I will TEACH you HOW TO SAIL in 20 minutes from LEAVING the DOCK to ANCHORING in the new location. I had SO MANY QUESTIONS when I started sailing and had a difficult time finding all the answers. I hope this video will answer most of yours too! Addings: 1. In addition to Navionics, it's good to use Google Earth or Google Maps too (you can download areas offline for free) when you're sailing in an area with lots of reefs, just to be sure. 2. Of course, whatever the official rule for boat traffic is, you must avoid hitting the other boat :) 3. Navigation rule 4: The Wale: when sailing in the night, most motor boats (except a few exceptions mentioned in the navigation rules book) still have to avoid you (they see on the lights a sailboat has that you are sailing). Not sure? Call the ship on channel 16 :) This is my biggest project I've ever done. And I hope you like it! Become part of the Patreon community for 'behind the scenes' and early access: https://www.patreon.com/huubvandermarkvlogs Here's the link to my first eBook! Live An Easy Life: A Practical Guide to a Joyful Life: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B07GMVCCJX Follow me on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/huubvandermark Follow me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/HuubvanderMarkVlogs/ Website: http://www.huubvandermark.com/ #hula #hoop #hulahoop

LEARN HOW TO SAIL IN 20 MIN - Ep 52 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 211

Sailing 7 years ago 325,803 views

I will TEACH you HOW TO SAIL in 20 minutes from LEAVING the DOCK to ANCHORING in the new location. I had SO MANY QUESTIONS when I started sailing and had a difficult time finding all the answers. I hope this video will answer most of yours too! Addings: 1. In addition to Navionics, it's good to use Google Earth or Google Maps too (you can download areas offline for free) when you're sailing in an area with lots of reefs, just to be sure. 2. Of course, whatever the official rule for boat traffic is, you must avoid hitting the other boat :) 3. Navigation rule 4: The Wale: when sailing in the night, most motor boats (except a few exceptions mentioned in the navigation rules book) still have to avoid you (they see on the lights a sailboat has that you are sailing). Not sure? Call the ship on channel 16 :) This is my biggest project I've ever done. And I hope you like it! Become part of the Patreon community for 'behind the scenes' and early access: https://www.patreon.com/huubvandermarkvlogs Here's the link to my first eBook! Live An Easy Life: A Practical Guide to a Joyful Life: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B07GMVCCJX Follow me on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/huubvandermark Follow me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/HuubvanderMarkVlogs/ Website: http://www.huubvandermark.com/ #hula #hoop #hulahoop

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Most popular comments

Sailing Fanatic
Sailing Fanatic - 5 years ago
Awesome Sailing video ! WHy are you NOT on soSAILize ( . net ) ? So many Sailing bloggers on there
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 5 years ago
I’ve never heard of it haha
deltafour1212 - 5 years ago
"The more the wind comes behind the more the sails are away from the boat" "The more the winds come from the front the sails are close to the boat"   Do you realize in those simple layman terms, you just made my sailing life a WHOLE lot easier!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 5 years ago
Thanks deltafour :)
tobuslieven - 6 years ago
A good way to remember starboard as being right, is that the term comes from "steer board" which you would control with your strong, right arm. I think it was a predecessor of a rudder, which stuck over the side of the ship on the right hand side, steer board, starboard. I can imagine vikings using these.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
That works well to remember too :)
BallisticAdventure - 6 years ago
Awesome channel. I recently went from vanlife to sail life. Keep the awesome context coming
N8JYF - 6 years ago
Best sailing instructional video I have ever watched.
Thank You.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
I appreciate you saying that:). Thank you!
EPIC Design
EPIC Design - 6 years ago
I recently co-own a 42 sailboat with my fd, I have no idea and no confident to sail, after watching this video and I finally know how the ropes work. Thanks so much
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Thank you Epic Design. That's awesome that you co-own one now! I wish you good luck and much fun!
Taoelvenmage - 6 years ago
OMG!! So good and so funny! Best; Confused face, being knocked overboard by the boom, and Damn you Screwge!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Haha thank you Taoelvenmage!
Rimas Meleshyus
Rimas Meleshyus - 6 years ago
Great video,many thanks good information Dear my friend. I wish you all the best. Good to be positive . I am very positive that’s why I am sailing alone around the world,it’s hard to find people for the long voyages. Many people saying I like sailing,when need no more sailing. I sailed many miles alone and I and continue again when I fixed my eyes.Thank you so much for the video great video,many thanks I wish you all the best my Dear friend.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Thanks Rimas! I wish you all the best too :)
Happy McJoyjoy
Happy McJoyjoy - 6 years ago
Finally, a video that makes me feel like I could get on a sail boat, and at least get under way.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
You’re welcome!

10. comment for LEARN HOW TO SAIL IN 20 MIN - Ep 52

Mark Crawford
Mark Crawford - 6 years ago
Surely you jest!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Thanks Mark!
Hindukush - 6 years ago
This was probably the best how to sail video I have watched. Simple and straight forward. Thanks for posting.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Thank you Hindukush
Nicholas Juntilla
Nicholas Juntilla - 6 years ago
Great video! Filled in some gaps in my sailing knowledge. I had to rewind about 20 times because it's so packed with info.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
That’s very good! Glad it helped :)
Jacques Shit
Jacques Shit - 6 years ago
NICE Dutch accent and great video! fantastisch gedaan meneer :-)
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Dankjewel Jacques
bagginz - 6 years ago
Good, information dense video. Pity about the irritating and unnecessary "scrooge" nonsense.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Thank you Ivan!
Richard Morin
Richard Morin - 6 years ago
Excellent job. I'll be watching this a lot. Great instructions.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Thank you Richard!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Thanks John! Appreciate it!
ImMoral *
ImMoral * - 6 years ago
For a guy putting down the rich you have decently expensive looking boat there...
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
I was crewing. I was happy enough the owner helped me in getting my shots :).
Carlos Amaya
Carlos Amaya - 6 years ago
This is a good sailing video. Thank you
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
You’re welcome Carlos :)

20. comment for LEARN HOW TO SAIL IN 20 MIN - Ep 52

Tom Jones
Tom Jones - 6 years ago
Thanks for sharing very fun lesson
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
You’re welcome Tom!
patrick hague
patrick hague - 6 years ago
Thank you great work
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Thank you Patrick!
Ahmet Cardak
Ahmet Cardak - 6 years ago
Thank you, it covered my two months training in 25 min :)
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
I’m glad you enjoyed it :). Good luck on your sailing journey!
Adil Bouifrouri
Adil Bouifrouri - 6 years ago
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Thank you Adil! Glad you like it!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Thank you Adil! Glad you like it :)
David NCW
David NCW - 6 years ago
Lol good stuff Thank You!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Thanks David
Scot Yount
Scot Yount - 6 years ago
Looks like your drone footage was shot in log and then not corrected for your edit for some reason.....
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Scot Yount I didn’t even know that a DJI drone is capable of shooting in log
Scot Yount
Scot Yount - 6 years ago
I would also say, if you are not going to color grade anything, then don't shoot in log in the first place.
Scot Yount
Scot Yount - 6 years ago
I think making everything look as good as possible is always best. I use FCPX as well and I shoot RED 8K with no rendering problems of any kind. Fast as hell. I will try to color grade your log shots for you and put them into a dropbox for you to check out later today. +HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Scot Yount thanks! I don’t do much color editing anymore as it takes forever for fcpx to render that. I like the result but I feel like most people don’t really care about that who watch Vlogs..
Scot Yount
Scot Yount - 6 years ago
HuubvanderMark Vlogs I am not talking about your format. I am talking about your color space. All the drone stuff appears to have been shot in a flat colorspace called Log. You have to add color back to it in your edit. In FCPX you will see color controls. Increase your contrast and some saturation and you will very happy with the results.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Hey Scot, I shoot everything in 1080p as that’s the max my canon can do and rendering takes forever if I shoot in different formats on FCPX :)
Sailing florida
Sailing florida - 6 years ago
Excellent video for beginners !!!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Thank you Sailing Open Seas
megadestroyer454 - 6 years ago
I just wanna pilot a sail boat so I can yell cut the main sheet or something.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Marc Andre Robert
Marc Andre Robert - 6 years ago
My kind of tutor. Great publication sir.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Thank you Marc!
John Simms
John Simms - 6 years ago
Best sail video ever ,Thanks for making it simple
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Thanks John!

30. comment for LEARN HOW TO SAIL IN 20 MIN - Ep 52

Gabriel S.
Gabriel S. - 6 years ago
lol fancy rich man? more like a 500 years of seamanship that came up with those terms.
Pete Pras
Pete Pras - 6 years ago
I am ready to cross the Atlantic after watching this vid. Thx. I think I'm going to need a bigger boat though.lol s/v Tikiti-boo
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Nice! Do it :)
Wayne Drummond
Wayne Drummond - 6 years ago
At first I thought from your accent you were french, but the more I watched and listened and noticed you not sticking your head up your arse but talking the talk and REALLY were walking the walk. And then discovered you were from Zeeland (sort-of) . I REALLY hope you earn from these most instructive videos. I have been waiting so so many years for such useful information that most "boaties" WILL NOT SHARE because they're snobs.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Thanks Wayne! Yes, from the Netherlands. Wish I had some sexy Italian accent, but no haha
juandlrcol - 6 years ago
This is all you need!!! im buying a boat!!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Yes! Do it!
Tsar - 6 years ago
Convert youtube to MP4
Save on my Desktop
Save a copy on a Flashcard !
Buy a sailors costume!!! im officially a sailor! the details in this video alone is extremely comprehensive
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Thank you Tsar and good luck to you!
Ellinon Enosis
Ellinon Enosis - 6 years ago
"Dan you crazy rich Scrooge" ... *then goes sailing his luxury sailing boat*....
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Gordon Richardson
Gordon Richardson - 6 years ago
Dude you sound like the MEXICAN from Tarantino's "Hateful Eight". Whatsup with the Anglo term bashing? lol Same definitions no matter what language.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
I hope one day he asks me for an actual role in one of his movies haha
CHRIS198490 - 6 years ago
once I will buy boat in future you teach me I will pay you lol
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
That’s awesome! Have fun and good luck buying one!
Allen Gordon
Allen Gordon - 6 years ago
One day soon i will use this video to learn how to sail
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
That’s awesome! Good luck on your adventure!
Martin Sims
Martin Sims - 6 years ago
great video, loved it and learned a lot... more Please
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Thanks Martin. One day, when I'm back into sailing...
Gatcha Guy
Gatcha Guy - 6 years ago
Hmmm weird that I can go on a dead run but you can't.....
Ishari - 6 years ago
It's not the fancy rich men that invented those terms, more probably the hardened sailors of the past.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
You're right, it's Joshua Slocum and others.
Matt Andrews
Matt Andrews - 6 years ago
thank you huub...
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
You’re welcome!
Meghen Matta
Meghen Matta - 6 years ago
THIS IS WHAT I NEEDED. Just bought a 27' Catalina, and have been watching videos, reading, etc, but this was such a complete overview that it fit it all together.

HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
You’re welcome Meghen! Have fun on your new adventure!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Paul Anthony
Paul Anthony - 6 years ago
Haha I went and bought myself a 33ft race/cruise yacht after watching this....
Paul Anthony
Paul Anthony - 6 years ago
+HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop Yes it is true and yes it is awesome! Problem is along with the no friends I also have no $$ so the only boat can afford n(as beautiful as she is) will need quite a bit of work before I can get her into the water... But the seed is planted!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
That’s awesome! If that’s true then I’m happy I could add to your amazing future!
Rick Melkonian
Rick Melkonian - 6 years ago
Very nice video. Please make more sailing for dummies video. This video was funny and so informative, I enjoyed watching it. You made it feel likable and not sleepy old blah blah blah.
Thank you
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Thank you Rick! Right now I’m driving around Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan) with a camper van. But one day when I’m back in sailing I will.
Mark Blaze
Mark Blaze - 6 years ago
Thanks. now i just need to rewatch this like 50 times.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Haha that is a good start. Also read the notes in the description please..
collarandhames - 6 years ago
Thanks! this was the best instructional video I've ever come across,, Buying my first boat, and nervous about it, will keep re-watching,, so much great information in 20 minutes. Cheers, and good winds
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Thank you! Just motor to a place without boats and with moderate wind and you’ll be fine trying everything out. There are always people in the sailing community who like to join for a day for free and can show you a lot. You’ll meet people in the anchorage or in the marina once you have the boat. All the best!
Dave - 6 years ago
just turn on your auto pilot and get your butler to bring you a drink...lol i'm missing my speed boat already
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Speed boats are nice too!

50. comment for LEARN HOW TO SAIL IN 20 MIN - Ep 52

Secret Squirrel
Secret Squirrel - 6 years ago
Sweet. Cape Horn here I come...
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Have fun :)
zootsootful - 6 years ago
LEARN HOW TO SAIL IN 20 MIN, and then earn a doctor's license inside an hour. Utter nonsense...
Korpa 12
Korpa 12 - 6 years ago
This is how I was taught to remember port and starboard. Let’s say “Scrooge” drank to much red port. You would say “no more RED PORT LEFT” so PORT is RED in colour and on the LEFT. Hope that helps someone out there, it helped me anyway.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Nice one!
weednot43 - 6 years ago
Although this is extremely simplified, Im sure, for me it still seems complicated as frig....
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
I understand. But it's a good beginning to start from... Watch it a few times and take a sailing lesson. I personally like trying around with a hobie cat
Jimmy Wood
Jimmy Wood - 6 years ago
To much work. I prefer a motor and a steering wheel.
ImMoral *
ImMoral * - 6 years ago
What are you doing here then?
Hans Zarkov
Hans Zarkov - 6 years ago
can you do one covering demasting in the middle of the atlantic ocean. thanks
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Hi Hans, currently I’m driving around Central Asia with an oldtimer campervan. I’ll keep it in mind when I’m back into sailing
webb tunage
webb tunage - 6 years ago
Nothing like some good ol racism to teach.
James Maxwell
James Maxwell - 6 years ago
Now we need one for boats with no motors.
James Maxwell
James Maxwell - 6 years ago
Thank you!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
The most tricky for a sailboat with no engine is getting in and out of anchorages when they are protected and have no wind. I personally would either add paddles on a small boat or a small engine to avoid collision.
Bo Hunt
Bo Hunt - 6 years ago
As a "scrooge", it's mooring lines, not docking lines :p
Patrick Jones
Patrick Jones - 6 years ago
It’s doesn’t get much simpler than this. Well done.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Thank you Patrick!
simon The pirate
simon The pirate - 6 years ago
... thanks scrooge...
Pieter van der Zande
Pieter van der Zande - 6 years ago
why cant you sail fully downwind?
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Because sails work like wings of an airplane. There has to be a certain flow along the sails in order to create a force that pulls the boat forwards.
Robert Van Ginkel
Robert Van Ginkel - 6 years ago
Nice job thanks
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Thank you Robert!
The Travel Vlogger
The Travel Vlogger - 6 years ago
great video! I'm sure I will watch it a few times. Safe travels :)
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Thank you The Travel Vlogger!
bjornsmasher66 - 6 years ago
You're very unappreciative of the history and culture of sailing. Why would I want to learn from someone who doesn't care for why things are the way they are and in fact seems angry about it.
5dd - 6 years ago
Thank you! Very informative!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Thanks 5dd
Between Sun and Sea
Between Sun and Sea - 6 years ago
We love seeing your videos! It's been a dream mine to live on a sailboat someday and we finally just got one! Can't wait to keep exploring the world.

We are even making some videos too. I (Alex) do the editing, and Chris does all the music. You all rock though, so thank you for the inspiration!


We are just starting down the east coast of the US and have made it from Maryland to South Carolina. We are still heading south, despite the fact that everyone else is going AWAY from the storms haha. But it's all worth the adventure, right?

Maybe we will even see your boat someday, that would be awesome!
Keep living the good life :)
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Thanks between Sun and Sea! this boat, Spill the wine, is in Fiji at the moment. Going towards the US. I just bought a russian 4x4 oldtimer in Kyrgyzstan and going to be a road rat for a while. See you some day! Good luck with all! Huub
pccalcio - 6 years ago
Pause between 4:24 and 4:25
Is that a fucking shark in the bottom right corner ????
Sonny - 6 years ago
RIP Drone, sleeps with the fishes now
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Haha, yep, touched the water and tried to recover... It's the way it is...
ChillyCloth - 6 years ago
but how did they do it before the boat became industrialized
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Hey Chilly, well, there are different era's. Back in the days they navigated by the stars and either hand steered the boat or used a self made auto pilot which worked by wind or other means...
hbrookes - 6 years ago
Very well laid out.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Thank you hbrookes
John Christopher
John Christopher - 6 years ago
What an amazing and succinct video.

I hope you do one on docking into slips that includes;

- what to do when getting into trouble (wind direction, speed, communication, etc)

- docking on difficult turn radius taking into account left handed vs right handed props (e.g. left handed props don’t turn well to the right and vice-versa).
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Hey John, currently I’m road tripping in a car, but I’ll keep it in mind for when I’m back in to sailing :)
Why Me?
Why Me? - 6 years ago
That’s an awesome sailboat, I learned a lot from this video, thanks.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Thank you Why Me!
JR Mathes
JR Mathes - 6 years ago
I really enjoyed your tutorial....really well done.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Thank you JR Mathes
Red XIII - 6 years ago
At 8:00 he mentions the standing rigging from the mast to the bow as ‘forestay’ which, in this case is correct (because it’s the only rigging there) but in a different rig such as a cutter or cat the terminology is ‘headstay’ since it’s attached to the head of the mast and a forestay normally is lower on the mast to accommodate a jib and not the larger Genoa
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Thanks for the addition!
Dejay Rezme
Dejay Rezme - 6 years ago
Thanks, this is an awesome video! It told me all I need to know to decide that I don't want to get a sailboat ;)
Dejay Rezme
Dejay Rezme - 6 years ago
Yeah, thanks again! :)
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Haha lol, that's good to learn too!
freedomfighter 1112
freedomfighter 1112 - 6 years ago
Great video you explained it perfectly thank you very much good sir!!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Thank you freedomfighter
kmurray96 - 6 years ago
"P.S. I love you." P is to left (port), S is to right (starboard). As for the navigation lights, Port wine is...red. BINGO!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Good addition! Thanks kmurray!
Peteypiranha83 - 6 years ago
Thank you for the great video! Super informative.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Thanks Petey!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Thanks John, appreciate it!
Jimbojet - 6 years ago
Never been on a sail boat, which is why actually using the wind to travel the world’s oceans, is pure wondrous to me. One day............!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Yes! why not? Just do it :)
Jimbojet - 6 years ago
Great! I almost understood that. Thanks
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
You're welcome! All the best!
marko cynamon
marko cynamon - 6 years ago
How to learn to sail in 20 minutes ?
It's a 25 minute video !
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
TERRY WOODS - 6 years ago
F*CK YOU SCROOGE!... I Learned More in This 25min Video about the ACTUAL sail Theory as used in a Practical Application.... . than in 18 months in all other Videos.. Including the "MARYLAND SCHOOL OF SAILING" videos.
Explained in such an accurate, simplistic, and attainable fashion... i tested myself in an hour after watching it and still had retention of the basics for Sailing...
I guess it's true, [You remember it if it's Fun] CmeL8r
Al Van Schaik
Al Van Schaik - 6 years ago
Excellent!!! For anyone starting out this is the video to watch and then keep building and experiencing as much as possible.  You will make some mistakes over the years but hopefully they will be minor and not really hurt you or your pocketbook too much.Thanks...Al
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
haha, yeah, sailing is already expensive enough!!
Virasone Thongsakhom
Virasone Thongsakhom - 6 years ago
Loved the humor in the lesson, thank you for the lesson!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Haha thanks Virasone, yeah we should take life with humor. Especially these way too proper sailing terms ahhahaha
Cas Dijkstra
Cas Dijkstra - 6 years ago
Why can't you sail directly downwind? I only have experience sailing small open boats, in those it is not a problem, so what is the difference?
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
It's mainly because sails work like the wings of an airplane, there has to be a certain type of airflow against the wings in order to move the object forwards. Maybe if there's a lot of wind you can almost go dead downwind because a lot of wind will move the boat easily forward anyway whether you trim the sails correct or less correct. The art is more to get the maximum speed out of the boat with less wind.
David H
David H - 6 years ago
Great job on this video...I was smiling through the whole movie! :)
barry0gee - 6 years ago
you lost me auto pilot .
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Haha, well a wind vane or auto pilot it quite necessary for such a long trip.... all the best!
Richard Parizeault
Richard Parizeault - 6 years ago
Great video, really enjoyed how you made it simple. Thank you
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Thanks Richard!
Sailing Exodos
Sailing Exodos - 6 years ago
Huub, dit is tenminste duidelijk. Mijn innig geliefde echtgenote is helemaal enthousiast over je duidelijke Jip & Janneke uitleg. Thanx! :-)
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Dankjewel DoubleUThings!
banacek8675 - 6 years ago
LEARN HOW TO SAIL IN 20 MIN - Ep 52... a 25 minute video in a series of 52 videos.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Lol never noticed that
Dave Tyler
Dave Tyler - 6 years ago
I always wondered.. say you are sailing alone on a long trip. you have to stop to sleep, right? what if your in the middle of the ocean? do you just drift?
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
No, you set the auto pilot or wind vane on to keep you going in the right direction. You have an AIS receiver to alarm you if Big boats come close and another alarm that warns you when the wind changes a lot and you have to wake up to change sails.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Thank you!
Wolfsangel Slade
Wolfsangel Slade - 6 years ago
Funny that the terms have nothing to do with rich people xD
TheMilkMan - 6 years ago
A good way to remember port from starboard is that port means left and port has four letters same as left
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Nice addition!
Laurent Froggy
Laurent Froggy - 6 years ago
If everything I learned could be as easy and as fun as your video I would be smarter lol.... Thanks for the great work you did. awesome. thanks and best from HKG
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Thank you Laurent! Maybe I'll do more with it in the future... I guess it's because I'm quickly bored myself hahahah
Rusty Wachtel
Rusty Wachtel - 6 years ago
I don't like Scrooge
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Thanks James, I might do that when I go back into sailing
Andrew Machaffie
Andrew Machaffie - 6 years ago
Somebody needs to kill scrooge
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago

100. comment for LEARN HOW TO SAIL IN 20 MIN - Ep 52

Kane Julian
Kane Julian - 6 years ago
Awesome - clear concise documentation of basic sailing techniques and terminology! Well worth watching 10 times for people like me with no or close to no knowledge of sailing. Thanks very much. Keep them coming?
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Thank you Kane!
Soulsmithing - 6 years ago
I've been looking for this video for five years. Thank you!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
You're very welcome!
blakeontheroad - 6 years ago
Best how to video I've seen. You earned another subscriber here man
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Thank you blakeontheroad
David Fildes
David Fildes - 6 years ago
Sigh...Don't mind him he is from Barcelona.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Haha scrooge?
chess747 - 6 years ago
Fucking starboard and port, why can't they just say right and left !!
chess747 - 6 years ago
It's about bloody time, someone made sailing simple, just like explaining sailing it to a child, well done.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Thank you chess747!
Secret Pyromaniac
Secret Pyromaniac - 6 years ago
Great stuff!
Model RC
Model RC - 6 years ago
What about a sun fish
Tyler Jensen
Tyler Jensen - 6 years ago
Easiest way for me to remember red = Port/left, green = starboard/right is that port has 4 letters, so does left. Right has 5 letters and so does green.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Nice one!
kieran Doran
kieran Doran - 6 years ago
Great video I bought my first 16ft Day boat last year
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Great start!
zigz n skiffs
zigz n skiffs - 6 years ago
umm i watched this video for no reason and a sail manly juniors 18:40 umm no the more wind more sail its simple you go flat out
Corey - 6 years ago
the way i learned port and starboard is 'port' and 'left' both have 4 letters, 'starboard' and 'right' have more than 4
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Makes sense too :)
ichthus1890 - 6 years ago
Another way to remember left or right side is starboard / larboard, from the old days. Larboard or port is left, starboard right.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Thanks :)
Mummi Didda
Mummi Didda - 6 years ago
Thx for a great video it gave me a lot of things I have wanted to know. Make more please. Good job.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 6 years ago
Thanks Mummi!
Hamilto Bergeran
Hamilto Bergeran - 6 years ago
Thank you
Geoffrey W. Blee
Geoffrey W. Blee - 7 years ago
Thank you Mr. Dutchman, that's the best advice as yet. I've stored this vidio so that I can watch it a hundred times. Brilliant.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Sweet! Have fun! (also please check the additional written comments on the video..)
Alexander Kanaev
Alexander Kanaev - 7 years ago
man, that seriously is a great video, one of the best i have seen on the subject!
Simple, fun and concise!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you Alexander! Glad you liked it :)
George Hart
George Hart - 7 years ago
it was not rich guys, usually it comes from ancient sailors, who were the poorest of the poor
patrick holcomb
patrick holcomb - 7 years ago
a line is a rope in use (taught)...
UK Andrew
UK Andrew - 7 years ago
Top video. I have read a number of replies to your video and I am sure they are all correct in saying you haven’t explained everything but I think you have done an excellent job in a reasonably short 20 minute video. Much longer and, in my humble opinion, it would be too much to absorb.Think I will be viewing this video a number of times and then looking for another explaining all the areas others have pointed out. Very informative and great job in drawing out replies from some very experienced sailors. I believe your video and all of the comments from others has made this an excellent introduction and starting place for the beginner. Thank you Dutch for taking the time.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hi Andrew, thank you very much! Yes indeed, I made this to give people a base. People always tried to explain sailing to me like it's magic and I never got it. After a year of living on different boats and reading many books, I finally got the basics. And they are not that hard to learn. And luckily this boat owner was very willing to cooperate on it so it didn't cost me a lot of money to make it... All the best! Huub
Tom - 7 years ago
Hmm.... Looks annoying...

How much will fuel cost if we just buy a Lagoon Seventy 8 with no sail?
Tom - 7 years ago
The Dutch Seaman

And would that be nautical miles? Right?
Tom - 7 years ago
The Dutch Seaman

Yeah it says it had 4500 liter tanks and a 4000 mile range.

What woukd it cost to fill up?
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
For a lagoon of that size, you would need a lot of fuel...
Tom - 7 years ago
There's no red port left...
Michael Potts
Michael Potts - 7 years ago
"back to my book"
Kevin Haynes
Kevin Haynes - 7 years ago
Great video!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thanks Kevin!
Reyo Rehan
Reyo Rehan - 7 years ago
What happens if on a gusty day the wind keeps shifting?!
This would mean constantly changing the angle of the sails?
Wouldn’t it make more sense to have a wind turbine directly geared to the propeller so the boat can travel in a straight line REGARDLESS OF WIND DIRECTION?
Reyo Rehan
Reyo Rehan - 7 years ago
The Dutch Seaman Hi Dutch great video thanks, but seriously someone really has mounted a tri blade wind turbine onto a catamaran with direct drive to the propeller not by electric power.
The video is on YouTube, he also has a much smaller wind turbine mounted probably for batteries.
I think it’s great especially as the tri blade mast could act as a back up for a makeshift normal sail in an emergency.
Just type wind turbine catamaran guernsey in YouTube.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Haha I like your idea, a solar powered one ;)
Martin Bowman
Martin Bowman - 7 years ago
Afraid there is a bit more to it!! Get a copy of "Royce's Sailing Illustrated" learn the proper terminology and do some Dinghy Sailing!!! However this guy is quite good and well worthwhile viewing!!! Capt Fou
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thanks Martin!
JA C - 7 years ago
I don't usually leave many comments, but in this case I made an exception! Thanks for the excellent SIMPLE COMMON SENSE explanation that you provided. I wish this video was around when I first started sailing. I now own a 38ft yacht, and have done a little sailing. Nevertheless, still enjoyed your video. I use to teach flying, with many students I had to use this same approach, it worked well to provide them a foundation to start from that they could understand. Once they did, I was amazed how much easier the technical aspect of it all became, and the technical questions that they came up with at times for me to answer, lucky me :) Thank you!!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hi JA C, thank you so much for your long comment! All the best! Huub
Janne - 7 years ago
Ode to the credit card captain
Billy Bob
Billy Bob - 7 years ago
Sure! :-)
falselogic9 - 7 years ago
This is awesome.cheers!!!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you!
Fernando Molina Argudo
Fernando Molina Argudo - 7 years ago
Too much scrooge mentions.
Todd P
Todd P - 7 years ago
Funny to see the commenters who come across as criticizers and experts...Most of us the people coming to this video are new to sailing or want a refresher...the criticizers can keep it to the regatta...this was perfect for the new sailor or want to be new sailor...short and sweet and visual...Thank you.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you Todd. Yes, That's just YouTube.. If people only knew how much work videos like this cost to put together :). On average I'm getting over 90% great comments, so that's a rate I'm very happy with hahaha.
Mawo Duffer
Mawo Duffer - 7 years ago
You should really always use a life jacket even if you’re not alone.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
That is definitely a good thing to do yes!
Marc Derveeuw
Marc Derveeuw - 7 years ago
Doe door. Hele Goede technische video, waar velen naar zoeken, ik ook.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Dankjewel Marc!
RealLuckless - 7 years ago
Another handy reminder for port and starboard, at least in English: Port > Short word, Starboard > Long word. Left > Short word, Right > Long word.
Just remember to be looking toward the front of the boat...

Also, were you able to recover your drone? - Commercial drones really should be required to be sold with buoyancy bags for use around water.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thanks RealLuckless! Haha no, it landed in the ocean and immediately sank to the bottom. Ah well, at least I didn't have to carry that big suitcase on my bicycle cycling 3.000km in NZ after Fiji hahaha
MIchiel deRuyter
MIchiel deRuyter - 7 years ago
@The Dutch Seaman.. Jouw videos zijn hele goed. Maar ben ik Amerikaan en leer het Nederlands. Heb je videos in het Nederlands? bedankt /groetjes!! :):)
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hey Michiel, nee, alles wat ik ooit gedaan heb is in het Engels :). Groetjes!
João Raimundo
João Raimundo - 7 years ago
Ahahah that port joke ahahha ganda portugal!!!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hahaha, thanks!
Dessie Nolan
Dessie Nolan - 7 years ago
thank you its the best explanation i have seen yet WELL DONE
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you Dessie!
rehabaec - 7 years ago
This was brilliant!! Simple, funny and full of great. Thank you for taking the time to make this video. I am sure that it will everyone who watches it.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thanks rehabaec, I'm really happy I made it. At the moment it was sometimes a bit of a pain in the but to get all the shots hahaha, but it adds good value as a basic sail instruction video :)
Corrie Van Velzen
Corrie Van Velzen - 7 years ago
Set Sail by Vibrant Arm from Amsterdam. Fantastic Theme Song!! https://youtu.be/5Thx3KSnvbY
Two Nine Alpha Romeo
Two Nine Alpha Romeo - 7 years ago
Some good pointers but also some bad practice, Never secure your spinnaker lines to a self-tailing winch's top trailer, and you only need a boom preventer in rough seas, but that's 30 years of cruiser racing and broaching for you. Good film though :)
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thanks Two Nine Alpha Romeo
Tariq Mansoor
Tariq Mansoor - 7 years ago
Thanks for sharing great video, though in our region there is no such thing exist or at least commonly used or people could afford but still it has been very nice to see and learn lot of things. Can we have your email or whataspp number so that we could have answer to some of the additional questions about sailing.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Sure, it's hpwvandermark@gmail.com
Seanic Route
Seanic Route - 7 years ago
This is awesome! Funny! We love it, we are about to live the dream, at least we're planning on it...subscribed.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hey Seanic Route! Thank you! That's awesome to hear, have an amazing journey!
Len Goss
Len Goss - 7 years ago
Outstanding video - well done and much appreciated - thanks!!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you!
Jay Harper
Jay Harper - 7 years ago
Love your video! Thanks so much.. It's making plane tickets look so much better by the minute! har har har
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you very much!
Stu B
Stu B - 7 years ago
This is my kind of ADD learning curve, lol. Nice job.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you!
Mark Ratchford
Mark Ratchford - 7 years ago
I must say, now i have heard it explained like no other, WOW! that was different, being a qualified commercial skipper, i don't know what to say. so i will say nothing other then i enjoyed the laugh.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Appreciate it! Thanks!
Steve Wright
Steve Wright - 7 years ago
People who don't know this stuff should be learning it on someone elses' boat as crew, and not trying it themselves after watching a youtube video - just for the sake of other people on the water at least.. Please don't try this yourself on a large vessel with zero knowledge and experience - it's really dangerous for everyone, not least yourself.
Jose Vera
Jose Vera - 7 years ago
Awesome video! Very helpful but what about weather and planning? Thanks!
Jose Vera
Jose Vera - 7 years ago
The Dutch Seaman awesome, thanks a lot!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hi Jose, yes, weather planning is something that should be considered too (even though the forecast is wrong sooooo often, the best time to go (which month) and to know that the expectation is there for decent weather is of course very good too. Usually it's pretty simple because everybody else on surrounding boats are talking about that a lot!
Arvind Maharaj
Arvind Maharaj - 7 years ago
Yay - I see you are exiting Vuda Marina in Fiji!!! Bula Vinaka.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Haha yes! It’s a great place!
Randi Cook
Randi Cook - 7 years ago
Very good!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you Randi!
neistridlar - 7 years ago
Unless I misunderstood your explanation, you screwed up when you explained how the red and green buoys work. In the charts there is an arrow with two circles in front of it. If you are sailing in the direction of the arrow then you should always have the green buoys on your starboard side and red ones on the port side (that is the color of the buoys mach the color of your lanterns). If you go the other way, obviously it is reversed. It is very important to know this, because you are not always supposed to go between them. I have seen several places where between the buoys is the only place where it is not safe to go, though it is less common. Also sometimes there will be only one, they don't always come in pairs, and it is not always obvious which side you should pass unless you have the charts.
Jerry Kelley
Jerry Kelley - 7 years ago
There sure is a lot to learn,it's like another language. Thanks for the info.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thanks Jerry!
ExileCinema - 7 years ago
soooooo i thought this video was gonna be dumb and a complete waste of my time.....

i thought wrong.

this was actually really good and surprisingly entertaining.

thumbs up and subscribed!!
Blake Byers
Blake Byers - 7 years ago
haha das dope
Blake Byers
Blake Byers - 7 years ago
The Dutch Seaman, anytime!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thanks Blake!
Stefan Schlick
Stefan Schlick - 7 years ago
Hey Dutch Seaman, when i first saw the title of your video my thougths were: He didn't really mean what he titled it, did he ?!? Because, being a true sailor at heart, i know that nobody in this whole world can learn how to sail in 20 minutes ! After looking at it i just can say: congrats to you ! This was way more than a nice try - this was really good and profunded informations and advices ! And a nicely done video too ! Okay: we both know that true sailing is really not just facing one problem in a single moment, so you you will have the time to look in some sort of paper, read the solution and solve this particular problem in this particular moment . . . sailing is multitasking in a way maybe no other job is deserving it - me personally is thinking about the situation coming into a port under sail (no motor !) like i've learned it - nobody will ever have the chance to follow your 20-minutes-course because everybody will be totally anxious, confused, paralysed in such a situation - you know what i mean. But, speaking honestly: you have done an amazing yob - not just trying to tell the people how to sail, but to show them: it's doable ! It's not magicians work, it don't needs superpower or a study at an university . . . it is what it is: good craftsmanship that everybody can learn if he/she has the will to do exactely that. A job well done, best regards and always happy travels from Germany !
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hi Stefan, thank you very much! If was a big project! And yes indeed, it's more like, the basics of sailing... All the best! Huub
SHAMAD KHADAFFI - 7 years ago
thanks scrooge hha very helpful first vid that ive seen that actually teaches sailing.. something im wanting to do.. my kind of lifestyle.. thanks bro , fair winds and safe sails brother
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Fair winds to you too!
Randy Harrell
Randy Harrell - 7 years ago
Glad this was the easy on. I am now a convinced landsman. I have a headache. Loved the video.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hahaha, well, at least you learned that! Thanks! All the best Huub
daniel kinney
daniel kinney - 7 years ago
You really should create an app. for sailing
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Haha, marketing and monetizing has never really been my strongest point. I like the idea though!
Stephen Jameson
Stephen Jameson - 7 years ago
It helps thank you so much
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
You're welcome! All the best! Huub
raphzshots - 7 years ago
BRAVO!!! I just decided on pursuing my dream to own a sail boat and sail...!
Thanks for this easiest tutorial ever!
In less than 10 years, I'll own a boat!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hey raphzshots! That's awesome that my video helped you decide that! Good luck and have fun!
David Wilson
David Wilson - 7 years ago
Were did you the the hardware to mount the big green egg.
Thanks David
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
The boat is owned by Chris Barry and Nancy Patterson (see my Facebook)
Paul Beebe
Paul Beebe - 7 years ago
This is a very good video- very well thought out- pretty simple. but straight to the point-no frills. But very accurate too... Thanks
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thanks a lot Paul!
Lee Gray
Lee Gray - 7 years ago
Great Video....it's the first I've seen of yours so looking forward to watching the rest. Thanks/Bedankt. Hopefully there is one in more detail on flying the Spinnaker. I have a Spinnaker on mine but haven't had it up yet as i not exactly sure how...you're video helped a bit with this.
rg2metairie - 7 years ago
very helpful video.............. thanks
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
You're very welcome!
TOP BEER - 7 years ago
Bloody fantastic post..... Great explainations, simple (like me) and to the point.... really enjoyed it.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thanks again!!
Alexandre Frossard Nogueira
Alexandre Frossard Nogueira - 7 years ago
Dutch Seaman rules!! Thanks. Just shared the link with my wife and kids!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you very much Alexandre!
Antonio Coelho
Antonio Coelho - 7 years ago
Best Video on how to sail so far that I have seen. Thank you!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
That's very kind of you! Thank you Tony!
Jared Bryan
Jared Bryan - 7 years ago
Thank you for doing this video for us newbies; it is a great help to me. The concepts you taught are similar to the first few chapters of the "Sailing made easy" book for the ASA course. Great job!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hey Jared, thanks so much for your comment!!!
John Wells
John Wells - 7 years ago
A very nice video learned a lot. You need a buy us a beer link! Thank you!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hey John, thanks! I'll look into that! I'm always busy with making videos and how to make more fun videos. Butttttt, can't keep doing it forever without that Buy us a beer link. Thanks for the suggestion!
travelinalaskan - 7 years ago
This filled in several blank spaces for me. Thank you!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Glad it helped travelinalaskan! Huub
Captain Mark Gray
Captain Mark Gray - 7 years ago
Great job! The only thing I would say is when leaving the slip, put the bow line on the bow vs tieing it to the lifeline because IF (when) it comes untied it will go straight into the prop. One way to avoid that is to make sure it is always a couple of feet short of reaching the prop but hey, it's better to place it under the lifeline and on the foredeck (quick coil of course :-)
Captain Mark Gray
Captain Mark Gray - 7 years ago
My pleasure. The best thing about boating is the people who are always willing and very happy to help in any way. Boaters are the best people on earth (except the pirates of course :-)
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thanks for the addition Captain Mark!
S/V Adma
S/V Adma - 7 years ago
Nice boat with nice features. Oh no, you don't have to be rich to sail. Having been rich before before the purchase sure helps.
Grecko Lentaar
Grecko Lentaar - 6 years ago
All you need is to be rich enough to actually purchase a boat, or be lucky enough to be given one! Life on the great blue is what a perfect life is.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hahaha absolutely! All the best, Huub
Music World
Music World - 7 years ago
Excellent video and very good job done, you really know how to teach things, thanks a lot and please make some more.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you Music World! All the best, Huub
Mark Osborn
Mark Osborn - 7 years ago
Great video for learning how to sail but you shouldn't tell people that that's all they need to know to sail cause they need to know about sea anchors, bilge pumps, and many other things before a long jurny.
Donald Scott
Donald Scott - 7 years ago
Totally unnecessary to furl the headsail before tacking. I've never even heard of this. Just loosen the head sheet currently being used and pull in on the other sheet as the bow crosses the wind. I rarely adjust the main until after the tack.
ll ll
ll ll - 7 years ago
what to say....perfect!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you :)
Geoffrey W. Blee
Geoffrey W. Blee - 7 years ago
Thanks for that, extremely helpful, I'm. Having trouble with the giveaway at night, I feel does the other sailor know what's he's doing. I need a big fog horn ha ha cheers.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hahaha yeah! If I doubt On their decision making I usually call them on the radio..
jan krayzel
jan krayzel - 7 years ago
Great job. Thanks!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thanks Jan!
S/V Harley Quinn
S/V Harley Quinn - 7 years ago
I could never understand why the US, asia & carribean uses Iala B bouyage system when the rest of the world uses the A system. The UK's trinity house created the system in the 1500's so why on earth did someone in 1957 in the U.S. decide we won't do that and do our own thing instead!!!!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
S/V Harley Quinn
S/V Harley Quinn - 7 years ago
As corny and funny as it was this is actually pretty good! Well done that man
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thanks Sailing Harley Quinn
Mike S
Mike S - 7 years ago
This is the "very best" video I've ever watched!  Three KUDOS. Easy to understand and right to the point. Thanks Captain.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you very much Mike!
SpaceCowboy Johnny
SpaceCowboy Johnny - 7 years ago
Thanks a bunch! you just earned a like and a suby!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thanks John!!!!!!
Tyler L
Tyler L - 7 years ago
Well done!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you Tyl!
London Fletcher
London Fletcher - 7 years ago
I love your channel. Our family is gettinga sunfast 3600 and i use your channel to learn as much as I can while its being built. Thanks so much!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you London! I also like the book The Complete Yachtmaster from Tom Cuncliffe. All the best, Huub
carl slee
carl slee - 7 years ago
Great video my friend. I don't think anyone had ever told me before which line to cast off first.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you Carl! All the best, Huub
Ken Ju
Ken Ju - 7 years ago
click like and shared, thanks
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you Ken! All the best, Huub
Steven Askland
Steven Askland - 7 years ago
Well done.  Kinda fun.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hey Steven! Thank you very much! All the best, Huub
Erkut Gurun
Erkut Gurun - 7 years ago
Very nice video touching on all the important parts. Well done and thank you.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you Erkut! All the best, Huub
MaryEllen ONeill
MaryEllen ONeill - 7 years ago
Your an excellent teacher and I totally got it until the maaaaath part , then you became my 8th grade math teacher, who threw my desk across the room because I wouldn't stop talking. Needless to say I was traumatized and I now suffer from maaath PTSD! God Bless you for trying. All the people who didn't chat with their neighbor about the party the night before and the next days outfit, learned it the first time around. For me it will be a sixty minute lesson at least. Believe me had we had cell phones back then , I would not have graduated, I just aged myself, ugh ! maaaath again!
Javier Stern
Javier Stern - 7 years ago
What an amazing and marvelous tool the internet is, to pass information, see and learn almost anything at the tip of your fingers. I’m at the dinghy stage, so now I’d pausing your lessons over and over and taking notes. Never too old to learn or do anything. Thanks Dutch Seaman! Fair winds!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you Javier, I added a few addings in the description of the video. Take those with you too. A good book is The Complete Yaghtmaster by Tom Cuncliffe. It's just a little hard to understand sometimes with all the terms. But it's a good bundle of all answers. I only disagree about the normal sail vs. roll furl mainsail :). All the best, Huub
Buena Vista
Buena Vista - 7 years ago
Awesome you teaching!!!!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you Ramces! All the best, Huub
Oxnate - 7 years ago
Very nice. One note, "Yeay!" is not an English word. It's spelled "Yay!" (I'll give you bonus points for at least not using "Yea.")
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hey Oxnate hahaha, next time :). All the best, Huub
blisterj - 7 years ago
I totally agree with Marcela, we need more vids like this Great job !
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
hey blisterj, thank you very much! All the best, Huub
Vasilis Seaman
Vasilis Seaman - 7 years ago
The best video about how to learn to sail!!!!!!!!!!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you Vasilis! All the best, Huub
Schnot - 7 years ago
Great video!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you Schnot! All the best, Huub
Bob Powell
Bob Powell - 7 years ago
Great Video! Thanks
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you Bob! All the best, Huub
Von Allan
Von Allan - 7 years ago
very good vid!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you Von Allan! All the best, Huub
Gustaf Brahme
Gustaf Brahme - 7 years ago
Good video, that little black/yellow/black thing means pass to the east. Its not an indicator for green/red marker switch :)
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hi Gustaf, thanks for that addition! All the best, Huub
peter jackson
peter jackson - 7 years ago
Wish I had seen this video years ago. I have just retired after almost 20 years as a RYA instructor. I could have just popped this film on my laptop for the students to watch whilst I took to the deck- hammock and drank rum!! Excellent instructional video - many thanks.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hahaha, that's so funny! Thank you Peter! It would've been a good video to give students an overview idea of the basics before taking them out sailing and into more details maybe... I appreciate you comment a lot as an RYA instructor! I'm thinking about doing my RYA one day too as it seems a good thing to have if you want to work on a boat (if I need money again :) ) All the best! Huub
Loanword Eggcorn
Loanword Eggcorn - 7 years ago
Good summary of the basics. Dank u wel! For someone who would like to try sailing, look for a local sailing club. You can sail (including cruising boats, racing boats, dinghys, etc.) with a club for a tiny fraction of the cost of owning a boat. In the U.S. many good clubs and sailing schools are certified by the American Sailing Association or US Sailing (United States Sailing Association). The ASA class textbooks like Sailing Made Easy are very clear and concise. If you'd like to learn the basics I recommend it along with its associated class, ASA 101 Basic Keelboat Sailing. I'm sure other countries have similar clubs, especially in Europe.

Sailing is great fun! If you get seasick try ginger root pills with lots of water or food. Sailing more usually makes the seasickess go away as your body gets accustomed to the motions.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thanks for you comment Loanword Eggcorn! All the best, Huub
GreenXrays - 7 years ago
Is he saying HAT sail or HEAD sail??!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hi GreenXrays, I know I know, Dutch accent. Head sail indeed. All the best, Huub
Amigos Retro Gaming
Amigos Retro Gaming - 7 years ago
This is the best tutorial on Youtube. Thank you so much for doing this.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you Amigos Retro Gaming! All the best, Huub
toddmellott - 7 years ago
man Im left almost speechless... lve always said keep it simple and to the point if you can and you did. luv it..!!!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you so much toddmellott!!!! All the best, Huub
JackedUp Video
JackedUp Video - 7 years ago
I'll be another one who says Thank You. I learned more watching this video than I have learned yet.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hi JackedUp Video! I appreciate every single comment :). I'm glad you liked it! All the best, Huub
Michael T.
Michael T. - 7 years ago
Nice bro!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you Michael T. All the best, Huub
Kaptain Kid
Kaptain Kid - 7 years ago
Hilarious!. . . and informative to sailing wannabees and newbies alike. I love it!

As a 100-ton licensed captain for forty years, with more than 100,000 sea miles under my keel (that's the long thing under the boat that helps the boat go straight), I give this video a thumbs up.

As to how to remember the names of the sides of a boat . . . remember, it is not left and right. Why, because left and right are position in relation to your body, not the boat. The boat has two sides. One is called the Starboard side and one is called the Port side . . . don't ask me why, but I'm sure there is a reason way back in sailing lore.

So, how do we remember which side is Starboard and Port, and remember the color of the running light on each side? Simple . . . . . . . . . . "There's no Red Port Left, it's all gone down my Throat". This teaches you that the Red running light and the Port side of the boat are on the same side - always. And if you are on a gaff-rigged boat, you will remember that the Throat Halyard is also on the Port side of the boat, and therefore the Peak Halyard must be on the other side of the mast. For Marconi rigged boats (triangular mainsail) the Jib Halyard is ALWAYS on the Port side and the Main Halyard is ALWAYS on the Starboard side. This is not optional, it is traditional. Here in this video, The Dutch Seaman does mention Right and Left when following the Rules of the Road, he is referring to your position, in relation to the front of the boat, where you should be looking when maneuvering. But the Starboard side the boat and the Port side of the boat never change.

Other old adages to keep in mind:

"One hitch is enough for a king's yacht."

"Never put a hitch on a line where the cleat is horizontal (i.e. mooring lines, sheets, etc.). Only put a hitch on a cleat that is vertical, i.e. halyards, etc" . Just trust me on that, I can't go into a long explanation, but you will learn if you ever try to release a main sheet quickly when a sudden squall hits you, or cast off a mooring line after a night of storm surge . . . .

Always remember the four "E"s of sailing: Exciting, Entertainment, Experience and Expensive.

Some say the two happiest days of a man's life is the day he buys his boat, and they day he sells it . . . . .

Happy sailing. Like the cantankerous yacht designer, L. Francis Herreshoff, said, "There's nothing quite like messing around in boats."
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thanks for you comment Captain Kid, All the best, Huub
Alexandre Boga
Alexandre Boga - 7 years ago
Thank you! This video is great!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you Alexandre! All the best, Huub
Michael Brashier
Michael Brashier - 7 years ago
Great video! Subbed.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thanks Michael! I hope you will also enjoy my land travel videos in New Zealand soon. All the best, Huub
SV ZigZag
SV ZigZag - 7 years ago
Nice job Huub, great how to sail video
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you SV ZigZag! All the best, Huub
kimbiwa - 7 years ago
I know you were just joking about Scrooge, but in reality Scrooge was a sailor in one European or British Navy. All of those terms come from the European Navy's a few hundred years ago. Otherwise, this was an outstanding video!
Zedex 12
Zedex 12 - 7 years ago
Scrooge is my favorite guy. I like rules and systems and languages. For instance:

Rope is what you buy on a spool. When you cut it and put it to work (install on the furler, eye splice the end and devote it to mooring, run it in the rigging tackle, etc) now it becomes line or a line.
A line that is attached directly to a sail itself is a sheet.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Haha really? That's so funny, I only know scrooge from Christmas and the name just popped in my head. All the best, Huub
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thanks you JerryInDFW! All the best, Huub
Tom De Lombaerde
Tom De Lombaerde - 7 years ago
heerlijke video
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Bedankt Tom! All the best, Huub
Phil Ham
Phil Ham - 7 years ago
Very easy and comprehensive video. Good job!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you Filip! All the best, Huub
Joseph Backstrom
Joseph Backstrom - 7 years ago
Well done . I will show this video to everyone that comes aboard. I will at least know they understand the basics in plain easy to understand language . They can learn Scrooge lingo later. Thanks again.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Haha agree Joseph! All the best, Huub
Kraken - 7 years ago
I already know how to sail but i still thought this video was great... I don't use all the same sail plans on my small boat that larger yachts use so it is still good to review and refresh that knowledge.  Great job! If I want to show any of my non-sailor friends a quick tutorial I will send this this link.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you Luke!!! All the best, Huub
Dennis Scott Brown
Dennis Scott Brown - 7 years ago
Hubby I absolutely enjoyed this video! Please join my Facebook group page All Things Sailing and post away and promote your YouTube channel please. Awesome content. Dennis
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hi Dennis, I've been a member for a while. On my personal Facebook profile. All the best, Huub
Krankie Hankster
Krankie Hankster - 7 years ago
Great video, thank you! Some things my Dad taught me over the years, that stuck with me...Port = Left (Both have 4 letters)buoy position (red/green) while sailing? remember "Red Right Returning" back to the dockage.Cheers!
Krankie Hankster
Krankie Hankster - 7 years ago
Kaptain Kid Thanks, you dug into it a little deeper than I was willing to do but you are right facing the front of the boat the left side of the boat is port and you’re right if I look at the Stern the right-hand side of the boat is port I was just using that as a reference thanks for correcting me
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thanks Kevin for the addition! All the best, Huub
Kaptain Kid
Kaptain Kid - 7 years ago
@Kevin Higgins . . . . Red Right Returning - in American waters. In British waters it is reversed. The trick is while sailing around the world, to determine which system is used . . . better have your Pilot Book with you. And Port and Left have nothing to do with it. Port is NOT the "Left" side of the boat, it is the side of the boat that is on your Left when you are facing the Bow. If you turn around and face the stern, the Port side is on your right, but it remains the Port side of the boat.

How to remember the names of the sides of a boat . . . Left and Right are position in relation to your body, not the boat. The boat has two sides. One is called the Starboard side and one is called the Port side . . . don't ask me why, but I'm sure there is a reason way back in sailing lore. So, how do we remember which side is Starboard and Port, and remember the color of the running light on each side? Simple . . . . . . . . . . "There's no Red Port Left, it's all gone down my Throat". This teaches you that the Red running light and the Port side of the boat are on the same side - always. And if you are on a gaff-rigged boat, you will remember that the Throat Halyard is also on the Port side of the boat, and therefore the Peak Halyard must be on the other side of the mast. For Marconi rigged boats (triangular mainsail) the Jib Halyard is ALWAYS on the Port side and the Main Halyard is ALWAYS on the Starboard side. This is not optional, it is traditional. Here in this video, The Dutch Seaman does mention Right and Left when following the Rules of the Road, he is referring to your position, in relation to the front of the boat, where you should be looking when maneuvering. But the Starboard side the boat and the Port side of the boat never change.
RegressMeNot - 7 years ago
You have a talent for teaching. I have very little interest in sailing yet I learned so much from this video. Thank you. I'm subbing your channel.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hey RegressMeNot! Thank you so much! Maybe I'll use the teaching more in the future haha. All the best, Huub
Best video of sailing ont the internet. Please do more.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you Sail Oar. Maybe I will. First traveling on land in New Zealand for a while :). All the best, Huub
Kevin Walker
Kevin Walker - 7 years ago
Absolutely Brilliant, I hope there will be Part 2 and 3 and so on, until where all professionals LOL... Great Jobb...
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hey Kevin, maybe there will, I'm not sure yet. In sailing most agree about the basics (actually it's not even basics, I don't know many people who do more than explained here, unless they have a normal spinnaker instead of an A symmetrical like seen here). Everything outside the things I mentioned sailors have very different opinions about what's right and what's wrong. And it's more like a personal preference. All the best! Huub
Sailing  Mic
Sailing Mic - 7 years ago
Great jobb man..! I like it!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you very much Sailing Mic! All the best, Huub
Eric M
Eric M - 7 years ago
damn you, scrooge!  LOL  love it!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you Eric M! All the best! Huub
Jonathan S
Jonathan S - 7 years ago
Right Im off then across the Atlantic!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hey Jonathan! That's awesome! Have fun! All the best, Huub
Mons Zeiger
Mons Zeiger - 7 years ago
Nice and simple video! Good for explaining sailing for beginners.
There's a good reason for why it's called port and starboard. The words come from the old Norse (yes the inhabitants of Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland whom did "Viking". Yes there called Vikings, but this isn't correct). The words are "styrbord" and "barbord" and it translates to steering wheel-board and empty board. This is because the steering mechanism was on the starboard side. And it still is on boats ;-)
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hey Mons, nice addition! I did not know that! All the best! Huub
Matt Ian
Matt Ian - 7 years ago
Nice job. And thanks for sharing!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hey Matt! Thank you very much! Huub
BenjaminFranklin99 - 7 years ago
Wait for the exciting sequel, learn brain surgery in 20 minutes.
timothy armstrong
timothy armstrong - 6 years ago
Or learn to be a pompous ass in one's life time
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Eric von Bardeleben
Eric von Bardeleben - 7 years ago
Hey Huub.... Thanks for the vid. Ignore the negative comments from the idiots who would have done it differently. The point is.... you got off your ass and took the time to make a really informative piece on basic sailing. Fair winds and following seas.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you Cruzi, yeah, that's only 1%, I'm pretty happy with that, its so much more on other videos I see hahaha. All the best! Huub
indeed! - 7 years ago
Great video, very informative and quite funny!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hey indeed! Thank you very much! All the best, Huub
Great Rock Real Estate
Great Rock Real Estate - 7 years ago
Nicely done and covered all the basics in 20 min which is quite a feat. Well thought out.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you very much Great Rock Real Estate! All the best! Huub
Well done, Thanks!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you Quickdraw Pro Tapes! All the best! Huub
Jennifer Dobson
Jennifer Dobson - 7 years ago
Thank you for this video.  I have been dreaming about sailing for a while.  Great teacher.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you Jennifer, absolutely, go for it! It's not as hard as many people say it is :). All the best and have fun! Huub
John Keating
John Keating - 7 years ago
Holy crap!!!! Thank you make soooo much for making this!!!! Very grateful!!!

HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hey John, thank you so much for your comment! All the best! Huub
Redican Prime
Redican Prime - 7 years ago
Thanks for the crash course.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
You're very welcome Redican Prime! All the best! Huub
Luiz Kornrumpf
Luiz Kornrumpf - 7 years ago
Great video!!!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you very much Luiz! All the best! Huub
Pete Pras
Pete Pras - 7 years ago
Yes, What Pasten said for sure.
Eight Crows Media
Eight Crows Media - 7 years ago
Great video, simple, thanks.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hey Eight Crows Media! Thank you very much! All the best! Huub
RICH THOMAS - 7 years ago
You can also say: ‘Is there any red port left in the bottle’. For some reason that one has always stuck with me!!
Shane Villis
Shane Villis - 6 years ago
i was taught...No PORT left,port is on the left...... very similar Rich
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hey Richard, haha I like that one! All the best, Huub
Electric Delinquent
Electric Delinquent - 7 years ago
The best how to video iv ever seen on youtube, thanks :)
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you very much Electric Delinquent! All the best! Huub
jafsterlordbib - 7 years ago
perfect video for me cause I'm dreaming of getting a boat myself. Subbed!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you jafsterlordbib! Appreciate it! Good luck, yeah totally do it! All the best, Huub
Icykenny92 - 7 years ago
okay video unclear, you did not mention pirates O.o
now what? :-O
Flannigan Bluffs
Flannigan Bluffs - 7 years ago
Yield to pirates and you will be fine
Imported Cyclist
Imported Cyclist - 7 years ago
the pirates brought the rum!
Kaptain Kid
Kaptain Kid - 7 years ago
"Yes, I am a pirate, forty years to late" . . . . Jimmy Buffett
Scooby Do
Scooby Do - 7 years ago
Excellent and I mean really excellent video! But please add to the rules of the road, constrained by draught, vessel under tow etc sailing vessels have to give way to them. I've seen to many incidents because of this lack of knowledge. A yacht under sail must give way in these circumstances. Otherwise I'd recommend this to any new sailor for it's clarity.
Kaptain Kid
Kaptain Kid - 7 years ago
@The Dutch Seaman . . . I agree, but BEFORE they ever take their boat out from the marina!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hi Scooby Do, good addition. Yeah for sure in time one should read the whole navigation rule book! All the best! Huub
Sailing Lighthouse
Sailing Lighthouse - 7 years ago
Left side is Port, because in old days, the sailing vessels were at port, being loaded with merchandise to be shipped. The left side of the boat is what faced the port and the right side of the boat, at night, when you look out, you see the stars. So if you look left, you are looking at the port (dock, buildings, warehouses and road or brick road), and look right you see stars. Starboard is right side and Port is left side.

That was the typical layout of proper vessel tie up at the sea port.

I remember Starboard from Port by saying in my mind, Stars are up, and up is good, right is good and green is good, So the Starboard side is Right and the light on the Starboard side is Green. Once I remembered that, the other side was easy. Port, Left, Red.

So how do I get Right is good? For several reasons.

#1 Most people are Right Handed, which is considered normal or good. Left handed (people like me) are considered odd. In fact, in the old days, teachers would whack left handers if they seen them writing left handed. Lefties were forced to learn to write with the right hand.

#2 For thousands of years, when judging the good and bad people, the good people are put on the right and the bad people are put on the left. So in the old days, right, front and up are good, and left, rear and down are bad.

#3 When taking sides, in an issue being decided, there is the right side and wrong side. Again, the reference of Good is up and wrong is down. In sea legend, Davy jones Locker is not a good place to go and that is down. Hell is down and that is not good. Heaven, Valhalla and Eternal Life is up, which is good. So people who are on the side of right, are good.

So most every analogy in human history, Starboard would by natural terms be Right and that leaves Port to be left. Same with the red and green lights on the bow. Green good and Red bad. Green Right and that leave Red as left. Green Starboard and Red Port.

Oddly, even though I am left handed, I kick a ball with my right foot. I also play the guitar right handed.

On old larger sailing ships, if it had a cargo door on the side, it was usually on the port side, because it would be opened and cargo could be loaded or unloaded.

I still like this video. He has very good ways to remember things, and when you are out sailing, it is best to remember, no matter why you remember, it is WHAT you remember. 8-)
Nicholas Juntilla
Nicholas Juntilla - 6 years ago
+Nathan Rice I also think Starboard, right, better lol
Shai Rachmani
Shai Rachmani - 6 years ago
or remember it because both port and left have 4 letters...
Kaptain Kid
Kaptain Kid - 7 years ago
@Sailing Lighthouse . . . Nice story, but not accurate. Don't believe this guy. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_and_starboard.

As to how to remember the names of the sides of a boat . . . remember, it is not left and right. Why, because left and right are position in relation to your body, not the boat. The boat has two sides. One is called the Starboard side and one is called the Port side . . . don't ask me why, but I'm sure there is a reason way back in sailing lore. So, how do we remember which side is Starboard and Port, and remember the color of the running light on each side? Simple . . . . . . . . . . "There's no Red Port Left, it's all gone down my Throat". This teaches you that the Red running light and the Port side of the boat are on the same side - always. And if you are on a gaff-rigged boat, you will remember that the Throat Halyard is also on the Port side of the boat, and therefore the Peak Halyard must be on the other side of the mast. For Marconi rigged boats (triangular mainsail) the Jib Halyard is ALWAYS on the Port side and the Main Halyard is ALWAYS on the Starboard side. This is not optional, it is traditional. Here in this video, The Dutch Seaman does mention Right and Left when following the Rules of the Road, he is referring to your position, in relation to the front of the boat, where you should be looking when maneuvering. But the Starboard side the boat and the Port side of the boat never change.

And that's from me, a licensed 100-ton captain for forty years with over 100,000 sea miles in sailing boats 22 feet to 197 feet.

HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hey Sailing Lighthouse, nice addition! All the best, Huub
Nathan Rice
Nathan Rice - 7 years ago
The term starboard derives from the Old English steorbord, meaning the side on which the ship is steered. Before ships had rudders on their centrelines, they were steered with a steering oar at the stern of the ship and, because more people are right-handed, on the right-hand side of it. The term is cognate with the Old Norse stýri (rudder) and borð (side of a ship). Since the steering oar was on the right side of the boat, it would tie up at wharf on the other side. Hence the left side was called port.

Formerly, larboard was used instead of port. This is from Middle-English ladebord and the term lade is related to the modern load. Larboard sounds similar to starboard and in 1844 the Royal Navy ordered that port be used instead. The United States Navy followed suit in 1846. Larboard continued to be used well into the 1850s by whalers. In Old English the word was bæcbord, of which cognates are used in other European languages, for example as the present Dutch bakboord, the German backbord and the French term bâbord (derived in turn from Middle Dutch).
Miz Visionaire Productions
Miz Visionaire Productions - 7 years ago
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you Mia Visionaire Productions! All the best, Huub
onthebeaches1 - 7 years ago
I literally watched hundreds of sailing vids both for pleasure and instructional reasons. I have to say, even though some of them were good, this one is exceptional!!! I feel confident that if someone watched this 5 to 10 times, they would have most if not all of the terminology down PAT. (who is this PAT person anyway...Ü) BRAVO! WELL DONE! PEACE OUT! Ps, what kind of drone did you lose? All the viewers of this vid should chip in and buy you a new one! Ü
P Santos
P Santos - 7 years ago
Darn excellent video with humor to top it off instead of stupid music... thanks man best overall sailing video I've come across.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you No BigFoot! All the best! Huub
Neo Griffin
Neo Griffin - 7 years ago
Thank you for making this video
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thanks Neo Griffin! All the best! Huub
Brien Eaton
Brien Eaton - 7 years ago
Hello from St.Catharines, Ontario, Canada. I just found your site. And just watched Ep:52. Subscribed. Friggen Hilarious ! ! Very good work . Thank you Mr. Huub van der Mark. I will be watching all of your vids
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you Brien Eaton! I hope you like more of them haha! All the best, Huub
Mario Dunayevich
Mario Dunayevich - 7 years ago
Perfect I only need to buy a boat, thank you.
Loanword Eggcorn
Loanword Eggcorn - 7 years ago
If you haven't already, consider joining a sailing club. You can sail for a tiny fraction of the cost of owning a boat.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you Mario! Good luck on the boat buying! All the best, Huub
Justin Tupholme
Justin Tupholme - 7 years ago
Wicked video!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you Justin!
Tamouree Jordan
Tamouree Jordan - 7 years ago
The yellow buoy means you should pass east of it. Depending on the combination of colours it can either mean north east south our west
onthebeaches1 - 7 years ago
Tamouree Jordan: Is there a chart with the different colors and what direction you're supposed to pass? THANKS
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Good addition, thanks.
Andrew Van Dellen
Andrew Van Dellen - 7 years ago
Classic! I'm saving this one to show to friends that havnt sailed before prior to heading out. Great info in a short concise presentation that is fun to watch. Thanks much & Happy sails! :)
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thanks again Andrew!
Emily BH
Emily BH - 7 years ago
The video should be called "Learn boating basics, "Rules of the Road" and how electronics help you sail". The current title of the video would be appropriate if you left the dock and raised the sails without using a motor or electronics; explained the various points of sail you used and then anchored all without relying on engines and electronics. I liked the rules of the road content though. That is important. Not enough people with boats know what they are.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hey Emily, that would have been an all including title yes. All the best! Huub
The DonDada
The DonDada - 7 years ago
Other youtubers take note; this no fluff format is what we need. Thank you Dutch, you've done a mans job.
Richard Dyer
Richard Dyer - 6 years ago
I think he meant instead of a boy's job.
phil smith
phil smith - 7 years ago
Or a woman's job.
Philly Cheese Take
Philly Cheese Take - 7 years ago
Nautical terms existed well before sailing was a pleasure activity, and they exist so that people know specifically what you mean when it comes time to refit the boat, or change rigging mid-sail.

They also exist so that instead of spending an entire sentence to describe a manoeuvre, or a component, you just use a word. It's unambiguous and fast.
co - 7 years ago
all that scrooge crap is fluff...
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hey Fingbored, thank you so much for appreciating my project :). All the best, Huub
Ben Niehaus
Ben Niehaus - 7 years ago
Wow that was an amazing video! You really explained everything very nicely! If you ever need a sailing buddy I'm always down!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thanks Ben! Who knows in the future! All the best! Huub
Brady Lorenz
Brady Lorenz - 7 years ago
I appreciate your videos! New to seeing them and I enjoy.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you Brady, I'm very glad you like them :). All the best, Huub
DANW7504 - 7 years ago
Wow! Thanks You are now one of my faves. You have a unique ability to explane in the most simple terms how to sail.. Thanks
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hey DANW, that's very nice of you! Thank you very much! Huub
Theyrun - 7 years ago
Great instructions. Thanks for sharing
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hi Theyrun, thank you very much! Huub
Emanuel Antunes
Emanuel Antunes - 7 years ago
Awesome work! Thanks for such a complete overview ;)
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you Emanuel! All the best, Huub
Gustavo Monteiro
Gustavo Monteiro - 7 years ago
Simple as that...
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thanks Gustavo! All the best, Huub
Ocean Lady
Ocean Lady - 7 years ago
Excellent video, all the facts with none of the yaketiyak. You know, blablablah, oh look there's a dolphin.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hahaha, thank you Smart Lady! All the best, Huub
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hey Chris and Rossella, thanks so much for your comment! Yeah it was quite a shot list. I made it out of frustration that it took others so long to teach me something that really isn’t so hard to at least learn the basics. Fair winds and all the best! Huub
Kit Amerz
Kit Amerz - 7 years ago
Love the video and humer great job!

Wanted to tell everyone the way my navy grandpappy taught me to remember left/port/red and right/starboard/green. Always match up the short words and long words! Super easy!
Music World
Music World - 7 years ago
Thanks for your comment about long words and short ones, yes its easy to remember now!
BenjaminFranklin99 - 7 years ago
There's red port left in the bottle - an old classic.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hey Adam, thanks for your comment! Nice one! All the best, Huub
Matt_Waddy - 7 years ago
I've never been on a sailboat in my life (just curious and bored) but I'm totally overwhelmed and need some of that Rum you mentioned. Whew. sailing sounds exhausting.
Loanword Eggcorn
Loanword Eggcorn - 7 years ago
Actually sailing's very relaxing unless you're racing. Look for a local sailing club if you'd like to try. The American Sailing Association is associated with good schools and clubs if you're in the U.S. There are schools and clubs world over.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Haha hey Matt, Rhum is always good :). I can image if you’ve never been on a boat it’s a lot to digest, but if you want to, it’s pretty easy to start doing it! All the best! Huub
Oscar C
Oscar C - 7 years ago
Great Video. Also kind of an expensive boat you have there. "Scrooge."
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Haha hey Oscar, it’s not mine, just the one I’m currently crewing on. It is a really nice boat indeed! Thanks for your comment! Huub
1finger reactions
1finger reactions - 7 years ago
amazing video
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you 1finger reactions!
Anders Jakobsen
Anders Jakobsen - 7 years ago
Believe it or not ;-) I actually learned a lot from this.
The little I knew, don`t go a long way wen you don`t know the English terminology.
Thanks. To bad with your drone-
Greetings from Norway.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hey Anders! Thanks for your comment! All the best, Huub
Nicholas Stevenson
Nicholas Stevenson - 7 years ago
Brraaaaaaavvvvvvvo! Finally someone put a clip together that makes sense of some of the basics of sailing for a newbe like me. Cheers!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hey Nicholas, that's why I made it! Thank you so much for your comment! I appreciate it! All the best, Huub
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hey Sailing SV Compromise! Thank you very much for your comment! All the best! Huub
giovanni pozzetti
giovanni pozzetti - 7 years ago
Great video, but I loved the Green egg!!!
giovanni pozzetti
giovanni pozzetti - 7 years ago
I'd want one! That is the small egg, right? So, I imagine you carry your own coal on the boat?! What about humidity?
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hahaha, it makes amazing food! It's the only boat I've ever seen one one :). All the best! Huub
Gary McKeown
Gary McKeown - 7 years ago
Best video I've seen and I've seen them all - twice. I've been apprehensive about using a whisker pole, not knowing exactly what is happening, especially with those Scrouge terms, i,e, guy, foreguy... you took all the mystery out of it. Likewise with the spinnaker. - Subscribbed!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hey Gary, thank you so much for your kind comments! I appreciate it! All the best, Huub
Reinder Groenewold
Reinder Groenewold - 7 years ago
Thank you for an excellent  informative video.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hey Reinder, thank you for your comment! It was one of my biggest projects so I really appreciate your comment! Have a great week! All the best! Huub
J T - 7 years ago
My sailboat doesn't have a motor, plotter, wind indicator, autopilot or depth sounder but it was still a fun video.
J T - 7 years ago
Yeah my sailing books are 3 inches thick! This was my first intro to your channel so maybe today I'll watch some of your older vids to see what it's all about. Thanks, J
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hey J T, thanks for your comment. Yeah if I would have to go into all the possible options it would've been a video of an hour or longer. I was planning to make it a 5 minute video haha and that already didn't work out... I think it's a great way to start from. Have fun on your travels and thank you for following me! All the best, Huub
Felix Binsack
Felix Binsack - 7 years ago
Excellent, I will watch this several times, thank you!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you Felix! I appreciate it! All the best, Huub
Paul - 7 years ago
Great video! Had a good laugh and it's actually fairly comprehensive. On important thing though about "the rules". You forgot rule 0:
Avoid collision at all cost. There's no such thing as right of way on the sea. You can be burdened to give way, but you never have right of way. Even if the other boat is burdened to give you right of way, you still have to actively watch out and if you don't get right of way you still have to take action to avoid a dangerous situation.
Basically if you ever have a collision between two boats, then both boats are at fault. Always. Maybe one a little more than the other. Say 30/70, but never 0/100 as you might expect from a car accident.
So if you want to learn sailing in 20 minutes, just stick to avoiding other boats. That's one simple rule. No mice, snakes or sharks involved! :-P
If you want to learn the nitty gritty details, look at COLREGS 2 and 17.
Serveck - 7 years ago
except when its parked in your yard. and a drunk driver still managed to smash it. hopefully they have insurance and you get a nice new yacht
Electric Delinquent
Electric Delinquent - 7 years ago
This should be pinned.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hi Paul, thanks for adding your knowledge to this video. All the best, Huub
Ian Mackenzie
Ian Mackenzie - 7 years ago
Wow what a video thank you
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
You’re very welcome Ian, thank you for your comment! All the best, Huub
Bruce Klein
Bruce Klein - 7 years ago
Thank you for this great video.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
You're welcome Bruce!!! All the best! Huub
sciencelookers - 7 years ago
Extremely helpful video. Thanks, you helped me a LOT! Also, my compliments on a very nice boat. The furling mainsail looks like it would be awesome to have. Wish the company that built my boat had one as an option.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you Sciencelookers! I'm VERY happy to hear that!!!! It's a very sexy boat yes. I was very happy the owner of the boat I'm on was so cooperative. All the best, Huub
Jorg Plucker
Jorg Plucker - 7 years ago
sweet ass, I can sail. Bought a boot watched the video, good by Hamburg & welcome NZ :)
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hi Jorg, Thank You! Have fun! All the best, Huub
Josef - 7 years ago
"No need to be rich and upper-class..." "I assume you have an auto pilot..." Never priced an auto pilot, huh?
StreetTruckinTitan - 6 years ago
Josef; Nobody's fault but your own you cant afford your hobby. Take up walking.
Josef - 7 years ago
That was for one item. Plan on paying that amount monthly for an old boat that you can afford. It's easy for people who don't own a boat to chime in...
BC Beast
BC Beast - 7 years ago
i make under the poverty line and several thousand dollars isnt an unreal amount of money for primary/secondary hobby.
Josef - 7 years ago
The Dutch Seaman
My 89 Catalina 30 has a Raymarine steering wheel autopilot that doesn't work at all in heavy weather. It's several thousand dollars for a new model that may or may not work. Replacing it is not an option because it is too expensive. Fortunately, I won't be cruising in this boat.
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hi Josef, Sailing without an autopilot or wind vane alone is very difficult. I think most people these days have an autopilot. Wether it's a simple one attached to the tiller or a bigger one. Also, if I would have to mention all the possibilities the video would've been very complicated and my goal was to teach the concept of sailing. If specifics are different from someone's boat I think they at least have a start to work from... All the best! Huub
Eddie Murray
Eddie Murray - 7 years ago
As soon as that whisker pole comes out I'm lost I'll just stick with main and head first
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hi Brian, very good! You can do everything with main and head sail, the whisker pole is just an amazing tool that gives you good extra speed going downwind. Especially in low wind or if you can't hold a straight course with the main and headsail only. You'll figure it out when you play with it! Best advice I can give is for the first time to just put the whisker pole up while you're on an anchorage. You can go out for a sail and pull the headsail only out when you're out of the anchorage. All the best, Huub
Aitch - 7 years ago
Nice Huub!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you Aitch! All the best, Huub
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hi Marcela, Thank you so much. That's exactly why I made this video. I felt the same :). All the best, Huub
Ron Walker
Ron Walker - 7 years ago
Excellent video! Fantastic job! This is great for newbies, really puts all the pieces together step by step. Seriously, this is great!
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you very much Ron. I really appreciate it! All the best, Huub
Star Light
Star Light - 7 years ago
GReat Great vid,,,,,, Keep them coming ! Wow
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Thank you Star Light. It will be my last How To - sailing video for a while, since now I've put all the information I've learned into videos haha, but more others to come! All the best, Huub
Mr. Snowmen
Mr. Snowmen - 7 years ago
Links rechts verhaal. Stuurboord bakboord dat is schipperstaal. Niks fansy rijkelui. Alleen dat lines geneuzel
Mr. Snowmen
Mr. Snowmen - 7 years ago
The Dutch Seaman jaa dat zeg ik nie, communicatie is belangrijkste wat is. Ik ben zelf, 10jaar beroepsschipper. Ik bedoel dat je aantal dingen aan kaktaal toeschrijf die er niet horen. En aantal dingen die wel kloppend zijn. Voor de rest moooie video hor
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop
HuubvanderMark Vlogs aka Hula Hoop - 7 years ago
Hi Mr. Snowmen, to communicate with other sailers you will have to know the language. Especially if things go wrong on the way. If you face forwards right is starboard, but if you face backwards, right is port. Besides that.. I didn't make it up lol. All the best! Huub

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