J80 Solo Sailing & Gybing - Boston Harbor

Here is another video from Black Rock Sailing School providing tips and techniques for shorthanded spinnaker handling aboard a J80. Conditions were 13 -18 knots. Look for more videos covering a wide range of topics within the next month or so! Enjoy!

J80 Solo Sailing & Gybing - Boston Harbor sentiment_very_dissatisfied 6

Sailing 9 years ago 21,393 views

Here is another video from Black Rock Sailing School providing tips and techniques for shorthanded spinnaker handling aboard a J80. Conditions were 13 -18 knots. Look for more videos covering a wide range of topics within the next month or so! Enjoy!

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Most popular comments
for J80 Solo Sailing & Gybing - Boston Harbor

Robert Kowalski
Robert Kowalski - 7 years ago
Don't you know how to steer with your knees,frees up your hands.. You should be standing also.
Nigel Donald
Nigel Donald - 6 years ago
Robert post your video if you can do better
Black Rock Sailing School
Black Rock Sailing School - 7 years ago
Hahaha!  If I felt the need to pull the spinnaker through faster, maybe I'd stand up, get a bit more leverage, and make it happen - but I didn't feel the need.  I was just going for a sail after work and thought it would be fun to try and put the chute up singlehanded since I had never done that on a J80 before.  Fortunately, my biz partner lived across the harbor and caught me on my second run - thus the enthusiasm and unexpected camera angles.  I never felt like I was fighting much of anything!  There was plenty of time, and little load on the sail since it was blanketed and/or had relatively low apparent wind (especially after the gusts when the boat was really moving).  You do have to trim a hell of a lot of sheet, so it may appear like I am "fighting" it at times - but the sheets were never that loaded and I was often only using two or three fingers to trim with my tiller hand.  I prefer to sail the J80 and J105 singlehanded like giant dinghies, so yes, my dinghy background plays a large roll on how I sail these lighter keelboats.  I sail larger tiller boats like the Express 37 and Debroth 41 the same way!  Yes you can stand and pull the clew through a bit faster, but there isn't much need for that when you are simply "cheese and cracker" sailing!  I've seen plenty of single handers stumbling around with a big stick between their legs in certain sea states, and I will most likely continue to chill with my butt on the sidedeck, and a sheet and extension in hand!
Robert Kowalski
Robert Kowalski - 7 years ago
So what you'e saying I take it you don't know how and you're clumsy? I'm sure if you practiced at it you'd get okay at it, but look at your own video look how you're fighting with the lines and tiller a j80 is a very stable boat also don't know what a laser has anything to do about this? Your in boston right? Maybe I could come down and show how to gybe single handed it's nothing new thats how must single handers with tillers do it.
Black Rock Sailing School
Black Rock Sailing School - 7 years ago
I believe in balance and control and prefer to minimize standing as much as possible.  With the tiller extension, you can trim quite well, as if you were trimming the main on a Laser, while maintaining control without stumbling around.
John Matzen
John Matzen - 7 years ago
Does this video have audio? I'm not getting audio.
John Matzen
John Matzen - 7 years ago
Good enough, sir! Thanks!
Black Rock Sailing School
Black Rock Sailing School - 7 years ago
John, There is no audio.  I slapped the vid together while my children were sleeping next to me and didn't want to wake them.  Put some music on in the background and enjoy!
JOD24 Fito Barreiro
JOD24 Fito Barreiro - 7 years ago
Great!!! Sailing
lame duck
lame duck - 8 years ago
Nice video, great sailing, thanks heaps :)
Federico Lucchi
Federico Lucchi - 8 years ago
I sail a J80 with my brother... I was always told it's impossible to sail alone, I'm impressed! Great skill!
Federico Lucchi
Federico Lucchi - 8 years ago
+Black Rock Sailing School I see! Thanks for the tips. I never used the spi on this boat so far, I'll have some practice with crew before I try it alone! ;)
Black Rock Sailing School
Black Rock Sailing School - 8 years ago
You hoist the spinnaker before you furl the jib up, and unfurl the jib before dousing the spinnaker so that the jib blankets the spinnaker and makes it easier to manage by depowering it.
Federico Lucchi
Federico Lucchi - 8 years ago
+Black Rock Sailing School You use the spi alone?? Without the jib I suppose?
Black Rock Sailing School
Black Rock Sailing School - 8 years ago
Federico, Thanks for checking out the video. The J80 is a great boat. Practice with the spinnaker and give it a try solo! It is a lot of fun and a nice challenge.
Cawfee Dawg
Cawfee Dawg - 8 years ago
great tips.. this video deserves more views.
Black Rock Sailing School
Black Rock Sailing School - 8 years ago
Thanks Cawfee Dawg. I had only one set/take down prior to filming but it all went well. Sailing solo required me to slow everything down step by step. With a crew, you can perform each gybe/task four times faster. Sorry I couldn't add commentary or music. My children were sleeping when I slapped the footage together and didn't want to wake them. Next time there will be a voice over! Sail fast!

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