How to Transit the Panama Canal with Sailing La Vagabonde 's Line Handlers in a Yacht S1E11
Sailing 7 years ago 7,718 views
See how to transit the Panama Canal in a small sailboat or yacht. This video puts you in the cockpit for each one of the six locks in the Gatun, Pedro Miguel, and Mira Flores locks of the Panama Canal. It shows you all the secrets of a successful Panama Canal transit. You can skip ahead to the parts you want to see: 0:25 Shelter Bay Marina, Colon, Panama 0:28 Panama Canal agent 0:40 Line rental and fenders 0:50 Provisioning, groceries, and meals for line handlers at Rey Supermarket at the Quatros Altos Mall in Colon, Panama 1:15 Name painting tradition for Panama Canal transiting boats visiting Shelter Bay Marina in Colon, Panama 1:30 Our line handlers Jose & Pedro from Sailing La Vagabonde 1:50 Our line handler Pedro from Sailing La Vagabonde 1:58 Number of line handles needed = 4 2:04 Port of Cristobal 2:10 Flats Anchorage, Colon, Panama, Caribbean Sea, Atlantic Ocean 3:10 Our line handlers watch themselves on Sailing La Vagabonde Episode 35 & 36 at 3:48 Sophie gives art advice 5:10 Three options for transiting the Panama canal: 1. Tug Tied, 2. Rafted to Another Yacht, or 3. Wall Tied 5:00 Gatun locks 5:20 Rafting to another yacht 5:33 Monkey fist throw 5:45 Do all your line handlers need to be experienced? 6:25 Rafted in the center 6:55 Adjusting the lines when rising in the locks 7:00 Costs of transiting the Panama Canal 7:30 Walking the monkey fist 8:00 Do smaller boats need to use their engines when rafted? 9:05 Winching Panama Canal lines 10:34 Lock #3 of 3 of the Gatun Locks 10:50 Mooring v. anchoring in Gatun Lake 11:10 How to moor to moorings made for ships in Gatun Lake 11:35 Our second Panama Canal advisor on day 2 11:50 You need a galley slave on your Panama Canal Transit! 13:40 Pedro Miguel Lock 13:50 Rafting to a sidewall tied ferry 14:33 Are Panama Canal advisors helpful? 15:14 Currents created by ships in the locks 15:55 Last in first out (LIFO) rafting 16:30 Mira Flores lock 1 of 2 17:00 Discussion of the new Panama Canal locks launched in 2016 17:08 Covering solar panels to prevent damage 18:25 Mira Flores Lock #2 of 2 18:46 Unrafting 19:03 Exiting the Panama Canal in the Pacific Yacht Club 19:29 Port of Balboa, Panama 19:38 Balboa Yacht Club, Panama City 20:00 Moorings and dinghy ban in the Balboa Yacht Club 21:00 Plans to sail to Ecuador! 21:05 More Panama Canal tips 21:15 Benefits of supporting the channel at 22:50 Bonus episodes, free audiobooks, drawing to sail with us, the Star/Executive Producer reward is awesome! 23:48 What is the most important thing to do when visiting Panama by sailboat or yacht? 25:00 Should you use volunteer or professional line handlers? 26:20 Insurance issues 27:00 How long does it take to get a Panama Canal transit date? 27:30 Agent or no Panama Canal agent? Which is better? 29:15 How to select a reputable Panama Canal agent? This is episode 11 of Slow Boat Sailing's round the world vlog series. You can watch this and past and future episodes at Episode 12 will take the Slow Boat offshore to Ecuador and across the equator. Episode 10 in Panama and New Orleans will not be released to the public until June or July 2017. Patrons of the YouTube channel will get to see episode 10 three months earlier than the public. Music by Story, video, and editing by Linus Wilson (c) 2017 Associate Producer, Anders Colbenson Sign up for our free newsletter at for free books and sailing tips. Like or follow us on Facebook and Twitter to get video announcements and updates on our travels and thoughts about sailing at or Get a copy or free sample from my other books at Slow Boat to the Bahamas How to Sail Around the World Part-Time Slow Boat to Cuba Check out our free podcast at On the podcast we interview the most interesting sailors in the world such as the creators of SV Delos, Untie the Lines (White Spot Pirates), and Chase the Story (Turf to Surf and SV Cheeky Monkey). Or support the podcast and or videos on Patreon for some awesome rewards, including a chance to star as a crew member on the Slow Boat!
10. comment for How to Transit the Panama Canal with Sailing La Vagabonde 's Line Handlers in a Yacht S1E11
I thought there was a small boat canal. Did they eliminate the small canal with the upgrade? Warren