Just a Few Reasons to Smile — Sailing Uma [Step 162]

From beautiful scenic shots, to the most adorable puppies, to an incredible ocean hole, we hope this week's episode will give you a few extra reasons to smile today :) In this step, we wait out a nasty squall inside Hatchet Bay, then sail over to Rock Sound and explore the beautiful Ocean Hole in the middle of the town. [ OUR MUSIC ] Start your FREE TRIAL with Music bed: http://share.mscbd.fm/sailinguma [UMA SWAG] http://www.sailinguma.com/store Visit our store and get your very own Uma Swag [ WANT MORE ? ] Visit http://www.patreon.com/sailinguma Become a patron to join the Uma Nation and get instant access to THE VAULT (https://www.theumavault.com) where we keep our most precious treasures locked away (behind the scenes, daily Captain's log, exclusive merch, and more...) [ OUR CAMERA GEAR ] Main Camera: https://amzn.to/2KRLgPA Main Lens: https://amzn.to/2IIvcmH B-roll Lens: https://amzn.to/2IH2S44 Mic: https://amzn.to/2Ls9Yr5 [OUR AMAZON WISHLIST] http://a.co/16beuMa [ FOLLOW US ] Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sailinguma Instagram: @SailingUma Our website: http://www.sailinguma.com [ FEATURED ] B&G Our electronics onboard: https://www.bandg.com/en-gb/blog/sailing-uma/ A2 SWIMWEAR https://www.sailinguma.com/a2-swimwear (Use promo code "A2UMA" for 15% off) ZHIK Our Foul weather and sailing gear https://www.zhik.com/ ROCNA (55 lbs main anchor) https://www.sailinguma.com/rocna SIROCCO MARINE (8"8 Dinghy + Paddle Boards) https://www.siroccomarine.com/ BATTLEBORN LifePo4 Batteries https://www.sailinguma.com/battle-born (For the full list of collaborating Companies, check our website) http://www.sailinguma.com/

Just a Few Reasons to Smile — Sailing Uma [Step 162] sentiment_very_dissatisfied 31

Sailing 6 years ago 39,113 views

From beautiful scenic shots, to the most adorable puppies, to an incredible ocean hole, we hope this week's episode will give you a few extra reasons to smile today :) In this step, we wait out a nasty squall inside Hatchet Bay, then sail over to Rock Sound and explore the beautiful Ocean Hole in the middle of the town. [ OUR MUSIC ] Start your FREE TRIAL with Music bed: http://share.mscbd.fm/sailinguma [UMA SWAG] http://www.sailinguma.com/store Visit our store and get your very own Uma Swag [ WANT MORE ? ] Visit http://www.patreon.com/sailinguma Become a patron to join the Uma Nation and get instant access to THE VAULT (https://www.theumavault.com) where we keep our most precious treasures locked away (behind the scenes, daily Captain's log, exclusive merch, and more...) [ OUR CAMERA GEAR ] Main Camera: https://amzn.to/2KRLgPA Main Lens: https://amzn.to/2IIvcmH B-roll Lens: https://amzn.to/2IH2S44 Mic: https://amzn.to/2Ls9Yr5 [OUR AMAZON WISHLIST] http://a.co/16beuMa [ FOLLOW US ] Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sailinguma Instagram: @SailingUma Our website: http://www.sailinguma.com [ FEATURED ] B&G Our electronics onboard: https://www.bandg.com/en-gb/blog/sailing-uma/ A2 SWIMWEAR https://www.sailinguma.com/a2-swimwear (Use promo code "A2UMA" for 15% off) ZHIK Our Foul weather and sailing gear https://www.zhik.com/ ROCNA (55 lbs main anchor) https://www.sailinguma.com/rocna SIROCCO MARINE (8"8 Dinghy + Paddle Boards) https://www.siroccomarine.com/ BATTLEBORN LifePo4 Batteries https://www.sailinguma.com/battle-born (For the full list of collaborating Companies, check our website) http://www.sailinguma.com/

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Most popular comments
for Just a Few Reasons to Smile — Sailing Uma [Step 162]

Robin Rouwen
Robin Rouwen - 6 years ago
Loved the tacking together guys! From 7:10 till 7:52, it actually brought tears to my eyes. Not sure why, but I love your energy and your togetherness, you guys are an inspiration. The drown shots from the Ocean Hole were fantastic! Great video, again!
Fair winds and save sailing from Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
Brent Shelley
Brent Shelley - 6 years ago
A couple that truly enjoy one another's company. Amazing! Thank you for such positivity!
Jay Boshuis
Jay Boshuis - 6 years ago
If your hair requires a lot of fussing, cut it off, go bald. Honestly, it doesn't look at all manageable.
C Hone
C Hone - 6 years ago
Yes! The water tap by Gino's Conch stand!! Oh those potcakes...hard to not take them with you.
w z
w z - 6 years ago
should buy a rainman watermaker which is portable
Sailing Uma
Sailing Uma - 6 years ago
But relies on a gas motor to make water.
Brian Stevens
Brian Stevens - 6 years ago
Kikas hair is so long. Perhaps she is a member of the vril society. Their females grew their hair long because they knew it would serve as an antennae to communicate with the deity.
Bill Regan
Bill Regan - 6 years ago
Sick editing with the diving in the Blue Hole!
luis neto
luis neto - 6 years ago
I love this couple minutes 6:05
Olivia Patricia
Olivia Patricia - 6 years ago
Hello! I'm from Nassau, but my family is descended from many parts of The Bahamas. I have spent many a summer in Tarpum Bay and Rock Sound, also Harbour Island. I also have family in Exuma not sure if you're headed that way. You hung with the potcakes and used the "government pump" awesome. I am enjoying your videos and great vibes. Peace and blessings.

10. comment for Just a Few Reasons to Smile — Sailing Uma [Step 162]

scowall - 6 years ago
m raider
m raider - 6 years ago
I am wishing I had your hair! It's natural and sexy! Don't cut it!
Michael B. Barnett
Michael B. Barnett - 6 years ago
Kiki: Don't cut your hair. Go,llok at the album cover from Jimi Hendrix them best of - ya brother! Love you guys!! Barney
goofsaddg gkle
goofsaddg gkle - 6 years ago
Are you guys not still filling your tanks with rainwater? Seems like that squall you were in would have topped you off.
brucetheviking - 6 years ago
dont ever cut it its an awesome mane
Jeff Griglack
Jeff Griglack - 6 years ago
What are the advantages/disadvantages of the autopilot vs the wind vane? When do you choose one vs the other?
Travelling Sunglasses
Travelling Sunglasses - 6 years ago
Truly epic hair! And the ocean hole is so surprising! Great edit :)
TheMighty T
TheMighty T - 6 years ago
100% agree with Dan, grow it forever Kika.


From the film 'Hair', a song about hair, "make a home for the bees in my hair" :)
Tom Henriksen
Tom Henriksen - 6 years ago
You should check out Island School while you are in the area. www.islandschool.org/ My wife did a tour there when she was in Eleuthera a couple of years ago.
robert forsythe
robert forsythe - 6 years ago
America needs healthcare vote Bernie

20. comment for Just a Few Reasons to Smile — Sailing Uma [Step 162]

Dave Amies
Dave Amies - 6 years ago
Kika, your hair is awesome, just enjoy it :) I do know your pain, my hair just goes into a curly orange afro, (speaking from experience) eventually, when it's long enough the weight of it will allow you more control, but you will need to let it get at least half as long as it is now more. There is a reason my nicknames in hight school were Ronnie (Ronald McDonnald) and Chewie (Chewbacca). My wife make me get regular hair cuts now.....
Vivienne Pierce
Vivienne Pierce - 6 years ago
You guys need a bigger boat
Jesus Hernandez
Jesus Hernandez - 6 years ago
You to make a great couple when are you guys going to have a baby???
Jesus Hernandez
Jesus Hernandez - 6 years ago
Kika you have beautiful hair just keep growing it
Joe Cross
Joe Cross - 6 years ago
NO! Don't cut it! You are awesome as it is!
Beau Amara
Beau Amara - 6 years ago
oh those cute doggies ~
keebearfull - 6 years ago
Kika's hair = 10.5+ out of 10. Kika is a True Haitian Jewel!!
Edward L.Lerouge
Edward L.Lerouge - 6 years ago
No don't cut it
Fortunatus Heidelmann
Fortunatus Heidelmann - 6 years ago
Kika, if you have no more curls in your hair, you know that storm is. ;-)
We in Northern Germany have a saying: "Storm is when the sheep have no more curls."
love you guis
Adam Pearce
Adam Pearce - 6 years ago
Kika - it's awesome. But keep it the way you like it. :)

30. comment for Just a Few Reasons to Smile — Sailing Uma [Step 162]

Wake for Me
Wake for Me - 6 years ago
Side-show Kika! :D
john bergquist
john bergquist - 6 years ago
Gary Pye
Gary Pye - 6 years ago
your camera and editing work is getting epic, well done
Bruce Daniels
Bruce Daniels - 6 years ago
Leave the hair alone, it's fine the way it is. Of course I've been telling my wife that for 42 years, but she goes and gets it cut (sad) Puppies where cute tho.
Rich H
Rich H - 6 years ago
Kika, that hair is so awesome! Dan's right, let it run wild! Love you guys!
On Tilt Sailing Dale Hudson
On Tilt Sailing Dale Hudson - 6 years ago
Kika, your so cute you could rock even the no hair look!
maxbass - 6 years ago
Really nice production and editing. I think so many people never even notice it but this video was so well put together. If they only knew how much time and effort it took to make a 15 minute video.

Nice job. Hope you can escape the Caribbean soon and explore somewhere truly unique.
Pogo - 6 years ago
No offense, but personally I'd cut it mostly just to make things easier.
Thomas Bell
Thomas Bell - 6 years ago
Kika, te ves bien con ese pelo, don't cut it!
Maria Balitska
Maria Balitska - 6 years ago
Watching Dan walking barefoot all the time, makes me feel the needles in my feet haha.
Kika, your hair is amazing! The first thing that we saw at the Southampton Boat Show was your hair :D You can do dreadlocks or afro-braids maybe?
kire nireves
kire nireves - 6 years ago
She wears a wind vane on her head. ^_^
Melissa Lawrence
Melissa Lawrence - 6 years ago
Kika your hair is beautiful, it is one of God's gift to you!
AnDr3wFoWl3r - 6 years ago
Why didn't you say bye and cheers at the end?
goulash75 - 6 years ago
My best friend just cut his hair today, for the first time in 4 years, to raise money for charity.
Just imagine how much you could raise if you let it grow for a couple of years before doing the same! ^-^
KWB - 6 years ago
Embrace the beauty of you blackness. Everything about you is beautiful. Don't describe yourself as anything other then such. You are the original woman and from you emanates all femininity and femininity beauty. Dan. You must honor this and protect it at all times. Especially the her dignity. I agree. Keep your crown! Don't cut and don't cover.
Thomas K
Thomas K - 6 years ago
After seeing all the "Don't cut your hair" comments, I just wanted to point something out:
Although the hair does really look great, looking at it is one thing, keeping it clean is another.
Big hairs need a big amount of fresh water to clean and fresh water is not always an abundant commodity on a sailboat, especially on long passages.
My wife uses a special saltwater shampoo called "SavonDeMer". It works on saltwater so you can do all your cleaning in salt water and after that just rinse with minimum fresh water.
Anyway, bit hairs = big effort to keep it :)
daredevil - 6 years ago
Really Kika!! Your hair are totally amazing!!!!
I love them!! Let them grow!!
groovetrain2010 - 6 years ago
Shave it off and donate it to cancer wig makers :)
jjaus - 6 years ago
Nope. This is camping in picturesque locations.
Шумин Василий
Шумин Василий - 6 years ago
It looks like you've found your own coach in the Bahamas.
But after so much time in the dock, I think you need some kind of a vacation.
Waiting for new adventures, long passages, projects and so on.
Best from far far away country
Live, love, laugh and be happy :)

50. comment for Just a Few Reasons to Smile — Sailing Uma [Step 162]

Paul Brochner
Paul Brochner - 6 years ago
The editing sequence for that dive was just...jeez... four angles PLUS the drone?! And to the sound track beat too?!

That's gettin' into Casey Neistat and Peter McKinnon kinda videographic sorcery...

I'd sure love to see the occasional "How we got that shot" kinda video. You could teach this s***!

...just sayin'.
Chris Parlow
Chris Parlow - 6 years ago
Trevor Martin
Trevor Martin - 6 years ago
love ur hair Kika
Selten Fotog
Selten Fotog - 6 years ago
Beautiful head of hair!
Schisty Viking
Schisty Viking - 6 years ago
Describing that hair needs a word as epic as it...pulchritudinous. Don't cut it as short as last time. You wear that hair how you wish, but I stand with Dan on this.
anonymous user
anonymous user - 6 years ago
You know, today was a lousy day for me. For what its worth, clicking on this video and viewing until the end made me to appreciate what I have and to be thankful of just another day. Thank you.
Capt'n Rick Ealy
Capt'n Rick Ealy - 6 years ago
Hey y'all .... Now I've got "Screen Savers" forever! Thanks for some great Camera work as usual. Capt'n Rick, BVI Skipper for many years. Love ya....
MrJhchrist - 6 years ago
I was JUST thinking how awesome your hair looked before he mentioned it. It's looking awesome!
Bionic Skunk
Bionic Skunk - 6 years ago
Do not cut her hair..... ever..... let it run...
Charles Smith
Charles Smith - 6 years ago
Wet ?
John Wright
John Wright - 6 years ago
No don't cut Kika's hair. Have her stand on the cabin roof when downwind sailing though. :-)
a langwell
a langwell - 6 years ago
I always said to my wife, wear it the way you like it. I will love you no matter.  we will all love you , no matter.
Mike 2500
Mike 2500 - 6 years ago
Your hair is awesome and my wife is so jealous of it.....am I the only one who noticed that you had a ring on your finger for a promise?
Gary Rahn
Gary Rahn - 6 years ago
Kika's hair is awesome.
Jeff C.
Jeff C. - 6 years ago
Kika with short hair looks athletic and buff,  ready for a marathon or dive over the side..
Donnie Reid
Donnie Reid - 6 years ago
Why is Dan still shoe-less?
Wilfred Darr
Wilfred Darr - 6 years ago
Great fun video. Made my morning. Also, your big hair is awesome. So jealous.
zenmark42 - 6 years ago
holy shit you guys are so fucking cute together
Neal Birch
Neal Birch - 6 years ago
Poor dogs! They just wanted to join you and Kika's hair on your adventures!
SPIRITMAN TRUMP - 6 years ago
Make little dredknots
Cdanell Andrews
Cdanell Andrews - 6 years ago
No!. Don't Cut It....
James Bishop
James Bishop - 6 years ago
No Haircuts 'til Brooklyn!
How much does the drag of towing your dinghy effect your speed?
Sailing Uma
Sailing Uma - 6 years ago
Not much. Speed on our boat is so variable and dependent on so many factors it's hard to really quantify any single one. Maybe half knot or so. Not really noticeable. When we're towing, you can hold the line and it feels like maybe 20-40lbs of "pull" on the line.
Correll Transport
Correll Transport - 6 years ago
Great editing!!
jim b
jim b - 6 years ago
Kika, my lovely bride Erika, who has hair similar to yours says to let it grow. The added weight will help hold it down and be more manageable.
Michael Davis
Michael Davis - 6 years ago
Please do not cut it.... it’s awesome
doug furniss
doug furniss - 6 years ago
An icon
Dean Parsons
Dean Parsons - 6 years ago
Awesome video , hair & Canadians
Sarah's side of the Mountain
Sarah's side of the Mountain - 6 years ago
I agree no hair cut! Hair instructor here and I love your natural curly hair. It looks so healthy too. I was bragging on your curls to a student. What do you use to moisturize and oil ,coconut ?
Goat Locker _ Hike, Bike & Dive
Goat Locker _ Hike, Bike & Dive - 6 years ago
Really nice couple. Good people~
Morgan Rech
Morgan Rech - 6 years ago
Not familiar with BG software, but there should be a gain setting to adjust sensitivity of autopilot or yaw control
Sailing Uma
Sailing Uma - 6 years ago
Yup, there is. You can adjust pretty much every setting in there. We're slowly tweeking it so it's just right.
bernard christophe
bernard christophe - 6 years ago
free you r hair and you r head will fallow
Denise Clark
Denise Clark - 6 years ago
The Saga of SALFDA
The Saga of SALFDA - 6 years ago
Always love your videos. Don't cut that hair. We love it. My daughter has the same hair. Doesn't grow down, just out lol. Fair winds.
David Gruse
David Gruse - 6 years ago
Your hair is (in my opinion) awesome, cut it but not too short.
Star Light
Star Light - 6 years ago
"Nasty squall" best time to have sex !
robert simmons
robert simmons - 6 years ago
Making all the sheepdogs jealous. Lol Halloween go as Sideshow Bob
Mike Greer
Mike Greer - 6 years ago
Sorry Dan but she’s beautiful love her hair.does she have any sisters?lol
Mike Greer
Mike Greer - 6 years ago
Don’t cut her hair it’s awesome
emh4th - 6 years ago
Love that hair! Best sailing channel hair ever!
Herman Atkinson
Herman Atkinson - 6 years ago
I love the hair, fro is back go girl.
taxalterror - 6 years ago
Nice dive into the hole Kika ... I think your hair could drive your yacht,,Haha. How is the electric motor going,,have you put in a combustion engine back in yet ? thanks for the video, happy stuff. Atb. :)
AS C - 6 years ago
Would u please make a video on hair care routine especially living on a boat?
wayne mazan
wayne mazan - 6 years ago
great video.... love BIG hair !!!!
Doug Lewis
Doug Lewis - 6 years ago
Rick Morrow
Rick Morrow - 6 years ago
Cut it short then shave it. This would be a great look for you.
H. V
H. V - 6 years ago
Dan, get some SHOES! Please.
Lydia Johnson
Lydia Johnson - 6 years ago
your hair may get in your face a lot. Mine does too. But, love your hair. It's very energetic like you. It's fun. It's alive. My stupid think hair is thinning on top these days cause I'm getting older, but it's getting too thin. Never thought I'd wish form my hair to thicken again.
Chuck Cansler
Chuck Cansler - 6 years ago
My daughter hair is just like your. And natural is better.
Ruthie Henderson
Ruthie Henderson - 6 years ago
Your hair is amazing, but your face is amazing too. When I cut my hair, my husband LOVED it because it exposed my face, which is smallish. So do what you want. It’s hair. It will keep growing and it’s the one of the few things we can change when we get bored!
Chuck Cansler
Chuck Cansler - 6 years ago
No, I think your hair is awesome. Dan is right.

100. comment for Just a Few Reasons to Smile — Sailing Uma [Step 162]

John Zaun
John Zaun - 6 years ago
Your hair....It''s like Buckwheat say....It's O'Tay. It's you and you're great. Peace, love and joy.
Richard Dyer
Richard Dyer - 6 years ago
I'm so so sorry but I have to complain about this video. I mean, I don't think I have ever left you a negative comment before but this time I simply cannot help myself.
What is bothering me, you ask? It was too short! Or I was enjoying it so much that it seemed like it was over too quickly, but either way, another awesome video guys. I have to confess, I especially like the cute little PDAs. Little hugs and kisses once in awhile are sweet. Keep them vids coming! Love you both, and Uma.
MONSTERHOG 1 - 6 years ago
that hair is awesome but I'd cut it if it's to hot or uncomfortable
Mathis J
Mathis J - 6 years ago
I'm with Dan, your hair is brilliant.
Caitlin Russell
Caitlin Russell - 6 years ago
I love Rock Sound so much! My best friend lives there and I went to visit her just over 2 weeks ago. Make sure you check out boiling pot (blue hole and dry caves). If you need any help with things to do in rock sound/directions, maybe I can ask my friend to show you guys around or just dm me! @_caitrussell on Instagram
Cptn Uwe's Pirate Tales
Cptn Uwe's Pirate Tales - 6 years ago
M W - 6 years ago
Youre hair is awsome!! So cute❤️
bguth05 - 6 years ago
I was literally smiling through the whole of this :)
S C Yz
S C Yz - 6 years ago
Kika is getting to the point where she is like a sheep dog. Her hair is so BIG that it even covers her eyes! I say trim it back some so we can see her beautiful face! : - )
Harry Bloom
Harry Bloom - 6 years ago
My wife is 55 and I beg her not to cut her long hair! Yours is beautifull! Dont cut your hair! +1
Daudz Mitch
Daudz Mitch - 6 years ago
In love with you two, awesome chemistry and great video...
Matt Evans-Koch
Matt Evans-Koch - 6 years ago
Your videos are always so entertaining and well done. Thank you for another great one. Kika don't cut your hair. It is absolutely beautiful. Trim it a little maybe but otherwise let it grow. Take care and have a good week ahead.
T.M. Edgar
T.M. Edgar - 6 years ago
Kika has got that intrinsic cuteness thing going on. Dan however, is one good looking dude and I don't even bat from that side of the plate. The bambino's are going to be gorgeous.
Gardureth - 6 years ago
Enjoy your hair its beautiful and healthy, let it grow, one day you will miss this hair. Trust me, and listen to "the sunscreen song" :)
Jeannie Greutert
Jeannie Greutert - 6 years ago
I agree with Dan! Your hair is epic!! It's very beautiful.
Cinthia Dariles
Cinthia Dariles - 6 years ago
Tu cabello es hermoso Kika!!! :)
Kateri Strobel
Kateri Strobel - 6 years ago
absolutely NO
jones smith
jones smith - 6 years ago
Kika cut the hair, NEVER NOPE NADA NOOOooooooooooooo, I agree with Dan grow it out longer it will eventually comb down and if not it makes you more beautiful, someone out of the ordinary. Of course being male I could be a little biased Nah lol
roderick mchardy
roderick mchardy - 6 years ago
NO,,, best hair on youtube !!
TVCanT - 6 years ago
That ain't hair... that's a lions mane!
MrMpeeler - 6 years ago
Would like to hear what your food, etc., costs/budget has been in the Bahamas so far. This would help give us future cruisers some recent insight.
Mister510 - 6 years ago
You're beautiful Kika and your hair is amazing! I think you should let it grow, but I know long hair can get annoying. It's a lot of work but if you've got time to deal with it I say grow it HUGE! I had a waist-length ponytail for years but I'm back to a buzz cut because it's so much easier.
Richard Wilson
Richard Wilson - 6 years ago
Great video thank you! You've got more guts than me sailing out through that narrow cut! Do you test the electric motor everyday before you head out sailing even if you don't think you will need it? I always test the gasoline outboard even though it always goes!
Sailing Uma
Sailing Uma - 6 years ago
Yup! We give it a quick spin in fwd and rev before we raise or drop the sails.
Roger Marks
Roger Marks - 6 years ago
Those puppies.. I wanna adopt them
Andy_K - 6 years ago
Kika, dreads... It'll grow down then :D
Dan, you looked so unhappy not having to haul that anchor by hand.
Thanks for yet another great episode :)
pierre godin
pierre godin - 6 years ago
Did i see a ring on that special finger.
stan - 6 years ago
love the slow mo and drone
Laura P. Ruiz-Miner
Laura P. Ruiz-Miner - 6 years ago
Auh, what a nasty storm. Kika's hair is fabulous as it is! Let's just say Kika is channeling her inner Diana Ross. LOL. Your both such bright souls. And i'm with Dan... those puppies, awwww. Safe sails. <3
Attis0609 - 6 years ago
I like your jacket, guys.
is it wind, or waterproof?
will it available in the store?
Sailing Uma
Sailing Uma - 6 years ago
Yes, yes and yes! The black ones? They’re great in the wind and rain. They’re made by Zhik and are their Aeroshell jackets. We’re working on getting them in our store, but in the meantime you can just buy them from them.
Robert Johansen
Robert Johansen - 6 years ago
you are both beautiful human beings... thank you for this amazing ride <3
Dirk Diggler
Dirk Diggler - 6 years ago
Dumb question, so a manual wind vane/vayne helps with the up and down swell thing? I wonder if the auto pilot and wind vane would work together. Your mane is awesome! Love your show!
Sailing Uma
Sailing Uma - 6 years ago
No, not really. The wind-vane steers the boat using the wind and water. The autopilot used electricity to accomplish the same thing. They compliment each other, but can’t be sued at the same time.
Robert Rudolph
Robert Rudolph - 6 years ago
In the '50s there were Dolls with hair like Kika's, they were called "Golly Wogs" if I'm not mistaken.
ghismo - 6 years ago
Those hairs are fantastic, leave them free ! Plus, no need for a windex, have you ever tried to plug your pilot in kika’s hair mode ? Should work fine.
gerryneckebroeck - 6 years ago
No haircut. I am against it :-)
Michael Myers
Michael Myers - 6 years ago
No matter how long the hair is - this girl is beautiful. But to be honest, I would prefer this wooping bigbang crazy bunch of uncontrolled wild curly hair. And obviously it is manageable to be transformed to a chignon (bun). Hmmmm....OMG, so nice!
Scott Arceneaux
Scott Arceneaux - 6 years ago
Why don't you'll do a paypal just for a water maker? I'm sure you would have enough money in a few weeks.
Scott Arceneaux
Scott Arceneaux - 6 years ago
Kika you are beautiful.I love your hair.
Lorene Noe
Lorene Noe - 6 years ago
Kika...what happened to lady's night?
Lk M
Lk M - 6 years ago
Giant hair will make you cousin it. Hair is all about the effort your willing to exert. Just like nails and makeup and ....... fill in the blank.
Ronald Warren
Ronald Warren - 6 years ago
Thanks for all the beauty!
Paul V
Paul V - 6 years ago
Totally love you guys. You’re a great couple and Kika’s hair is amazing. Even the dogs wanted to hang with you. Hope I get to meet you guys on the water one day.
Chris McGann
Chris McGann - 6 years ago
Yes cut it
Matt  Dabney
Matt Dabney - 6 years ago
Your hair rocks, I wouldn't cut it. Be safe and have fun kids
Tom Barker
Tom Barker - 6 years ago
Kika need spinach for Popeye arms. Your videos are always beautiful and breathtaking. Love Kika's hair safe travel you two.
Mirella H
Mirella H - 6 years ago
Don't cut it. If Dan said no I would stick with his opinion over anyone else. I always ask my husband if I should cut my hair. Sometimes he tells me no and other times he tells me yes. If you trust your spouse or partner why do it any other way. Again, this is my own opinion.
Brien Eaton
Brien Eaton - 6 years ago
Do NOT cut your beautiful hair !
Donald Cheatham
Donald Cheatham - 6 years ago
I've not even finished watching the video yet, but no, No, NO!!! Please do not cut your hair!!! :)
Wilie Makit
Wilie Makit - 6 years ago
I’m with Dan keep the hair Kika
Knoklsnedkr - 6 years ago
I smiled..
And your hair is lovely - It suits you. :)
Dave Masbutter
Dave Masbutter - 6 years ago
Her hair is beautiful!! Keep growing it out
Stephen Harlow
Stephen Harlow - 6 years ago
Kika cutting your hair is up to you. But I hope you never change your spirit for adventure of any type. You and Dan have a great channel and I enjoy all of the episodes. Keep up the great work.
Keith Tarnowsky
Keith Tarnowsky - 6 years ago
Don't cut it, makes a great wind vane.
Joesph Best
Joesph Best - 6 years ago
I'm with Dan, let it grow.
Justin Stubbs
Justin Stubbs - 6 years ago
Smiled so much. Cheeks hurt, tears flowed. Well done crew.
Bryan Nelson
Bryan Nelson - 6 years ago
Absolutely enjoy your videos, it is nice to see two people that are obviously so deeply in love!
Maus 02
Maus 02 - 6 years ago
I love its natural. It’s amazing!
BoatworksToday - 6 years ago
Love your hair Kika, don't ever change it!
FromThe Prairies
FromThe Prairies - 6 years ago
Kika, its your hair - do what you will. As long as you happy and your hair is neither a hinderance or a hazard, you rock what you got.
Jackson Dunitz
Jackson Dunitz - 6 years ago
I love your videos and am amazed for your storytelling abilities and editing prowess that's what got me hooked on the channel originally. But the cinematic shots and angles you are incorporating into your videos have intensified the production value incredibly. Have you just learned from making videos or have you read/watch anything transformative about how to increase your production value as much as you have?
Sailing Uma
Sailing Uma - 6 years ago
Not really. Just trying to make each video a little better than the last.
Maurice Cleveland
Maurice Cleveland - 6 years ago
Don't cut it.
rick fucci
rick fucci - 6 years ago
Absolutely Epic.. To cut or not to cut? Do what is good for YOU.. Form should follow function. Great drone transition too..
Nikoal -W-
Nikoal -W- - 6 years ago
No way! No haircut. I now have loose hair envy, sigh.
Teach Dan how to two strand twist your hair, make it a vid. It would be so adorable!
Tiffany Britton
Tiffany Britton - 6 years ago
I love your channel, and your hair!
Anthony capestany
Anthony capestany - 6 years ago
A love story Uma
Gras - 6 years ago
The hair has got to stay. It is beautiful. I imagine it is quite a handful though. That is such a cool blue hole and I don't think I would have been able to leave the dogs behind. So cute. Keep smiling and sail on.
hapa-be niele
hapa-be niele - 6 years ago
Lol, what Dan said-No, don't cut it : )
6r4metroman - 6 years ago
Looks like a really cool place...
EUGENE Dowling
EUGENE Dowling - 6 years ago
Baddest chic on youtube " inside n out " serz!!!
Dawn marie Bass
Dawn marie Bass - 6 years ago
Your hair is beautiful
Matt Davison
Matt Davison - 6 years ago
Kika, your hair is fine. Dan you should shave to a goatee, and rock some 1970's John Lennon sunglasses.
Lolindir Surion
Lolindir Surion - 6 years ago
And, when you are riding a motorcycle, just use enough hair spray and you don't need a helmet!
Sarah H
Sarah H - 6 years ago
Woke up, layed in bed with our 3yr old Keera and watched this. She loves you guys. Today she especially loved his goofiness photobombing (silly guy), diving in the hole, sunset footage and the dogs. Her Grandpa Harris sails too. She thinks all of you know eachother. Lol. ✌ Also, she loves the hair as is.
Marc Andre Robert
Marc Andre Robert - 6 years ago
Hi guys.( This useless comment is meant to help my favorite sailors with their YouTube statistics revenue. Youtube factors in the number of 1: LIKE 2: COMMENT 3: SHARE .)
Aeroworks540 - 6 years ago
It that by chance a Vulcan chart plotter? what size is it and do you like it?
Sailing Uma
Sailing Uma - 6 years ago
It's a Zeus 3. 12" and yes, we love it! We keep finding new features that make us say "glad someone thought of that" There is a lot packed in there. We still haven't figured it all out yet.
Junab Ali
Junab Ali - 6 years ago
No haircut! Looks great. Leave it alone.
msnpassjan2004 - 6 years ago
@3:37 Epic Hair : could have been the thumbnail, or the cover to National Geographic Explorer, sailing edition. Have you ever thought about dreads?
Marco Antonio Federico
Marco Antonio Federico - 6 years ago
Hello again! Thanks for share your movies.
Emily BH
Emily BH - 6 years ago
"Genoa is pronounced J E N - o - a not jen - OH - a. Why do so many cruisers with big sailing channels mispronounce it?
Sailing Uma
Sailing Uma - 6 years ago
tomayto, tomahto. There isn't a "right" way. Both are correct.
Richard Morin
Richard Morin - 6 years ago
Great hair. DON'T cut it. I always enjoy watching you two on my brakes at work. Keep up the great work and safe travels.
Andrea Baker
Andrea Baker - 6 years ago
No cutting, I love it!
Josh Pierce
Josh Pierce - 6 years ago
You just need to hire a hair wrangler.
Soma Devo
Soma Devo - 6 years ago
No....Definitely don't cut Kika's hair!!! It's such a special part of her beauty....being who you truly are has it's trips...my locks are to my knees, but I feel best with them
James Bond
James Bond - 6 years ago
Is Kika a long lost cousin of sideshow Bob ? just kidding...... lol, but long or short, kika always looks amazing ! Have a great sail guys !
Lynn Dirk
Lynn Dirk - 6 years ago
I love your hair either way. You're a stunner no matter which way you wear it :)
Tom Williams
Tom Williams - 6 years ago
Can you always trust the water? Seems a little risky. Beautiful island.
Heidi and Franny's Garage
Heidi and Franny's Garage - 6 years ago
Great going on the journey with you. Why is hair always a discussion with couples and how to manage it? Franny has issues with hers especially keeping herself safe when working in the garage on cars. Kika, you are adorable but I would have a hard time seeing when windy. Heidi
Fu Shan Sailing
Fu Shan Sailing - 6 years ago
Kika looks fabulous, even when she's having a bad hairday ;-)
Revu Mac Taylor!
Revu Mac Taylor! - 6 years ago
Hello !! I want to know the brand name of the black backpack !! Is beatiful !
Tommy Gunz
Tommy Gunz - 6 years ago
Don’t cut your hair...Awesome 30 mile sail...The new auto pilot seems to work well.......
highpower3006 - 6 years ago
Kika's hair is sexy just the way it is.
Nellie Rutten
Nellie Rutten - 6 years ago
You guys need some lightweight folding bicycles.
Travis Neill
Travis Neill - 6 years ago
What happened to your rainwater catch system? You just went through a rainstorm, shouldn’t you be full? Or are trying to store more water in anticipation?
Travis Neill
Travis Neill - 6 years ago
Yeah, saw that you answered that earlier after I asked. Sorry. 10-4 on that.
Sailing Uma
Sailing Uma - 6 years ago
Doesnt work as well as it used to since we removed the toerail.
Ray Miller
Ray Miller - 6 years ago
Great the autopilot has worked out so well for you guys! I'd love to see some of the other functions on the some time as part of a long term review - especially the laylines function.
MrMilothedog - 6 years ago
How many amps does the B&G and other electronics at use at night especially running your autopilot.
Kaesiona Brown
Kaesiona Brown - 6 years ago
What products do you use? Are they traditional products or all natural. I would love to know!
Bonjour! - 6 years ago
Thx for the vid.
Maciej Kiepuszewski
Maciej Kiepuszewski - 6 years ago
maybe I have just missed it, but could you make a video on your reefing system?
Kenneth Richter
Kenneth Richter - 6 years ago
Please let your hair grow! Not Being disrespectful to you as a couple, i love you guys and just want to be honest here. Kika you are an amazingly beautiful caribbean princess. Moana eat your heart out. And as Dan said your hair is just one more thing that makes you so extraordinarily beautiful. So please don't cut it. However even if you do you will still be amazing. Love you guys.
Natalie Smith
Natalie Smith - 6 years ago
Great vlog you guys!  Kika, you should do a hair care routine vlog for women sailors.
Allan Haywood
Allan Haywood - 6 years ago
Do not dare to cut the hair. You'll be missing a knot going downwind and feel light headed.
Louis Simard
Louis Simard - 6 years ago
with you Dan no haircut ( or sell them =-) )
Steen Bronke
Steen Bronke - 6 years ago
Love the hair :)
but - It is healthy for the hair to get it cut sometimes...
Doctoberfest598 - 6 years ago
No hair cut!
Dean  Jones
Dean Jones - 6 years ago
I love your sailing adventures, but what do the stars look like on a cloudless night?
smacksman1 - 6 years ago
I feel sorry for my barber. She spends time and great skill and artistry cutting my hair, then I walk outside and whoosh! It flies where it wants to!! Love your hair Kika but watch out in the spring at nesting time! :o)
Larry Sumner
Larry Sumner - 6 years ago
Kika keep the hair long, You could smuggle puppies in it.....
Galaxymaster Dave
Galaxymaster Dave - 6 years ago
+Sailing Uma Kika, your hair is very cool. As Dan said, epic.
generic comment
generic comment - 6 years ago
DON'T CUT YOUR HAIR!! It's really cool. My lady is finally growing out her natural hair and I keep showing her your hair as inspiration.. Please don't cut it!
David Macdonald
David Macdonald - 6 years ago
Cut it but just half you did last time .
John Clippinger
John Clippinger - 6 years ago
Kika, so cute... I once had a client from Brazil with a similar hair texture to your's who grew it long enough to put it in a pony tail, but the matts were often horrible. I would image they would be even worse in the constant wind. Don't know what to say about the hair length. Yes, you keep very well care of it!

I am a recognized hairdresser, PADI MSDT Instructor and 100 ton USCG Master Captain.

John Clippinger
Michael Wolfe
Michael Wolfe - 6 years ago
Excellent video production work.... and don't cut!!
HarryLovesRuth - 6 years ago
I love your hair. I have 1C hair (straight, thick, doesn't hold a curl without an argument,) and spent my teenage years getting perms to try to get curls like yours. Cut it if you want a change or if it is on your nerves, but if you find a sea witch who would let us trade hair for a day, I'd be your poor unfortunate soul.
Ken Dorsey
Ken Dorsey - 6 years ago
I love the hair. Don't cut the hair, please.
Jerame Trunnell
Jerame Trunnell - 6 years ago
I personally love your hair. Beautiful, and natural. Just pull it back on the days it wants to misbehave.... LOL
Gert Kjaer
Gert Kjaer - 6 years ago
That Hair is iconic
Ralph Lange
Ralph Lange - 6 years ago
Very Cool! You two are having so much fun!
Hap Newsom
Hap Newsom - 6 years ago
Question: I noticed you came into the anchorage tacking with the main reefed and the jib 100%. Is there a reason for this? It seems that just using the Main, reefed or not, would have made tacking a much easier operation. Does using the Jib give you more control?
Hap Newsom
Hap Newsom - 6 years ago
+Sailing Uma Thanks for the quick reply!! I look forward each week to your "visit"!!
Sailing Uma
Sailing Uma - 6 years ago
You can’t sail to windward with just the mainsail...at least not in our boat.
CO 4x4
CO 4x4 - 6 years ago
Great editing skills yo! Especially some of those slow-mo close ups. Well done! Cheers from Denver CO
Jeff Slaven
Jeff Slaven - 6 years ago
What fabulous hair Kika! You are almost a downwind sail!
Annette Bates
Annette Bates - 6 years ago
Scared me to death with that scream Dan! Thought these sailing channels were relaxing, lol xx
Ron Canizares
Ron Canizares - 6 years ago
Now that you have a good below deck autopilot, do you find that you use it more than your wind vane?
Sailing Uma
Sailing Uma - 6 years ago
They both have their pros and cons. The Cape Horn works very well when the wind is consistent, and it’s silent and used no power, so we use it on overnights or longer passages. Especially if we have following seas. The B&G is really convenient when we need to steer a straight line or solo reef etc. It doesn’t use too much power and is low noise, but you can still hear it, especially below decks. They really compliment each other well and we’re very glad we have both. Especially for the sailing we’ll be doing this summer.
Mojo Motive
Mojo Motive - 6 years ago
Kika if what we see is the real you, you are beutifull both inside and out and Dan is one lucky guy!
Robin Rouwen
Robin Rouwen - 6 years ago
Of course she is real. Start binge watching from episode 1 and you’ll see for your self!
Paul Baybakov
Paul Baybakov - 6 years ago
What ever happened to the rain collection system you guys built?
Travis Neill
Travis Neill - 6 years ago
Ahh, sorry. Didn’t see this before I asked as well. Got it. Good to know, thanks.
Sailing Uma
Sailing Uma - 6 years ago
Stopped working well when we removed the toe rail in Guatemala.
Lorenzo Gonzalez
Lorenzo Gonzalez - 6 years ago
Love your videos and you both have such a healthy relationship keep up the great channel
fha gerber
fha gerber - 6 years ago
U are good for her and she is good for u beautiful couple enjoying life
Monk Petite
Monk Petite - 6 years ago
Epic hair ...One day you have to cut it Dan.. it awesome now but at some point it will look like ..floor Mob.. ;-)
Kika will tell you ! Crazy lovely sailers.. keep it up..
well done and thanks for sharing ..
Just Me
Just Me - 6 years ago
CHEERS !!! da^^it. !!! It ain't an UMA vlog without a Cheers. Nice relaxing 15 minutes - thanks. Stay safe :-)
Tino G - Sailing
Tino G - Sailing - 6 years ago
Yes very nice hair, but when it grow so wild it could be a challenge to make it G.I. Jane short
Annette Bates
Annette Bates - 6 years ago
Cut it Kika it’s too big for such a little girl! It must be in your eyes all the time. Xx
Murat CU6
Murat CU6 - 6 years ago
"71st Like" is mine :)
Charles Cabral
Charles Cabral - 6 years ago
No no no hair cut
Mike Bishop
Mike Bishop - 6 years ago
Until Kika's hair becomes a superpower.
Cary Cheshire
Cary Cheshire - 6 years ago
A Sailing Uma video is a great start to the day.
Thomas K
Thomas K - 6 years ago
The woods!!! You still haven't work on the wood parts. It's killing me guys :p

Other then that great videos. Love ya both <3
Matt Fish
Matt Fish - 6 years ago
I love Sailing Uma so much, best channel -- and I totally agree about the wood parts. I want to get some varnish with UV protection on that stuff!
Chippy The Chipmunk
Chippy The Chipmunk - 6 years ago
Capt Chef Mark SV Alcina
Capt Chef Mark SV Alcina - 6 years ago
Ok first on this, but not first on patron as they see it before me.
You also not going to believe this, now I am first on about 8 Sailing channels
AJ Fischer
AJ Fischer - 6 years ago
No don't cut your hair. My wife and I love it. Great video Thank you.
Richard Hague
Richard Hague - 6 years ago
Your production values are going up like a rocket to the Moon! The establishing shots... segues... Talk blending in perfectly with what's on the screen.

Those puppies! Shouldn't one of them be a permanent crewmember?

Now the elephant in the room: The Hair.

Kika: I well remember when Dan cut and trimmed that mane of yours. I also remember that, two episodes later, it was back to where it started. So, I won't presume either the effrontery or temerity to suggest modifications to your "do." Whatever feels right to you, my dear, is what you should wear. BTW, the quick profile shot of you at 5:45 would make desktop wallpaper. You're that lovely. Ditto the dive into the hole.

 Dan: How are the plans coming along for colonizing the Sun. Is the habitat ready for testing?
RoscoeJames - 6 years ago
I'm with you, Dan. No haircut. My wife and I have been married 33 years and that's still a discussion and a compromise. Have fun, ah, discussing.
Marc René Yvon
Marc René Yvon - 6 years ago
+Kelvin Waters
Come on, Kelvin, if she hooked you at the time as she was, with her long hair and all, she's still the same "hot babe" today ! No ? We've been married for, oh boy, 42 years now and she's still my own "hot babe" !!
Sailing Uma
Sailing Uma - 6 years ago
You did win ;)

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