Kyle's GoPro Films: Finn Sailing

In this GoPro tips and tricks video I show the process which I go through when editing a video. This is a new video series which I am working on starting, let me know what you think. Subscribe: Channel: Facebook Page: Twitter: GoPro Tips & Tricks The channel GoPro Tips and Tricks is filled with useful, money and frustration saving tips as well as some tricks to make sure you get all you can out of your GoPro. Make sure you subscribe to be notified about new videos. If you have enjoyed the video make sure to like / thumbs up the video and like GoPro Tips on facebook for the latest updates. If you have any question or comments please leave them below or tweet me and I will get right back to you. If there are mounts, unboxing, reviews that you would like to see please let me know and I will do all I can to make it happen.

Kyle's GoPro Films: Finn Sailing sentiment_very_dissatisfied 6

Sailing 10 years ago 5,377 views

In this GoPro tips and tricks video I show the process which I go through when editing a video. This is a new video series which I am working on starting, let me know what you think. Subscribe: Channel: Facebook Page: Twitter: GoPro Tips & Tricks The channel GoPro Tips and Tricks is filled with useful, money and frustration saving tips as well as some tricks to make sure you get all you can out of your GoPro. Make sure you subscribe to be notified about new videos. If you have enjoyed the video make sure to like / thumbs up the video and like GoPro Tips on facebook for the latest updates. If you have any question or comments please leave them below or tweet me and I will get right back to you. If there are mounts, unboxing, reviews that you would like to see please let me know and I will do all I can to make it happen.

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Most popular comments
for Kyle's GoPro Films: Finn Sailing

Peter Smith
Peter Smith - 10 years ago
whats the song on the video ?
Brooks Lemmon
Brooks Lemmon - 10 years ago
How do you use a chest mount with a life jacket?
Riley Cameron
Riley Cameron - 10 years ago
I use mine for sailing to but it shoots in 17 minute clips do you know how to make it record together
Techaholic11 - 10 years ago
Is that Vancouver in the background?
CanadianCrux - 10 years ago
Great video, your channel is very helpful especially in regards to use the GoPro Studio software.

Question for you: I tend to capture a lot of shorter clips, 5, 10 or 20 seconds at a time as I find this make it easier when editing so I don't have too scroll lengthy videos to find the spots I want to use, however I'll end up with 160+ videos when importing and converting. I don't convert all my videos, but I still end up with a lot of videos, as I move to editing, the GoPro software crashes "stops working" often and I'm wondering if there is a limitation to the number of videos I can have in my converted list.

Laptop specs (Windows 8.1 Touch Screen, I5, 8GB RAM, 64-bit)

Thanks and keep posting your Tips & Tricks I learn tons from watching.
xsaskg - 10 years ago
Great video.  Thanks.  I'm sure I'll be referencing back to it a few times.

What's the trick to getting it to upload to YouTube without losing quality?
Manon van Dijk
Manon van Dijk - 10 years ago
awsome that you sail check out my sailing video Optimist sailing gopro
Joel Miller
Joel Miller - 10 years ago
Using gopro studios on my mac I have a 12min video I was wanting to export but can only ever export 2:30min of it. How do I get the whole video?
de enige echte pool
de enige echte pool - 10 years ago
why did you film in 30 fps?

10. comment for Kyle's GoPro Films: Finn Sailing

Dan Little
Dan Little - 10 years ago
Got a go pro recently. Put it on my laser radial sailboat but the videos it took are in slow motion and is very laggy missing maybe a second or 2 of footage. I was doing about 15 knots in a force 6-7? But not alot of chop. Any ideas?
Rob Varley
Rob Varley - 10 years ago
+de enige echte pool Lexar 633x best one ive used yet.
de enige echte pool
de enige echte pool - 10 years ago
get a faster micro sd, if your sd is to slow it will lagg.
you need a speed of 30 mb a second better will be 50.
class 10 will be perfect
JamieWadd91 - 10 years ago
Hey Kyle, great video really interesting. Could you post a link to where you got this music from? Finding decent royalty free music is one thing I really struggle with for my videos, any help much appreciated :) thanks
NewportDispatch - 10 years ago
I really enjoy your channel. Your doing excellent work, and I thank you for all the ideas and tips and tricks you have shared. I still don't own a GoPro, but soon, God willing. Peace.
Clay Mitchell
Clay Mitchell - 10 years ago
I like this, however, I would like to see a more in depth tutorial with and end result of a longer video. Overall great job!
Claire Davies
Claire Davies - 10 years ago
Think this video is very useful will definetly help. However in my opinion the background music of the video doesn't really work :/
Gopro Brayton
Gopro Brayton - 10 years ago
I love it! keep it up

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The "Kyle's GoPro Films: Finn Sailing" video is part of the Sealing, tipps, boating category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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