Install/Replace Backstay (Norseman Fittings, Terminals and Cones) Patrick Childress Sailing Videos 7

Install /replace Backstay- Norseman Fittings, Terminals and Cones ..Patrick Childress shows how to replace the rigging on your sailboat, in this case, a new backstay. Removing the backstay and replacing it does not have to be difficult, but there are a few things to be aware of in the process. From climbing the mast, to performing a rigging inspection, to how to use a Norseman Terminal and cones, its all covered here in one of the best Sailboat How to Videos. It important to know how to install rigging on a Bluewater sailboat yourself. This is the KISS Gam backstay antenna for the SSB Radio that we slid off, and then slid back on when we changed the headstay. It has worked wonders for 7 years now. Patrick Childress is no stranger to rigging a sailboat...we Dismasted in the Pacific years ago...and he rerigged the entire boat from scratch at a remote atoll in the North Pacific with no rigger, and no facilities for sailboats. See more sailing videos at Norseman terminals are not produced anymore, and are hard to find, but we found aftermarket cones here: Here is the proper Loos Tension Gauge, like the one we used in another video, for a sailboat with 9/32”, 5/16”, or 3/8” wire sizes: Lanacote...the best corrosion Control in the world Butyl Rubber ...Any Brand is fine except cheaper ones made in China. Get American made to be on the safe side. 1 Chafe Protection and Port Leaks 2 More on Chafe Protection 3 Sailboat Fuel Transfer at Sea 4 Anemometer Lubrication 5 Anemometer Bearing Lubrication 6 How to measure/mix 2 part 7 Install a new Backstay 8 Introduction to Patrick Childress 9 Stop the Clang on the Mast 10 Sailboat Burglar Alarm 11 Sailboat Refrigeration/Seafrost 12 Cleaning the bottom, Propspeed, and Mantus Anchor Hook 13 Indian Ocean Preparations 14 Chagos,AIS, Fuel Siphon, Squalls 15 Sailing Chagos, Monitor Windvane, jib block, , Racor Fuel Filter system 16 Survive on a Deserted Island: Water 17 Survive on a Deserted Island: Coconuts 18 Survive on a deserted island: Coconut Crabs 19 Sailing to Rodrigues Island Mauritius 20 Provisioning for Sailing an Ocean 21 New headstay after Profurl Roller Furling 22 GalleyTips for Sailing an Ocean 23 Glue a sail repair at sea 24 Best Dinghy for Bluewater Sailboats 25 7 Sailing Tips 26 3 Sailing Tips for Bluewater Sailboats 27 Sailboat Plumbing Replacement 28 Flares as Self Defense against Pirates, Reef hook, mainsail reefing and Deck scuppers 29 Mikumi National Park Safari 30 Brick House Valiant 40 Tour Abovedeck 31 Brick House Valiant 40 Tour Belowdeck 32 Brick House Valiant 40 Tour Below Deck #2 Facebook: Twitter: @SYBrickHouse Blog #PatrickChildressSailing #WhereisBrickHouse #BluewaterSailboat

Install/Replace Backstay (Norseman Fittings, Terminals and Cones) Patrick Childress Sailing Videos 7 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1

Sailing 6 years ago 4,428 views

Install /replace Backstay- Norseman Fittings, Terminals and Cones ..Patrick Childress shows how to replace the rigging on your sailboat, in this case, a new backstay. Removing the backstay and replacing it does not have to be difficult, but there are a few things to be aware of in the process. From climbing the mast, to performing a rigging inspection, to how to use a Norseman Terminal and cones, its all covered here in one of the best Sailboat How to Videos. It important to know how to install rigging on a Bluewater sailboat yourself. This is the KISS Gam backstay antenna for the SSB Radio that we slid off, and then slid back on when we changed the headstay. It has worked wonders for 7 years now. Patrick Childress is no stranger to rigging a sailboat...we Dismasted in the Pacific years ago...and he rerigged the entire boat from scratch at a remote atoll in the North Pacific with no rigger, and no facilities for sailboats. See more sailing videos at Norseman terminals are not produced anymore, and are hard to find, but we found aftermarket cones here:  Here is the proper Loos Tension Gauge, like the one we used in another video, for a sailboat with 9/32”, 5/16”, or 3/8” wire sizes: Lanacote...the best corrosion Control in the world Butyl Rubber ...Any Brand is fine except cheaper ones made in China. Get American made to be on the safe side. 1 Chafe Protection and Port Leaks 2 More on Chafe Protection 3 Sailboat Fuel Transfer at Sea 4 Anemometer Lubrication 5 Anemometer Bearing Lubrication 6 How to measure/mix 2 part 7 Install a new Backstay 8 Introduction to Patrick Childress 9 Stop the Clang on the Mast 10 Sailboat Burglar Alarm 11 Sailboat Refrigeration/Seafrost 12 Cleaning the bottom, Propspeed, and Mantus Anchor Hook 13 Indian Ocean Preparations 14 Chagos,AIS, Fuel Siphon, Squalls 15 Sailing Chagos, Monitor Windvane, jib block, , Racor Fuel Filter system 16 Survive on a Deserted Island: Water 17 Survive on a Deserted Island: Coconuts 18 Survive on a deserted island: Coconut Crabs 19 Sailing to Rodrigues Island Mauritius 20 Provisioning for Sailing an Ocean 21 New headstay after Profurl Roller Furling 22 GalleyTips for Sailing an Ocean 23 Glue a sail repair at sea 24 Best Dinghy for Bluewater Sailboats 25 7 Sailing Tips 26 3 Sailing Tips for Bluewater Sailboats 27 Sailboat Plumbing Replacement 28 Flares as Self Defense against Pirates, Reef hook, mainsail reefing and Deck scuppers 29 Mikumi National Park Safari 30 Brick House Valiant 40 Tour Abovedeck 31 Brick House Valiant 40 Tour Belowdeck 32 Brick House Valiant 40 Tour Below Deck #2 Facebook: Twitter: @SYBrickHouse Blog #PatrickChildressSailing #WhereisBrickHouse #BluewaterSailboat

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Most popular comments
for Install/Replace Backstay (Norseman Fittings, Terminals and Cones) Patrick Childress Sailing Videos 7

Mark Welch
Mark Welch - 6 years ago
Great episode. Drama, suspense, good info.....This is better than Netflix!
Johnathon Smithname
Johnathon Smithname - 6 years ago
I noticed you replaced a lot of components with grade 5 titanium, do you have to worry about galvenic corrosion between dissemalar metals?
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 6 years ago
Johnathan, Titanium is the more noble metal on a sailboat. Put titanium next to stainless steel and the dissimilarity is similar to stainless steel next to bronze.
Richard Jones
Richard Jones - 6 years ago
I can't thank you enough for all that you so generously share. "We are all the sum total of all the books we have read and all the people we have met". Hope to meet you in person sometime soon. Kind seas and fair winds. :D
The Sailing Kiwi
The Sailing Kiwi - 6 years ago
Brilliant work Patrick, your one smart guy
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 6 years ago
Thanks, Kiwi.
Snake Plisken
Snake Plisken - 6 years ago
Very interesting video! Thanks. What are the difference between Norseman and Stalok fittings? Can one cut the wire with hacksaw if no angle grinder available? Can you post a link to titanium for the clevis pins please or is this it?
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The Sailing Kiwi
The Sailing Kiwi - 6 years ago
Tell Rebecca you will have 10k subscribers by Feb 2019 and everyone will be wanting to follow your channel+Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 6 years ago
Hi Snake, They both do the job well in a slightly different way inside of the terminal. But at this point it doesn't matter as I have heard Norseman is no longer in business. However, anyone who has Norseman terminals can still get after market cones on Amazon, or is it Ebay, so not all is lost. Yes, that appears to be the link to Allied Titanium, who we have always dealt with. Thanks for the Amazon tip. I think we will do that. Rebecca can't understand why I work so hard on these videos just for the fun of it.....letting her set up those links will get her interest and involvement up. It is really better to use a hacksaw than a grinder. The grinder will create more heat affecting the chrome and possibly allowing the cut wires to rust easier.
S B - 6 years ago
There are 3 things that a man can gaze without moving. A fire. A water running.i And an art professional working
Thank you from Israel
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 6 years ago
Anders, Thanks for tuning in.
Harold Steed
Harold Steed - 6 years ago
I finally found some cruising videos I can really learn something from! Thanks for making them.
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 6 years ago
Thank you Harold.
FreshAire Cruisin
FreshAire Cruisin - 6 years ago
I just bought Valiant 40 #165 SV Koyah this last month and am super excited to be her next steward! Thank you for these videos as I am sure to have to do this in the next couple years.
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 6 years ago
Congrats on your new boat. The V-40 is no speed deamon compared to modern designs but it is strong and safe. Brick House in #134 so you have a "new" boat! You are most likely aware of the very good Valiant owners site but I will put the link here just in case. The people on the Valiant site are very experienced and helpful. Keep in touch as I would like to know about your upcoming voyages.

10. comment for Install/Replace Backstay (Norseman Fittings, Terminals and Cones) Patrick Childress Sailing Videos 7

Brian Fitzgerald
Brian Fitzgerald - 6 years ago
Great video!
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 6 years ago
Thanks for the positive feedback.
Matt Ray
Matt Ray - 6 years ago
Loved this video. Thanks! I noticed you had white zip ties on top of your mast. Based on what you've said about those on this and other videos you may want to replace those with black ones. Great job!
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 6 years ago
Very observant Matt. Maybe if I had replaced those white zip ties with black, the Windex would still be there. The base looked very weathered so I bandaged it with the white zip ties.. Approaching Chagos, birds were trying to land on top of the mast and I think that is when the Windex disappeared.
SailingKayode - 6 years ago
Nice video. Who makes that SSB antenna?
Chris Hornell
Chris Hornell - 6 years ago
Hi Patrick, Thanks very much for the very informative video series! One question....what is the purpose of the stand-offs on the lower section of your SSB antenna?
dreupen - 6 years ago
I just discovered that the KISS-SSB is only the grounding counterpoise. The split sliding backstay antenna is a GAM made by GAM Electronics.
dreupen - 6 years ago
This was my question, thanks for the info.
SailingKayode - 6 years ago
Patrick Childress thank you Patrick!
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 6 years ago
Hi DIY, www.KISS-SSB .com is the company. I believe it cost just under $200. which is a lot of money for a couple wires encased in plastic but much cheaper than and less risky than insulators. We saw no change in transmissions or reception with that antenna, over the old insulated back stay arrangement, which now, May 2018, the KISS has been on for about 9 years. We just arrived in Rodrigues making it about 2 months for being out of internet service to get on You Tube. I just replied to your and Nicks comments on the last video about departing Sri Lanka and your GRIB comment. Thanks for pointing out my lack of clarity but Nick did pick up on and did express my thoughts. The SSB is really becoming an antiquated piece of equipment and the Pactor modem we no longer use.
garry - 6 years ago
Well done Patrick if I have to do it, a great template to follow!
Patrick Childress Sailing
Patrick Childress Sailing - 6 years ago
Thanks, Garry. The easy part was taking down, making and installing the new back stay. The very difficult part was making the video! That took at least 3 times longer.

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