Offshore Sailing - 6 Days to Caribbean

This can be a VERY rough passage. We watch the weather and sail directly 6 days offshore from the Exumas to the Caribbean. We start in Staniel Cay in the Exuma Islands installing our new battery bank, then set sail for the Caribbean. This is often a tough offshore passage as the winds are predominantly on the nose. All 130 half hour episodes of the Distant Shores TV show are also available on DVD and download at:

Offshore Sailing - 6 Days to Caribbean sentiment_very_dissatisfied 37

Sailing 8 years ago 184,064 views

This can be a VERY rough passage. We watch the weather and sail directly 6 days offshore from the Exumas to the Caribbean. We start in Staniel Cay in the Exuma Islands installing our new battery bank, then set sail for the Caribbean. This is often a tough offshore passage as the winds are predominantly on the nose. All 130 half hour episodes of the Distant Shores TV show are also available on DVD and download at:

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Most popular comments
for Offshore Sailing - 6 Days to Caribbean

DrummerJacob - 5 years ago
Going from Bahamas to the Caribbean is like saying youre going to travel from Kenya to Africa.
Distant Shores TV
Distant Shores TV - 5 years ago
Most sources agree the Bahamas are in the Atlantic Ocean and not officially in the Caribbean Sea. We have always subscribed to that theory.
MrGentlebutfirm - 5 years ago
Your boat is new, and you are changing batteries already! Did you mistreat the original battery bank or did it just fail on you for no apparent reason?
Byron Rogowsky
Byron Rogowsky - 5 years ago
I am from Canada and love your story....right now new to sailing and sailing lakes in Ontario
Jim McCandless
Jim McCandless - 5 years ago
Robert Lee
Robert Lee - 5 years ago
So lucky to have those winds. Never happened for me!
runway heading
runway heading - 5 years ago
I’m currently on the second video of my Distant Shores binge! Although I’ve seen every video countless times, I still enjoy them! Fellow Canadians doing a fantastic job! Love you guys!!
Superb Media Content Creator
Superb Media Content Creator - 6 years ago
I would love seeing your 12-day provisioning list. I always get something out of the way others provision their vessels for lengthy passages.
Tim Stich
Tim Stich - 6 years ago
Man, that dinner outside on the deck looked so nice!
Tallshipdreamer - 6 years ago
is Sargasso seaweed edible?

10. comment for Offshore Sailing - 6 Days to Caribbean

Walther Budman
Walther Budman - 6 years ago
thanks for taking the time to explain concepts you present in good detail (i.e beam, etc)
Barbara Mcdonald
Barbara Mcdonald - 6 years ago
It was wonderful sailing with you hope I don’t miss any trips with you guys . Thanks for sharing .
Zeki - 6 years ago
Can you tell me if it would be possible while running downwind in heavy winds and seas, with an in mast furling system, to pull in the boom and furl the main sail? I know you should head up into wind but I'm thinking in heavy seas that might not be possible. so how would you reduce sail area?
Wayward Films
Wayward Films - 6 years ago
Hey Great informative show! I'm producing a video documenting the transport of a Pirate Ship "Devil's Gauntlet" from Stockton CA to Roatan Island. Any advice on camera angles, tips on timelapse, GoPros? Ever do any drone shots?
Pino Pino
Pino Pino - 6 years ago
I really enjoyed your video! Thank you....
James Marinelli
James Marinelli - 6 years ago
That soo cool to sail caribbean !
Claudia Peñuñuri
Claudia Peñuñuri - 6 years ago
Daniel Wampler
Daniel Wampler - 6 years ago
What is beam sailing?
Distant Shores TV
Distant Shores TV - 6 years ago
I mean sailing with the wind blowing on the side of the boat instead of from the front or back. Sailing with the wind on the beam is usually the fastest a sailboat will go.
The Stimpy
The Stimpy - 6 years ago
Can't wait for my chance to get a boat and sail the islands!
CHRIS198490 - 6 years ago
nice boat thinking of sailing in near future what boat you recommend for blue water under 100k and what size why you did not buy catamaran ? also why not aluminium boat ? GRP is weak when whale will hit you or you hit reef safety no 1

20. comment for Offshore Sailing - 6 Days to Caribbean

Kevin Walker
Kevin Walker - 7 years ago
Hi Guys, I follow The other big sailing Channels, And I'm gonna say it. You film much better than all of them, Even Delos. So really appreciate all the different camera views, setups. And the Narration is so profession, WOW. Can't wait for the new boat also. Brilliant stuff !
Joseph Johnston
Joseph Johnston - 7 years ago
You guys are a great resorce. Thank You.
Arda Yılmaz
Arda Yılmaz - 7 years ago
You deserve much more followers. I've been discovered the channel 3 days ago and I can't stop watching. Every part of it is awesome!
Distant Shores TV
Distant Shores TV - 7 years ago
Thanks Arda :-) Glad you're enjoying the videos!
Mick - 7 years ago
We spent New Years in SXM Dec 31, 2016 - Jan 1, 2017. Great Fire Works! Plus 3 days before and 5 days after in a new 3 level condo on Simpson Bay.
Sailing Channel Marinus
Sailing Channel Marinus - 7 years ago
I am changing course to the North, I hear the ice is still melting
Nigel Butlerr
Nigel Butlerr - 7 years ago
thanks  very nice  description,no swearing decentgood
99loki - 7 years ago
Does the weed ever pose a problem....fouling the rudder(s), for example?
bill hanna
bill hanna - 7 years ago
don't you just love it when the plan comes together ,Once had a sail from NZ to Tonga 6 days & didn't touch a sheet, auto all the way 15 to 25 just arft of the beam..enjoy. I used 'wind direct'
bill hanna
bill hanna - 7 years ago
had a brain freeze Predictwind not wind direct,rums getting to me .
Distant Shores TV
Distant Shores TV - 7 years ago
We've been using Predictwind and receiving the data for it while at sea using the IridiumGO - so we can get updates 2 days out and on longer ocean crossings... check out our blog on that here...
bill hanna
bill hanna - 7 years ago
Yes ,used it for some time , found them to be very accurate, still 2 days out your on your own so what ever comes , comes and ones just got to deal with it. The hardest sailing iv found is coastal deliveries , every thing can change so quick & of coarse you have those hard things called rocks ,Ocean sailing really is mush nicer , relaxed once you get into the rhythm of watches, cooking & reading. All ways been impressed with your yacht ,shallow draft, well protected cockpit & excellent workmanship . I'm afraid the price has all-ways kept me to Bennys & jenneaus witch are ok as long as you reef early, not pleasant banging to windward in 30 kts still we shouldn't be doing that at my age. Follow the wind, pleasant sailing.
Distant Shores TV
Distant Shores TV - 7 years ago
Sounds like a great passage Bill. I haven't heard of "wind direct". Is it a weather routing service?
GodIsAlive! - 7 years ago
Where are you from guys in Canada? and by the way your website doesn't work
Distant Shores TV
Distant Shores TV - 7 years ago
Yes we're in Canada now but flying to Southampton for the Boatshow next week! Sorry you had trouble with the website... it works from here ??
David Benore
David Benore - 7 years ago
What a ride

30. comment for Offshore Sailing - 6 Days to Caribbean

Ramiro Negrete
Ramiro Negrete - 7 years ago
Great vid. You and wife shows how enjoyable cruising can be; BTW, compliments to te cook!!!!!!!!!
Distant Shores TV
Distant Shores TV - 7 years ago
You're welcome Ramiro :-) Glad you enjoyed the video! The cook says hi!
dan the man
dan the man - 7 years ago
I envy you guys, you're living the good life.
Distant Shores TV
Distant Shores TV - 7 years ago
Thanks Dan we're trying! Welcome aboard!
Ricky Timms
Ricky Timms - 7 years ago
Once again, i find myself watching your videos AGAIN and AGAIN. I swear i have saltwater in my veins !!! You guys are all i hope to become one day. I LOVE you guys and everything you represent. Keep me in your prayers as i keep you in mine !!! ONE DAY !!!
Lex Raand
Lex Raand - 7 years ago
Beachcomber - 7 years ago
Another great video. Keep up the good work
Kapono Fujitani
Kapono Fujitani - 7 years ago
love your stuff brother!
From Hawaii!
Anthony Rivieccio
Anthony Rivieccio - 7 years ago
Paul & Sheryl, Just wanted to say this is the best video Ive see from you two. And Ive seen all of them and have all of your DVD's except Season 10. I loved all the details you showed in the short segment. Please keep up the great work. Best regards, Anthony
BE Home Texas
BE Home Texas - 7 years ago
Love your videos & your show! I always learn so much!
Ricky Timms
Ricky Timms - 7 years ago
Thats crazy ...I Love you life and your style of life...Im on my way. Who knows , maybe one day our paths will cross until then God speed !!!
Paul Hitchings
Paul Hitchings - 7 years ago
Is there a device a sailor can wear that will alert the crew should they fall off? The most scary part to me would be falling off while at the beginning of your watch and having the other crew member wake up 3 hours later to find an empty boat...
Rykehuss - 6 years ago
Yes there are several different types of Man Over Board alarm systems that work automatically, and are attached to the PFD. Also everyone with half a brain will tether themselves to the boat at night watches, and in stormy weather day and night.
Ryder Steves
Ryder Steves - 7 years ago
Absolutely LOVE your video series on YouTube! Really well done videos, great information and gorgeous scenery. You really put it all together really well.
Todd Michael
Todd Michael - 7 years ago
you guys just look so happy toogether. Enjoy!
Distant Shores TV
Distant Shores TV - 7 years ago
Thanks Todd! We are...
Harley McCorcle
Harley McCorcle - 7 years ago
I like it alot... Great video
Rodoandy Hernandez
Rodoandy Hernandez - 7 years ago
You guys should sail to Cuba, I did it and it was an awesome trip.
Miss O.P.
Miss O.P. - 7 years ago
the woman could get a job voice acting.
wailinburnin - 7 years ago
Congratulations on a perfect execution of riding a norther all the way to St Martin, of course, you did miss all the bars in Puerto Plata.
Distant Shores TV
Distant Shores TV - 7 years ago
Thanks Wailin! Yes when I saw it coming I thought we could make it all the way... we'll have to return to Puerto Plata another time :-)
Joséalse - 7 years ago
What a nice vid, the ship seems almost indestructible, I,m learning a lot of things with your vids, besides they are very entertaining, I don't know if my English gets any sense, but anyway thank you very much from Gijón, Asturias,Spain
Joséalse - 7 years ago
I am sure that you will love the northern coast of Spain, you can make fantastic navigations and see small beautiful ports like: Luarca, Cudillero, Foz, Ribadesella, Llanes, Ribadeo, etc., etc. I think you will like it very much, you will always be Welcome to Spain, I wish you the best and that you have good winds.
Greetings from Gijón,Asturias.

Abrir en el Traductor de Google
Distant Shores TV
Distant Shores TV - 7 years ago
Thanks Josealse ❤️ your english is much better than my Spanish - but we hope to practice when we sail to your area (North Spain) in a year or so!
cha53tafari - 7 years ago
This is quickly becoming my favorite sailing channel. Great vid.
Victor Vaz de Pinho
Victor Vaz de Pinho - 7 years ago
Thank you for sharing your passage.

Fair Winds and Following Seas...
Ed Moore
Ed Moore - 7 years ago
Nice video guys! I have to tell you the contagious nature of your show on AWE inspired Judi and I to purchase a Pearson 40 on Lake Texoma. We are going full circle. As newlyweds 41 years ago we lived on a small boat in Florida. Now the kids are grown and on their own, so we are like newlyweds again! We plan on trucking "Slithy Tove" to Florida soon, on to the Bahamas... and maybe beyond. Thank you again for the inspiration... for lighting the fire! I hope we cross paths someday!

50. comment for Offshore Sailing - 6 Days to Caribbean

The Paper Boat Project
The Paper Boat Project - 7 years ago
liked your video guys! hope to sail past you soon... Im starting out this season on a blue classic ketch I just bought and will be posting some videos of the journey soon!
Distant Shores TV
Distant Shores TV - 7 years ago
Glad you liked the video! It was a very fun offshore passage!! See you out there guys :-)
Richard Collins
Richard Collins - 7 years ago
Great video, thanks for sharing. How do you access the internet, I assume you need to be on sure to do that?
Distant Shores TV
Distant Shores TV - 7 years ago
We use Iridium Go for (slow) internet access for weather and email while offshore
Ted Hernandez
Ted Hernandez - 8 years ago
Fantastic video! Thank you Distant shores TV. I'm retired now still at the young age of 66. In good shape too. Was thinking of sailing the Caribe as my first venture to those southern shores. Hopefully I can get over the idea of seasickness. Did the Hudson canyon on a fishing trip twice, way back. Not a happy camper. Most of the crew were sick.(Partying the night before) No wonder. However I stayed aboard the boat and watched TV. Hence yours truly was the proverbial "Capt. Bligh". Tho we had a ball out there. Power boating is ok. However I'm told that sailing is quite the experience. I hope to try it some day soon. Thanks again for this wonderful vid.
Funstar Tv
Funstar Tv - 8 years ago
Visit the Caribbean island of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
Zeeadster TV
Zeeadster TV - 8 years ago
i watched already every single video on the channel. and i repeated many of them. let me say you are both amazing . i love your style and everything you do. thank you very much
Ian H
Ian H - 8 years ago
Great video Paul and Sheryl I love your books and video series and have been a fan for many many years now. I noticed you didn't release the clutch when you were sheeting in the genoa is it designed that way? I put on Ronstan, but I had to release them in order to winch. What make do you use?
Regards, Ian
Distant Shores TV
Distant Shores TV - 8 years ago
Ours are Spinlock. they can be left closed while winching... Glad you liked the video :-)
Jennifer Adamek
Jennifer Adamek - 8 years ago
Hi guys, nice video and I have to say you guys are well one of the originals and THE BEST!! When did you guys get another boat and what kind if you dont mind me asking? I love the videos!! Happy Sails and Safe Winds!!
Distant Shores TV
Distant Shores TV - 8 years ago
Hi Jennifer, Soon I'll post more details on DSIII :-)
The Haber looks interesting - sort of like a Fisher but with the addition of centreboard and dropping mast!!! Would be amazing in the Med with access to the canals ... we made a lot of programs on the Med back in our early Seasons 1-5 with our first boat. DVDs and downloads available here
Some of the early Southerlies were somewhat similar to the Haber like the Southerly 105 or 115 (37 ft).
It depends on what your planned cruising grounds are ... from Long island sound you can enjoy sailing down to the Bahamas by the excellent ICW :-)
Jennifer Adamek
Jennifer Adamek - 8 years ago
Good Morning guys, is DSIII a Southerly? Me and my boyfriend are getting into the cruising seen as well, we are looking for a pilothouse, we were looking at the Haber Pilothouse 34C4, they just like DSII has a lifting keel, and that is something that we are really interested in, where we can beach the boat in the sands. I am affraid I have to say with the bulb keels.. I do have to say the Southerly's are actually very nice as well. My boyfriend was thinking of a cat, but as you mentioned in the link added about the new boat talking about your hypothesis about the cats, yes I feel two motors and in heavy seas I feel the size cat he wants is not that great.. I think a single engine and monohull is excellent for traveling up and down the Atlantic and across the pond. But I have to say the Med and the canals is where we want to go in 2017, and possibly the Great Loop next year as well. Just a thought, have you guys ever thought or maybe do you have plans on going westward like Pacific Ocean way in the distant future? Like I said you guys are THE ORIGINALS!! LOVE YOU TWO!! And besides even though I live in Long Island Sound and and hour from the Hudson (near Poughkeepsie, NY as well) ocean or river I Love boating and you guys just offer more of the "GET TO KNOW BOATING" scene, and you make it very informative where others well it's just recording vlogs which is ok too.. Where can I purchase your DVD's?? Thank You again for getting back to me.. Happy Sailing and Safe Winds guys!! Take care and have a great day!
Distant Shores TV
Distant Shores TV - 8 years ago
Hi Jennifer , glad you enjoy our videos! We're working on our fourth boat now... here's the current page on her...
Lauri Trites
Lauri Trites - 8 years ago
Love your videos!
Dennis B
Dennis B - 8 years ago
Nice Video. Really enjoy how you produce your videos - well done !!
karlos109 - 8 years ago
Excellent video! It's wonderful that you're sharing all of the details of offshore passages. Question, does the boat's motion and constant heeling make it difficult to rest?
Capt Eric Bergeron
Capt Eric Bergeron - 8 years ago
Awesome episode mates, thumbs up from Sint Maarten.
Distant Shores TV
Distant Shores TV - 8 years ago
Thanks Eric!
spicer41282 - 8 years ago
Hi! Can you tell us the software you're using to determine wind/weather direction? Thanks! Like your videos :-)
Distant Shores TV
Distant Shores TV - 8 years ago
dj Jeff cee
dj Jeff cee - 8 years ago
Always a nice footage great quality and sound
Distant Shores TV
Distant Shores TV - 8 years ago
Thanks DJ Jeff! we work hard on these vids and its nice to hear good feedback :-)
Gary Leonard
Gary Leonard - 8 years ago
Thanks, will check it out
Gary Leonard
Gary Leonard - 8 years ago
What a great video. Do you have all your videos on DVD ?.
Distant Shores TV
Distant Shores TV - 8 years ago
Thanks Gary, yes our videos are all on DVD :-)
Robert Kowalski
Robert Kowalski - 8 years ago
Hi guys hope you made it okay. Look I don't mean to be rude or mean but do you have much sailing experience? It's just I'm about 5.5 minutes into this video saw your knot and wind displays then the shot of your trim was there a time, and wind change? If not might I suggest watching some videos on reaching and sail trim.
Distant Shores TV
Distant Shores TV - 8 years ago
Thanks for your comments. We have over 100,000 sea miles and 7 Atlantic crossings over 28 years voyaging. Perhaps you got confused with the editing of the film, it is difficult to document the procedure while also sailing just 2-handed.
Buena Vista
Buena Vista - 8 years ago
Roszain Claassen
Roszain Claassen - 8 years ago
What food is concerned, do you's also take a very good measure of frozen pre-cooked meals with? And how about an onboard desalinationer [hope I spelled that correct] instead of tanking up on fresh water every time at a stop?

Thanks for the upload :)
Roszain Claassen
Roszain Claassen - 8 years ago
Thank you! Warm South African regards :)
Distant Shores TV
Distant Shores TV - 8 years ago
We do bring our trash ashore at our destination. We have very rarely had a problem with this. Cheers
Roszain Claassen
Roszain Claassen - 8 years ago
Thank you for such an informative website! :) One last thing...what do you guys do with your garbage/rubbish after a sailing trip? Surely not all small ports favour the idea of every ship docking there dump their trash there also?
Distant Shores TV
Distant Shores TV - 8 years ago
Glad you enjoyed it Roszain! We do take frozen food but do not depend on it in case the freezer failed. Here is our webpage on Provisioning

Distant Shores II carries 545 litres of water so we didn't install a desalinator, but we will have one on the next boat!
BASS & GRASS - 8 years ago
Sometimes I like to go sailing.. I put a fan on my toilet set in the tub turn the shower on....I grab the curtain and away I go.. i'm not bragging or anything but I've had some pretty crazy adventures
Distant Shores TV
Distant Shores TV - 8 years ago
:-) They say sailing is like standing in a cold shower while tearing up $100 bills...
Greg Currie
Greg Currie - 8 years ago
NIce video. She is a beautiful boat and that was the perfect passage.
Distant Shores TV
Distant Shores TV - 8 years ago
Thanks Greg! It was an amazing sail!
be pacman
be pacman - 8 years ago
Awsome video!! Do you plan to visit Panama??
Distant Shores TV
Distant Shores TV - 8 years ago
We do plan to sail there. We already filmed on a friends boat visiting San Blas! Amazing!!!
evanofelipe - 8 years ago
An enjoyable video - thanks, with some interesting shots across a beautiful sea. I also liked the commentaries alternating from both of you, it contributes towards a more collaborative theme. The boat looks truly fantastic. Good luck
Distant Shores TV
Distant Shores TV - 8 years ago
Glad you enjoyed it Evano! We work hard to get good shots and make the videos at a high level!
mike womack
mike womack - 8 years ago
Nice  .......  ;~D>>  .........  Rrrrrrrrr
Ed Rosenberger
Ed Rosenberger - 8 years ago
Thank you for another enjoyable and informative video.....
Neobiusss - 8 years ago
Great video! Thank you! Will you meet Rick Moor on Sophisticated lady on st.martin?
Andy's East Coast Adventures
Andy's East Coast Adventures - 8 years ago
I see southerly have gone into administration again. Such a shame as the boats fantastic and are one of my favourite offshore cruising boat.
Distant Shores TV
Distant Shores TV - 8 years ago
yes indeed was a shame to see them stop building boats :-( our favourite offshore/exploring boat too. They're still running the yard doing repairs
S/V Expectations
S/V Expectations - 8 years ago
Great video.Will you be at the Toronto Boat Show this year?  Would like to talk with you on the weather software and other weather technologies that you may know of.  Hope to see you there.
Distant Shores TV
Distant Shores TV - 8 years ago
Glad you liked it! Yes we're at the Toronto Show both weekends (plus the middle monday and Friday I think)
formerly 987946216430
formerly 987946216430 - 8 years ago
awesome episode :)
Distant Shores TV
Distant Shores TV - 8 years ago
Thanks Formerly :-)
Steve Hall
Steve Hall - 8 years ago
I missed watching you guys on TV in your old boat. Very Happy to see you once again......... Happy travels
Distant Shores TV
Distant Shores TV - 8 years ago
Thanks Steve! We post on youtube regularly so please subscribe here :-)
Patrick Hobin
Patrick Hobin - 8 years ago
How do you determine how much food/provisions to take? Is it a formal process or X pounds of meat per day?
Distant Shores TV
Distant Shores TV - 8 years ago
Its a process involving your crews needs Patrick ... Sheryl has done some articles on it including this one on figuring out your own requirements...
Silent Joy
Silent Joy - 8 years ago
Great video...I commend you for being professional and exemplary. Example: wearing your lifevest while on a passage. Too many youtubers (and very popular ones) do not that! Thumbs up guys!
NavigoDenmark - 5 years ago
@Spearfast You have got to work with your envy issues. Good luck.
Spearfast - 5 years ago
@MrGentlebutfirm ha hes an old fart, married his teenage bride he swindled onto the high seas, the mustache says it all, dodgy
MrGentlebutfirm - 5 years ago
@Spearfast Better to stay here then. The best place for the old farts. Its all good.
Spearfast - 5 years ago
La Vagabonde, more like la vagablonde. Cant blame them, never sailed before, are both from small town inland Aus. But to be making $20k a week it makes me sick sometimes seeing some of the cowboy crap they do.
Martin Lowry
Martin Lowry - 7 years ago
Watrworld y
S/V Expectations
S/V Expectations - 8 years ago
We have a rule on long crossings.  You don't leave the safety of the cockpit unless someone else is in the cocpit.  You are always tethered at night, regardless of the weather conditions.
Distant Shores TV
Distant Shores TV - 8 years ago
Glad you enjoyed the video Watrworld! We do feel safer wearing our PFDs especially since they are quite small and light and also have an integrated harness point.
Pajo Gazibara
Pajo Gazibara - 8 years ago
What software are you testing? I imagine you need your boat's polar and it overlays it with the gribs coming in to calculate the best course?
Distant Shores TV
Distant Shores TV - 8 years ago
Its called Weather4D plus iPolar to put the boats polars in...

I also reviewed Predictwind which is a very comprehensive software here ...
Matt McDonald
Matt McDonald - 8 years ago
what is the model and size of this boat? thanks
Distant Shores TV
Distant Shores TV - 8 years ago
Southerly 49 - here's our page on it...
Ammar Alwosifer
Ammar Alwosifer - 8 years ago
As usual thanks for your great vid,
I really enjoyed every second of it.
Henrique - 8 years ago
Love your vídeos
shaunp4trick - 8 years ago
epic! I do website development + marketing + logos and multimedia content creation. let me know if you guys ever need anything! thanks
zrRyan2 - 8 years ago
What is the Name of the route planning software at 2:25 ???
Does it load grib files from the internet fairly easy ???
zrRyan2 - 8 years ago
@Distant Shores TV THANKS !
Jim Monroe
Jim Monroe - 8 years ago
This is my favorite type of video you do. Not so much with the tours and festivals . . . other programs are there for that. But thanks for sharing. Love watching and learning.
Distant Shores TV
Distant Shores TV - 8 years ago
Its called Weather4D...

I did not use it over satellite as we didn't have one then.

I also reviewed Predictwind which we used over IridiumGO
Comprehensive review here ...
Doug !
Doug ! - 8 years ago
Looks like "weather 4d software"
Jessica and Ryan Adventures
Jessica and Ryan Adventures - 8 years ago
Good video. Thumbs up!
Rod Moyes
Rod Moyes - 8 years ago
Very enjoyable and informative.
Erik Patton
Erik Patton - 8 years ago
Wonderful as always. Love the vicarious escape!
Abby Adams
Abby Adams - 8 years ago
Do you still have your TV show? My family loves it!
John Luu
John Luu - 8 years ago
I didn't know you guys are from Toronto! What yacht club are you with?
Distant Shores TV
Distant Shores TV - 8 years ago
Port Credit PCYC in Mississauga :-)
John Adams
John Adams - 8 years ago
very nice video and good info. thanks
Nick McRae
Nick McRae - 8 years ago
what is that wing under water called?
o0bananaman0o - 8 years ago
wings under water are called foils, they increase the righting moment to leeward of the centre of lateral resistance. DSS made foils for the 100 foot supermaxi Wild Oats XI and some of the vendee globe IMOCA 60s use proprietary foil technology to achieve boat speed in excess of 30knts
Wilfred Darr
Wilfred Darr - 8 years ago
zrRyan2 Thanks I would have said wing keel because of how it looked on the wide angle lens on the camera, it looks like it would be, but after reading your comment, and looking again, you are absolutely right!
zrRyan2 - 8 years ago
All Southerly yachts have twin rudders, which are set a long way off centre and canted outwards about 15 degrees or so... what you are seeing is one of these rudders, viewed from the top, peering down into the water.
Horace Hogsnort
Horace Hogsnort - 8 years ago
Water wings.
Patrick Patterson
Patrick Patterson - 8 years ago
Great video! i just saw you Boat on another youtube channel. They actually pointed your boat out on the hard in St Martin.
Mark Pitchford
Mark Pitchford - 8 years ago
No fishing?
Shahriar jangin شهریار جنگین
Shahriar jangin شهریار جنگین - 8 years ago
Hi happy new year to you both I had a question I was wondering how tall is your mast?
Distant Shores TV
Distant Shores TV - 8 years ago
From the water she stands 67 feet tall... happy new year to you as well!
realulli - 8 years ago
You might want to look for a channel named "steveo1kinevo" here on YouTube. The guy flies for Watermaker (and another company) and has a rather neat vlog...
Kia E. Gardner
Kia E. Gardner - 8 years ago
Loved this video! I also own it on Vimeo but I just LOVE watching Distant Shores. When will you be back out sailing on the new boat? Also, will we be able to purchase new videos from the new boat? Thanks again for the wonderful content. Peace and fair winds
Distant Shores TV
Distant Shores TV - 8 years ago
Thanks for your support on Vimeo Kia! Much appreciated!
Yes we will continue making videos with the new Distant Shores III!
ErezO - 8 years ago
very nice boat and a great episode. ty. happy new year

100. comment for Offshore Sailing - 6 Days to Caribbean

Mar a Mar
Mar a Mar - 8 years ago
Como siempre nos tienes acostumbrados a un alto nivel de video, edición y narración, los felicito siempre. Rudy.
Distant Shores TV
Distant Shores TV - 8 years ago
Muchas gracias amigo Rudy!

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About Offshore Sailing - 6 Days to Caribbean

The "Offshore Sailing - 6 Days to Caribbean" video is part of the Sealing, tipps, boating category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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