, big ones. He lost a lot of gear doing that. I guess it happens more in certain areas of the pacific, and it was quite a while ago before they had gone to Europe, in the monohul.
Thumper VonWaldner
Thumper VonWaldner - 6 years ago
We love y’all videos. Pretty sure you have caught more fish than any other YouTube sailors.
Jack Sealy
Jack Sealy - 6 years ago
Love watching your videos. As for saying goodby, you can say, “fair winds and following seas”. Whatever you say.....keep the videos coming!!
Carry on sailing
Carry on sailing - 6 years ago
I live onboard and loved that episode. Odd watching someone do the same life?! Great advice you are giving to noobs and funny whilst you do it.
Nigel Donald
Nigel Donald - 6 years ago
If your sailing towards Australia then hope to catch Barramundi, Red Emperor , Western Australian Dhufish is 100x better than any Tuna ;)
nemo - 6 years ago
Where is the point to fish just for the pleasure of killing a living creature?
Matthew Elms
Matthew Elms - 6 years ago
Great video guys, what a whopper of a catch! Well done for landing it.
Marc F
Marc F - 6 years ago
You are both such wonderful persons and I love your videoblog and the way you do it. Because I plan to go for a loong sailing trip as well, it would be interesting to get information about senseful insurances (health, ship...), money transfer/bank account and other important documents. Maybe you are interested in talking about within the next time? Have a nice stay in Palau. Greetz from snowy bavaria, Marc
mespearson1970 - 6 years ago
Hello there from prince Rupert bc, just up the coast from your home town of Victoria. Just like to say, I stumbled upon your documentary.... of your trip around the world on You Tube and …..this is day 5 of watching your trip videos. And you two people are just the best people funny, happy, and very much a great husband and wife team. And I get this from just watching your videos.....I find your videos awesome, still have more of your videos to go thru and watch, but I am hooked now.... great sailing to you both stay safe and a Merry Christmas to you happy sailors living out your dream
glassman51 - 6 years ago
Hey I just discovered you guys, great video and it looks like you two have a lot of fun. Appreciate the skills tutorial, I am shoving off in a 40 foot Mono Bluewater cruiser next year! Fairwinds
jwrappuhn71 - 6 years ago
Great vid ya'll, what you need is a bitch belt, your rod will fit right into the belt, it will make it alot easier on your arms, your rod is already set up for the belt, thanks ya'll.
Michael Samuel
Michael Samuel - 6 years ago
They're talking about your monster fish on other channels. lol. You guys rock!
Michael Samuel
Michael Samuel - 6 years ago
+Sailing Nahoa I'm not sure because it's been a while. I want to say it was on Out Chasing Stars or Ruby Rose. Anyway, they were having a tough time catching fish and, someone said to go check out your how to videos on catching the big fish.
Sailing Nahoa
Sailing Nahoa - 6 years ago
Really? Where??
IOXAN PHENOMENON - 6 years ago
Mark Fraser
Mark Fraser - 6 years ago
You two rock man . Love your videos.
David Haney
David Haney - 6 years ago
Good job, great video, laughed & smiled. Keep sharing, keep uploading !!!
Marcus Petraska
Marcus Petraska - 6 years ago
bleeding out the tuna-type fish will help with eating qualities. and get some bungies for your handlines to take some of the shock out of them
Ernest Dougherty
Ernest Dougherty - 6 years ago
Great video always watch and love watching you two work together you work together so well and love what can you catch big fish I switched over to saltwater fishing about 10 years ago and since then I've taken up shark fishing and it is a lot of fun and I learnt a couple years ago mono over braided is the way to go all my realtor set up that way but I use penn fishing reels I have some huge huge ones that my brother sent me because he doesn't use them way too big for anything I'll ever use they're very expensive and I'll just hang on to them great video keep up the good work love y'all
Allyn Onderdonk
Allyn Onderdonk - 6 years ago
You can get an upgraded handle for the Penn Senator for about 30 to 40 dollars on ebay.
Jose Fernandez
Jose Fernandez - 6 years ago
Ashley needs an electric reel!
Nicholas Stevenson
Nicholas Stevenson - 6 years ago
You guys are just adorable! Love your posts. Cheers!
z życia wzięte
z życia wzięte - 6 years ago
KC Troyer
KC Troyer - 6 years ago
Love your videos. Which music source do you use? The music is always awesome
Poppa Bear
Poppa Bear - 6 years ago
North Pacific? I guess you can't spell FUKASHIMA OR RADIOACTIVE CESIUM. And people wonder why they get Cancer. Go figure.
Bart Black
Bart Black - 6 years ago
You guys are simply the best... informative, funny, entertaining..... I think if you look up ther definition of soul mates in the dictionary.... you would find a pic of you two. I just love your chemistry... Thanks for sharing your adventures....
briantobin9 - 6 years ago
What are you spraying in the gills to kill them? Some kind of alcohol I assume...
Johnny Hag
Johnny Hag - 6 years ago
Awesome guys. You didn't mention whether you bleed them out and how to do it. Love your channel. Thanks for sharing.
Joubert Marthinus
Joubert Marthinus - 6 years ago
awsme man, but pls dont say whr yoll finding thm big schools tuna. tmrw the chinas will flock thr and devour everything that moves.!
joseph pimer
joseph pimer - 6 years ago
love you guys ya you need a green stick.. cool vids
TheMusicrox4 - 6 years ago
Thanks for another great video & great advice. Would you please comment on lure choice. I have a couple of "colorful" lures but am afraid I'm going to loose them. I just use a hand line & am stuck on using a cedar plug with marginal results.
Ditbopper - 6 years ago
At sea you want a jig style lure, lead head with some sort of "feathers" trailing off the head over the hook. Also spoon type lures. You can make them btw. It isn't so much the colors of the lure but the action of it that attracts a bite. If the lure is given some up/down start/stop movement it attracts more action.
jay chilichild
jay chilichild - 6 years ago
Opposite to ahoy might be " avast " .
Tom Dall
Tom Dall - 6 years ago
Always enjoy your vids, smiling ear to ear!
michael d
michael d - 6 years ago
Da Dang you catch some big ones! The Tuna in a Store $500.00. Wow
Ismail - 6 years ago
You two have great energy... it's bloody infectious... going out to handline fish tadpoles right now!!
Sergio Silva
Sergio Silva - 6 years ago
Excellent video, thanks for showing us your journey. We will be first time boaters soon and we are gulping in every experience that we can to learn about it and certainly your videos promote the life at sea like a really fun lifestyle. Congratulations! Have a wonderful Christmas!! FL
Diesel Dick
Diesel Dick - 6 years ago
IS YOU-TUBE HIDING UR the hell are you guys still only in the 30,000 ‘s for subs .You have great editing, great exciting content. Super informative videos. Other channels do nothing but show u how to change oil in the generator
& spend the other half of the vid begging u to buy there crap & subscribe , you guys are landing tuna on a moving sailboat,
What takes 4 commercial fisherman backing down on one, come on people (I’m telling you hit that fuc#king subscribe
Button. (I guess if your wife’s not wearing a thong in every shot. ). This awesome content does not matter ...WTF !!!
P.S. and there doing a great filming while , fighting these monsters.......Jezus Christ people wake up.
leslie holt
leslie holt - 6 years ago
You two are killing it awesome got me laughing so hard. The excitement on Ashley's face was infectious every time that reel spun out her eyes would bug out and her smile and chuckle would come alive, i loved this video. So,so good you two. And omg the hand gestures were cracking me up.... okay i gotta relax now that was so funny. FYI-bmushler : I know of what you speak but it was my gut muscles from doubling over with laughter. "It's definitely a good thing".
Dan Elisha
Dan Elisha - 6 years ago
ALWAYS good fun watching you two sparring off each other...must be fabulous fun actually makin lurve for you both...enjoy,cos one day things dont work no more!And you cant buy a new one of those bits!
CJ Mac
CJ Mac - 6 years ago
The basic tenet then is that size really DOES matter. Good to know!
Jeff Slaven
Jeff Slaven - 6 years ago
Great vid! Maybe a few galley segments and some more recipes? Love recipes
Marc Andre Robert
Marc Andre Robert - 6 years ago
The vibe around the two of you has no match. Your happiness is communicative and you just made my cold Montreal day here in Canada start with a big smile. Thank you.
Johnny Cruise
Johnny Cruise - 6 years ago
great video again... Aloha
Sailing Catamaran Diving Adventures
Sailing Catamaran Diving Adventures - 6 years ago
Great video , Papua New Guinea is an awsome place, plenty of great reefs and fish here
Sailing Dutchman
Sailing Dutchman - 6 years ago
love it love the fish and thanks for the info on the rod,reel and line Cheers Mates
Chris Mills
Chris Mills - 6 years ago
FYI it's tenet not tenent :)
chris reynolds
chris reynolds - 6 years ago
If you would like to see,some useful fishing tips? Might I suggest Free Range Sailing....Aussie Sailing Channel.
Hugo Benitez
Hugo Benitez - 6 years ago i called you a Wuss for being all skittish about the sea snake but you made up for it with your choice of words. "Tenant".....perfect choice of word. Hand lining large fish allots you extra points. The choice of tackle to embody the lure additional action; superb. Yes,frugal is much better that "thrifty". Around 10:18 your reel is screaming.......oh lord, what a nice sound. Well done.
Bobby Baldeagle
Bobby Baldeagle - 6 years ago
I sure can tell that you kids are having way to much fun out there!!! LOL,LOL... BUT that's why your out there too have FUN!!! So your doing it up right... Keep having fun life is to short not too...
Also that's a great rule that when your on passage your boat is a dry boat. I wish more people would take that attitude drinking on passage...
Thanks for a laugh myself silly video. Laughter is good medicine I think Y'all came close to OD,ing me with these video... LOL... I needed a good dose of laughter to night thank you... Be blessed... BBE..
Dave West
Dave West - 6 years ago
Great info. When me maties say good by its usually a saying, as in "Be the winds at yer back and ye sails always full" or "Take what you can!" then they respond with "Leave nothing behind!"
vxnova1 - 6 years ago
What’s the strength of the line you use
vxnova1 - 6 years ago
Awesome work as always guys
Tommy Lam
Tommy Lam - 6 years ago
Hey guy, been following your video since the beginning. Can I pass you some tackle? if so where can I send it too?
The Geordie, the Witch and the Wench
The Geordie, the Witch and the Wench - 6 years ago
We wish we watched this video before we ran out of food in the middle of the ocean!! Cheers guys :-)
Dude on a computer
Dude on a computer - 6 years ago
I will fight you for those yellowfin filets!
george lambertson
george lambertson - 6 years ago
Dude the opposite of Ahoy is Walk The Plank you Pirate ...GRRRRR
donnyboy - 6 years ago
I love everything about this update, in so many ways.! You guys are absolutely adorable. I would love to come sail, and fish with you anytime. I would not even mind at all covering the night shift.
Danoz direct
Danoz direct - 6 years ago
Awesome video guys
You 2 have an amazing connection we each other that is electric
And heartwarming to watch
And you don’t take life to seriously
And are Very down to earth
You guys are my favourite cruising couple by far
My favourite family cruisers are sailing catalpa
They have a connection just like you guys with their kids and it’s beautiful to see
Thanks for sharing your journey guys
God bless xx
Juan S
Juan S - 6 years ago
All reels vary as to the type of fishing you will do, also will the line, so when buying a reel let them know what you are fishing for and and the size that may be caught Penn reels are the most chosen for deep water fishing and if you use the wrong reel you will be disappointed
Cat Boat Adventures
Cat Boat Adventures - 6 years ago
With all that tuna you are eating (I envy you) are you guys concerned at all about the amount of mercury you are ingesting? I'm getting a little concerned about you.

Jim Andersen
Cat Boat Adventures
Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts
Cat Boat Adventures
Cat Boat Adventures - 6 years ago
+Capt. G. Turns out that Mahi is in the middle of the pack with respect to mercury. Right next to Mackerel by the way. I tried Mahi once and really liked it (although I bet it wasn't close to the fresh Mahi you had), but I was concerned about the mercury so I didn't have it again. But now that it has lower levels than I thought, I look forward to enjoying it a lot more.

In case you are interested, here is a study of the mercury levels in commercial fish.

Thanks again for your videos. Keep em coming. All the best, Jim Andersen, Cat Boat Adventures, Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts.
Capt. G.
Capt. G. - 6 years ago
Cat Boat Adventures - slower-growing mackerels and swordfish species are more likely to have mercury levels high enough to be of any real concern. Mahi are some of the fastest growing fish on the planet- mercury not an issue with their 5 year lifespans.
Great video, btw. Thinking about switching out from sportfisher to catamaran owner. This video really showed me what a sailboat is capable of.
Ed T.
Ed T. - 6 years ago
Interesting video. Obnoxious number of ads.
Sailing Nahoa
Sailing Nahoa - 6 years ago
Thanks for the feedback. Dialed them back a bit.
johnnybarbar - 6 years ago
"Bon voyage you scurvy dog! " is the opposite of Hello or "Shiver me timbers, hoist the sails you scallywags!". LOL
Chris Child
Chris Child - 6 years ago
Bon voyage is opposite of ahoy? Anyway sounded good to me. Love your stuff. Have a very merry Christmas you two, love your stuff.
P.S. where can I buy your swag?
Phil Box
Phil Box - 6 years ago
It's ciguateria. The first part of the word is pronounced much like cigarette, the last part of the word is pronounced like the last part of cafeteria. Great catch on the Yellow Fin mate. I'd be celebrating too. You should be cutting the cheeks out of the face on em too. Tastiest part of the fish.
Tim Rainey
Tim Rainey - 6 years ago
When you get naked let's see it all, not half. or better let's just keep it on the BEAUTIFUL. NO GUYS ALLOWED.
Antony Stephens
Antony Stephens - 6 years ago
love you guy, big fan
Tony Horne
Tony Horne - 6 years ago
Awesome as always.
Steve Holett
Steve Holett - 6 years ago
Finally finally - sailors that know how to fish - you're rare in YouTube land. Thank you!!!
acsbob - 6 years ago
Love your vids and enjoy your humor, but Tenant is a renter vs. Tenet is a basic belief, truth or teaching.
mark conyers
mark conyers - 6 years ago
You need to finish that one time in preschool, story.
RICHARD SCUDDS - 6 years ago
Absolutely love this one , seeing as how i,m a salty old fisherman , your excitement is electric and i could sit here all day and watch you's pair fish , only difference is that i,m a Diawa man , but shit , who cares when ya hear them scream like that , Stay safe guys
Shane Villis
Shane Villis - 6 years ago
now if you can get to use the overhead reel properly lololol........also look at the possibility of getting a stand up rod belt,it goes around your waist and hooks up to the rod through those eyelets on top,it will help take some of the weight and fatigue off your arms....
Sausage - 6 years ago
In this Episode: Ben shows off his tackle and Ashley reels back with all the big handling :)

Can you please us what lures you use (I think that was missing)?
f2a - 6 years ago
Do you guys ever worry about mercury content of the fish you're catching?
R T - 6 years ago
a hubcap on a rope and then your bait
John Stingel
John Stingel - 6 years ago
Thank you.
Al Lewis
Al Lewis - 6 years ago
I've said this before , it's nice to watch a sailor that can fish. Thanks for sharing.
RRRobelt Nest
RRRobelt Nest - 6 years ago
you guys are the best merry christmas .
Jason Grinnell
Jason Grinnell - 6 years ago
Love the fishing videos! What is your favorite bait. The cream of the crop?
David Albright
David Albright - 6 years ago
Ash - that high-dollar word that Ben used is actually "tenet" and not "tenant." A basic "tenant" would be some really plain person who rents your house. Honestly, I don't watch your videos for grammar inconsistencies. I just wanted to give you something to pick at Ben about. Love the videos and the fun you guys have, as my wife and I are living aboard our 40' sloop and getting her ready for fulltime cruising. Merry Christmas from New Bern, NC.
Steve Kaplan
Steve Kaplan - 6 years ago
+David Albright Hmm, I thought we in the states speak "American" and you up north speak "Canadian" ?
gerry duquette
gerry duquette - 6 years ago
+Scott Mitchell EH!
Stevie FordRanger
Stevie FordRanger - 6 years ago
David Albright and one of them wrote lenght instead of length in a heading.
David Albright
David Albright - 6 years ago
+Scott Mitchell - ears. We speak the same English language in America as is spoken in Canada.
Maria Johnson
Maria Johnson - 6 years ago
​+Scott Mitchell "How do you spell correct a word ..." >> Dafuq? Youse speek english very yummy
Scott Mitchell
Scott Mitchell - 6 years ago
How do you spell correct a word that's spoken and not written? Maybe you should brush up on your Canadian?
RJs Salty Adventures
RJs Salty Adventures - 6 years ago
What an awesome video. Thanks for sharing. As an avid fishermen who is on a journey to buy a sailboat and circumnavigate the Globe. Learning new strategies is important. Have fun, be safe and KEEP ON SAILIN ON! cheers RJ
Adventures with Frodo
Adventures with Frodo - 6 years ago
Star drag
And braid is about 2/3 diameter of mono for the same strength.
See if there is a way to ad harness clips to your reel so you dont havs to hold it all with your arms. Most reels that size have the built in.
john brown
john brown - 6 years ago
WOW LOL Sit here in snow bank Edmonton, My palm started sweating (lol) Watching your vid pulling in that Monster. Great action folks, Merry Christmas and God Bless.
Z ZZZ - 6 years ago
Awesome video !!!
TheMonkeyrock77 - 6 years ago
Opp of Yoe Hoy would be you Hoy wouldn't it? Maybe it would be, Yow Filthy Hoy. The rules of Marriage are only there to cover-up our discrase. All we really are, are men that Skrew other mens Daughters and woman who skrew other womans sons.
Ron Bumbera
Ron Bumbera - 6 years ago
OK, a couple of things. I do not sail but I have been on a number of sport fishing boats. What about getting in the dingy and fighting the fish from there? It seems as though that you are fighting the boat as much as the fish. On a sport fish, once the fish is hooked the boat starts backing down on the fish to get the fish to the boat as soon as possible. Do you have a flying gaff? How about 80lb tackle? Just asking. Have fun.
Fredrick Rourk
Fredrick Rourk - 6 years ago
Do you use a Katana Sword for a fillet knife? :)
Amazing Catch!
Mike Colucci
Mike Colucci - 6 years ago
I've had sharks eat my catch too....el sucko ;-) you guys rock ...
Captain Mark Gray
Captain Mark Gray - 6 years ago
Opposite of Aye Matey is hummm Ba Bye :-0 o---) Cool info. Lures?
Jackie Simmons
Jackie Simmons - 6 years ago
We ❤️ your videos you two are amazing, Roger especially loves your table talks. Merry Christmas!
Ken Lui
Ken Lui - 6 years ago
You two are great, you keep me laughing.
Wayne Lancaster
Wayne Lancaster - 6 years ago
You guys made that video lots of fun
Fantastic fishing and awesome yellow fin - saw some around that size two weeks ago but they were not interested in my lure spread.
You did so well to land that beauty
I am a keen a game fisherman living in Fiji at the moment you are correct about the gear etc
Tld 50 is a good quality affordable reel and good to have braid backing
The TLDs can flex with huge fish but have advantages when it comes to corrosion and price
Tyrnos and Tiagra are also excellent if the budget allows
You guys rock
Love your 410 and the fact you are so real in your films
Wishing you a sensational Christmas
Do message if you next in Fiji as can offer free birthing(parking of your boat) in an awesome private marina
Wayne Lancaster
Wayne Lancaster - 6 years ago
Thanks for the reply
Wishing you following winds and a very happy Christmas!!!
Sailing Nahoa
Sailing Nahoa - 6 years ago
Wish we’d met you sooner! Maybe on the next lap we’ll hit you up. Thanks for the pro tips on other reels.
Stuart Simmons
Stuart Simmons - 6 years ago
Awesome video. You guys kill it on the fishing compared to other cruisers
Ken Ledson
Ken Ledson - 6 years ago
Love your boat and your video's. That kind of fishing looks so much fun. Merry Christmas you two
P. T. Anderson
P. T. Anderson - 6 years ago
Wooo hoo! I love being back online so I can catch your videos when they are fresh like those fish! Superfun to see how you catch the big ones! I've only ever caught little 3-5lb rock fish and flounders here in Puget Sound... I've been using your Amazon link as much as I can. I hope it helps! Cheers!
Sailing Nahoa
Sailing Nahoa - 6 years ago
Ah thanks so much mate! It does indeed help. Every little bit helps us stay out here longer. Merry Christmas
Gipsy Smith
Gipsy Smith - 6 years ago
They make a rod clamp that most likely will help you attach it to a rail instead of a rod.
Gary K
Gary K - 6 years ago
Ash, Ben is one lucky guy. A hot lady that digs fishing and beers.
bmushler - 6 years ago
So, when I realize that my cheeks hurt about 3/4 way through your video, that's a good thing right?
bmushler - 6 years ago
They have found a sweet spot in life. I hope it lasts forever.
OneGenericName - 6 years ago
Know what you mean. You can't help it when you see these two just having to much fun! Good times!
Sailing Nahoa
Sailing Nahoa - 6 years ago
Haha. Awesome comment.
Ken Kaz
Ken Kaz - 6 years ago
So does that qualify as a "fish story"? Great video. Thanks for sharing your stuff.....Capt Kaz
lowell mccormick
lowell mccormick - 6 years ago
Fresh tuna is so good and tastes so different than other fish.  It's like beefsteak of the sea.  When I worked offshore in the Gulf of Mexico, one of the prize fish to catch was lemon fish, aka cobia and ling.  I've never seen anyone on any sailing channels mention this large delicious fish.  Have you guys ever caught any lemon fish?
Greg Gronemeier
Greg Gronemeier - 6 years ago
I love seeing how excited you are about catching fish. Did this on my powerboat many years ago. Nothing like it. It’s great when the fish can spool your reel. I call this “real” fishing. Screw the little bass fish. These are real fish battles.
Sailing Nahoa
Sailing Nahoa - 6 years ago
When we caught that first big yellowfin last season my body literally hurt for days. Couldn’t straighten my arms. The battle is real.
Cyclomaniac - 6 years ago
So much fun.... great video guys. Stay cool
calebmorey - 6 years ago
What about Getting Permits/Licenses? Do you have to get one every country you are in?
Sailing Nahoa
Sailing Nahoa - 6 years ago
We fish in international waters most of the time as we’re often offshore putting miles down. But haven’t heard much in terms of permits in any country out here.
Gipsy Smith
Gipsy Smith - 6 years ago
Just to let you know you can get larger handles and better drags for the senator. They are easy enough to work on also. They are the most used reels on the long-range tuna fishing trips I have been on. Looks like you are the best fisherpersons (have to be PC these days you know) I have seen on the Youtube sailing channels.
David Fritch
David Fritch - 6 years ago
+Sailing Nahoa if i'm not mistaken. Gear nerds putting carbon drags in all the reels. Often for under 10$. Great video!
Sailing Nahoa
Sailing Nahoa - 6 years ago
No PC needed on this channel. Thanks for the tip re handles. Thinking of rail mounting my senator to the boat as two rods is more than we can handle with sails up.
Sailing the Foxy Lady
Sailing the Foxy Lady - 6 years ago
Great video guys! Love the editing and love the info! Those are some monsters you are hooking!
NoelCockle - 6 years ago
What about the lures?
Sailing Nahoa
Sailing Nahoa - 6 years ago
I’ll have to make another video. Maybe next month!
roel enriquez
roel enriquez - 6 years ago
so much fun and joy... Fresh sashimi is sweet... God bless you and keep you safe guys...
Tony Poulos
Tony Poulos - 6 years ago
Good Video) How and at what length are you tying the mono line to the braid backing and what test lines are you using?
Sailing Nahoa
Sailing Nahoa - 6 years ago
Good question. We use about 300 yards of 40 lb mono and tie the two together with a Uni knot.
T G - 6 years ago
You two really make my day when the videos come up!! Love it!
pro onlinesales
pro onlinesales - 6 years ago
What are you guys age?
Gordon McChesney
Gordon McChesney - 6 years ago
Fantastic video, keep sharing the fishing. Very Jealous!!!! Merry Christmas and play safe.
Herman Gareis
Herman Gareis - 6 years ago
So much win!!!!!! Love your vids!!!
John Peake
John Peake - 6 years ago
Thank you guys , need the laugh love the video keep safe your heading to some of the best diving in the world as well
R T - 6 years ago
That's some serious money.
Jack Taylor
Jack Taylor - 6 years ago
Hello Nahoa dudes, I just love your BIG, BIG. BIG, BIG. BIG, BIG. BIG, BIG. BIG, BIG. fishing videos. It has to be so much fun catching a huge Yellow fin Tuna Fish. The lever drag you mentioned is called a Star Drag. My favorite spot when Deep Sea Fishing was always on the aft Starboard corner. I usually got the biggest and most fish, plus the money from that spot. I sure miss my days at sea, seeing big fish jumping around the boat like you filmed, So Cool. I could watch y'all's videos for hours if you ever made one that long, I just love y'all's ambitious and captivating personalities, you make every day a fun day. Stay safe, I love y'all.
Sailing Nahoa
Sailing Nahoa - 6 years ago
Hey Jack! Thanks for your comment. You know that burning log TV show people put on replay if they don't have a real fireplace? I wonder if anyone has ever just done a screaming reel TV show? I could watch that for hours. I might have 30 minutes of continuous screaming reel footage by now...
Paul Heneberry
Paul Heneberry - 6 years ago
Opposite of 'Ahoy',
Michael Rouse
Michael Rouse - 6 years ago
Sailing Nahoa
Sailing Nahoa - 6 years ago
Yeah maybe. We need a pirate dictionary!
Sailing Nahoa
Sailing Nahoa - 6 years ago
Yes! Merry Christmas to you as well!
movieklump - 6 years ago
Let's hope a shark eats these moronic blood thirsty murderers.
Mike Mckelvey
Mike Mckelvey - 6 years ago
+Ron Bumbera Agreed, but I wouldn't enjoy it. Many if not most people would eat anything if they were hungry enough. People who happily eat octopus would be horrified to be offered dolphin. This is more blood sport than sustenance.
Ron Bumbera
Ron Bumbera - 6 years ago
+Mike Mckelvey You would if you were hungry
Mike Mckelvey
Mike Mckelvey - 6 years ago
+Ron Bumbera Fruit, obviously. But we aren't talking about just food. These large fish have taken a long time to grow this big and deserve more than to be used as targets in a competition in who can kill the biggest. I love to fish myself and I do eat fish but I would never catch a fish like one of these and not release it.
Michael Rouse
Michael Rouse - 6 years ago
So let me get this straight you want a person to die for killing a fish? Come on troll, you know you wrote this in your mom's basement wearing your leather Birkenstocks. BTW they didn't use a sword, they used a Shimano LTD 50 Reel with a big handle Duh!
Dave Ktver
Dave Ktver - 6 years ago
Here'a an article stating that plants have structures analogous to the neurobiology in animals. Plants also have memory, the ability to learn, and the ability to anticipate -- for example, they will change the direction of their roots to go around an object before reaching it. And mimosa plants will actually respond to disturbances and any kind of anguish by collapsing its leaves.

So if you want to exist as a human without hurting any living things, I am afraid those two states of being are incompatible.

Here's the article:
Ron Bumbera
Ron Bumbera - 6 years ago
+movieklump what do you eat that has not been killed for your pleasure?
P. T. Anderson
P. T. Anderson - 6 years ago
What is wrong with you? Wishing harm/death upon someone who is clearly fishing for subsistence is immoral. You are sick. You sound like you need help. I'm going to have to guess that you're some kind of vegan? How awful it must be for you to have so much hate for the majority of the people in this world eating a normal diet around you. Who do you think you are?

Or you are just an attention whore, a troll.
Mike Mckelvey
Mike Mckelvey - 6 years ago
+Sailing Nahoa Even the guy says "They always try to break the line around the rudder,as if they know." And you think they are on a par with asparagus in the right to life. You are confused, or do asparagus bleed too?
Greg Gronemeier
Greg Gronemeier - 6 years ago
If you catch the fish and eat it, that’s ok. Catching and releasing is also, ok. You just don’t want to catch the fish, kill it as it gets to the boat due to exhaustion, then release it dead. Your doing it right ! Fish On !!!!
Sailing Nahoa
Sailing Nahoa - 6 years ago
I have a question...When you chop off asparagus at its ankles, is that murder? So confused.
Mike Mckelvey
Mike Mckelvey - 6 years ago
+Sailing Nahoa You did shout out "It's a bloodbath". Can you really use all that fish?
lowell mccormick
lowell mccormick - 6 years ago
Do you only eat non-murdered food?
T G - 6 years ago're a piece of shit excuse for a human. Run along now, your mommy is calling for you little snowflake.
Tahole Carson
Tahole Carson - 6 years ago
A fish is not an animal.
movieklump - 6 years ago
+Sailing Nahoa No what's is not nice is your joy and pride in killing animals. You should be ashamed of yourself. All I am saying is live by the sword die by the sword.
Sailing Nahoa
Sailing Nahoa - 6 years ago
That's not very nice.
Michael Rouse
Michael Rouse - 6 years ago
Ben, forget the haircut, bring back those side burns! Nice job you two! 10 POINTS for sure! Does it matter what rod you have or do you have a recommendation? What pound test do you recommend?
Sailing Nahoa
Sailing Nahoa - 6 years ago
I think the sideburns will make a comeback on the next big passage. They're long overdue.
mark graves
mark graves - 6 years ago
frank njoro
frank njoro - 6 years ago
am i the first to comment? i love you guys.

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About How to catch BIG FISH while sailing

The "How to catch BIG FISH while sailing" video is part of the Sealing, tipps, boating category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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