How To Pick Up A Mooring Ball (Sailing Virgins) Ep.08

Picking up a mooring ball and securing it effectively to your boat is a particular technique. If it is not done correctly, your line can chafe through, leaving you adrift when you least expect it. Nobody wants that. So listen up and we will share you our tried and tested method. Our Patreon page is here: For the full blog post on this episode, check out: Here are the steps (02:39): 1. The Set Up (02:42) 2. The Approach (04:13) 3. Stopping the Boat (05:20) 4. The Pick-Up (06:00) 5. Securing (07:08) Bonus Tip - The Lasso (08:52) 6. Checking (10:21) Conclusion Whether you plan to pick up a mooring ball every day of your vacation, or not at all, it helps to know the proper method of securing a boat to a mooring ball. Remember these three key points: 1. Use two lines; 2. Work on one line at a time; 3. Check what the ball is attached to. Sailing Virgins is the world’s leading sailing academy for people in their 20s and 30s. Started by two Australians in the British Virgin Islands, Sailing Virgins takes intrepid souls on a full-on sailing adventure throughout the Caribbean. Fast-track courses are 7-days in duration, with participants, whether rank beginners or advanced sailors, taking the wheel from day one. Number one on TripAdvisor, TrustPilot, Google and Facebook reviews, Sailing Virgins is experiencing 300%-per-year growth. Contact us to learn more: Thanks to Andy for the jeep ride! Here is the Facebook page of Marias Café: Thanks to Charles and Cornelia to let us visit their home, here you can find Charles' book on amazon: Music cred: Sydji - Weedsday Video cred: Celine Freixe

How To Pick Up A Mooring Ball (Sailing Virgins) Ep.08 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 27

Sailing 6 years ago 52,971 views

Picking up a mooring ball and securing it effectively to your boat is a particular technique. If it is not done correctly, your line can chafe through, leaving you adrift when you least expect it. Nobody wants that. So listen up and we will share you our tried and tested method. Our Patreon page is here: For the full blog post on this episode, check out: Here are the steps (02:39): 1. The Set Up (02:42) 2. The Approach (04:13) 3. Stopping the Boat (05:20) 4. The Pick-Up (06:00) 5. Securing (07:08) Bonus Tip - The Lasso (08:52) 6. Checking (10:21) Conclusion Whether you plan to pick up a mooring ball every day of your vacation, or not at all, it helps to know the proper method of securing a boat to a mooring ball. Remember these three key points: 1. Use two lines; 2. Work on one line at a time; 3. Check what the ball is attached to. Sailing Virgins is the world’s leading sailing academy for people in their 20s and 30s. Started by two Australians in the British Virgin Islands, Sailing Virgins takes intrepid souls on a full-on sailing adventure throughout the Caribbean. Fast-track courses are 7-days in duration, with participants, whether rank beginners or advanced sailors, taking the wheel from day one. Number one on TripAdvisor, TrustPilot, Google and Facebook reviews, Sailing Virgins is experiencing 300%-per-year growth. Contact us to learn more: Thanks to Andy for the jeep ride! Here is the Facebook page of Marias Café: Thanks to Charles and Cornelia to let us visit their home, here you can find Charles' book on amazon: Music cred: Sydji - Weedsday Video cred: Celine Freixe

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Most popular comments
for How To Pick Up A Mooring Ball (Sailing Virgins) Ep.08

Noel Faulkner
Noel Faulkner - 5 years ago
Bring the buoy around to the stern platform and tie on from there.
Capt Chef Mark SV Alcina
Capt Chef Mark SV Alcina - 5 years ago
Ok Guys, I thought he we ago again, something for the beginners . Just put a line in the ring and that’s it. But you came up with some other ideas which was great. I learnt something today. I been sailing all my life and was first officer on a tall ship for 9 years. I will never forget what you have taught me.
J David Kriet, MD
J David Kriet, MD - 5 years ago
Hi guys. Just returned from the BVI's on a bareboat trip. Watched a bunch of your videos since it had been over 20 years since I owned my sailboat. Great refreshers and your tip on the lasso throw to secure the mooring ball saved us! Only 2 mooring balls left in Great Harbor on Peter Island-both with the leads missing. Was a windy evening and no way to reach the eye with the boat hook. Lasso move did the trick! Thanks for all the great content!
Frank Byl
Frank Byl - 5 years ago
Thanks, I liked the lassoing idea.
Paul Paterson
Paul Paterson - 5 years ago
JACK!!!! You legend. I saw you on La Vaga, I didn't realise you had your own channel. Liked and subscribed. See ya next time!!
Andrew Hawthorne
Andrew Hawthorne - 5 years ago
Nice. Love your videos. Any tips on keeping a mooring ball from banging on the hull? Catamaran advice especially appreciated.
Malcolm Bullock
Malcolm Bullock - 5 years ago
On a mono we end up hauling the entire buoy (ball) out of the water! I guess on a cat you could use the bridle and maybe a third centre line to do the same?
Tijmen van leeuwen
Tijmen van leeuwen - 5 years ago
Having prepared a line front to the back of the boat, I would approach the buoy stern to. Giving more stability keeping the boat in place against the wind. Also, the mate can work from the swiming platform. After putting the line through the ring the mates walks forward again and secures the line. The boat will turn into the wind and than the second line can be attatched. Last but not least the skipper and mate can communicate easiley while getting the buoy. Just a different way to acchieve the same.
john Orlando
john Orlando - 5 years ago
well done , no such thing as full redundancy in boating haha ... A+ mate!
Mike Michelin
Mike Michelin - 6 years ago
Love these tutorial videos mates! keep it up!

10. comment for How To Pick Up A Mooring Ball (Sailing Virgins) Ep.08

Captain Boomies
Captain Boomies - 6 years ago
Gabriel S.
Gabriel S. - 6 years ago
you're pretty good at picking up balls.
George Hollis
George Hollis - 6 years ago
Fix that fan belt!
John Feeken
John Feeken - 6 years ago
I’m looking to leave my beloved dock to take the next step in sailing, so I was looking up moorings. Thank you so much for helping with my adventure!
Sailing Virgins
Sailing Virgins - 6 years ago
Glad to hear we can help out John!
Chad Carter
Chad Carter - 6 years ago
Riley’s cousin?
Sailing Virgins
Sailing Virgins - 6 years ago
da ne
da ne - 6 years ago
I  suggest  you  get experience in mildy rough conditions on a lake  to tune your skills on setting sails and tacking. And warm water to enjoy learning.
Sailing Virgins
Sailing Virgins - 6 years ago
No sure what happened to the start of this message, but it suggested to start on a lake, then progress to bigger water. Yes we agree it's reasonable to start on easier stuff, then progress to more challenging conditions. Thanks for the comment.
John Silberman
John Silberman - 6 years ago
Great video except you were under power. Please show how to do it if you have to pick one up under sail with lite to med wind. Thanks.
Sailing Virgins
Sailing Virgins - 6 years ago
Thanks John, we'll put that in a future episode.
Patrick Lindsay
Patrick Lindsay - 6 years ago
Great video, guys! Best I've seen on picking up a mooring. Can you make a similar video on picking up the mooring singlehanded? Because I sail singlehanded, I've never picked one up... always anchor. But sometimes I'd rather moor if possible.
Toine de Laet
Toine de Laet - 5 years ago
As solo sailor I prefer going stern to the buoy and the use of a (sluice) hook to pick the buoy. Due to weight it keeps the line to the buoy, sometimes work better than the lasso.
Uninvited Guest
Uninvited Guest - 5 years ago
There was another message on here above, prepare a line from the front to the stern, then back into the mooring ball to be able to easily get it from a sugar scoop or lower area, while still near the helm.
Sailing Virgins
Sailing Virgins - 6 years ago
Patrick Lindsay sure that's a good idea. Stay tuned!
Stanislav Kroshchenko
Stanislav Kroshchenko - 6 years ago
Great episode guys! Well done!
Sailing Virgins
Sailing Virgins - 6 years ago
Thanks Stanislav!
Snake Plisken
Snake Plisken - 6 years ago
Good demo! We have a mooring up a river with tide often against the wind and the ball keeps bumping the boat, so we found that taking a short / tight line through one of the anchor rollers, helps to keep the ball away from the boat. The lasso technique is our favorite since there is no pickup line or eye provided on this ball either.
Sailing Virgins
Sailing Virgins - 6 years ago
Nice one! Sounds like a good method for wind vs. tide situations.

20. comment for How To Pick Up A Mooring Ball (Sailing Virgins) Ep.08

S/V Thirteen Winds
S/V Thirteen Winds - 6 years ago
Excellent series guys! We just found your channel and we will certainly be recommending around to others!! Thumbs up! Keep up the great work!
Sailing Virgins
Sailing Virgins - 6 years ago
Thanks for that Thirteen Winds! Much appreciated.
Stephany Mauer
Stephany Mauer - 6 years ago
Andy introduced us to Charles and Cornelia on our last stop in Bequia, and it was one of the hilights of our visit. We ran out of time, so didn't get to visit Moonhole. But what an amazing story they have! Nice footage! Thanks for sharing that! Steph and Tim on s/v Endless Pleasure
Sailing Virgins
Sailing Virgins - 6 years ago
Thanks Steph and Tim :)

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