Laser Sailing 15-20knt

Laser sailing with an action cam I dont need anymore tips from this vid guys but thanks for the ones you gave me. Thanks for the feedback everyone my new vid isnt getting much attention and i wont you to meet my fellow sailors so go to my channel and check out "Fun extream laser sailing" Thanks

Laser Sailing 15-20knt sentiment_very_dissatisfied 22

Sailing 17 years ago 80,660 views

Laser sailing with an action cam I dont need anymore tips from this vid guys but thanks for the ones you gave me. Thanks for the feedback everyone my new vid isnt getting much attention and i wont you to meet my fellow sailors so go to my channel and check out "Fun extream laser sailing" Thanks

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Most popular comments
for Laser Sailing 15-20knt

markus bettum
markus bettum - 12 years ago
sail in block to block going up wind.... pull on more outhaul upwind... the tack was poor and looks a lot lighter than 20 knts apart from that, not bad..
pgihockey13 - 13 years ago
try tightening your outhaul in heavy air like that so that you heal less and have better flow over your sail
pgihockey13 - 13 years ago
@NubbyVids I would get a full, way more fun and extreme! go all in!
pgihockey13 - 13 years ago
Big tip, going upwind bring the sail in all the way no matter the conditions and just pinch up just enough so that you can keep it flat. It doesnt feel faster but it is if your racing.
Chuck Lane
Chuck Lane - 13 years ago
I've been involved in sailing and sailing media for decades, and I prefer your videos over the "professional" Laser videos on YouTube. Those other vids are all quick-cuts and very short clips that drive me crazy, and show nothing about what it's really like to sail a Laser. Keep up the great work!
divisioneight - 13 years ago
The loving cradle of the nursery where great sailors are weened, nurtured and evolve. Lasers are the training wheels to the America's Cup.
Gillian Lahey
Gillian Lahey - 14 years ago
@NubbyVids 4.7 radials are good, but i find they're heavy so they don't catch speed very quickly.
THEROLLINNGDICE99 - 14 years ago
@Steve22976 16 right now 14 when i filmed this vid
mpeterson159 - 14 years ago
Is that the laser XD or Race?

10. comment for Laser Sailing 15-20knt

Luiz Gustavo
Luiz Gustavo - 14 years ago
shouldn't you pull the outhal when you go upwind?
Alex Charleson
Alex Charleson - 14 years ago
sssssooooooo cool
Rudy Chadwick-Smith
Rudy Chadwick-Smith - 14 years ago
@NubbyVids amazing fun
Mahia Pepper
Mahia Pepper - 14 years ago
wow thats like 10knts
Matias Jochamowitz
Matias Jochamowitz - 14 years ago
Psycho - 14 years ago
@adamitt999 thats a full rig i think.
Isaac Merritt
Isaac Merritt - 14 years ago
is that full rig or radial/4.7?
RAFsputin - 14 years ago
N1 one not sure how you think you a travelling so quick what do you use to register your speed?
divisioneight - 15 years ago
Sail flat, sail fast!
johnnee51 - 15 years ago
Looks like your a bit light for this dinghy.Keep safe Keep sailing.

20. comment for Laser Sailing 15-20knt

1111were - 15 years ago
Mate, i know you don't need any more tips but i am just going to suggest something quickly. You seem to be keeling way to much and not keeping the boat flat. If you want to maintain speed and balance in a laser, keeping it flat is totally essential. check your hiking strap is not too loose, because if it is, you are getting to leverage on the boat and are doing more work than you have to. Just a quick tip :) take it or leave it :)
Isaac Merritt
Isaac Merritt - 15 years ago
out huals on lasers are normaly like that idke for mine its just how loose my bowline is on the tac
Daniel Alcock
Daniel Alcock - 15 years ago
mate you seem like a small guy and in those breezes you should be almost block to block and have your outhaul tight on, downhaul on, and your vang aswell. If you get this right you will be come a good heavy air sailor
Hannes Hille
Hannes Hille - 15 years ago
you might wanna flatten your sail a bit more upwind in those conditions.
Isaac Merritt
Isaac Merritt - 15 years ago
dude lasers are the shit you might wanna get your out hual tighter. very insane tho
altolax123 - 15 years ago
thats a sick vang i love it
THEROLLINNGDICE99 - 15 years ago
really fun you should get one
Austin Page
Austin Page - 15 years ago
im thinkin bout buying a radial, are they fun?
THEROLLINNGDICE99 - 15 years ago
and yes im in a full rig now
THEROLLINNGDICE99 - 15 years ago
80 kg is 176lbs and 63 is 138.6lbs

30. comment for Laser Sailing 15-20knt

THEROLLINNGDICE99 - 15 years ago
then 63kg now 80kg
THEROLLINNGDICE99 - 15 years ago
laser radial and thanks
slingshot88150 - 15 years ago
What laser is that? pretty sick vid budd, i just need a cam now.
Lucem97 - 15 years ago
whats the name of the song?
Daniel Alcock
Daniel Alcock - 15 years ago
In wind like that mate u need ur outhaul on really tight. If u still feel over powered then start pulling ur downhaul on. To windward u should ideally have ur mainsheet on as tight as you can. So lots of outhaul and downhaul and keep that main on. Great Sailing.
THEROLLINNGDICE99 - 15 years ago
Michael Stacy
Michael Stacy - 15 years ago
keep the boat fat :P
Erik Samuels
Erik Samuels - 15 years ago
its irrelevant if you depower your boat properly. you lose lanes when you dont roll tack no matter what condition it is. it is even worth easing the main while flattening. same goes for gybes.
Erik Samuels
Erik Samuels - 15 years ago
I cant tell from the video but thats about 1-2 ft of chop right? unless you become totally over powered having a loose outhaul will actually decrease the surface area of the sail while giving you enough power to ride up waves. dont wear shorts over hiking pants which i assume youre wearing. it makes you slide all over the place. buy some boots man, i used to tape my feet but after a while you have to deal with ankle fatigue. adjust your control lines. just keep sailing and im sure you'll get it.
THEROLLINNGDICE99 - 15 years ago
now im 80 kgs :)
JuanPirate - 15 years ago
Hmmmm....get a waterproof mp3 player...y need some rhythm and try keeping the damn thing flat...use only the belt,forget the steppers!!!make your tacks a little bit more aggressive...and move only your head and your body,NOT your hands!!i can clearly see your hands move continuously...n thats terrible,i mean that you let all the wind you r gathering(by moving away from the wind)go keep your hands steady!!!...JRC808 is right about the outhaul n MacKid about the boom vang...!!!
Luke O'Connor
Luke O'Connor - 15 years ago
you need to hike a lot harder. get farther out so only your toes are under the strap and your body is parallel to the water at all times.
Chris S
Chris S - 15 years ago
Keep that thing FLAT, FLAT, FLAT.
CptCippe - 16 years ago
try to improve your turns, When you turn against he wind (sorry i'm dutch, don't know how to say it English) Lean till your boat almost capsizes, then you won't lose as much speed ;)
THEROLLINNGDICE99 - 16 years ago
mitch and marcus
THEROLLINNGDICE99 - 16 years ago
thx. whos this?
Doublevision - 16 years ago
bro put ur windicator level with the gooseneck and straight opposite the boom and put it upside down as people's mainsheets get snagged on it near starts. i also tie a small rope with a shackle on the end tied to the windicator and shackle it to the gooseneck so i don't lose it. hope my advice helps
Lawrence Creaser
Lawrence Creaser - 16 years ago
Not entirely...
THEROLLINNGDICE99 - 16 years ago
yea it helped. thx but sadly im not so light anymore almost a year scince ive made this vid and now my weight is about 70kg :S
THEROLLINNGDICE99 - 16 years ago
ha thats the first thing i thought about when i read the comment

50. comment for Laser Sailing 15-20knt

2007blueradial - 16 years ago
all the comments here or good but Hand-over-hand sheeting is something that you can work on even in lower wind conditions. because your only sheeting in with your "free-hand". it will help your overall sailing aswell (block to block, mark roundings, penalty turns) but you may have already been told this by some of your coaches.
marcel herrera
marcel herrera - 16 years ago
i couldnt agree more with trinidefender, maybe make loops in your controls so you dont have to wrap your hands around the controls when you want to pull them on
trinidefender1 - 16 years ago
oh and finally you can tighten the outhaul for the upwind
trinidefender1 - 16 years ago
8 don't hold the tiller extension with both hands, always have the other hand free to constantly adjust the mainsheet and other controls, it really isn't that hard to hold with 1 hand. 9 take the mainsheet deck cleats out of the boat, honestly, how often do you use them, all they do is rip your hikers and hurt when you sit on them, all they are is another distraction
trinidefender1 - 16 years ago
2 more things: 6 you have to be quicker on the mainsheet easing and tightening 7 and finally you look like a statue in the boat, you have to be free and fluid in your movements and feel the boat or you will never go fast, for example you could see on the camera how the boat was crashing over the waves, if you can constantly adjust your body weight then the boat won't bounce as much and you will loose less speed
trinidefender1 - 16 years ago
4 overtightened the controls, it bends the mast and closes up the leech and/or luff of the sail flattening out the belly and depowering the sail 5 raise the centerboard on the downwind, so if you head up or bear away very suddenly the boat doesn't want to heel as much and less drag in the water. you don't have to believe me but i have gone to many competitions and i got into gold fleet in the 2008 Laser 4.7 championships in Trogir, Croatia, if you don't believe me, i will send you details
trinidefender1 - 16 years ago
not trying to put anybody down but there were tons of mistakes. 1 the boat was constantly heeling, it isn't a keelboat, a laser has tons of slideslip when it heels. 2 when you jybe, it looks like your course changes are way to big, try sheeting in a bit more and then give a final pull to bring the sail across and stop the mainsheet hooking to the back corner 3 its a laser, you have to hike more than that or move to a different boat
Tom Marks
Tom Marks - 16 years ago
matthewsulliv6 if you have the blocks block to block the sail will be powered up as you come out of the tack, especially in these kind of conditions. If anything you want to ease them slightly and then sheet back in after the tack. Also it means it is easier to get under the boom, and not get caught on anything.
Nathan Brazil
Nathan Brazil - 16 years ago
or not....
Tom Marks
Tom Marks - 16 years ago
You don't need much kicker on when you go downwind, it will just bend the top section of the mast, especially with the new XD kit. Also, wear boots. You can hike harder for longer.
Matthew Sullivan
Matthew Sullivan - 16 years ago
when tacking... try to have your sheet block to block when gybing... a lot more sheeting will prevent the mainsheet from getting stuck at the back
THEROLLINNGDICE99 - 16 years ago
i just have a vlecro strap and i attatchet it to that little block at the front infront of the mast hole i also used alot of duck tape to keep it steady. whats a transom mount
timber_beast - 16 years ago
What is your camera setup? I would like to vid off my laser in sfbay where we get +15knt steady with plenty of flat water. What kind of on-water adjustments can you make? ever try a transom mount? thanks.
Lorenzo Ong
Lorenzo Ong - 16 years ago
Nice video and nice winds. Maybe it would be better if you also had like a fuller' view. In terms of ur camera being further front so that i can see mroe of the backgrounds so i know how much you are turning. Nice tacks.
THEROLLINNGDICE99 - 16 years ago
yer i didnt actuall know that two much in hevy winds is bad thanks
Lawrence Creaser
Lawrence Creaser - 16 years ago
From the looks of it you possibly have the kicker a little bit loose for that wind, try tightening it up a little bit but not tooo much or you'll go nowhere. Good Video! keep up the sailing. Let me know if this helps
carpe85 - 16 years ago
Cool video. Like somepeople said, unless you have the weight, aerobic fitness, and muscular endurance to keep the boat leveled with that much outhaul, you should tighten it, keep the sail a lot flatter. Your cunningham seemed pretty loose too, but I couldn't tell very well. Great video. Keep up the good work.
THEROLLINNGDICE99 - 16 years ago
nt sure about any sites and im nt going 2 tell u how old i am
Oliver Hiller
Oliver Hiller - 16 years ago
I'm looking to buy a laser are there any website were you can find them cheap?How old is the kid sailing?
DjHELL123 - 16 years ago
Just thinking that :P
Eelke van den Bos
Eelke van den Bos - 16 years ago
I'm sorry man, camera stuff looks great. But the sailing isn't much. Keep on practicing.
THEROLLINNGDICE99 - 16 years ago
thats awsome
THEROLLINNGDICE99 - 16 years ago
Daniel A
Daniel A - 16 years ago
a lot of these guys are right but damn nice tack plus dont lose the rudder (like i do) but i guess you heard that
Vascilli - 16 years ago
Tighten the outhaul and hike more to keep flat.
David Mason
David Mason - 16 years ago
you need to pull in the outhaul to make the sail flatter in heavy winds
THEROLLINNGDICE99 - 16 years ago
i'm not sure if any one picked this up but at around 1:40 my mainsheet was cleeted. Whats everyones view on this?
cre3d - 16 years ago
mf so weak...but steal nice realy congratz
sailoptired999 - 16 years ago
Use less rudder
THEROLLINNGDICE99 - 16 years ago
yea i think its the angle because it didnt look like tht from where i was sitting, also i'm in a radial
Ryan Novak-Smith
Ryan Novak-Smith - 16 years ago
yea you should roll tack/gybe so when the sail comes over you can use it as a fan to speed out of the tack or gybe
Chris White
Chris White - 16 years ago
Need to sit farther forward!!!
THEROLLINNGDICE99 - 16 years ago
actually that was an old travler and it like bends over every now and than and dosent move but it was after the race so i wasnt fussed
THEROLLINNGDICE99 - 16 years ago
ok thx for the tip mate anyone else spot something the more help i get the better im gonna be
Mustang009r - 16 years ago
mate there is no way this is 20knts your a light weight and you've got the foot so deep its not even funny come on dont try and fool us!!
Thomas BL
Thomas BL - 17 years ago
débutant j'imagine... j'espère (= I hope...)

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