OMG Is This Real?! - Ep. 86 RAN Sailing

We don’t think this videos need any explanation. It speaks for itself. Sit down comfortably and enjoy this little piece of paradise in Guna Yala (San Blas). We are a Swedish couple who wanted a different kind of life. So we moved aboard our sailboat RAN, a custom built aluminium Beason 40, untied the lines in the middle of the Swedish winter and started to sail south along the coast of Europe. There is no set route and we will go where the wind and our minds take us. WANT MORE? Read more about us, the boat and get real-time updates and photos! - Website: - Instagram: - Facebook: Keep track of RAN and us here: A huge thank you to our Patrons for making this video possible! We love making inspiring videos and to share our adventure with you and with your support we can keep the videos coming! Join the crew here: Music credits: 00:15 It's You Again (Instrumental Version) - Windshield 03:33 Sunday Spelunking - Frook 12:25 I Go Blind (Instrumental Version) - Martin Hall 15:04 Nebula - Yomoti CAMERA GEAR: If you buy any of the items below or anything else on the site using the links we get a small "ka-ching" in our cruising kitty. Thank you so much! - Big camera: - Other big camera: - GoPro: - Stabilizer: - Older GoPro: - Drone: - Big gorilla pod: - Pointy mic: - Round mic: - Voice Over mic: Love, Malin & Johan

OMG Is This Real?! - Ep. 86 RAN Sailing sentiment_very_dissatisfied 16

Sailing 7 years ago 57,984 views

We don’t think this videos need any explanation. It speaks for itself. Sit down comfortably and enjoy this little piece of paradise in Guna Yala (San Blas). We are a Swedish couple who wanted a different kind of life. So we moved aboard our sailboat RAN, a custom built aluminium Beason 40, untied the lines in the middle of the Swedish winter and started to sail south along the coast of Europe. There is no set route and we will go where the wind and our minds take us. WANT MORE? Read more about us, the boat and get real-time updates and photos! - Website: - Instagram: - Facebook: Keep track of RAN and us here: A huge thank you to our Patrons for making this video possible! We love making inspiring videos and to share our adventure with you and with your support we can keep the videos coming! Join the crew here: Music credits: 00:15 It's You Again (Instrumental Version) - Windshield 03:33 Sunday Spelunking - Frook 12:25 I Go Blind (Instrumental Version) - Martin Hall 15:04 Nebula - Yomoti CAMERA GEAR: If you buy any of the items below or anything else on the site using the links we get a small "ka-ching" in our cruising kitty. Thank you so much! - Big camera: - Other big camera: - GoPro: - Stabilizer: - Older GoPro: - Drone: - Big gorilla pod: - Pointy mic: - Round mic: - Voice Over mic: Love, Malin & Johan

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Most popular comments
for OMG Is This Real?! - Ep. 86 RAN Sailing

Al R
Al R - 7 years ago
Their English is better than what most Americans speak.
Christopher Reeves
Christopher Reeves - 7 years ago
Amazing - thanks guys! :)
SV Hidden Hand
SV Hidden Hand - 7 years ago
Wow, you've convinced us to make that a stop! But we have a 7.5 foot (2.3m) draft. Think we'll be able to find anchorages?
Ryan Cook
Ryan Cook - 7 years ago
Great episode guys, looks like you really ran into a bit of paradise there!
The Ozark Diaries
The Ozark Diaries - 7 years ago
I love the jazz piano tunes. ❤
mjbeebe - 7 years ago
Song at 13:22? Music credits don't match.
Na'Roon Starrider
Na'Roon Starrider - 7 years ago
While you guys where here did you run into the SV Curiosity the Wynn's they were about the same time?
gerasimos gotis
gerasimos gotis - 7 years ago
Awesome!!! Here is some sailing moments too
Karen B
Karen B - 7 years ago
Just beautiful!!  I got lost in the quiet and the views. Added to our Bucket List for a future destination.  I hope you stayed there at least a week.  Y'all are amazing together.

10. comment for OMG Is This Real?! - Ep. 86 RAN Sailing

ross chabot
ross chabot - 7 years ago
I've watched all your videos and I have to say you guys are getting really great at editing, nice job. great musical choices as well! beautiful place great video! please keep them coming!
Eight Crows Media
Eight Crows Media - 7 years ago
Such a beautiful place.....great drone videos!
Sailing Shaka
Sailing Shaka - 7 years ago
Yes. Absolutely beautiful. Been dreaming of the San Blas for 20+ years. The wife and I are about 1 year away from sailing there. Cant wait.
Thomas Evers
Thomas Evers - 7 years ago
That was a beautiful place and the drone shots were amazing ! I have a kayak to go on the water, but not a sailboat, that's why I watch your videos !
Peter Los Angelos
Peter Los Angelos - 7 years ago
What is watertemp?
RAN Sailing
RAN Sailing - 7 years ago
Around 30-31 Celsius!
Bill B.
Bill B. - 7 years ago
Johan, you were right, no explanation needed. A very beautiful place in every direction. Oh, and Johan, you should hug Malin everyday, she is your treasure.
Digby Taylor
Digby Taylor - 7 years ago
Nice one
PNWesty - 7 years ago
You two were all smiles.
paul Baas
paul Baas - 7 years ago
Fantastic video!
MiQ Bohlin
MiQ Bohlin - 7 years ago
What can I say that isn’t already said… First Rio Diabolo in Kuna Yala - then this! You are really in to some special places, both vulnerable and fantastic. Thnx for sharing to the world, all of your experiences!

20. comment for OMG Is This Real?! - Ep. 86 RAN Sailing

Corrie Van Velzen
Corrie Van Velzen - 7 years ago
SET SAIL by VIBRANT ARM from Amsterdam!! Beautiful Theme Song!!
Luftbubblan - 7 years ago
Wow så fint ställe. Måste vara häftigt :D
Lars Kronqvist
Lars Kronqvist - 7 years ago
Sea level rise is about 1,4 mm/year at Cristobal in Panama.
Thanks for sharing your trip!
I have been with You since you left Västra Hamnen i Malmö
Phil Harper
Phil Harper - 7 years ago
Guys, just watching your Ep2. frozen genoa sheets and full body weather gear..... reflect on that as you meander through the tropics! Guna Yala looks awesome!
Getinit 56
Getinit 56 - 7 years ago
You two are the best.
steve Brown
steve Brown - 7 years ago
I am really loving your story and great filmwork aswell. I have a yatchty friend blue lady is it s name registered in Australia. I sailed the Sydney to Hobart 2002 or 3 and have recommended your gereat tube to him and his friends. Keep up this really great eps. I am completely relaxed while watching you journey.  thumbs Up
Na'Roon Starrider
Na'Roon Starrider - 7 years ago
simply breath taking guys
Sailing Saoirse
Sailing Saoirse - 7 years ago
Wow! it's so beautiful there! Thanks for sharing with us
Jake - 7 years ago
You're not in Sveden anymore.
Michael B. Barnett
Michael B. Barnett - 7 years ago
Yes,paradise indeed. Enjoy...Barney

30. comment for OMG Is This Real?! - Ep. 86 RAN Sailing

Marie Morrissey
Marie Morrissey - 7 years ago
So happy for you Malin and Johan!
Beautiful video of Awesome people! #LoveRanSailing
O K - 7 years ago
Gorgeous! These two are the best couple on utube. So sincere. I really look forward to their travels.
Neptune's Jester
Neptune's Jester - 7 years ago
Love the san blas archipelago. My friends, sailingtripfamily are there now also
Claire Defresnes
Claire Defresnes - 7 years ago
on a boat or on desert islands, I wouldn't wear any swimsuit. (But perhaps you did for the video because of censorship)
Reg Sig
Reg Sig - 7 years ago
P a r a i s o...
Miles Odden
Miles Odden - 7 years ago
This was the best video I've had the pleasure of watching on your channel. Nice to see the romace between the two of you in such a magnificent setting. You have inspired me to tell my wife that this is where we will be going during a winter in the not so distant future. Thank you so much for sharing!
R Boyd
R Boyd - 7 years ago
Christian Becher
Christian Becher - 7 years ago
Wow, Beautiful!!!
family mad ventures
family mad ventures - 7 years ago
What a lovely video! We really enjoy your videos because I always know it's family-friendly and can fill 20 mins with some travel inspiration for kids and all when we need a quick distraction (like the witching hour in the evenings).
My 5 yo and I have just watched this and he's now pretending his korv is a banana. :-D
Quarry Adventures
Quarry Adventures - 7 years ago
Erosion or island skinning. Love the videos. Thanks
odinn62 - 7 years ago
no jungles for me .us army had one of its jungle warfare schools in panama and as such i hate the jungle i like the arctic ,mountains and northern woods .i hope your journey keeps getting better and you sail all over the world
Prof. Michael O. Zeee JCD ECS
Prof. Michael O. Zeee JCD ECS - 7 years ago
As you said, simply beautiful! Thanks for sharing that with us...
PLEASE, everybody SHARE this!
David Dixon
David Dixon - 7 years ago
Really amazing location, what a treat to be able to access a place with so few inhabitants or tourist! That sounds really good about now.
paisa26100 - 7 years ago
Yoga on the beach....beautiful!
Peg White
Peg White - 7 years ago
Great video!
Lake Sailer
Lake Sailer - 7 years ago
Wow. So nice. Thanks
Adventures of an old Seadog
Adventures of an old Seadog - 7 years ago
Wonderful video. loved it.
Rey Irizarry
Rey Irizarry - 7 years ago
Been watching your vids for quite some time, but this one I enjoyed the most. Keep on being captain’s of your own destiny...
noneofmynameswork1 - 7 years ago
According to the your videos come out, you and Gone with the Wynns are at the same place, but did you ever meet?
TAPP Channel
TAPP Channel - 7 years ago
amazing place!!! great for drone captures :)

50. comment for OMG Is This Real?! - Ep. 86 RAN Sailing

cubmixit - 7 years ago
Wow~ what a great place! Great video!
sm6wet - 7 years ago
Beautiful islands. Just wait and see there is more Beauty around the corner. When you passed by Hawaii, back to west coast of USA, up Alaska, North West territtories and passed the North West Passage West to East and gone down Brazil, rounded the cape and up the west side of South America and start crossing the Pacific - there is many small atolls and one of them is in the Cook Islands, called Aitutaki, it has some extraordinary Beautiful small Motus (small islands) on one side of the lagoon. That is truly paradise. Drop Ran in the harbour and take your dinghy to Heaven, One foot Island, Moturakau and Maina.
Cheers from Falköping.
lat24north - 7 years ago
Great vid guys...Truely looks like paradise. Drone footage was amazingly beautiful...
Flyby Wire
Flyby Wire - 7 years ago
Awesome pictures. Really beautiful!
diane paxton
diane paxton - 7 years ago check out Gone with the Wynns video they were just there too. Beautiful place!
Erik Patton
Erik Patton - 7 years ago
Gorgeous. Added to my list!
FX MD - 7 years ago
Awesome !!!!!!!! wowwwwww........
Espen Erlien
Espen Erlien - 7 years ago
For en fantastisk spot:)
sean mulligan
sean mulligan - 7 years ago
Oh have you pickled the watermaker yet
RAN Sailing
RAN Sailing - 7 years ago
Yes, when we were in Santa Marta and left the boat for a couple of days. Easy and quick to do!
Kaye Millington
Kaye Millington - 7 years ago
You are doing this So well and so informative. Please keep up the good work. Bob from Tasmania
Sailing Tranquility Bay
Sailing Tranquility Bay - 7 years ago
We spent two years of our life sailing around Guna Yala. Thanks for taking us back to Coco Banderas! And thanks for not being afraid to mention climate change -- the beautiful islands of San Blas will be the first to go.
Dan D.
Dan D. - 7 years ago
Wow! Good job! You are living and showing us a great story :) cheers!
Proteus Rising
Proteus Rising - 7 years ago
We put it on our sailing destination list! Gorgeous!
Lynn Dirk
Lynn Dirk - 7 years ago
OK, this is my fave video so far. WOW! I could watch this over and over.
Dale Graham
Dale Graham - 7 years ago
Hello again from wintery Canada. Thanks for showing paradise for sailors. You aren't stressing too much at all. The video was so well edited and the music you picked was a nice accessory. Must go back to the snow for now. Enjoy.
insaynbcr - 7 years ago
Beautiful place. How long did you end up staying at this anchorage?
S/V ICEBOUND - 7 years ago
When i searched true different youtube sailing videos, i run into you guy's videos  RAN sailing.  I was hooked from the beginning on your super beautiful photography and the beautiful editing. You made the videos around your trip and but not you guy's in the centre.  I really enjoy this series of short movies.  I am retired and have a small sailing boat  a Saturna 33 Pilothouse at the British Columbia coast,  at Quadra Island.  I hope you visit our super natural British Columbia Coast,  Vancouver Island and up the Broughton. It is not like Palm cladded islands,  here you will find 100drs of small and islands and inlets, see bears, wolfs and lots of sea animals,  you guy's would like it.  Come on the way up here you will be not disappointed.  I started viewing video #1 about 4 days ago and now i saw the last episode # 86 and i don't can wait to see the next episode.   I thank you guy's to take me with you on all your trips and adventures.  Thank you  Walter
Keith Sartori
Keith Sartori - 7 years ago
Looks amazing!
Peter Fehringer
Peter Fehringer - 7 years ago
One of your best videos, amazing!
Sailing S/V Teak Key Randy Fryling
Sailing S/V Teak Key Randy Fryling - 7 years ago
Happy to see you nice people so happy............S/V Teak Key
Frank Tadley
Frank Tadley - 7 years ago
Beautiful, simply beautiful!!!
David Gaddes
David Gaddes - 7 years ago
Great video guys,absolutely loved it.You really did the area justice with your great video,best ive seen yet for that area.Well done and as always I look forward to seeing many more of your vid's.
Safe travels.
From Down Under Australia
Mfanawemkosi Fakudze
Mfanawemkosi Fakudze - 7 years ago
I loved this episode. I have to rank it among the best you have produced. Your videography was exceptional. It capture the true mood of what you were feeling. The drone shots were breath-taking. The sea-level shots captured not only the beauty of the islands, the palm trees, the white white sand and the sea but also the wispy clouds, the stunning blue sky and the radiant sun. It's the kind of video that truly transports people to another world and a little slice of your own life, which is confirmed by your words of appreciation for one of the special gifts of life that you are getting to experience. I think back to those cold, grey days in Sweden during the winter months when you started out and all of the sailing challenges you have faced since then. It makes this episode of your life all the more breath-taking. Lucky you. Right now where I live it is -20C with a wind chill of -28C. Oh to be fortunate enough to hope on a plane, fly south and then get on a sailboat and sail away.
Andrew LaFleur
Andrew LaFleur - 7 years ago
The drone shots are amazing on this video and the Devil’s River video. I must know: what model type of drone are you using that gets such amazing range?
calmvt - 7 years ago
I love your videos!!
rossipop - 7 years ago
Just so cool and hugs from the UK ....
Mark Harrod
Mark Harrod - 7 years ago
Johan ~ You’re a whiz at fixing things, and a handsome fellow as well ... but Malin ~ what can I say? You were absolutely beaming with joy and happiness, and more beautiful than ever!
You two are very special people and your vlogs keep getting better and better, and your followers love you for it.
MrRJBooth - 7 years ago
Great video and a beautiful setting . You guys are so lucky to be out there . Muchas envious ;-)
John Nicolson
John Nicolson - 7 years ago
I think I just turned green.....Its freezing here in Scotland.
Tee Jay
Tee Jay - 7 years ago
Wow you guys... that is a beautiful spot! You've come so amazingly far from that first winter sail through the stormy north sea. At the time I remember thinking "these guys are crazy!" I don't think you're crazy anymore. Thanks for the great videos, you are both such lovely people.
Jim Richards
Jim Richards - 7 years ago
A Truly beautiful location
But you do know white sand is coral fish poo
?? Yes ??
But Loving this episode all the same it is very a beautiful spot you have found.
How was the neighbours ?
Kanan Al-Ghalib
Kanan Al-Ghalib - 7 years ago
super cool guys :-)
Sailing Baylana
Sailing Baylana - 7 years ago
So close you can even touch it! Beautiful.
thomas m. tordel jr.
thomas m. tordel jr. - 7 years ago
not easy to find the words! and the drone becomes "gods eye". makes it all so much to absorb!! thank you for sharing
Noelio Abrunhosa
Noelio Abrunhosa - 7 years ago
nice Video. i really enjoy your channel. could you post coordinates of these lovelly islands?
Chris Phinney
Chris Phinney - 7 years ago
You captured the best of San Blas! I would never want to leave that ancorage
Paul Wooster
Paul Wooster - 7 years ago
Beautiful. Also your love for each other is wonderful to see. Like has been said, your footage is becoming more professional every post.
MeJoho - 7 years ago
Great video! (:
Amy Faith
Amy Faith - 7 years ago
Water as lovely as St. John, VI, but the reefs up close? Wonderful! Thanks so much!
Horace Gardner
Horace Gardner - 7 years ago
This video made me smile. Well done!
Kevin Swanson
Kevin Swanson - 7 years ago
ya, must be proud bud, cruising around the world with a cute sexy little lady,and good people as well,cheers,
MJ Sailing
MJ Sailing - 7 years ago
Those aerial views of your anchorage are absolutely stunning! I can see why everyone describes the San Blas as some of the most beautiful cruising grounds in the world. And no scaring Malin with crocodiles!
mobiltec - 7 years ago
This place deserves more... I could have watched this one for an hour.
Magnus Hällegårdh
Magnus Hällegårdh - 7 years ago
Varför krokar ni på en lina på kättingen till ankaret?
RAN Sailing
RAN Sailing - 7 years ago
Hej Magnus! Det gör vi för att avlasta ankarspelet från ryck i kättingen. Det blir tystare i båten och spelet håller betydligt längre. Ha de!
CC Rocker
CC Rocker - 7 years ago
So cute at the end
SV Amandolin
SV Amandolin - 7 years ago
12:50. The redemption moment you realize why we do all the work and maintenance to sail our boats. I recognized that look and moment of bliss
Susan Hahn
Susan Hahn - 7 years ago
The video was excellent. You took this one to a higher level of excellence.The true emotion of joy you show is a pleasure to watch. As hard as it is to get these videos uploaded please know that there are many of us that really enjoy them. Thanks
Rajesh Shah
Rajesh Shah - 7 years ago
Both of you look so adorable may God bless you  whole life nice beach shot
Vince Greensill
Vince Greensill - 7 years ago
Sailing followtheboat
Sailing followtheboat - 7 years ago
[Liz] Hi guys, we're both in paradise on opposite sides of the world! San Blas has been on our list for a long time. One day... one day! Peace and fair winds to you lovely people ! Liz, Jamie and Millie. xxx
Sailing followtheboat
Sailing followtheboat - 7 years ago
RAN Sailing There were 6 boats in the whole Anambas group when we were there. And hundreds of anchorages! We saw no-one else for days at a time. You will absolutely love it if you come this way. 3° 14' 55.4496" 106° 26' 45.2394" Peace and fair winds! (Liz@ftb)
RAN Sailing
RAN Sailing - 7 years ago
Oh, we've sen how beautiful it is where you are! And there doesn't seem to be a lot of boats? All the best to you guys! Malin and Johan
SV Amandolin
SV Amandolin - 7 years ago
Ran and followtheboat two of my top 5 sailing blogs for sure.

100. comment for OMG Is This Real?! - Ep. 86 RAN Sailing

Peter Welinder
Peter Welinder - 7 years ago
Wow.  Så himla fint.  Man kan riktigt se hur ni njuter.  (Och det gör jag åxxo när jag tittar på filmen) Gissar att ni blir kvar där tills maten tar slut.   Drönarbilderna är helt underbara.
Richard Stubbs
Richard Stubbs - 7 years ago
Very very cool...
Ian Burne
Ian Burne - 7 years ago
Just beautiful (as always).
Yorghan - 7 years ago
This IS paradiese :o
And so uncrowded, so untouched! Amazing! I can barely imagine how hard it must have been to sail away from there!
And you two are just beautiful and lovely :)
sjackson99 - 7 years ago
Valden23 - 7 years ago
It's very nice to see you both so happy. Thank you.
TurbaFilm - 7 years ago
Shure, this is paradise!! And very cool shots from little Phantom again, indeed!
Rick Czainski
Rick Czainski - 7 years ago
what a great video. It also reminded me how beautiful RAN is. All the best you to.
Braavos - 7 years ago
A very beautiful video , and a very, very , beautiful place..... My thanks to both of you. , for letting me join you , through your Vlog.
Chewsy Pets
Chewsy Pets - 7 years ago
What a beautiful video, from the location to the loving energy between the two you. Wonderful, bravo! Thank you for sharing.
MidnightVisions - 7 years ago
The fridge is fixed, YEAH!
Mark Borgatta
Mark Borgatta - 7 years ago
Outstanding vid. What a special couple you are. The music was just perfect for these amazing shots of a true paradise. We’ve watched all your vids and this one so far is one of the best but that’s not to say that all your previous ones we too far off of perfect either. Perhaps it’s the way your embraces with each other and the love that you two share for each other emerged through the lens and into our hearts. Fair winds.
Mark & Carol, San Francisco, CA
SV North Wind
SV North Wind - 7 years ago
Great vid thanks for sharing
Gary Leonard
Gary Leonard - 7 years ago
Beautiful, amazing, awesome, no words can describe the baeuty
Austin Boil
Austin Boil - 7 years ago
Breathtakingly beautiful...the kind of place you dream about. Thank you so much for sharing.
Patrick Odell
Patrick Odell - 7 years ago
I love seeing your love for each other! Awesome!
onthebeaches1 - 7 years ago
Love the yoga and workout at the end! What a perfect place to workout. Great vid! THANKS! Ü
Klaus Bernegger
Klaus Bernegger - 7 years ago
One of your best videos, just beautiful.
More happiness to both of you
Trevor Ward
Trevor Ward - 7 years ago
Ruiloba Pato
Ruiloba Pato - 7 years ago
Les felicito, hermoso vidio.
dtonvista - 7 years ago
Just beautiful, thank you
Billy Duer
Billy Duer - 7 years ago
Great video
Cliff Craig
Cliff Craig - 7 years ago
Marsha Colton Johnson
Marsha Colton Johnson - 7 years ago
Oh my...stunningly gorgeous! Thank u for showing.
mick mccrohon
mick mccrohon - 7 years ago
Living the dream, thanks for sharing your journey with us.
Stan Highsmith
Stan Highsmith - 7 years ago
Awesome drone footage, as always your videos are great!
Skippy Lippy
Skippy Lippy - 7 years ago
I was mesmerized by the Drone photography of this beautiful place. Very nice video. Thank you so much for sharing.
Mike Elmore
Mike Elmore - 7 years ago
Great video I enjoyed the drone footage.very nice!
CDM M - 7 years ago
Kick ass RAN
Wilf Rennecke
Wilf Rennecke - 7 years ago
Latetrain detectorist
Latetrain detectorist - 7 years ago
Best video yet! Glad you guys finally found a slice of paradise! More to be seen: )
cliles ny
cliles ny - 7 years ago
Thank you RAN, how beautiful. Do you have the coordinates of your anchorage available? Cheers.
RAN Sailing
RAN Sailing - 7 years ago
Here's the coordinates: 9.30.10,2 N 78.36.18,5 W :)
Haynes Family
Haynes Family - 7 years ago
Beautiful spot. You showed it well down the lense. Just wondering do you both read and write English? Is it taught at school? Hope you are enjoying. See you next video.
TitusLivy777 - 7 years ago
Some of the most beautiful video I've ever seen. Simply exquisite.
Jon P. Flowerday
Jon P. Flowerday - 7 years ago
Wow!!!!! Wonderful...
Henry Reed
Henry Reed - 7 years ago
What a treat. Thanks for bringing us along!
Calle Wiktor Persson
Calle Wiktor Persson - 7 years ago
BegToDiffah - 7 years ago
Magical! Great combination of shots and perfect pacing! I'd say "enjoy" but I see you are :-)
Warren Fraser
Warren Fraser - 7 years ago
Great video, again. Gorgeous footage. Idyllic location. Very happy for you two, and quite envious. :-)
Jochen Ludewig
Jochen Ludewig - 7 years ago
Just how good can you guys get at video making???? This latest one is just simply amazing!! This San Blas place must be heaven on a pristine and natural. Well done once again to you intrepid travellers. I cant wait for the next instalment of your travels. Happy sailing.

Alles Gute
Machines and Things
Machines and Things - 7 years ago
WOW, just... WOW
Tom Paulsen
Tom Paulsen - 7 years ago
Awww, beautiful people in a beautiful location. That's one lucky man!
Robert Orzech
Robert Orzech - 7 years ago
Fantastic paradise !
mark graves
mark graves - 7 years ago
What a pretty place
B Brunson
B Brunson - 7 years ago
The islands are almost as beautiful as the couple. In an aside, the only thing as beautiful was raising my two daughters. God bless you.
Matt Plank
Matt Plank - 7 years ago
Amazing video. Question, where can I buy one of those fantastic RAN hats?
RAN Sailing
RAN Sailing - 7 years ago
Thank's a lot! We'll open a web shop soon :)
Batt Mann
Batt Mann - 7 years ago
Nice to see you having so much fun.
Vu & Yanling
Vu & Yanling - 7 years ago
Wow... the islands and beaches are stunning beautiful... I wish I could be there...
jb hann
jb hann - 7 years ago
Ok, at 18:14 I don't know why, but that's just super funny.
mike hollin
mike hollin - 7 years ago
wow I don't know what I could say that hasn't been said. Classy , beautiful, superb filming and editing . Its so clear on my t.v. , i just want to dive into the water. Thank you two so much, best wishes...
Bastien Koert
Bastien Koert - 7 years ago
Sure looks like paradise.
Daniel Greene
Daniel Greene - 7 years ago
As usual, your videos are great. I really like your choice of background music. Just the right volume too.
Tim Gribble
Tim Gribble - 7 years ago
sean mulligan
sean mulligan - 7 years ago
Lovely thatl do the mans shoulder a world of good
Sailing FreeStyle
Sailing FreeStyle - 7 years ago
Wow what an amazing place! Such an inspiration to keep working towards this goal!
Sailing Vessel Southern Lady
Sailing Vessel Southern Lady - 7 years ago
I agree.....very beautiful!
Bimshire - 7 years ago
On the list for me now as a must see!
amham48 - 7 years ago
The exquisite views were equally matched by your selection of music, just beautiful.
Thom Walker
Thom Walker - 7 years ago
What is the make and Model of your Sailboat?
RAN Sailing
RAN Sailing - 7 years ago
It's a Beason 40, a Swedish custom-built aluminum boat.
SAILING PAU HANA - 7 years ago
Loved it. It is now on our future “to visit list”. Thank you.
zzz - 7 years ago
Wow that was the place i dream about every night before i go to sleep.
Jay Boshuis
Jay Boshuis - 7 years ago
This video in particular made my Friday night so relaxed. Thank you.
Lorne Serpa
Lorne Serpa - 7 years ago
agaveman - 7 years ago
So lucky. So beautiful. The Stark white sand, bright green palms, blue water. Stirs your soul.
Richard Winn
Richard Winn - 7 years ago
Thank you for sharing a bit of paradise. Wonderful!
Frank - 7 years ago
great video-u guys are so fortunate! Enjoy every moment
Frederic Koning
Frederic Koning - 7 years ago
Amazing, just amazing....................thanks for sharing.
Susan King
Susan King - 7 years ago
beautiful ! Thank you!!!
will burk
will burk - 7 years ago
The music goes beautifully with the wonderful video. I hope there were no biting bugs on the island. If there was only one that would bite, it would find me. I am sure you will come across many more islands just as beautiful.
Hendrik van dok
Hendrik van dok - 7 years ago
Great Video.
Just as curiosity: what sort of depth are you anchored?
mikael ek
mikael ek - 7 years ago
Amazing video Malin and Johan! Malin you manage to get such a wonderful feeling of presence and calm in all your videos. Smooth and nice camera work and perfect music mix. No one would ever guess you were anything other that a professional videographer. Have a great time in the Stilla havet and fantastic you are going north after Hawaii. Ha det gott!!
RAN Sailing
RAN Sailing - 7 years ago
Tusen tack Mikael! :)
alphasxsignal - 7 years ago
Very nice drone video. Its a cool place.
snow dingo
snow dingo - 7 years ago
Paradise indeed and lovely to see that affection between you .Thanks for sharing.
Lars Holst
Lars Holst - 7 years ago
What an amazing video. So relaxed and so intriguing at the same time. Bravo!
Francois Georges
Francois Georges - 7 years ago
Magnificient! You two very fortunate. God bless
Pfsif - 7 years ago
Stunning drone work!!!
Chenega Bfree
Chenega Bfree - 7 years ago
Wow, wow ,wow ! You are so fortunate to do this. It’s a ball to follow your adventures with the hope of following in the next year or two. Enjoy, safe travels,
BfreeSV Fascination Old Lyme, CT
intrax2tv - 7 years ago
WAUW!!... and the drone shots... simply amazing !
coastal cruising
coastal cruising - 7 years ago
Stunning video   I wish you all the best
nichols worth
nichols worth - 7 years ago
The videography is amazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing!!!
BernieYohan - 7 years ago
Thank You!
Benny Bo
Benny Bo - 7 years ago
Without that headachemachine its no sound and dark. So?
Craig Perth AU
Craig Perth AU - 7 years ago
Lover`s Paradise , it showed on your faces lol . Was great to see the cuddle`s and kisses of two ppl in love . Well done thanks for sharing . take care , cheers
Keith Mann
Keith Mann - 7 years ago
You make the best videos out of all the sailing channels.
Bill Reitz
Bill Reitz - 7 years ago
Beautiful videos of very nice islands. The drone footage really adds to to overall look of the places. Hey Malin... how many bathing suits / bikinis do you own ??
Matthew Wells
Matthew Wells - 7 years ago
If you two set sail for exotic locales, you found it in Coco Banderas . . .
David Levelwind
David Levelwind - 7 years ago
Amazing! I'm at a loss for words.
alejandro lopez
alejandro lopez - 7 years ago
WOW!!!! of all the sailing channels none have shown the location you two are in amazing!!!!
Shaun Toomey
Shaun Toomey - 7 years ago
Awe struck. Live in the moment and location and keep sharing the adventure please.
Dave O
Dave O - 7 years ago
Amazingly beautiful!
Ed Rosenberger
Ed Rosenberger - 7 years ago
As this video shows.....Malin is perfectly delightful and loves Johan, which is fully understandable as he is a mans, man and a good husband. This was another beautiful episode filled with good feelings and my smiles.....loved it. The drone flying over those islands was a gorgeous sight and gave me an area perspective. Thank you both.....
Marty Backe
Marty Backe - 7 years ago
One of your most enjoyable, relaxing, being there, videos :-)
Simon Benson
Simon Benson - 7 years ago
Well you made a full grown man emotional and even shed a tear! Stunning, the word paradise doesn't do the place justice. Great video, great music. I wish I was there.....
Richard Mcdaniel
Richard Mcdaniel - 7 years ago
Jakfilm - 7 years ago
What an extraordinary place. Thanks for another great video.
Ronald De Joux
Ronald De Joux - 7 years ago
Can't get better than that, thank you.
James MacKinnon
James MacKinnon - 7 years ago
That would be very hard to leave there! Wonderful video!
Andrew Parks
Andrew Parks - 7 years ago
Truly a most beautiful place, enhanced by a beautiful and loving couple soaking it all in.
rchopp - 7 years ago
Beautiful and there weren't any crocodiles...
Sand Crab
Sand Crab - 7 years ago
Absolutely exquisite! Maybe the best cruiser post ever. Beautiful location, delightful couple , excellent editing and music score. Thank you.
Lazy Jacques
Lazy Jacques - 7 years ago
For a moment, I thought the big ketch in the aerials might be SV Joana, with Maria and Nike aboard, but I was mistaken. I can't believe you get all this beauty essentially to yourselves.
william smith
william smith - 7 years ago
Your best video yet
Dario Korincic
Dario Korincic - 7 years ago
Beautiful!! You guys raised the bar .... your best video so far!
Dave Williams
Dave Williams - 7 years ago
Absolutely lovely you guys are really living the dream x
Josef Piekarz
Josef Piekarz - 7 years ago
What a great spot. nice movie
Nemm Mjuuk
Nemm Mjuuk - 7 years ago
What a nice place. Thanks for sharing it with us :)
onlychevys Williams
onlychevys Williams - 7 years ago
WOW, what a beautiful place. Thank you so much for sharing!
Michael Myers
Michael Myers - 7 years ago
"OMG Is This Real?!" No, it was not real. You obviously stumbled in an advertising spot of the Caribbean. Be sure. :-)
uli lupp
uli lupp - 7 years ago
Your best episode so far!!! congratulation, You made it!
steamerAE - 7 years ago
Realy nice shots of a stunning location. Your videos getting better and better. I like it, thumps up. :)
fatb0tLP - 7 years ago
Those remote little islands are so incredibly beautiful. You guys are so lucky to get to see them. It looks like you really enjoyed your time there!
NOVA JAYD LIVE - 7 years ago
Wow - just stunning footage. I would stay there forever !!!!
Sa Bine
Sa Bine - 7 years ago
I am really speechless. I have never seen before such a amazing and beautiful place!!!
If possible I would give you 100 thumbs up.
Malin, you are my absolute favorite movie-maker. We love your videos very much.
Fair winds (-: 
Jonathan Neethling
Jonathan Neethling - 7 years ago
Such a genuine honest loving couple..
Tim Dake
Tim Dake - 7 years ago
Amazing shots. Could watch the aerial video for days.
SuperLaplander - 7 years ago
Sweet Swedish couple in paradise.
Great filmwork.
Much love from snowy Örnsköldsvik,Sweden
Mike T
Mike T - 7 years ago
duncan rothwell
duncan rothwell - 7 years ago
THE most wonderful enchanting film I’ve ever watched thank you
oceandrew - 7 years ago
You guys did a fabulous job showing how gorgeous the San Blas were and how you felt while there. Probably the best video on the San Blas since Nike first went there on SV Karl... what? 2 years ago? Gorgeous sea level footage, through the portlight views and drone views brilliantly blended together. It really lifted my heart. Thank you.
SV Tartaruga
SV Tartaruga - 7 years ago
Denise Miller
Denise Miller - 7 years ago
Beautiful location
Roger Harper
Roger Harper - 7 years ago
Sheila Sieber
Sheila Sieber - 7 years ago
You are right! It is beautiful!
arumrunner - 7 years ago
A big shout out to Highfield for that great dingy so you can explore so much more!!!

RIP Shabby
charles curtius
charles curtius - 7 years ago
have to tell you id much rather be with you here than with johan in the antartic :)
Terry Harms
Terry Harms - 7 years ago
I wish I was there as its -20 and snowing here, 20 to 30 cm coming down today/tonight,,
Thank you so much for sharing and great vid
Dan Whiteford
Dan Whiteford - 7 years ago
Absolutely splendid place to be - just beautiful.
Brent Cameron
Brent Cameron - 7 years ago
Johan was right...  the San Blas Islands are even better this week!  Wow.
Gary Jarvis
Gary Jarvis - 7 years ago
Spectacular!! Drone footage was unreal. You guys are at the top of your game!! Thanks.
Free Up Life
Free Up Life - 7 years ago
Simply Beautiful!:) Awesome place ... Johan, drone shots are amazing ;)
pate allan
pate allan - 7 years ago
best drone shots ever. very cool
Johannes Tejder
Johannes Tejder - 7 years ago
Was that open cpn on an iphone???
RAN Sailing
RAN Sailing - 7 years ago
Open CPN on an Android :)
Rob and Linda Myburgh
Rob and Linda Myburgh - 7 years ago
Yes that is the most beautiful place. Some fantastic drone footage. Hope to visit that little piece of paradise some day.
M1234 - 7 years ago
Best sailing couple out there... too sweet #CoupleGoals
Bruce Stewart
Bruce Stewart - 7 years ago
Thanks guys - a really special place. We will get there soon!
Knobbies Shreaded
Knobbies Shreaded - 7 years ago
Wow! Idyllic... oh, to be young and traveling the world on a sailboat. You are so lucky! I've had a few days like that in life. Need moar! Thanks for is good
Fredrik Wallinder
Fredrik Wallinder - 7 years ago
Rena drömmen.
David Sitler
David Sitler - 7 years ago
Very Nice !
Jan Petr
Jan Petr - 7 years ago
JCAJCA3 - 7 years ago
Video and drone footage was soooo beautiful. Excellent in every way! GOD bless. JC
Frank Rice
Frank Rice - 7 years ago
Dilithium Crystals
Dilithium Crystals - 7 years ago
I just finished the broken toe episode. OUCH! I hope those little islands are still there by the time I cast off. Thank you for another glimpse of the beautiful places that are still out there.
Bernard Coldwell
Bernard Coldwell - 7 years ago
Beautiful location very pleasing on the eye
JimJocrusin - 7 years ago
Thank you for spending the many hours uploading your latest videos.  This latest video was truly inspiring to us!  So glad to see that you have found so much beauty and have also escaped the bugs!  Hope to meet you out there sometime.  Jim and Joann
sawahtdeekrahp - 7 years ago
I rarely post comments on YouTube, but that was Post Card beautiful! Paradise! Keep making these great videos!
Med Sailing Cpl
Med Sailing Cpl - 7 years ago
Stunning location, enjoy :-)
Fred Fadungy
Fred Fadungy - 7 years ago
you poor things.. Hurry back to the city so you will be SAFE.. :-/
Jan Tunalv
Jan Tunalv - 7 years ago
It looks just a tiny bit better than Gothenburg, Sweden right now. -7 Celcius. I really love your videos and the stories you tell and the adventures you let us share. One question for Johan though; I think I noticed a Swedish ”snusdosa” an an early video. How does that work on a cruise like this?
RAN Sailing
RAN Sailing - 7 years ago
It's hard let me tell you :) Been out now since October -17 so I guess I should quit but we'll see :)
Chris Eggert
Chris Eggert - 7 years ago
Love the Yoga
Ton Fransen
Ton Fransen - 7 years ago
Chris Eggert fantastisch! Ton
Heel mooi
Frank Rice
Frank Rice - 7 years ago
GREAT JOB with the camera thank YOU for sharing
Rich Glenn
Rich Glenn - 7 years ago
Great drone footage.
ToastandJam52 - 7 years ago
Looks like you have found paradise!!!
LIX 59
LIX 59 - 7 years ago
Heck, let's make an offer on one of those islands.......
Paul Brochner
Paul Brochner - 7 years ago
I'm glad they're not for sale. If they were private, no one could enjoy them anymore. :(
Mr7valentine7 - 7 years ago
A wonderful video! Thanks for sharing. So happy for you!
Baxter2243 - 7 years ago
Hard to beleive there are places that beautiful .
Allan Haywood
Allan Haywood - 7 years ago
Are they eventually gonna cross the Panama canal or have they found paradise?
ekim andersom
ekim andersom - 7 years ago
Wow what a place.
Jeffrey Wood
Jeffrey Wood - 7 years ago
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing :)
runway heading
runway heading - 7 years ago
No crocodiles?
Mark Justice
Mark Justice - 7 years ago
Two thumbs way up! I really enjoyed the drone footage. You two are living the dream!
Peter Cole
Peter Cole - 7 years ago
Nice video. And I love the drone "footage". I couldn't help thinking... "I hope that all the party plastic doesn't end up in the ocean".
George Crouch
George Crouch - 7 years ago
the water is so clear and the islands are so pretty have fun stay safe
moz - 7 years ago
just had to pause the opening shot and take a screen grab for a new desktop background - mother nature looking totally stunning, thanks, as ever, to my favourite Swedes
Angelo Seghesio
Angelo Seghesio - 7 years ago
Thai video is a work of art, pure poetry! Think You so much, greetings from Italy
Todd Lowe
Todd Lowe - 7 years ago
Another great video, keep up the great work
Piers Bird
Piers Bird - 7 years ago
Absolutely lovely!
Anders Blomqvist
Anders Blomqvist - 7 years ago
Hi guys follow your journey. Friends of Anders and Katarina on Carpe Mare. Nice!
ZauberTocc - 7 years ago
thanks for sharing, what a wonderful environment and video also!
emile michel
emile michel - 7 years ago
Magnifique !!!! Bon vent à vous deux
Tolga Hasturk
Tolga Hasturk - 7 years ago
Looks amazing!
Gogs - 7 years ago
Yes that was definitely real, brilliant video, keep enjoying.
Ram-n_dodge - 7 years ago
you guys are so cute
Adam Paul
Adam Paul - 7 years ago
Best video work to date, thx, Adam.
Brian Hughes
Brian Hughes - 7 years ago
Wow. Great episode!
curacao11 - 7 years ago
nice video guys :-)
Александр Ваулин
Александр Ваулин - 7 years ago
paradise. :-D
Prankishsquire - 7 years ago
Wow! Thanks you guys!
Capitano Americo
Capitano Americo - 7 years ago
OMG, it's weekend and RAN has uploaded another fantastic video!
Judd _S
Judd _S - 7 years ago
Very beautiful anchorage. The peacefulness, the solitude very inviting. Thanks for sharing.
Mylon Ash
Mylon Ash - 7 years ago
A paradise for sure.  Thank you for sharing.
- Website:
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Chris Lee
Chris Lee - 7 years ago
Beautiful place!! For a second when you both were first on the beach. I was thinking it’s James Bond (Daniel Craig) and a famous Bond Girl. A Beautiful Bond girl running out of the ocean and onto the beach.. Then a shot of James Bond(Daniel Craig) stepping onto the beach. 9:25 -9:45
RAN Sailing
RAN Sailing - 7 years ago
roger 53
roger 53 - 7 years ago
Great vid guys thanks for sharing.
brettney72 - 7 years ago
Eddie S
Eddie S - 7 years ago
Wonderful place. What contrast to the snow I just took care of..
Maik M.
Maik M. - 7 years ago
Stunning drone shots! Thanks for sharing :)
Ian Griffiths
Ian Griffiths - 7 years ago
Feel privileged to share (from a desktop at least) your journey... v.special place. Let's hope we reverse the rising waters, and it's there in another 10yrs. Live life/love life! xx
Jason Semenow
Jason Semenow - 7 years ago
Truly Beautiful destination. I love your videos, so enjoyable to blank out everyday pressures and immerse myself in your life each week. Thank you both for having the best YouTube channel.
Catamaran Channel
Catamaran Channel - 7 years ago
Very nice place, reminds me of the seychelles.
Keep motoring :-)
mikeyc181 - 7 years ago
The drone footage was amazing guys !!!
James Wrate
James Wrate - 7 years ago
Love you guys!
Randi Cook
Randi Cook - 7 years ago
Wonderful video! Glad there are no crocodiles! Just beautiful!
Kevin Walker
Kevin Walker - 7 years ago
Hi Guys, Follow the boat have done a similar video lately. Lots of drone footage , Beautiful Islands etc.. But I'm going to say it. This Video is No1
You take the top position. Absolutely stunning filming and out of this world Drone footage. Is there Any top Sailing site that does these films better than you two. No there is not. Are you two quite possibly now the best at it. Very possible indeed. If there is anyone better, I have not come across them . Having the most subscribers does not mean that they produce the best films. You two have proved this.I know its just my opinion. Brilliant !
Sailing followtheboat
Sailing followtheboat - 7 years ago
[Liz] We get similar comments, I guess it's horses for courses. Aren't chocolate and chips both great? But I don't know if one is "better" than the other.
I'm glad there are so many diverse sailing channels, each with their own story to tell. And it's great to know that viewers are passionate about their favourites.
Peace and fair winds!
Kevin Walker
Kevin Walker - 7 years ago
Prankishsquire l see your point. But l am not rating them on who l like more or who is the best sailor. I'm purely going on the film quality and editing, regardless to who is my favourites
Don Johnston
Don Johnston - 7 years ago
Prankishsquire - 7 years ago
Having just watched Jamies wonderful Anambas videos. I took away two things. Paradise can be found in many places, several here in Utah even. Secondly when you talk about who's best, isn't it great nobody is really asking you to decide. I mean do you really like raspberries better than apricots? I like Ran and Delos because their experience is like my young wife and I might have had. I like barry Perrins because his life is like mine would be right now if I was there, Barry's my man! I love Liz and Jamie because had my wife not passed, She and I would be just like Jamie and Liz. OMG, I love UMA because Dan is so much like my 27-year-old son. I will always love Kika for taking me to Haiti, with her. I know it would not be the same by myself. On and On and on..... I think Johan might be the best sailor of all of them, but what do I know I'm a burger flipper?
Don Johnston
Don Johnston - 7 years ago
Paradise for sure ! Far better than -20C here in Ontario, Canada. Nice to have the anchorage and enjoy the little island beside RAN.
haanity - 7 years ago
You have taken the best footage of these islands that exists on Youtube. And you got it on a sunny day, in contrast to all the other videos that are cloudy (which made me wonder if it is ever sunny at Sun Blas). But you did it and got the perfect, sunny day, because you are "sunny" and kind couple. You are really good at the drone handling too! Regards from Greece!
Simon Finney
Simon Finney - 7 years ago
Great episode that needs the subtitle “so pretty”. Wonderful location, well filmed especially the drone footage.
David Mercer
David Mercer - 7 years ago
Simply Beautiful.
Mike Hale
Mike Hale - 7 years ago
Gorgeous beyond belief, great video ----- what's the water temp.?
RAN Sailing
RAN Sailing - 7 years ago
Thank you so much! It's around 30 Celcius :)
Nick A
Nick A - 7 years ago
I'm jealous.......minus 4 cels. / grey sky / dark at 4.30..... that's Gothenburg at the moment.
flo bel
flo bel - 7 years ago
SailingBritican - 7 years ago
Looks amazing! We're most likely heading that way next year and this video makes me even more excited :) Great video. Kim
RAN Sailing
RAN Sailing - 7 years ago
You'll have a great time for sure! Fair winds guys!
Craig Perth AU
Craig Perth AU - 7 years ago
Every Couple`s dream i think Kim . Would be nice place to chill out and enjoy life. Take Care xoxo
Jonathan Tithecott
Jonathan Tithecott - 7 years ago
Why don’t people put a thumbs up if they have watched this, it doesn’t cost them anything to thank you!!!!!!
Capitano Americo
Capitano Americo - 7 years ago
Wrong, first thumbs up and then watching! ;-)
JAMES EDWARDS - 7 years ago
I’d like to know more about your hydro generator

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About OMG Is This Real?! - Ep. 86 RAN Sailing

The "OMG Is This Real?! - Ep. 86 RAN Sailing" video is part of the Sealing, tipps, boating category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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