Monitor Windvane Self Steering Tips & Settings
Sailing 8 years ago 4,966 views
In this a MUST WATCH video for EVERYONE considering or using a windvane. I show you by example the awesome result of using the MONITOR windvane to sail singlehandedly in the open ocean. We're sailing under 30 knots of breeze, and choppy seas--I've dialed Solstice into a powerful and open groove. I explain how to engage the windvane to achieve optimum performance, and how it can drive Solstice (a full-keel Cape George Cutter 31) upwind in challenging conditions; I also talk about nuanced settings that help windvane sailors recover their boatspeed and groove after crashing a wave, slowing down, and falling off. The mechanical windvane is one of the most important inventions for short-handed sailors; the MONITOR is one of the best commercially available devices. Scanmar International manufactures and sells the Monitor Windvane:
PS: You've given me a good idea for another video to document my singlehanded tacking method.
Solstice looks trimmed well and your explanation sounds excellent, but I'm not sure if I understand it... I've got the CG 36 Pearl..
Thanks for the further explanation. Are you ever in the San Francisco area? Also are you still offering courses?
Wes S/V Pearl