Laser Sailing: Tacking Light Air - International Sailing Academy

Practice makes permanent. This video details a few important steps required to complete a racing roll tack. The 3 stages (entry, the tack, and exit) combined contain 24 steps in total, which we detail in our All-Inclusive Clinics. Developing a deliberate practice routine for excellent tacking requires a complete checklist of these steps along with videos of quality tacks in applicable conditions. We provide detailed briefings of these steps including video, along with special drills and the coaching feedback required to quickly achieve a comfortable and efficient sequence for tacking - so your practice is making permanent and perfect. This video should help get you started. For more information on our All-Inclusive 6 Day Laser Clinics in Paradise visit Visit: Laser Sailing Coaching: Laser Sailing Tips: Laser Sailing Clinics: Laser Sailing Downwind:

Laser Sailing: Tacking Light Air - International Sailing Academy sentiment_very_dissatisfied 3

Sailing 6 years ago 9,189 views

Practice makes permanent. This video details a few important steps required to complete a racing roll tack. The 3 stages (entry, the tack, and exit) combined contain 24 steps in total, which we detail in our All-Inclusive Clinics. Developing a deliberate practice routine for excellent tacking requires a complete checklist of these steps along with videos of quality tacks in applicable conditions. We provide detailed briefings of these steps including video, along with special drills and the coaching feedback required to quickly achieve a comfortable and efficient sequence for tacking - so your practice is making permanent and perfect. This video should help get you started. For more information on our All-Inclusive 6 Day Laser Clinics in Paradise visit Visit: Laser Sailing Coaching: Laser Sailing Tips: Laser Sailing Clinics: Laser Sailing Downwind:

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Most popular comments
for Laser Sailing: Tacking Light Air - International Sailing Academy

boikie - 5 years ago
Thanks for this great video. Just a few questions.

1) What is the use of moving the butt aft when initiating roll? How far aft should one move? It must be a slight movement because I can't really see it in the video.

2) Is grabbing the toe strap or the cockpit grab rail with the main sheet hand in order to pull oneself back into the boat advised against? I can't see the sailor doing it in the video, or maybe it's just the angle.

3) When you say "use new forward foot to stand inside the cockpit", are you referring to the sailor's right foot in the video, which will be the foot closer to the bow when the tack is complete? I always thought you should stand on your "old" front/bow foot and pivot on it.

Your videos and articles have been very useful, thanks again!
Vaughn Harrison
Vaughn Harrison - 5 years ago
To answer your questions: 
1. Moving aft helps get under the boom. Depending on how flexible you are, sometimes only a slight amount aft will help.
2. You can certainly grab something to help pull yourself across. Sometimes a maxed out mainsheet (sheeted block to block) will add the same leverage as the hiking strap
3. You are correct in saying the "old front foot", as the sailor has yet to rotate - so in fact the instruction should read "use old forward foot" - in this case her left foot should be the pivot
Thanks for the questions. - Stay tuned for more!
ssebudde ibrahim
ssebudde ibrahim - 5 years ago
Is that Sarah?
International Sailing Academy
International Sailing Academy - 5 years ago
Erroll Leggo
Erroll Leggo - 6 years ago
That was a hell of a quick tack. Laser sailing to me is one of the most fun things you can ever do.
Erroll Leggo
Erroll Leggo - 6 years ago
I haven't even considered mucking with the sail during that. Only sailed in college and like 4 times during a course we were taking.
Cameron Pierce
Cameron Pierce - 6 years ago
The roll tack is entered close-hauled, but exited with sheet out (here initially a few inches, then a few feet, before sheeting in again). What's the approach to sheeting being demonstrated here?
International Sailing Academy
International Sailing Academy - 6 years ago
Hi Cameron, the sheeting must be accurate to the wind direction around the sail during an acceleration. In this case, the boat is slowed because of the change in direction and also heeled to leeward - both things add to the apparent wind direction being further aft during the flatten. Being sheeted out during the flatten allows the wind to easily attach to the sail and create optimal force. Once back up to speed, the sheet can be brought back in. Hope that helps - Any questions feel free to contact us! we're happy to help.
Muzammil Hassan
Muzammil Hassan - 6 years ago
Very nice of you.

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