My FIRST Time Sailing!

FreeStyle finally goes in the water and I finally sail on my own sailboat for the first time! Please consider becoming a patron: Or gratuities through pay pal: (Get your name in the credits either way!) Buy an OFFICIAL Sailing FreeStyle T-Shirt! - Also check me out on these social media sites:

My FIRST Time Sailing! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 8

Sailing 7 years ago 9,857 views

FreeStyle finally goes in the water and I finally sail on my own sailboat for the first time! Please consider becoming a patron: Or gratuities through pay pal: (Get your name in the credits either way!) Buy an OFFICIAL Sailing FreeStyle T-Shirt! - Also check me out on these social media sites:

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Most popular comments
for My FIRST Time Sailing!

Thomas Hockin
Thomas Hockin - 7 years ago
Nice to not have to talk over the motor isn't it!!!!!!!!!!! You are so going to love this!!!!!!!
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
Oh man the silence was the first thing that hit me and made things feel really “weird”... then he boat started to heal a little and that’s when it really hit me “holly crap! We’re sailing! This is what it feels like to be sailing!!!” So awesome.
Matt Fish
Matt Fish - 7 years ago
love it!
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
Man it was such a fun day!
Kendal Ford
Kendal Ford - 7 years ago
Awesome Job!
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
Thanks Kendal!!!
Joe Killip
Joe Killip - 7 years ago
I was waiting for it to sink after seeing some of the repairs
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
That’s not a very nice thing to say.
skipper jim
skipper jim - 7 years ago
Also invest in a boom vang
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
I did just that! Thanks!
skipper jim
skipper jim - 7 years ago
Let out on the mainsheet when she begins to heel hard tiller in one hand sheet in the other let out until she doesn't try to turn windward trim for steer
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
Thanks for watching and the good advice!
Allen Michaels
Allen Michaels - 7 years ago
Love it! Great first time reaction to sailing. However the motor was still on so you were technically motorsailing :)))
Allen Michaels
Allen Michaels - 7 years ago
Yes super technically I have to agree! Congrats on your first sail and many more in the future!
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
Oh I don’t know though!?! Super technically I think the motor would have to be IN GEAR to be motor sailing! Motor was in neutral when I put the sails up and we started moving. That’s when I first realized we were actually sailing, then when I shut the motor off and it was dead silent but we kept moving.... that’s when it really hit me hard. I never ended up tilting the motor back out of the water after though (just distracted from having so much fun) so one of the things that sticks out in my memory of the Day was the sound of the prop spinning freely as we sailed around.
Preston Covell
Preston Covell - 7 years ago
It was great to see you get her back in the water after so many years. Loved to see that excitement on your face. All that hard work paid off.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
It was really awesome! Thanks for watching.
S/V LO-KEE - 7 years ago
Congratulations ! Loved the are sooooo at 12:11 on the left of the screen you'll see an area of dark blue water, that's the puff of wind that got you a few seconds later, learn to watch for those so you don't get caught off guard. Great job on the video!
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
Thanks SV Lo-Kee! We sure were caught off guard with that little gust! Lol! Really fun though. Can’t wait to get back out there in the spring! Thanks again!

10. comment for My FIRST Time Sailing!

dave keuroglian
dave keuroglian - 7 years ago
You did such an amazing job at capturing the exact moment when the bug bit you!!! I felt what you did! Very proud of you bud!
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
dave keuroglian thank you! I really appreciate the kind words.
Graeme Henderson
Graeme Henderson - 7 years ago
Looks like it was fun
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
It was so fun! I’ll never forget it.
R P - 7 years ago
Hey sailor. Nicely done. Welcome to the family. As they say, if you ever go sailing you never come back. So it does not rhyme, whatever, but it is contagious. As you know, every boat is unique. Most of the old Macs still sailing out there are factory versions. There are just a few that had some substantial work done, especially interior. You are very inventive dude and I bet you will personalize your boat the way you like it but, when you get to outfit your "baby" and you need some ideas, let me know. I will be happy to share some of the mods I made in my Mac. We've been sailing it since 2006, mostly Great Lakes but also The Keys and The Bahamas. Mac 26D 1988, SV YOYO. Cheers, Greg.
R P - 7 years ago
Sailing FreeStyle hi. i will take pictures if you like. i am not very good at this social media thing and have no time to learn so please email me it would be easier to send pictures. cheers.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
Wow that’s awesome! Do you have any pictures?
BilgemasterBill - 7 years ago
Well done! NOBODY deserves that triumph more than you. The fact that you've never sailed, yet still seem to have tackled repair issue after repair issue with the seemingly fully-knowledgeable aplomb of an "old salt" just bodes well for the future, I'd say. Maybe I missed one of your episodes, but last I recall, you had pretty much thoroughly gutted the down to ripping the carpet off of the daggerboard trunk. I'd be very curious to see what appointments you may come up with down there.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+BilgemasterBill it was a great experience! There weren’t many surprises when tearing it down other than the the cracks in the ballast tank. The wood walls need refinishing, but that’s about it. Even the (minimalist) electrical wiring was functional other than the corroded panel which I would have replaced anyway. I could put it back to original pretty cheaply, but I think I’d rather get a little more creative!
lesabre1972 - 7 years ago
thats awsome now I want to go sailing again!
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+lesabre1972 me too! It was super fun! It’s going to be a long winter!
lesabre1972 - 7 years ago
so did you buy a new jib?
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+lesabre1972 nope the repairs I did held up just fine in the light wind conditions!
Chuck Myntti
Chuck Myntti - 7 years ago
Good job dude. Fun Vids. Thanks for posting.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Chuck Myntti thank YOU for watching! If you haven’t already, make sure you subscribe!
capnjak69 - 7 years ago
15 years ago i had this SAME experience :)
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+capnjak69 that’s awesome!
Latetrain detectorist
Latetrain detectorist - 7 years ago
Hard work has paid off for you...very nice to see you sailing captain.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
Thanks! It was a really fun day!
someonec86 - 7 years ago
awe man this is cool. been watching your vids and so cool to see the tanks fixed and the boat afloat... even more sailing!!!! congrats man. hope to be in your shoes soon. looking forward to your future projects.
someonec86 - 7 years ago
yeah buddy!
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+someonec86 thank you so much! It really is crazy to think I went from watching some videos on YouTube to sailing around in my own Sailboat in less than a year! Pretty cool! Can’t wait to see what we end up doing with her next year! A few short adventures for sure! Maybe even a solo weekend or something?

20. comment for My FIRST Time Sailing!

Todd Donovan
Todd Donovan - 7 years ago
Awesome job. I'm inspired!
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Todd Donovan thank you! I appreciate that!
mcsailor0303 - 7 years ago
Dude, you rock. I've been sailing my whole life, and I still get that stoked every time I'm on the water. Nice work, see you on the water!
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
Thats awesome man! Such a unique feeling! Thanks for watching and the comment!
Mostyn Gale
Mostyn Gale - 7 years ago
When's your next video?
Mostyn Gale
Mostyn Gale - 7 years ago
Sounds great!
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Mostyn Gale I have 2 projects I’ve been working on, but the weather and daylight situation up here are making them really slow. I get out of work at 4:00, home around 4:45 and then only get about an hour of daylight after that. Coupled with the cold and rain (during a fiberglass project) and it’s just taking way longer than I want to finish. BUT I am close , hopefully within the next week or so I can get a video up.
Jaap Klasema
Jaap Klasema - 7 years ago
Great VDO; Great Project - just a couple of pointers re: "sailing": 1. See if you can rig-up a simple 'Boom-Down-Haul' - this will shape your head-sail better. 2. When there's little wind, don't pull the sail in so tightly; rel;ax on the sheets and you'll find you go much faster. [I've sailed solo since before I was 6] Cheers, mate - have a great time ! ! !
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Jaap Klasema thanks for the tips and thanks for watching l!
Harge - 7 years ago
were is the videos?
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Harge see my response to mostyn gale above. Basically daylight is getting shorter, weather is getting crappier. I have been doing things but it’s been slow going. I have a lot of footage of 2 different projects that are almost complete. So hopefully I’ll have a new upload soon. But I’m at the mercy of nature when it comes to some of the things I’m doing. Also please keep in mind I live in New England and over the winter it could be tough to generate as much content as I do over the summer for obvious reasons.
Harge - 7 years ago
Sailing FreeStyle u havent uploaded in 3 weeks you ussualy do Every 2 weeks
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Harge which videos?
Adventorium 1
Adventorium 1 - 7 years ago
Great look forward to you doing more videos. I'm rebuilding my sailboat as well here in Florida. It's a huge project it was in very bad condition. I gutted the inside, I'm getting ready to lay down new deck, then paint the whole exterior, then rebuild the interior. I intend to be done by summer minus sails which will be the last big purchase. When I'm done I plan on putting a video of before after pictures just to show others what I did because like you I'm a regular guy with meager resources. As a matter of fact the hold up right now is waiting to buy enough epoxy I need about 6 gallons and it's not cheap. Anyways look forward to your videos maybe we will run into each other out there one day.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
Patrick Tedder that’s awesome! I’d love to see it! Yea I hear you about the resources part! Everyone gives me crap about using resin from Walmart! Lol. Have fun! Keeps us posted!
Kevin Owens
Kevin Owens - 7 years ago
I have enjoyed everyone
Thank You
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Kevin Owens thank YOU!
Nick Evertsen
Nick Evertsen - 7 years ago
Congrats man. It's an amazing feeling to resurrect a boat and get it in the water for the first time. Really happy for you.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Nick Evertsen it sure was! Thanks!
JClaudII - 7 years ago
Awesome, congrats in getting it in the water and no major issues discovered.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+JClaudII thanks!
Kelly Stiles
Kelly Stiles - 7 years ago
Just got caught up on your videos... Looks great, your videos are the only ones that I have read all of the comments to.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Kelly Stiles thanks! Some of the comments can be interesting!

30. comment for My FIRST Time Sailing!

WD50’s Chunky riders
WD50’s Chunky riders - 7 years ago
Only tripped over your blogs yesterday and I’ve watched them all . Please blog the refit inside the boat and your humour is outstanding . Please keep the videos coming they are brilliant .
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Andy Thirlwell thanks I appreciate it!! All the interior mods will be well documented in future videos!
plebiansociety - 7 years ago
A couple of quick things that'll make it easier for you on your Mac.
1) Replace the pin in your ballast plug that keep the wing nut piece from coming off with a key ring and attach a chain from your boat to it. If you ever accidently pull out the plug all the way it will drop into your ballast and you'll have to scramble to not sink.
2) The rod from the mast raising kit it a hell of a multi tool with some simple modifications. Take the end out and drill some holes all the way through it a few inches apart. Get another pole with a clip on the end that fits inside it and a quick release pin long enough to go through it. Attach another L shaped bolt to the front of the mast like what holds the boom to the mast and you now have a jib pole. If you add an anchor roller in the holes of those plates on the bow rail, when you lift the mast you can instead use the winch on your trailer instead of block and tackle (remote winch works wonders when you solo set-up). You'll have to move your bow light I think for that though.
3) Add a clip your backstay to hold your boom up when you're not under sail.
Lotophagi - 7 years ago
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Lotophagi thanks!!
Stephen Tonon
Stephen Tonon - 7 years ago
Congrats! I now need to find a sailboat. Well done!
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Stephen Tonon do it!!! It’s so fun!
Andrew.cooper - 7 years ago
YOUUUUUUU! Shes Pretty! Glad you took ownership and made her right again! Super stoked for you! You'll need to see how far she'll heel over! Enjoy!!!!!!
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Andrew.cooper ME!! Lol thank you.
Erich Brann
Erich Brann - 7 years ago
Congrats on a successful launch!
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Erich Brann thank you!
C C - 7 years ago
You have the worst sailing videos on YouTube.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+C C lol, usually I just delete stupid comments but this one made laugh so I'm going to keep it up.
Women& ManFashion
Women& ManFashion - 7 years ago
Congratulations on putting her in the water, it's great, my friend...
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Women& ManFashion thank you!
Joanna Anderson
Joanna Anderson - 7 years ago
I want to sail so bad but I don't think I can get my own boat even if it's free. Wish I could! Props to you.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Joanna Anderson what's stopping you?
hillbilly bob
hillbilly bob - 7 years ago
Subbed! This is on my bucket list. Great job! I be watchin for more.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+hillbilly bob awesome! Thanks for tuning in!
Mike L Hawaii
Mike L Hawaii - 7 years ago
Yeah brah!
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Mike L Hawaii yeeeaaaaaaa buddy!
Mel Los
Mel Los - 7 years ago
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Mel Los thank you!
Emily BH
Emily BH - 7 years ago
Congratulations! It looks like you had perfect weather for your first sail. Some of the drone shots look like your sheets might not have been trimmed right but most of the time the close-ups looked fine. You did well for having to figure it out yourself.

It is too bad about Kate's and Wes' boat but many boats that sink at their mooring can be pulled up out of the water with a crane, bailed out, cleaned out and sailed again. It may have sunk because they might have mistakenly left a valve open that should have been closed such as at the head (toilet) before they left the boat at the mooring. Of course their electronics might not be salvageable.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Emily BH thanks! The drone shots where actuallly done a couple days after (sshhh don't tell anyone, movie editing magic) with my wife. There was very little wind that day and what wind there was was coming from different directions on the surface vs the top of the sail. I really couldn't figure out the best way to handle it. We still putzed around and had a good time though. Im not sure the exact details about Wicked Salty's boat other than it was totaled by the insurance company. Most likely due to salt water damage in the engine amongst other things. I'm sure it is repairable but the value of the boat is less that the amount it would cost to do the repairs.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+land ahoy true that!
will burk
will burk - 7 years ago
Good job, I love a bargain. So far nothing but thumbs up too. Only thing is, summer is short up there.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+will burk thanks!
joel stevens
joel stevens - 7 years ago
Lookout Bahamas!
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+joel stevens lol! One of these days! I'm going to need a bigger boat!
Danny Phillips
Danny Phillips - 7 years ago
A beautiful site! Good on ya brother!
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Danny Phillips thank you!
Capt Termite
Capt Termite - 7 years ago
What goes down must go back up.
donald allen
donald allen - 7 years ago
WOW very impressed that was junk that should of never came back two thumbs up
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+donald allen what!?! Junk!?! Lol man you were looking through my rose colored glasses I guess! I loved her from day one.
David Barry
David Barry - 7 years ago
For a first sail, darn good job! I could harp on a bajillion safety things, but I'm sure there are loads of negative nancies that are going to dump on you about it. But, this is Progress and Success, good work, you'll figure out the rest!
David Barry
David Barry - 7 years ago
You did GREAT (perfect can be overrated and dangerous, can't learn from it)! And you're already aware of the basic safety stuff, like PFD's (especially for the kiddos). That lake is really a great testing area. YEAH F*CKIN SAILING!!!
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+David Barry thanks! I know it was far from perfect, but I think I did ok for not having any experience! I didn't think there were a BAJILLION safety things, but I WAS aware of a few at least.

50. comment for My FIRST Time Sailing!

Randy Gardner
Randy Gardner - 7 years ago
Ryan! I have a couple of new videos out from my last trip to the Cape. Check it out when you get a chance! Part 1 Part 2
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Randy Gardner they did pop up on my notifications! I will check them out tomorrow on my day off if not later tonight!
Andres Wynter
Andres Wynter - 7 years ago
Inspiring awesome accomplishment!
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Andres Wynter thank you!
pajero28tdi - 7 years ago
Nice work :) Cant wait until next summer....
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+pajero28tdi thank you! Me either! I'm going to have to start planning some trips.
patriotpioneer - 7 years ago
Nice! Oh & you HAD Zero sailing Experience... ;-)
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Wayne Jennings thanks for watching!
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+patriotpioneer I guess you are correct! Now in past tense!
Wayne Jennings
Wayne Jennings - 7 years ago
Congratulations! You should be very proud of all you have accomplished! I have enjoyed the season 1 videos!
Chris Hewitt
Chris Hewitt - 7 years ago
Well done, the family are going to love it.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Chris Hewitt thanks!!
Wicked Salty
Wicked Salty - 7 years ago
Thanks so much man, really brought a smile to my face. Great video by the way!
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Wicked Salty no problem! Best of luck with it all, maybe you guys can pick something up a little further south to make up for the lost time?! Keep us posted!
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Karen Williams thank you so much Karen!
Ray Konold
Ray Konold - 7 years ago
Nicely done.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Ray Konold thank you!
michael willoughby
michael willoughby - 7 years ago
Fantastic! Happy to see all your efforts paid off. Hopefully I’ll get mine in the water soon too. Been working on mine for a year and a half now.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+michael willoughby thank you! And best of luck with your project!
Svwethop - 7 years ago
Great job Ryan!! Congrats on floating Freestyle, can't wait for next season! Just about to splash my '90 26s here in San Diego after 6 months of rehab! Cheers!
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Svwethop thanks! Best of luck with yours!!! I really like the s because you don't have to worry about remembering to raise the centerboard. And you don't have that big ugly daggerboard trunk in your cabin !
rs8684 - 7 years ago
Great job, well done! I'm happy for you, keep it up!
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+rs8684 thanks!
cantmovenow - 7 years ago
I've watched all your videos. You've worked so hard to get to this point - I'm so excited you finally got wet.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+cantmovenow thank you so much for following along!
Jason Ensminger
Jason Ensminger - 7 years ago
Congrats  man.  We are so happy you managed to get out before Winter sets in! Jason & Anastasia
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Jason Ensminger thank you guys!
C Khaleeli
C Khaleeli - 7 years ago
Congrats! Keep enjoying the water!
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+C Khaleeli thank you I will!!!
Todd S
Todd S - 7 years ago
Finally back in the water congratulations!  You inspire me to find a boat I can work on.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Todd S thank you! It really is fun! I enjoy both parts of it, the work and the sail!
ricardo rodriguez
ricardo rodriguez - 7 years ago
Great job man !!! when you first started the project I didn't think that boat would ever see the water again! ( at least not floating on it ) but you pulled thru like a champ!! I saw wicked salty video when it came out and my hart sunk too it was totally unexpected I still don't know what happened to it why did it sink? was it a thru hole or did somebody hit it at the mooring or what?
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
ricardo rodriguez they said on Facebook it was a through-hull failure. Not sure about their bilge pump though? Maybe just couldn't keep up.
Jay Webb
Jay Webb - 7 years ago
YEEEESS!!!!! She's/he's/whatever gender "FreeStyle" identifies with/ is a beaut on the water! The arial views are astounding .   A BIG Congrats, and Thanks!
Dee Shipley
Dee Shipley - 7 years ago
Congratulations. I am sooo jealous.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Dee Shipley thank you!!
Nick Crabbe
Nick Crabbe - 7 years ago
Congratulations. Awesome job on getting afloat and I really enjoyed watching your series. Looking forward to seeing how you make the boat personalised in season 2. And I totally agree with you. If you want it just do it.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Nick Crabbe thank you! There's a LOT more that still needs to be done! Stay tuned!
Sailing Harley Quinn
Sailing Harley Quinn - 7 years ago
Happy for you and the aerial shots look great. These boats get a bad rep but I think they fulfill their design purpose perfectly. Theres one moored in our river and always thought they are quite smart looking. Not many here in the UK.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Sailing Harley Quinn thanks a bunch! It really is a neat little boat.
ghismo - 7 years ago
A big "bravo" from France ! Great job and your enthusiasm is nice to see... waiting for the next steps, hope your wife will like sailing as much as you do ;)
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+ghismo thank you! Me and the wife got out once already, not a lot of wind, but we had fun! ( that's actually when the drone shots were taken, shhh don't tell anyone, movie editing magic)
Cape Cod Daysailing
Cape Cod Daysailing - 7 years ago
Sad about wicked salty. Met them at Home Depot they are real nice people. You shouldn't be ending season one, lot of good sailing left in October. Hoping for some epic foliage cruising on Cape Cod myself in my new to me 19' Mariner.
Cape Cod Daysailing
Cape Cod Daysailing - 7 years ago
I got a place and a mooring  in Dennisport. I sail in Boston Harbor too.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Cape Cod Daysailing that's pretty cool! Where are you on cape cod? We stay on buttermilk bay for a couple weeks in the summer.
Rodger Mathews
Rodger Mathews - 7 years ago
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Rodger Mathews thanks!
Winston Benedict
Winston Benedict - 7 years ago
I have the same boat, but I didn't get mine for free.
I really dislike my Bimini, as it gets in the way of operating the outboard.
You couldn't have chosen a better boat to learn to sail on. Do you have any issues with the the dagger board floating up?
It's really satisfying to see that you finally got her in the water.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Winston Benedict thank you! The new daggerboard I got from BWY is fiberglass and has holes in it so it fills with water and won't float up. It was the most expensive part I had to replace however.
woodysambusa - 7 years ago
well done dude massive respect :)
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+woodysambusa thank you!
Captain Scurvy
Captain Scurvy - 7 years ago
Glad you got her on the water. Enjoy!
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Captain Scurvy thanks!
Randy Gardner
Randy Gardner - 7 years ago
Good for you, Ryan! Glad you finally got out there! Light wind on a lake is not a bad way to learn! Get her down to the Cape some time and lets grab a sail together. I'm not a pro but I am an old hand at the tiller. (ie I've been sailing a long time.) Sail as long as weather permits. Keep learning and enjoy!
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
Randy! Thanks! It was a great day! I would love to get her out to the cape! I think a few of us MA channels should all get together at some point!
Ferdinand Marlow
Ferdinand Marlow - 7 years ago
Awesome! Congrats!
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Ferdinand Marlow thank you!
Matias Forsman
Matias Forsman - 7 years ago
may wind be on your side, my boat is not going in to water until april/may
Matias Forsman
Matias Forsman - 7 years ago
if you want to check out my sailboat, i have some vids on yt
Matias Forsman
Matias Forsman - 7 years ago
i will :)
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Matias Forsman thanks! Best of luck with yours! Keep us posted
Matias Forsman
Matias Forsman - 7 years ago
black beard and associates ;D
Paul Heitkemper
Paul Heitkemper - 7 years ago
Also, your production quality is awesome. I really love the intro.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Paul Heitkemper thank you! I need to use the dslr more.
Paul Heitkemper
Paul Heitkemper - 7 years ago
Great to see you out on the water! Looks like you picked the perfect day to mess around and learn the ropes. If you remember my previous comment about mast rake, it looks your mast rake is fine.

One tip- there should be no tension at all in the lazy sheet. It should be drooping sloppy on deck.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Paul Heitkemper thanks! Yea I had my buddy with me, trying to explain it to him when we tacked. Then the cam cleats busted and wouldn't spring back and the lines just kept falling back into the cleats.
ot0m0t0 - 7 years ago
Congrats man! So happy and proud of you.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+ot0m0t0 thank you!!!!
daz daz
daz daz - 7 years ago
Happy sailing and fair winds
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+daz daz thank you so much!
Chase Mixon
Chase Mixon - 7 years ago
I remember the first time I took my little 22 Hunter out, I was just as excited... my jaw was hurting I was smiling so much... :) #HappyDay
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Chase Mixon hahaha so fun!!! Thanks!
Nigel Donald
Nigel Donald - 7 years ago
Gday from Australia well done mate!
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Nigel Donald thanks!!
Ken Leachman
Ken Leachman - 7 years ago
I'm happy for you keep the wind in the sails and move forward maybe it's time to start thinking about SV freestyle shirts
Ken Leachman
Ken Leachman - 7 years ago
sounds good
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Ken Leachman I could definitely do t-shirts! I could release them when I hit 2,000 subscribers and do a free give away too? What do you think?
Andrew Felcey
Andrew Felcey - 7 years ago
Congratulations from England !!!!!!
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Andrew Felcey thank you!
Mindrover - 7 years ago
Congratulations, great job :)
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Mindrover thanks
Keith Peckham
Keith Peckham - 7 years ago
This is great man!
Keith Peckham
Keith Peckham - 7 years ago
Sailing FreeStyle Lisa needs braces
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Keith Peckham dental plan?
Alain Pascal Routhier
Alain Pascal Routhier - 7 years ago
Wooohooo Ryan, excellent to see you sail. You are a natural! Now you will go from liking to loving to to passionate to be addicted and finally something you cannot live without!
Yeahhh, so happy for you!
Now more videos please.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Alain Pascal Routhier oh I think you're already seeing the future. I got that itch now for sure! I don't know how I'm going to make time for the other boats now! I'm always going to want to SAIL!
Hilton Cordero
Hilton Cordero - 7 years ago
well deserve man ! love it !!
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Hilton Cordero thanks!!
Adam Carr
Adam Carr - 7 years ago
Outstanding Ryan! This is the episode I have been waiting patiently for and you did not disappoint!
She’s a beauty and you sailed her well… Here’s to Season #2!
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Adam Carr glad you enjoyed it! We really had a good time! Can't wait to get her out more!
Edward Grant
Edward Grant - 7 years ago
What a great day you had and all of your hard work has finally paid off Big Time! So happy for you sir, will look forward to the next season of video's as you work on the creature comforts. P.S. nice of you to mention Wicked Salty!
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Edward Grant it really was a great day! Thanks for watching and for your comments!
Opatin27 - 7 years ago
Congrats i really like your videos and your attitude, you have a great boat and now it's time to sail and learn while alway airing on the caution side specially when out with the family. Keep up the good work and don't get to carried away with upgrades as there is always room for improvements on a boat and i have a feeling this is only a stepping stone towards your next boat once you've tasted the lifestyle. KUDOS.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Opatin27 you're probably right! But probably not for a while. Maybe when I kick the kids out of the house? Or win the lottery! lol thanks for watching!
Nelson W. CRS
Nelson W. CRS - 7 years ago
Congratulations. Hope you have a great time with it. Job well done, enjoy.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Nelson W. CRS thanks!!!
J Brown
J Brown - 7 years ago
Congratulations man. Been watching for a long time. Nice to see all your work and good attitude start to pay off.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+J Brown thanks man! I really appreciate your support!
Sam D.
Sam D. - 7 years ago
Btw, that boat needs her name on her. Christening party?
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+LycandersAim I agree! Should be coming up next spring!
Sam D.
Sam D. - 7 years ago
You did it, man! Back from the brink! I'm super stoked for you. Where are you going to keep the boat now that she is sailable? Looking forward to more videos. You're fucking sailing now!
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+LycandersAim for now she will stay on the trailer, I like that I can bring it wherever I want. I do like the idea of having a little get away spot with it already in the water, but not sure I get enough time off of work right now to justify the expense of a slip.
Carroll McGuire
Carroll McGuire - 7 years ago
Happy for you, man!
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Carroll McGuire thanks!

100. comment for My FIRST Time Sailing!

RBS Austin
RBS Austin - 7 years ago
Dude. Thanks in many ways. Firstly, you make good very watchable video. Second, it's fun learning with you. Can't wait to get a project going myself. Thanks for the inspiration.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+RBS Austin thank you for watching and commenting! It's people like you that keep these videos coming! Good luck with your own project, keep us posted, I always like checking out what everyone else is working on!
David Barry
David Barry - 7 years ago
Congrats Man, great job,awesome. Felt like I was there with you. That lake made it just a little tight for room as well,you did real well. Cant wait for the sailing trips with the fam. Could you maybe do a cost sharing vid, if thats not too intrusive. :)))
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+David Barry I will definitely do a cost sharing video, would make a good one for the winter months when it's too covered in snow to do any work on the boat. And yea that lake is pretty small, but is literally only 2 minutes from my house. Figured for a test sail why not. I was pleasantly surprised that we were able to play around in it as much as we did though. Couldn't have asked for a better shake down sail.
Joshua Magaw
Joshua Magaw - 7 years ago
Looking forward to some high adventure
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Joshua Magaw it's coming! Next season there should be a few good ones!
MrDenis7p - 7 years ago
Awesome! Congratulations!! Well Done!!! You did Good Work and it paid off!!!! I am very happy for you. Looking forward to Season 2. Now it's time to go Support Wicked Salty and buy a few of those Cool Limited Edition T-Shirts. Thanks for the link.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+MrDenis7p thanks for the comment! Hopefully Wicked Salty can bounce back sooner than later!
Lary Mayotte
Lary Mayotte - 7 years ago
Here is one to practice too!.....and you can get the same effect using your tiller, and just get the boat to rocking as you move the tiller from side to side.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Lary Mayotte thanks for the link!
Edward Young
Edward Young - 7 years ago
Congrats. As soon as I "grab it by the ...." I'll get in the wet and pull the ropes in my wee little boat.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Edward Young man that sounded dirty, but I like it!
volkswatson - 7 years ago
I’ve enjoyed the journey! Awesome to see her afloat. Enjoy and don’t forget the camera!
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+volkswatson thanks for following the story all this time!
Lary Mayotte
Lary Mayotte - 7 years ago
The thing you need to realize with your boat is without a dagger board if you sheet the main in closer than the corner you will find your boat sailing side you need to easy the sail so the wind off the sail goes out the back of the boat to go forward.....too tight and it will start to slip side wise (and that's bad).....have a great time my friend.....oh and another thing to mention you can even skull that boat with the rudder you have! see how it bends?.....let it down to a 45% angle.....then use the tiller and sweep the rudder back and forth slowly at first with a power stroke at the end.....then back the other will find it a handy way to maneuver the boat without the need of the motor!......practice makes perfect my friend!
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Lary Mayotte the boy does have a daggerboard! And what a difference it makes too! I had pulled it up a little too soon when sailing her back to the boat ramp and couldn't believe how much it affects your ability to point the bow. And I completely forgot about skulking! I didn't even need to pack my emergency boat paddles!? I'll have to give this a try!
Lary Mayotte
Lary Mayotte - 7 years ago
looking good my friend!.....a good rule of thumb when going up wind bring main sail in till the boom is pointed at the corner of the stern.....race boats can tighten more but your best point of sail should be right around the corner edge of the stern.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Lary Mayotte good tips! Thanks
Michael Tillman
Michael Tillman - 7 years ago
AWESOME! Man you are doing EXACTLY what I want to do. I have NO money so I've been scouring Craigslist and other things. No luck yet but I'm hoping. Seeing you getin it wet was great and motivates me to keep looking. Glad for you.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Michael Tillman keep looking! Don't give up. They will pop up. Expand your radius a little bit. You might have to drive a few hours to find a good deal, but they are out there and will be worth it. I also really enjoy projects and thinknita half the fun to fix these boats up.
Aran Fifield
Aran Fifield - 7 years ago
Now the fun begins! Learning to fine tune sail trim etc. A good technique to learn first is how to heave to! Congratulations!
Aran Fifield
Aran Fifield - 7 years ago
Patrick LaMeau if you are anywhere near New Zealand we will be selling our trailer sailer this summer?
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Patrick LaMeau keep looking! There's deals out there for sure!
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Aran Fifield I definitely need to learn that! There was a time where I wanted to give it a try but couldn't remember the steps so I just dropped the sails and threw out an anchor. Next time! Lots to learn still.
Patrick LaMeau
Patrick LaMeau - 7 years ago
Right on! So happy for you, I'm on the hunt for a trailer sailor to learn on the cheap. Between you and Delos I'm gonna have to pull the trigger soon.
CajunSpike - 7 years ago
I ran a 25 foot Lafitte skiff rigged for shrimping for many years. Like you did, I just wanted to and did what it took to make it happen. Good job sir.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+cajunspike thanks! What a great feeling!
Douglas Deaton
Douglas Deaton - 7 years ago
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+Douglas Deaton thank you!
ian hawkins
ian hawkins - 7 years ago
great job man , I know the feeling getting an older yacht up and running , next comes the panic when the wind picks up. Great keep on sailing
Sailing Harley Quinn
Sailing Harley Quinn - 7 years ago
If she heels too far for comfort just release tension on the sheets and the wind will spill away.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
+ian hawkins lol we got a little taste of it already! I'll admit I thought I was going to tip over.
Ruthie Henderson
Ruthie Henderson - 7 years ago
So happy for you! Way to go making all those repairs! We owned a MacGregor just like yours - sailed on Lake Michigan with her until this past summer when we got a catalina 30. That MacGregor is special. If you ever have any questions, just ask me. One thing you may want to upgrade is the rudder. It’s one of the few design flaws but Ruddercraft makes an upgrade that made a night and day difference for us. Anyway, you will love sailing! MacGregors heel over quickly but they harden up right away at around 20 degrees. We always reefed when the wind would get up to around 15 knots. So excited for you! Well done!
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
Ruthie Henderson thanks Ruthie! All great things to know! Heeling over for he first time was quite the experience! Thanks so much for watching and the comment!
Johnny Hag
Johnny Hag - 7 years ago
Congrats on your first sail! The old Macgregor lives on. Great job on bringing her back to life. Keep sailing, keep learning.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
Johnny Hag thanks!! It was so fun! I'm hooked for good now!
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
Cape Cod Daysailing
Cape Cod Daysailing - 7 years ago
Yes but I was too terrified at the time to check! LOL
Cape Cod Daysailing
Cape Cod Daysailing - 7 years ago
Thanks I appreciate it.
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
I forgot about this comment! I meant to check out your channel before but got side tracked, I'll head over and sub right now!
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
Thanks, that sounds like a solid plan, I can definitely see myself on a bigger boat, Im already figuring out how we can retire early to live aboard!
Jaap Klasema
Jaap Klasema - 7 years ago
Cape Cod Daysailing if your tiller feels unusually heavy, it probably means that the rudder-blade is not all the way down. . .
Cape Cod Daysailing
Cape Cod Daysailing - 7 years ago
Just did a sail today. crazy ass 30 knot winds. The way this fall is going I might sail again in two weeks when I get a free day again. Tiller felt like a rowing machine holding her back. Should get a video up on my channel tomorrow.
David Harris
David Harris - 7 years ago
Very excited for you! I have been on a similar track but I want a much bigger boat. I used to sail the way you do now on a 27' boat and I did it by myself. Then I got this itch, you know what I am talking about, and I started with book knowledge and thinking about grabbing a test certification. I use a club boat now and got checked out on it with the knowledge I had from years past, plus learning from a book. So I am telling you this because If you want to go to the next level (bigger boat) I highly recommend ASA sailing courses. We just finished our first day and my wife that cried and said I won't be able to help you on any boat docked the boat with a motor and under sail. The instructor on the boat knew stuff I never considered and nothing I have read to date came close. Now that you have a boat you can learn and make a practical application. Looking forward to seeing what you show us next. Keep up the good work.

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The "My FIRST Time Sailing!" video is part of the Sealing, tipps, boating category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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