Laser Sailing: Torquing Example
Sailing 12 years ago 11,131 views
This video was put together by the coaches at the International Sailing Academy to illustrate the techniques used in the torque. Read: Visit: Laser Sailing Coaching: Laser Sailing Tips: Laser Sailing Clinics: Laser Sailing Downwind:
1) The booat is not flat
2) Due to this, the rudder also works as a wing, elevating the bow when heading and turning it down when bearing away.
3) Also, body movement helps to keep the boat stuck to the water, refraining it from "jumping" same as what is sought by a snow skier.
Due to the flotability of the boat, the hard downward moving of the body weight while hiking will cause the boat to follow the wave sticked to the water and to bounce once it reaches its lowest position on the water. This bouncing, helped by the upward movement of the body and the elevation of the boy by heading the rudder will lighten the boat wave, helping to smoothly pass the next wave.
4) The torque movement compensates the rudder by placing more pressure on the back while the rudder places more pressure on the bow, therefore equilibrating the downward forces.
Of course I can be mistaken but it is what makes more sense to me.