Old Rusty & Jumping The Gypsy - Replacing Our Anchor Chain (Sailing Curiosity)

This is NOT a How To, it's a How-We-Did-It :) Replacing our anchor chain. Join our crew on Patreon and become a BIGGER part of the adventure: http://bit.ly/patreon-wynn Get all the Details of our trip here: https://gonewiththewynns.com/replacing-anchor-chain Subscribe and Keep in touch: https://gonewiththewynns.com/join-us We were having some chain jumping issues that we couldn't sort out. We thought it was the windlass, the gypsy, user error, who knows! Turns out it might be our chain. In true Wynns fashion we figured "well, we gotta do the dirty work so we might as well share the experience." Grab your work gloves, put on your overalls and hit that play button. Love from all of us here aboard s/v Curiosity, - Jason, Nikki, Cleo and Singa Enjoy our vids? Want to give us a virtual high-five? Treat us to an espresso? Or pitch in on a tank of fuel? Click over to our Tip Jar and see how (most of the ways won’t cost you a dime): https://gonewiththewynns.com/tip-jar What are we filming with??? Get our Up-To-Date camera, accessories, computers & editing gear list, along with our reviews & opinions on our site here: https://gonewiththewynns.com/camera-gear-review-2017 Music: Ikson https://soundcloud.com/ikson https://www.patreon.com/ikson If you wanna get social with us we're all over the place, hop in and join the adventure here: https://gonewiththewynns.com/join-us © Gone With the Wynns 2017

Old Rusty & Jumping The Gypsy - Replacing Our Anchor Chain (Sailing Curiosity) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 69

Sailing 7 years ago 58,611 views

This is NOT a How To, it's a How-We-Did-It :) Replacing our anchor chain. Join our crew on Patreon and become a BIGGER part of the adventure: http://bit.ly/patreon-wynn Get all the Details of our trip here: https://gonewiththewynns.com/replacing-anchor-chain Subscribe and Keep in touch: https://gonewiththewynns.com/join-us We were having some chain jumping issues that we couldn't sort out. We thought it was the windlass, the gypsy, user error, who knows! Turns out it might be our chain. In true Wynns fashion we figured "well, we gotta do the dirty work so we might as well share the experience." Grab your work gloves, put on your overalls and hit that play button. Love from all of us here aboard s/v Curiosity, - Jason, Nikki, Cleo and Singa Enjoy our vids? Want to give us a virtual high-five? Treat us to an espresso? Or pitch in on a tank of fuel? Click over to our Tip Jar and see how (most of the ways won’t cost you a dime): https://gonewiththewynns.com/tip-jar What are we filming with??? Get our Up-To-Date camera, accessories, computers & editing gear list, along with our reviews & opinions on our site here: https://gonewiththewynns.com/camera-gear-review-2017 Music: Ikson https://soundcloud.com/ikson https://www.patreon.com/ikson If you wanna get social with us we're all over the place, hop in and join the adventure here: https://gonewiththewynns.com/join-us © Gone With the Wynns 2017

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Most popular comments
for Old Rusty & Jumping The Gypsy - Replacing Our Anchor Chain (Sailing Curiosity)

Jim Deatsch
Jim Deatsch - 7 years ago
Uh, Jason? EVERY PLACE is cheaper than West Marine.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
Haha, so true.
IOXAN PHENOMENON - 7 years ago
Sweet Stuff
I like how you guys always state the numbers clearly!
Be Blessed and Have Fun
Robert Jones
Robert Jones - 7 years ago
Exact same thing happened on a Leopard 47 we were on. It wasn't that the chain stretched, but that its diameter decreased from rust and corrosion not allowing it to fit tightly in the wheel madohicky. New chain fixed the problem beautifully. Expensive but worth it on ground tackle.
Kevin Patrick
Kevin Patrick - 7 years ago
yes, the chain is the issue. as it gets older the link connections start to wear, making the chain stretch at the connection points. That is why it jumps. So, a new chain is in order. make sure your get the best chain. I could tell just by looking at the chain.
Gordon McLellan
Gordon McLellan - 7 years ago
Did you put a cotter pin or wire in the shackle on the other end?
Mark Patty
Mark Patty - 7 years ago
By the way Jason, just to keep you out of trouble and out of the doghouse (not sure where that would be on a boat) in the future... Your wife (Nikki) is always supposed to be the best looking thing on the boat... Not the chain. :) I've been married long enough Never to make that mistake. Great video guys. Good luck on the crossing.
Happybidr - 7 years ago
I loved the segment with Jason and the Curiosity Dancers.
Hoyt Lyons
Hoyt Lyons - 7 years ago
You’ve been sailing long enough to learn how to splice. Just saying
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
Splicing a line this large is not as simple as an 8mm spectra line
buffettfanman - 7 years ago
You should NOT use that shackle on your rope to chain if you are running it through your windless.

What type of chain do I need? (I am using a windlass)
broken windlass Thinking about using a shackle with your windlass? Don't do it!

Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
It was just temporary to get the chain on the boat...like I said in the vid.

10. comment for Old Rusty & Jumping The Gypsy - Replacing Our Anchor Chain (Sailing Curiosity)

Sasquatch - 7 years ago
Just a suggestion - when you are removing lockwire just cut one side close to the pass through and the remainder slides right out - no need to try and pull or thread the whole length - saves time and skin punctures :-)
bethells86 - 7 years ago
dah alright :) Can tell a mile away that chain links dont have a lot left in them, and fact it sticks together means galv. is gone. Sell it to metal recyclers and get some new chain. Wash with fresh water often and leave anchor well open often so dries out.
YouTubeSurfer - 7 years ago
“THE MAN” fixes everything! You the man!
Hugh Caldwell
Hugh Caldwell - 7 years ago
Did you safety wire the chain to the line (rode). It would suck if came apart there and all your new chain went to the bottom.
William Wegmann
William Wegmann - 7 years ago
Putting the new chain on top of the old chain’s rust debris is going to shorten the life of the new chain.
Mr7valentine7 - 7 years ago
Good work! Mine jumps as well. Should cope with it too :)
Ian McAllister
Ian McAllister - 7 years ago
Learn to splice your own ropes. start with a 3 ply rope and move up from there. once you have done it 2 or 3 times it becomes easy. there a few you tube videos out there. A spliced rope is a very strong, a rope with a knot is about a 1/3rd as strong.
Put some wire on that shackle pin and pvc tape. Hate to lose 250' of new chain because the shackle fell off.
Love your videos, fun and entertaining. Always look forward to the next one.
Gleaning The Scriptures
Gleaning The Scriptures - 7 years ago
Hey Jason: you`re awesome.
californiakayaker N6GRG
californiakayaker N6GRG - 7 years ago
I just picked up some stainless steel plate for something I'm building ! WOW it was expensive, imaging how much stainless chain would cost ! If it exists ? Have you measured you voltages ? The steel will disappear and end up on Bronze (propeller for instance) if you do not have your correct amount of Zinc Anodes. Found out with research you can have not enough or to many ! See my sailing technology playlist for several videos on many types of corrosion , including that caused by shore power. I'm no expert yet, but sure seems like its going fast ! Saw a broken pair of cutters at a "harbor freight" and they were obviously pot metal ! Have seen a video where a bolt cutter saved the boat ! another boat got hooked to its anchor chain and was dragging it . Actually, the galvanizing zinc is gone first, then the chain goes even faster. Wonder if people ever re-galvanize chains ?
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
You can re-galvanize but our chain was pretty far gone for that. And yes you can get stainless chain but holy moly!
Lawrence D
Lawrence D - 7 years ago
Wishing you great success on having fixed this problem, but here's what would have been my neophyte (newbie, know nothing) questions first -
Maybe it was that the Gypsy (guessing that's the slotted/cogged wheel thing on the windlass) gaps/slots are worn down at the edge where it would most keenly interface/grab the chain links when it's pulling it up? No?  aka: Worn down gypsy? (probably doesn't need to be super obviously worn down to still fail?)
Or, I have heard that chains stretch and if that's the case, maybe the stretched chain links no longer fit the Gypsy's slots as nicely as they need to? (this could also cause the gypsy to wear down quicker?)
Honestly, I have no clue for sure, but if even the new chain begins to jump the gypsy once the chain starts to get dirty (less friction), maybe those are some new possibilities on this issue to entertain.
Save Travels, Love you guys! <3

20. comment for Old Rusty & Jumping The Gypsy - Replacing Our Anchor Chain (Sailing Curiosity)

Mike Ferguson
Mike Ferguson - 7 years ago
Jason it’s not the outside that one should worry about on the wear ! The sides wear marginally. Have a look at the ends where the chain links touch the next link (on the insides). This is where the main wear of a chain is taking place. I have seen 16 mm chain where these ends are 6mm. This is also why it jumps the gypsy as the links are “longer” catching the separation part on the gypsy. Replaced mine the other day with a 80meter length as well. Mine was starting to jump a little but the dirty rust all over the anchor well was more irritating
Keepingittocool - 7 years ago
Looks good from my house. lol
Hugh Burton
Hugh Burton - 7 years ago
Hi Jason and Nikki. I hope I don't bore you with technicalities here but the reason your chain was jumping may be explained as follows. It is not the thickness of the link (sort of) but the wear at the rubbing points of each link with its neighbour. This creates an increase in the link length (distance between link centres) from the standard. When the worn lengthened chain runs over the capstan the links do not quite fit in the capstan channel due to the increased link length and a small lump or loop or standing wave appears across the few links nested on the capstan. At some stage when the wear is too great the standing wave becomes large enough to dislodge the chain from the capstan. Hope that explains it. PS: Cheers and keep up the fantastic videos. Your the best on the net.
Patty Sternjacob
Patty Sternjacob - 7 years ago
Can’t wait to see the crossing. We did it on our cruise in December. I’m sure it will be better from Curiosity. Smooth ⛵️ sailing.
Ag TITAN - 7 years ago
Has anyone been red pilled here yet?
gmoorman73 - 7 years ago
Also take a good look at the "sprocket" portion of the gypsy. That part that the chain wraps around. In the video, it looks worn also.
Tim Allen
Tim Allen - 7 years ago
Hi Guys!  I'm Ex Navy and you needed to get some one to redo the rope on the chain!    NO YOU DONT!   That's one you can do yourself!  Infact, when you started this you did some of that in your studies!   Easy! Look it up on line and you'll find it! Let me know how it turns out!
David Baxter
David Baxter - 7 years ago
Crazy boat dancers in the background are funny!
gmoorman73 - 7 years ago
Although I am not a sailor, chain is chain. You were inspecting the diameter of the chain link (9.36mm). The bigger issue was the wear at the point where the links rub each other. That loss was allowing the chain to "grow" which did not keep the links aligned properly in the gypsy. Look at the video where you show the chain laying in the gypsy (0:53). At the same time, your chain was getting "longer" and weaker. The new chain, without wear at the end of each link, will be held much more securely in the gypsy. I have seen the same wear and slipping action with roller chain on a variety of machinery.
SkyLord - 7 years ago
1:42 got some legends back there

30. comment for Old Rusty & Jumping The Gypsy - Replacing Our Anchor Chain (Sailing Curiosity)

Tori Beaver
Tori Beaver - 7 years ago
Having operated a company that replaces all sizes of chain for moorings, we found that there is more than rust that will thin the links. Electrolysis also eats away at chain, especially after the galvanized layer is gone. Your friends gave you a great clue, and very funny as well! Loved the clowning in the background!
Wind Or Knot
Wind Or Knot - 7 years ago
Hi Jason enjoy your videos! Did you at least sell your old chain the marina or barter for slip space? Fair winds.........
callum duncan
callum duncan - 7 years ago
hey you just press the button on the caliper and it will change from metric to imperial ( inches) . We have the technology !!! you should buy a caliper and keep it aboard .so that the correct diameter hose can be ordered etc etc a very handy tool love the adventure
Eli Schultes
Eli Schultes - 7 years ago
The chain wore out and “stretched”. The length of 10 links are now longer so the vertical links of the chain when nestled in the windless pop it out.
Justin Stanley
Justin Stanley - 7 years ago
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
+Justin Stanley Thanks for the well-wishes. We saw that and it's horrible. Hope they're back sailing toward their dreams soon.
Wild West Unlimited
Wild West Unlimited - 7 years ago
OK so..... I hate to correct you on one thing, but I feel I gotta, and I'm sure you'll understand.... 3:08 .... Nope, it's still Nikki... :-)
Idaho Rider
Idaho Rider - 7 years ago
Good job. Nothing about a Boat is inexpensive is it? Stay well & happy.
Paul Beebe
Paul Beebe - 7 years ago
Good man!!!!! Always tie off big heavy stuff that might have the possibility of heading to the bottom...
Stormtrooper - 7 years ago
i see people jumping around in the back ground, being silly
Alan Locke
Alan Locke - 7 years ago
Did you confirm the gypsey and the chain were the same measurement ? If not they may give trouble sooner rather than later.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
+Alan Locke Yep. The gypsy actually has the proper chain size on it.
GBigs Angle
GBigs Angle - 7 years ago
Couple Sells All For Sailboat, One Day Out And It Sinks http://gbigsangle.blogspot.com/2018/02/couple-sells-all-for-sailboat.html
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
+GBigs Angle We saw that - so horrible for a dream to end like that! We hope they're back sailing some day soon.
Paul Smyers
Paul Smyers - 7 years ago
Did you mention in a previous video that you had a battery failure? I can't find it and I can't remember which battery it was or what the outcome was! Old age sucks :(
Electronics For Fun
Electronics For Fun - 7 years ago
8:06 YEAH GIVE ME A BEER!! lol
Lotophagi - 7 years ago
it's normal here to put a few links of chain between the swivel and the anchor . This relives the side loads on the swivel.
Triketacular - 7 years ago
If your anchor or chain gets stuck on something, say at a depth of 200 ft. or more, what do you do? Are you qualified to scuba dive down to that depth and beyond to check out the problem? Enjoy your vlogs, Safe Travels.
regould221 - 7 years ago
You measured the thickness of one link but if you have measured the difference of the distance between 3 links you would have found it larger. That is why the chain skips because it doesn't fit in the gyspy space anymore. It's now longer.
John Beskow
John Beskow - 7 years ago
" Hair's breadth between a genius and a madman is what they say " not much more tween old and new chain ! I hope you did a
deal on new for old ? Think I would have kept chain for kedge emergency . PS A bit upper body strength wouldn't go amiss if
and when the winch fails.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
+John Beskow We've already got a spare that's in better shape.
Robert Parnoff
Robert Parnoff - 7 years ago
Couple thoughts-- Chain dimensions are critical with that winch, I used one for ten years and had a broken gear that I had fixed; There are places to regalvanize chain--We used Jacksonville, Fl. and finally in my opinion Defenders is the best for Help, service and reasonable prices== we spend over 5k there and that was 1983.
Jack Patteeuw
Jack Patteeuw - 7 years ago
Not a bad "spare" chain, for a 2 anchor set. It would take a lot of muscle to haul it in !
Peter Will
Peter Will - 7 years ago
Not so much the chain it's the chain pockets on the winch that are worn out.Ive seen them worn out on chain fall hoists in factories.

50. comment for Old Rusty & Jumping The Gypsy - Replacing Our Anchor Chain (Sailing Curiosity)

Beanieweenieable - 7 years ago
Nice job! Why not stainless steel chain? $....?
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
+ Beanieweenieable Yes $. Lots & lots of $$$$$$
MidnightVisions - 7 years ago
Re: The anchor chain, your not washing the salt water off on retract, and its lost its corrosion preventative. Don't forget to add anti-seize when you re-assemble the anchor chain swivel.
MidnightVisions - 7 years ago
No problems, just didn't show up on video. All chain has a life span, and looking at it you got the maximum life out of it anyway. Cheers : )
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
+MidnightVisions We do rinse it when we retrieve. It was already rusty when we bought the boat though - not sure what the previous owners did.
Joyce Barnett
Joyce Barnett - 7 years ago
I loved the dancing in the background. Just like a couple of kids trying to get someone's attention. haha That was great. Glad that you found out what the problem was with the chain. Stay safe and happy adventuring. Getting excited for the crossing of the canal. Joyce
RegressMeNot - 7 years ago
Joyce Barnett I didn't catch that till the second time I watched the video. XD
Amber Rodman
Amber Rodman - 7 years ago
Did you guys notice that couple dancing in the background on that Leopard 58? Haha
Maj. Tom
Maj. Tom - 7 years ago
Wow.... very surprised, not stainless¿ ;)
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
+Maj. Tom  Surprisingly pricey
Lance Harris
Lance Harris - 7 years ago
Great video. At least your Gypsy didn’t have to get replaced too. I’m not too sure of the similarity between anchor chains and bike chains, but with bike chains we measure the distance between a set amount of links and then record that so we can see when a chain has stretched. You might research and see if applicable to anchor chain and record that somewhere. Thanks again. Good luck. Nice job!
Murray 78
Murray 78 - 7 years ago
Just looked at your video again, to me the Chain Hawse is almost to high for the Gypsy. What I mean is, the Chain Slop in the Hawse (I'd) is almost enough to throw the Links off the first Gypsy chain slot @ 12 o'clock.
Murray 78
Murray 78 - 7 years ago
Good job! Just wondering; is Bow Roller rotating freely, I couldn't tell in the video?
This is important, as it will minimize the amount of Chain Bouncing on Anchor retrieval.
Cheers, Retired Yacht Repair Business Owner.
Geoff Lamb
Geoff Lamb - 7 years ago
I know the shackle you put on is a temporary measure but seeing as you have that seizing wire to hand would it be a good idea to wire the temporary shackle as well?
Darrin Carter
Darrin Carter - 7 years ago
Hey guys we have been following you from the start of your boating adventure and loving all the vids, hope to see you guys in the land down under one of these days. I notice that you have an awesome looking swivel on your anchor set up, can you please tell me what brand it is ? Fair winds following seas and sunny days wish you all the best Darrin Tammy Carter sailing Oasis
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
+Darrin Carter Thanks for sailing with us! Mantus & there's a link in the blog post: https://www.gonewiththewynns.com/replacing-anchor-chain
Bad Santa
Bad Santa - 7 years ago
That's funny. Rest of the vid was OK to I guess ;)
brian dines
brian dines - 7 years ago
Jason is definitely growing in his mechanical/technical ability. Remember you struggling to change a tire on the way to Alaska in an RV. You've come a long way since then. Thanks for another entertaining and informative video.
fritzonvespa - 7 years ago
I know the shackle to the rope is temporary, but I'd still mouse the shackle with stainless wire so it can't undo itself over time. Fun little vid.....short , sweet and upbeat. :-)
Joshua Cox
Joshua Cox - 7 years ago
Hey you may want to use some of the wire on the other end of your chain as well so it doesnt come unscrewed.
Way to go Nicole and Jason
Joshua Cox
Joshua Cox - 7 years ago
I can tell you why and only because im a bicycle mechanic. Whats happening to your chain is the same as what happens to a bicycle chain and cassette or sprocket. They say that the chain "stretches" which is the same as wearing out. Basically from the friction of metal on metal it slowly wears down the metal. Normally you can replace the chain a few times before you need to replace the cassette or sprockets but eventually that will need to be replaced as well which on your boat is the thing that turns to pull up the chain (the windless?). So if your old chain wore that out it will need to be replaced also and if its worn out and you don't replace it it will put extra wear on your new chain.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
Already done. Check out the blog post. https://www.gonewiththewynns.com/replacing-anchor-chain
Edward Grant
Edward Grant - 7 years ago
Very informative kids. Was there any value to the old chain, like a core charge for an old part? The chain locker must have been pretty dirty from that old chain, so were you able to wash it out prior to the placement of that pretty shiny new chain? Yes, I have a very organized sock drawer too!!!
Windkisssed - 7 years ago
Shortest video in a while!!! BUT, your friends more than made up for it!!! Great friends! Apparently in good shape also!!
simon miles
simon miles - 7 years ago
Thumbs up for the photo bomb
Pamela Smith
Pamela Smith - 7 years ago
Only thing left to change is the gear/teeth on the Windlass. Everything wears down/out. Boats are a lesson in entropy!
André Rimkus
André Rimkus - 7 years ago
Great Job, one question: Why didn't you choose a stainless steel chain? It lasts several times longer than the "normal" chain and is more reliable.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
+André Rimkus We'd love to but it's mucho more expensive.
kimotree - 7 years ago
So excited for the crossing!
frenchbroad1431 - 7 years ago
You kinda lose me when you use those technical terms like pokey bits.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
hahaha- you don't think that's a real nautical term?
curacao11 - 7 years ago
good job guys
gordon Hurt
gordon Hurt - 7 years ago
Is your bow roller rolling? Yet another thing to check!
MrCbass1234 - 7 years ago
Also I don't think your chain is correct marriage for that sockets slots
MrCbass1234 - 7 years ago
Stretch chain worn-out sockets why its skipping
David Leatherbarrow
David Leatherbarrow - 7 years ago
OK so you had me Excited at " Jumping the Gypsie ".

Guys did the appearance of the chain not give it away or are you becoming complacent about some of the items of service.

Please don`t think I am having a go at you but like a squeaky wheel we tend to ignore it because we know it is a squeaky wheel that is until it falls off. Some times a different set of eyes can see things that you are overlooking.

Perhaps ask your friends on the other cat to " Asses "your boat and make a list of what they find that they would fix if the boat was theirs. [ different eyes different perspective ].

Thanks for the vid.

Fair Winds and Following Seas.

Can`t wait to see you in the BIG Ocean. So much to see.

David. Down Under.
Len R.
Len R. - 7 years ago
Not enough Nikki in this video
Kitchguy - 7 years ago
What’s the poky wire for?
nemo227 - 7 years ago
Yep, another good one. I'm looking forward to the canal video.
Ron Howes
Ron Howes - 7 years ago
The old chain must have some value, right? It might work for someone else, or the scrap metal man.
zzzx xzzz
zzzx xzzz - 7 years ago
So how long before the gypsy wears down ? Could you have gotten a gypsy to fit the old chain ? That would have been less expensive , right ? I know they make different size gypsy's ! Too late now , but keep it in mind for next time !
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
Monica B
Monica B - 7 years ago
Thanks for sharing!
Eric Haven
Eric Haven - 7 years ago
Another great video, Wynns! I had to laugh when Jason made reference to West Marine at the 2:00 mark. I work for Samson Rope, and we sell a ton of our rec marine rope through them. Here's to hoping the new chain serves you two well!
Marshall Browne
Marshall Browne - 7 years ago
Wow....good price on the chain.  I just replaced my 5/16 Hi test 200ft of it and it was 1000.00 here in Washington state.
TOM - 7 years ago
Let's get the show on the road....
OURv - 7 years ago
RE : Real World Test,,,
What you mean to say is :
Perform a proper test under combat conditions...

Jas Tunes
Jas Tunes - 7 years ago
No, NIKKI is the nicest looking thing in your boat! Bad husband!
David Leatherbarrow
David Leatherbarrow - 7 years ago
Nikki is a Doll and dosn`t even have to try.
Kevin Higgins
Kevin Higgins - 7 years ago
Great video- loved the monkeys in the background! If your temporary Clevis turns into a longer term repair, you may want to put some safety/seizing wire through the pin and around the shank... I lost a very expensive anchor and chain (only 20 feet though!) because the pin vibrated loose and unscrewed. Kind of a sick feeling really. Can’t wait to see the crossing!
John Beckmann
John Beckmann - 7 years ago
you need an "auto wash system" for your chain ! If there isnt one on the market let me invent one for you !
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
We do - it's called a garden hose and whoever is pulling the anchor!
Cleo Torris
Cleo Torris - 7 years ago
I hate to point this out but your swivel is installed incorrectly. You should have a few short links of chain between the swivel and anchor. Swivels break when side loaded. You do have the shackle so that is better than nothing.
Paul Swan
Paul Swan - 7 years ago
Chain, chain, what a pain, but we do need a good chain, just a question? why didn't you mark or paint the chain with depth markers before you put it back on the boat to save you the hassle of pulling it out all the way again some other place to save some more pain?
Paul Swan
Paul Swan - 7 years ago
Are cool, I can't remember seeing that in any of your videos, thanks for the reply so many don't answer any questions...
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
Because we have a counter that lets us know how much we have out.
Sunshine Coast Summer
Sunshine Coast Summer - 7 years ago
Have you decided where in the Pacific?
Lyell Griswold
Lyell Griswold - 7 years ago
Delos had this chain/ gypsy issue a long time ago somewhere in southeast Asia. if you want a documented case.
Capt Sam Wilson
Capt Sam Wilson - 7 years ago
Did you clean out the chain locker and wash the line rode before you put the new chain in?? Lots of rusty staining bits in there from the old chain..lol
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
Yep. It's all in the blog post.
Steve Kelly
Steve Kelly - 7 years ago
I had no idea of the price!!!
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
They automatically double the price of anything that goes on a boat - haha!
Alicia Westfield
Alicia Westfield - 7 years ago
BAHAHA..... totally photo bombed by some crazy kids smacking their ass!!!

My husband and I LOVE you guys!! Your adventures make us plan for the future when our children are grown. Can't wait to be able to travel ALL. THE. TIME.!!!!!
Quakeboy02 - 7 years ago
Glad to know I'm not the only one who bought chain, but I must admit that I didn't buy that much! =) Oh, and splicing is easy-peasy once you watch a splicing video here on youtube.
chuckandkelly - 7 years ago
SV Delos had the same issues with their chain.

100. comment for Old Rusty & Jumping The Gypsy - Replacing Our Anchor Chain (Sailing Curiosity)

Bill BillBill
Bill BillBill - 7 years ago
seems like the cheaper, easier solution would be buy a smaller gypsy that fits your old eroding chain
chesbaycruiser - 7 years ago
I think someone said something about a chain? Sorry, couldn't get past the dancing neighbors!
J.G. Conumdrum
J.G. Conumdrum - 7 years ago
Nicky standing there with a remote control looking like Vanna White, another excellent
Batt Mann
Batt Mann - 7 years ago
Hang onto those friends, they're the bomb.
FalconXE302 - 7 years ago
Oh that Video BOMB of the dancing couple is gold... LoL...
smokin Dauberdoo420
smokin Dauberdoo420 - 7 years ago
You can SPLICE ! Just need a little practice it's a good skill to know THANKS FOR SHARING :-)
Michael Volentine
Michael Volentine - 7 years ago
Question? Could you have swapped ends of the anchor chain? Probably all of that 10 years of anchoring has been in shallow waters. Have been through the Canal twice on a Navy Destroyer. Was really a nice experience.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
Just answered that below so will copy it here: Hmmm, might be a short-term fix but we wanted to be super sure of the anchor since we're headed to French Polynesia. Details in the blog post. https://www.gonewiththewynns.com/replacing-anchor-chain
Vern C
Vern C - 7 years ago
Doing splices on triple strand lines is pretty straightforward, and allows you to fix your own lines while away from port, and saves $$$$. No special tools needed. (some whipping cord is nice to have have on hand)
With some basic tools (awls, fids, etc) you can also work on single and double braid lines.
(if you want some really sweet anchor chain, price out some stainless)
Karel van der Velden
Karel van der Velden - 7 years ago
Problem caused by galvanic corrosion because of the mixed metals (anchor vs chain)
It will happen again. Your yard should have informed you about this potential problem.
acmeopinion factory
acmeopinion factory - 7 years ago
Karel van der Velden Both anchor and chain are steel, what's your point?
Tim Harrison
Tim Harrison - 7 years ago
was the noise in the background a vacuum or a blender ? LoL Be safe TIm & Cat
Daniel Gladstone
Daniel Gladstone - 7 years ago
Has anyone with this problem tried flipping the chain around instead of replacing it?
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
Hmmm, might be a short-term fix but we wanted to be super sure of the anchor since we're headed to French Polynesia. Details in the blog post. https://www.gonewiththewynns.com/replacing-anchor-chain
Dick Dixon
Dick Dixon - 7 years ago
Regarding the chain problem, I had the same experience. I replaced it one year ago with new 3/8" chain.....175' @ $600....it's high quality that I purchased from a family owned marine supply store in Biloxi, MS. Did someone tell you the size of the chain needed is marked on the gypsy? Yep, it is.
williambob111 - 7 years ago
like the voice overs in this one
Savant - 7 years ago
3:10 Did Nikki go ashore, then?
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
Haha - good one!
Peter Frebold
Peter Frebold - 7 years ago
.... would be interesting to take a comparison measurement .... the side of the chain link and where the link comes in contact with the next link where the abrasion takes place .... you definitely got your workout, ... laughing ....felt your arms the next day I bet .... nice snug fit in the gypsy, give you peace of mind huh! .....enjoy your videos .. Thx .... have a great week .....
Stevie FordRanger
Stevie FordRanger - 7 years ago
So the new chain was actually 10mm? Nice vid, can’t wait to see you in the Pacific.
Jim Hummel
Jim Hummel - 7 years ago
I ran out of puns a while ago, so...Good Job!
warp21drive - 7 years ago
Good catch on the gypsy/rusty chain! I would have measured the thickness where the links rub together!. Could you use a joining link to the last few links on the rope rode? And save the resplicing?
Cheers Warren
Michell Turner
Michell Turner - 7 years ago
less expensive is always a good way to say it! He-He
Rustie - 7 years ago
If you measure say 10 links of the new chain when stretched tight and record that in your log book, you'll be able to measure it occasionally to see if the chain has stretched. This should tell you when your chain needs replacing before it becomes a serious problem..
Peter Swank
Peter Swank - 7 years ago
Rustie good advice in measuring the length of your chain because as the chain wears it stretches, each individual link streaches and becomes elongated. this makes the overall length of your chain longert and the ink will no longer fit in the Gypsy causing the chain to jump.
LTVoyager - 7 years ago
Yes, diameter of the link isn't the big issue. The issue is wear in the end of the links where they contact each other causing the pitch of the chain to be longer than the pitch of the wheel pulling the chain. Measure that periodically and you will know where you stand. I would probably measure more than 10 links, but 10 may be adequate. I would use a yardstick and measure the number of links that is just shy of a yard. I would also measure the old chain to establish the wear limit.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
Great idea!
SKPjoe Coursegold
SKPjoe Coursegold - 7 years ago
i was looking for the beer while loading the chain.
ROLL WITH IT - 7 years ago
We love you two! Been watching since our RV /skoolie researching phase. NOW we just want to be you when we grow up!
Mark Zampino
Mark Zampino - 7 years ago
KJ is so beautiful Scotts pretty sexy to
Ross Pryde
Ross Pryde - 7 years ago
i love the video's. great work with the chain.check out [Roll with it] video's
Richard K. Payne
Richard K. Payne - 7 years ago
Ok, just have to add one thing. The wire is called "Safety Wire" used to prevent nuts and bolts from un-screwing. And safety wire the shackle, Lost a nice Danforth from a shackle coming loose.
FlyingGyros - 7 years ago
Okay Jason. I’m laughing my ass off. Love your friends.
Charles Smith
Charles Smith - 7 years ago
3 legged dog, around 1 around 2 back around 3 roll in your hands to straighten it out and then you can see how it is done. I was a Boatwain mate in the USN, spliced line all the time. 3 strand is the easy one to do.
Charles Smith
Charles Smith - 7 years ago
A link on USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN CVN-72 was 365 or 360 depending if Detachable or link.
Sensible Nomads
Sensible Nomads - 7 years ago
always great to see you guys at it!
Lyn Jameson
Lyn Jameson - 7 years ago
Jason, you’ve come a long way since the composting toilet install in your RV. You’re so hands on now!
Lyn Jameson
Lyn Jameson - 7 years ago
Nah, Nikki is always the nicest looking thing on the boat
Lyn Jameson
Lyn Jameson - 7 years ago
Ross Pryde I just couldn’t help myself when I heard Jason say the new chain was going to be the nicest looking thing on the boat. I was wondering if I was the only one to chuckle to myself and immediately think of Nikki.
Ross Pryde
Ross Pryde - 7 years ago
isn't that the truth
NuclearWinter2110 - 7 years ago
Hey guys I'm pacific side again! Crossed on Thursday - straight through rather than doing it in two parts - and am now tied up in Panama City Harbour. I could pop over and splice that line for you - with multiplat line you need to pair up the strands and then just go over and under working down - one line in an X, one in a Y. Sounds complicated, but a doddle when you know how!

Sadly I think that wont be possible though as I am busy with provisioning and we sail again on Wednesday. Next stop San Diego...

One thing Jason, it's faking, not flaking, unless you Americans say it differently!

See you guys next week, and if you have any splicing questions don't hesitate to ask!
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
+NuclearWinter2110 Dang it! We already left Panama City. Fair winds!
Lambda - 7 years ago
Might be a good idea to replace the gypsy too before it teaches the new chain old tricks
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
Already done!
Traveller - 7 years ago
Will you be taking on new crew for passage ?
Sandy Oklahomatransient
Sandy Oklahomatransient - 7 years ago
Hey You Two,
Nothing like conditional based maintenance, you have to do it on anything you own. Hubby did a great job!
Be safe, have fun!
Sandy Livesay
Chris Bacon
Chris Bacon - 7 years ago
hey buddy, do not ever tighten a shackle, with tension it's gonna get even tighter and a pain to remove (especially if it's temporary) the hole in the pin is there for a fire to prevent it from loosening...
itsnotme07 - 7 years ago
You know BOAT means Bust Out Another Thousand....at least that's what my sister and brother-in-law say with their 28ft cruiser.
jmb180 - 7 years ago
I like your boat work videos.
Clayton Vail
Clayton Vail - 7 years ago
Dancing photo bomb hilarious
Dennis Wintjes
Dennis Wintjes - 7 years ago
Good luck in your crossing. Are you going to take on more "crew"?
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
We had line handlers fly in special for the crossing.
Nancy Fernandez
Nancy Fernandez - 7 years ago
Rufus and Kate photo bomb lol. Can't wait for the canal. Great job Jason.
Lk M
Lk M - 7 years ago
Did you sell the old chain? How much you get? Or take it with and sell/ trade in the South Pacific?
ICE BEAR - 7 years ago
Animated knots rope to chain splice. Easy to do and good site. Everyone should know how to do basic splicing. And I’m sure your sprocket got worn by the jumping. Expect it to be replaced by newzeland.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
Gypsy already replaced. Boom!
Adrienna van Diermen
Adrienna van Diermen - 7 years ago
Sorry to see you leave the San Blas Islands so quickly. The indigenous there were a highlight for us. The canal is just a box to tick off, but a bore in short time. We asked ourselves why all the money being made off the canal passage was not tricking down to the people.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
+Adrienna van Diermen The Guna were lovely people and we could have stayed so much longer, but then you wouldn't get a Sunday Funday video so....
yellowdeer 7
yellowdeer 7 - 7 years ago
Good job Jason. Funny how sometimes the problem is facing us right in the face. I bet you were sore after that. Cheers.
Barry Echols
Barry Echols - 7 years ago
Great episode, I enjoy these technical ones as well as the sailing, diving, and touring ones. However, this is the first time I have noticed a professional You Tube creator such as Jason appearing to not notice some serious and prolonged photo bombing going on behind him. I expected him to comment in final editing, but except for a brief text inclusion he left it up to us viewers to catch it.
A little bird told me that we may see more of one of the jumping jack clowns in a future episode.
Blue Boats
Blue Boats - 7 years ago
I'm a little astonished nobody in Florida even proposed the chain wear would be the problem, I guess not a lot of anchoring in Florida with all the docks there.  I only watch sailing blogs but I knew this was the problem as soon as the episode started.  The wear is even more severe on the inside elbows of the chain links because they are always grinding on each other, and this creates a greater distance between links, which causes them to not drop into the gypsy pockets correctly.
Dwight Turner
Dwight Turner - 7 years ago
Jason, you are truly a jack of all trades. I am so excited about your crossing through the Panama Canal. Just before you entered into the first lock, there is a U.S Army base on the left called Fort Davis. That's where I was born 71 years ago. I left when I was 2 years old and have never been back. I followed your route through the Canal using Google Earth, and that's when I saw how Fort Davis was within shouting distance of the first lock. Many fans of this channel are chomping at the bit to see your Canal crossing and your adventures in the Pacific. Stay safe.
Bob Shaw
Bob Shaw - 7 years ago
I'm anxious to see your upcoming video about transiting through the Panama Canal. Never got to do that during on all the cruises I took many decades ago. Friends of my parents did though decades ago. Have fun guys. Yikes ! I had no idea that anchor chain could be so expensive.
Event Hʘriךּon
Event Hʘriךּon - 7 years ago
wow thats a lot of moneh! I guess it did 10 years tho, so not that bad. Fair winds and a kiss to the kitties!
Te3aerial photography
Te3aerial photography - 7 years ago
Love the dancing in the background! How far behind are the videos from where you guys are now? so would you recommend a freshwater wash down and scrubbing your winch and your chain when you lift your anchor every time?
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
We do rinse it every time we bring it up but it still spends a lot of time in the water.
Bill Anderson
Bill Anderson - 7 years ago
What did you do with the old chain which you said still have lots of life left in it? Do you sell it?
formerly 987946216430
formerly 987946216430 - 7 years ago
nice episode guys, just wondering if you are able to get money back for your chain like for scrap or whatever to offset some of the cost of new? Cheers from PEI Canada, Bryan.
Jeff C.
Jeff C. - 7 years ago
The hardest and most time consuming job with chain is marking it with length markers.  I prefer painting marks every 25 ft.  I put a 3 ft. wide "field" of white.  In the white fields I paint 3 inch wide black marks with 3 inch spacing between at every 25 ft.  Therefore 75 ft. will be three black narrow marks.  And at 100 ft. I paint a 6 inch wide black but add 3 inch narrow blacks  for every 25 ft.  Example:  for 150 ft. the markings should be 2 narrow black marks and a wide black mark..  Paint your marks with a brush and roll the chain to get all sides especially inside the links.  True the paint will wear off on the outside of the links but the paint inside the links will not wear off.  The white paint can be easily seen down in the water and at night.  Tie wraps,  leather loop straps,  inserts inside the links cannot be seen at night.  If you want to get fancy, paint the bitter end of the 50 to 75 ft. chain yellow  (to let you know this is it.)   Or get rid of the rope and go 100 % chain therefore not necessary to make chain to rope splices..
Frank Mosuch
Frank Mosuch - 7 years ago
Braided Anchor rode. If only I were there, this would be an easy splice.
Charlsee Parker
Charlsee Parker - 7 years ago
Those friends are amazing!!!
Alan Drinkwater
Alan Drinkwater - 7 years ago
Maybe this was the time to mark the chain
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
We have a counter.
Bill23799 - 7 years ago
Nice video. Was this chain the one that came with the boat?
I checked and 3/8" is 9.52mm. I hope the new chain is not too thick.

Wow, I had no idea they spliced line to metal chain like that.
I guess your experience at " splicing the mainbrace " will not help you here.

OK......now we all want to meet Rufus and Kate. Haha......unless they just jump up and down on their
poop deck like that all the time.
oceandrew - 7 years ago
Good thing RAN was just in San Blas and did an awesome job vlogging it ... but then so did SV Sundowner, Prism and ye olde White Spot Pirates in the past. You guys just didn't seem too inspired by it, apparently (only stayed in one place for a week for only one video). Bad weather window maybe?
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
+oceandrew We had to get back in time to do the anchor chain before our crossing date.
Rush Dougherty
Rush Dougherty - 7 years ago
Much as I think your adventures are fantastic and your enthusiam is great, when somebody says I wouldn't recommend this and then goes ahead and does it, they are just asking for trouble. It would have been so much easier to ask your fellow boaters if anybody knows how to splice, that way you could learn. You also need to look at the tools you are using to understand how to use them. The calipers you were using have a automatic inch to mm button, it is the yellow button on the top of the read out. So all you had to do was to push it to get inches. The 'pokey' wire is not 'seizing' wire, it is safety wire or locking wire and it serves a very definite saftey purpose. It locks the nuts into a position that prevents it from backing off the bolt and causing failure.
George Simms
George Simms - 7 years ago
Back in the day their were several actual sizes of 3/8 " and others:  PC Proof Coil , BB Bemires Best & BBB Better then Bermires Best.   Same wit the  gypseys could be very confusing
DJ Evans
DJ Evans - 7 years ago
Oh WOW you guys, I think I am more excited now about the crossing than you are (were?) Great video, thanks! --The Evans Family
John Green
John Green - 7 years ago
9.36mm = 3/8"
Josh Perry
Josh Perry - 7 years ago
Next time you drop the anchor, you need to put seizing wire (Lock wire) around the shackle that you used to "temporarily" afix the chain to the anchor line. Very important if you put all of your chain out.
SV Beautimous
SV Beautimous - 7 years ago
Your chain was stretched that’s why it was jumping. running a rusted chain through your gypsy will wear off the sharp edges possibly allowing the new chain to jump
Dawn Frye
Dawn Frye - 7 years ago
The friends in the background was great. Great job on the chain guys. Good luck through the canal.
Calico Junction Sanctuary
Calico Junction Sanctuary - 7 years ago
Loved the background entertainment
Jeff's Videos
Jeff's Videos - 7 years ago
Hey guys I just wanted to give you a tip about your anchor. The Coupler you used has a hole in it to put a zip tie in to stop it from turning out on its own or some stainless wire you used at the anchor end. I have lost an anchor because i thought tightening it with a crescent wrench would be good enough but aver time it will come lose and fall out...
white lion
white lion - 7 years ago
Has any liveaboard cruising people look at the effect of the reactor meltdown at Japan on the effects it has had on the Pacific Ocean???? Might want to reconsider Pacific Ocean for sailing....
Rod D
Rod D - 7 years ago
Just a quick question, are you going to mark your chain at regular intervals to make it easy to work out how much you have out?
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
We have a counter.
Harley McCorcle
Harley McCorcle - 7 years ago
Great video!
tonyh101 - 7 years ago
Rufus and Kate are the best!! Good luck with your chain!
Yves Lemoine
Yves Lemoine - 7 years ago
Did you consider regalvanizing the chain or was the chain just too far gone? Regalvanizing is 3 to 4 times cheaper than a new chain and likely an even bigger savings in Panama.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
+Yves Lemoine It was pretty bad.
Rashley's BorderQue
Rashley's BorderQue - 7 years ago
Just a thought. With the old rusty chain grating on the Gypsy, the Gypsy might be worn also. If it continues to jump, you might look at that. Nice video.
Rashley's BorderQue
Rashley's BorderQue - 7 years ago
Awesome! Love your videos. Can't wait for Sunday to come around for your latest.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
+Rashley's BorderQue We replaced it right after this. We had Jason's mom bring one from the States.
MV Solitude
MV Solitude - 7 years ago
Lol the dancing photobomb
Bogeys 12
Bogeys 12 - 7 years ago
Time for an upgrade. That Leopard 58 in the background looks pretty sweet! More subscribers, more sponsors, more, more, more....
Love my Sunday fix! Thank you!
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
A little bit bigger than we wanted!
SAILING PAU HANA - 7 years ago
Correction: that new chain is not the best looking thing on the boat. Right Nikki?
oilhammer04 - 7 years ago
I may have missed it, but is that new chain stainless steel?
oilhammer04 - 7 years ago
No wonder it rusts so badly. Galvanized coating just can't stand up to salt. I suppose stainless steel would be cost prohibitive.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
+oilhammer04 Galvanized. All the info's in the blog post here https://www.gonewiththewynns.com/replacing-anchor-chain
Steven H.
Steven H. - 7 years ago
I'm truly shocked that no one there could tell you why the chain is jumping in the gypsy. No one at all?
Jonathan Neethling
Jonathan Neethling - 7 years ago
Its a hard Vlog to follow sometimes, and Ive been watching since the RV days....
lately the vids just seem a bit long toothed. I don’t mean to be harsh. If thats harsh? But we’ve watched you drink coffee. A lot of coffee. Review random bakery shops that are opposite each other and film monkeys you cant see,
There is no story or character building. If you look at Delos, you get excited to see what “shenanigans” they get up to. There’s a “character“ following, and a story. Its dynamic. Changing. Evolving. If you don’t see one crew member theres another bound to make you laugh.
Diving is awesome! But there is only so much video’d sea life one can look at before going, “meh!” Especially when the vis is bad! Why bother showing us?
The cherry on the cake was this video. I get the feeling you both looked at each other and went
A: ah - well we haven’t done anything. Lets review the chain...


B: forget B. You’re so far behind on videos, why waste your fans time with an annoying 9:50 video of a stupid anchor chain...

Weird600 - 7 years ago
When you get a second add some seizing wire to you temporary shackle --
onthebeaches1 - 7 years ago
Another great DIY from Jason and Nikki! Very cool! So glad you satisfied the gypsy before she started screaming at cha!
abdullah alsulaiti
abdullah alsulaiti - 7 years ago
Nice video thank you for sharing
David Dube'
David Dube' - 7 years ago
Bad Galvanizing process on the old chain, worthy of a refund. How come your rope didn't have a 'Thimble'?
acmeopinion factory
acmeopinion factory - 7 years ago
David Dube' A thimble won't make it through the windlass.
zihan Md Nor
zihan Md Nor - 7 years ago
Paradigm2012Shift - 7 years ago
Safe travels.
Tim Johnston
Tim Johnston - 7 years ago
You need a real cotter pin in your anchor bolt. The thin wire might catch and break easily. You can also replace the gypsy gear if its worn to match the new chain. Otherwise l@@ks good.
Bobby Baldeagle
Bobby Baldeagle - 7 years ago
So what did y'all end up doing with the old chain??? Watching this video makes me wonder about my tow chain. It was my grandfathers and we've used the heck out of it over the past 60 some years that I know about. And I'm sure my grandfather bought it used. So my tow chain could easily be well over 100 years old... LOL,LOL... Well I don't plan on lifting any motors ofut of any trucks with it... LOL,LOL... Be blessed... BBE....
Em And the Gang
Em And the Gang - 7 years ago
Fantastic! So interesting! Learning every day!
Nathan Maddock
Nathan Maddock - 7 years ago
where are your length markers?
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
We have a counter.
Ken Leander
Ken Leander - 7 years ago
Delos anchor chain replacement episode (100 meters)
063 Rigging Our Sailboat (Part 3 of 3)

Jumping in the gypsy is a sign of rusted chain and questionable chain strength.
All it takes is one very bad link for the chain to part. Good call replacing it.
Piers Bird
Piers Bird - 7 years ago
Just like when you replace a chain on a motorbike, you don't just replace the chain, you replace the chain AND sprocket. In your case I'd have tried the sprocket first or the windless because that should wear out first just as the front small sprocket is the first to wear out on a bike...
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
+Piers Bird We did shortly after this. We had Jason's mom bring one from the States.
MrTatts64 - 7 years ago
5 mins "study" online will teach you how to splice that mulitplait anchor line and less than 30 mins will see the job done - once you have fed out all the chain again...
johnVidBozo - 7 years ago
FYI the calipers you were using can be converted to Imperial at the press of a button.
9.36mm = 0.3685 in which is about 0.01 short of 3/8
10.1mm = 0.3976 in which is about 0.02 larger that 3/8. Probably because of the galvanization or user error in the measurement :).
Jeff Allen
Jeff Allen - 7 years ago
Seizing wire, is the a sailing term? On a car it's called Safety Wire.. Thanks for the video!
MiQ Bohlin
MiQ Bohlin - 7 years ago
Would also rising the mount of the windless (just a little bit) be an option? To gain some degree of threading for chain, since it’s a wheel. Now it looks like about a 4’th of it does the work. Fine trimming can do wonders.
L Shep
L Shep - 7 years ago
How much is the old chain worth?
Carl Michael
Carl Michael - 7 years ago
Knowing sailors, I was expecting tons more comments about the swivel, and few saying to get rid of the SS shackle and get a tested galvanized one like a Crosby G-209
daverjax - 7 years ago
You should have marked the chain in shots of a certain depth like 1 fathom lengths.  so you'll know how much road you have out at anchor.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
We have a counter.
1025gdavies - 7 years ago
You might find it hard splicing old line to the new chain - looks like you have braid so it might be a bit easier but don’t count on it!
Bernie Vielwerth
Bernie Vielwerth - 7 years ago
Jason your very handy!
Good luck with the new chain.
Looking forward to the Panama canal video.
Cheers Bernie in Palm Springs
Mojo Motive
Mojo Motive - 7 years ago
Dude the best looking thing on your boat is your wife!
Fawwad Shafi
Fawwad Shafi - 7 years ago
What did u do with the old chain? Did u sell it?
Gogs - 7 years ago
Yip looking good. Never had to change an anchor chain, but you made it look quite easy and satisfying on completion.
nocoolname32 - 7 years ago
that leopard 58 behind you though :O ask them for a tour!!!!
Randy collins
Randy collins - 7 years ago
Well done, you guy's have come a long way from your flat tire in Alaska video, im impressed.
Zander Howell
Zander Howell - 7 years ago
Hi there you need to replace the actual gypsy and chain.
Nauti Thumper SV a Sailing Adventure
Nauti Thumper SV a Sailing Adventure - 7 years ago
So hard to concentrate with the dancers. Great info. Love ur videos.
Richard Slater
Richard Slater - 7 years ago
Ah, good start to my week seeing your latest video.
Tigersmundo - 7 years ago
Mi Familia, Cool how about the electrical part II with that one piece?
renoguy25 - 7 years ago
Good morning Wynns
an interesting and educational video , Yes shiny new chain .
Your comment about it being the best-looking thing on the boat, I assume didn't include Niki , as her place in that spot is simply a given .

Very strange sounds if the first couple of minutes of this video ...sort of sounded like wind howling maybe combined with a motor/generator running ??? Not at all complaining just curious .

Loved your friends' photobombing YOUR video ....wonder when the time comes what they will be showing people , of you photobombing THEIR video ? :-)

In REAL time I'm assuming you're already through the locks , but If you haven't yet , I understand that there are live feed cameras set up to able to watch the boats travel through ( does anybody know a link ? )
If this is still possible , any chance you could give us a quick heads up ?

Thanks kindly

Bob from Calgary
renoguy25 - 7 years ago
Thanks kindly
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
+renoguy25 There's always a lot going on at a marina. We are already through the canal. The live cameras aren't very good and not many of them were working.
Gary C
Gary C - 7 years ago
Simples. Cheap chain has stretched.   Fair winds & regards from the UK
moz - 7 years ago
gosh you can even make the mundane entertaining, happy trails guys
Jerry Pelletier
Jerry Pelletier - 7 years ago
Nice to see you were wearing your safety construction flip flops during your chain change job....Enjoy your journey......
Miguel Rodriguez
Miguel Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Never sailed. But your videos are so entertaining, I enjoy watching your good and some bad experiences you guys have. Keep them coming. I started watching you since you started RVing. I'm hooked.
Rose - 7 years ago
glad you found all what you need right in Panama   indeed
MarkLawrenceKiefer - 7 years ago
If you can afford the extra weight, the old chain can be used on your back up anchor. Also if the line that the anchor chain attaches to is as old as the chain, you want to take a close look at that because while it hasn't got as much 'use' it has been sitting in that locker with the salt water and what ever else came in with the chain. It would be bad if the first time you were in a deep anchorage and had all the chain out the line parted from dry rot or an unnoticed slice in it.
Oxnate - 7 years ago
Instead of re-splicing those lines, maybe some new lines? Those look like they've been in the water for a long time.
Gulfcoastbeemer - 7 years ago
Learn how to and then make that rope / chain splice yourself. Self sufficiency is a wonderful thing on a boat. You never know when you will need to unexpectedly perform this task and professional assistance isn’t an option. SamsonRope.com has a detailed description of the process.
Just about sailing
Just about sailing - 7 years ago
It is possible that the old chain wasn't calibrated, or wasn't the right calibration for the gypsy. Also, my understanding is that 10mm has two different calibrations, DIN766 and ISO - at least that is in the UK.  I think that USA calibrations are different still.  Really important to get the chain and gypsy calibration to match.  And your friends dancing in the background was brilliant - best photobomb ever.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
+Charlie Van Doren Ha ha their choreography isn't good but they've got a lot of enthusiasm!
David C
David C - 7 years ago
How do you dispose of the old chain?
Stuart - 7 years ago
Yeah, the dancing duo in the background was hilarious!
Jayson Cody
Jayson Cody - 7 years ago
I recently seen a video from Adventures adrift. They had their chain replated for about $250 Taken away, and redelivered
Kerry Kelly
Kerry Kelly - 7 years ago
Great video, thanks! I surely would have thought the windlass would have failed before the chain. Good to know. Nice workout that day, huh?! All the best to you guys!
Jeffrey Searle
Jeffrey Searle - 7 years ago
The heading for this video sounds like a navy guy heading to the Philippines for R&R
ZaphodsPlanet - 7 years ago
I remember an SV Delos episode with same problem and fix.... I think the reason they said the chain started jumping was actually because it was stretched, not so much the rust, etc.  Look for that video if you've got internet.... I think they showed some of the detail on replacing that line on the end.  BTW, never knew Panama was such an amazing place.... would love to get a boat and visit myself.
Brian McLamb
Brian McLamb - 7 years ago
Excellent advice on chain to rode attachment. Liked the close up of the swivel. Sail on!
Robert Orzech
Robert Orzech - 7 years ago
Remember that teflon tape is a lubricant for threads not a thread sealer. Great job ! Look up how to splice a rope and let your wife read it and splice it . It's easier than you think. Cheers
Badd Mann
Badd Mann - 7 years ago
Chain is fine like that u never let out that far
Marc Maton
Marc Maton - 7 years ago
Hi, I suggest you download the "Greg Knots" application. It includes all possible knots and splices you will ever need, including rope to chain splice.Very easy to use.
Scott Clark
Scott Clark - 7 years ago
I would definitely sell the old chain.
prov431 - 7 years ago
When attaching the shackle bolt and running the safety wire (yes, that's what it's called) - did you did wrap the wire so that it pulls the bolt head toward the tightening direction? It looked like you might have just wrapped wire around it...and if so, well that won't do anything. Hard to tell in the video. Anyway, well done - I just did my anchor and rode a few weeks ago...but not nearly as much chain...that stuff surely isn't cheap!
micglobal - 7 years ago
Could you have simply replaced the Gypsy with one that has slightly smaller notches for the chain since the old chain had so much life left in it and could still handle the load of the anchor?
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
+micglobal  We replaced the gypsy right after this video. We didn't trust the chain because we're headed to some deep anchorages. Details are in the blog post: https://www.gonewiththewynns.com/replacing-anchor-chain
Chuck Borghoff
Chuck Borghoff - 7 years ago
Good job
Patrik Norling
Patrik Norling - 7 years ago
Love the boat work videos!
J  G Miller
J G Miller - 7 years ago
Love the dance in the background. :) I would have replaced the chain drive as well. I looked quite worn to me. But then I have a bit of a paranoid streak about things.
Geoff Strebel
Geoff Strebel - 7 years ago
Did you guys replace the gypsy at the same time?  I'd suspect that the old chain may have dulled the teeth on it which, in turn, may expedite slipping and wear on the new chain.  I looked it up just now and they're $117.99 on West Marine.
Jennifer Perry My Scraproom - CTMH
Jennifer Perry My Scraproom - CTMH - 7 years ago
On a different note: Am I the only one that is waiting for The Wynn's and RAN sailing to meet each other?
MiQ Bohlin
MiQ Bohlin - 7 years ago
I’d be surprised if they never meet. Looks like most YouTube sailers meets at some point, sooner or later.
Jennifer Perry My Scraproom - CTMH
Jennifer Perry My Scraproom - CTMH - 7 years ago
It was worth a hope. :-)
MiQ Bohlin
MiQ Bohlin - 7 years ago
CURIOSITY passed through Canal de Panamá in late November - RAN in mid January. Quite a distance in time.
Michele-Mike Bradley
Michele-Mike Bradley - 7 years ago
Wish you mentioned chain issue in a previous videos .. in the cycling world, when chain starts slipping off crank or when shifting gears, it's an indication the chain has stretched and needs replacing .. glad you figured it out, though.
Alex Todd
Alex Todd - 7 years ago
Was getting the chain re-galvqnized an option? Adventure Adrift did that a few weeks ago to good success.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
I think you can do that early on but ours was pretty rusty.
Jennifer Perry My Scraproom - CTMH
Jennifer Perry My Scraproom - CTMH - 7 years ago
I know.... I have my coffee, my puppy and was getting a settled to watch my weekly fix. Then it was all done - so fast. Your friends were cracking me up. I would love to see how you stock up on supplies and getting ready for the crossing. Thank guys for the great videos.
First Last
First Last - 7 years ago
Re: The gypsy/chain. Your description and the video clip of the chain running, my first assessment is one or both have worn out of spec. More than likely the chain.
renoguy25 - 7 years ago
The sound of an exploding sheep :-)
yogizorch - 7 years ago
Sis boom baaah
Michele-Mike Bradley
Michele-Mike Bradley - 7 years ago
Buscurious De Warren .. I heard YAYYY, not the other ...
Buscurious De Warren
Buscurious De Warren - 7 years ago
Michele-Mike Bradley he didn’t, he said RA
Michele-Mike Bradley
Michele-Mike Bradley - 7 years ago
Buscurious De Warren ... nonetheless, the original Aramaic word is "AMaN" which means "I affirm (or believe)" and when used in that context has nothing to do with Amen Ra .. btw, when in the video did Jason say Amen (watched it twice and didn't hear it)?
Michele-Mike Bradley
Michele-Mike Bradley - 7 years ago
Buscurious De Warren.. teach them .. Ahmein!
Frys NoName
Frys NoName - 7 years ago
Way you didn't change the line to.....
Norman Boyes
Norman Boyes - 7 years ago
good video - would have changed the gypsy too - to be honest.
Jay McGillicuddy
Jay McGillicuddy - 7 years ago
What a world of a difference the new chain makes. Glad you replaced it. Expensive but not much else you can do. Happy Sailing.
Cozmic Knight
Cozmic Knight - 7 years ago
Hello Wynns, isn't that called 'slip and stick' ? ... Looks like it's jumping out between every other slip n' stick, because of the rust.
Love your videos. Fair winds.
Barbie H
Barbie H - 7 years ago
Love the photo bomb!!!
highkicker11 - 7 years ago
learn to splice guys, being at sea without that skill might just be a game ender.
Gerald Thomas
Gerald Thomas - 7 years ago
Here's a quick splice method for your link up.

Project Manaia - Ocean Conservation & Research
Project Manaia - Ocean Conservation & Research - 7 years ago
another beauty! Finally found that subscribe button too :D
The anchor chain is one of the things on the to do list here too.... glad to have a "how we do it" on the topic!
Bucket List Retreats
Bucket List Retreats - 7 years ago
I'd chain up those friends if I were you LOL!
blaine hamby
blaine hamby - 7 years ago
Still the best boobies on YouTube!
Chad Hamilton
Chad Hamilton - 7 years ago
This video was off the chain!
S/V AIRPOWER - 7 years ago
Great vid guys. I always enjoyed the DIY/fixing things vids.  Cheers, Ted
Douglas Montgomery
Douglas Montgomery - 7 years ago
Question, shouldn't the gypsy gear be replaced with the new chain, like replacing a sprocket with a new chain. Since they can wear at the same time? Only instance I've see where that doesn't hold true is when the gear is made of a harder material than chain.
Gillian WV
Gillian WV - 7 years ago
Can we get a closer lookey look at the leopard 58, behind you?
I can window shop vicariously!
dkarukas - 7 years ago
How do dispose of 400lbs of old chain in Panama? Is it like an old car battery where they charge you a disposal fee?
cartmanrlsusall - 7 years ago
Rufus and kate are in good shape thats a lot happy dancing
Lydia L
Lydia L - 7 years ago
Hahahaha! Me too!!
Kevin Costner
Kevin Costner - 7 years ago
You guys got so lucky it fit youre gypsey. There are like 10 different chain possibilitys. Thats why every windlass manufacturer makes 10 different gypseys.
Normally you take youre gypsey to the chain shop. Make sure 4 links fit perfectly . I have learned the hard way by the way. Several times. You probobly wont get 10 years from chain anymore. Maybe 5 if its italian.
Re galvinizing every 2 or 3 years will get you to 8 years. If youre lucky.
Thats just the way the chain is these days. They dont make it like they used to.
I was fully expecting the chain to not fit and part 2 would be waiting for the new gypsey to arrive air mail.
But you guys are livin right.
Quakeboy02 - 7 years ago
Stainless has a lot of good uses. Anchor chain is not one of them.
Kevin Costner
Kevin Costner - 7 years ago
Vern C stainless what? Chain? I love stainless steel,its a great meterial. But as a anchore rode Its 5 times more expensive and wont last 10 years .
I use it for my inflatable though. Just 3 meters.
Quakeboy02 - 7 years ago
When I bought new chain, I got a 1 foot sample to test on the gypsy before making the real purchase. (My gypsy doesn't come off so easily.)
Vern C
Vern C - 7 years ago
They can always go stainless.
cartmanrlsusall - 7 years ago
Its amazing how much weight that boat can haul around with ease.
Gillian WV
Gillian WV - 7 years ago
I'm actually marathoning your whole sailing playlist! I'm up to the part of being in the Bahamas and this new vid just popped up!
It was exciting to see you buying your cat for the first time!!
MickeSandman - 7 years ago
Itś easy to check the chain for stretch and wear, the rule is that 4 links shold fit perfect in the gypsy without any of them climbing over the edges.
Tom Martin
Tom Martin - 7 years ago
Great job guys, appreciate all the helpful videos you put out. Keep up the good work!
Chuck Johnson
Chuck Johnson - 7 years ago
You should be able to find some good splicing videos on YouTube. I’ve watched a few in the past.
Bill Dyess
Bill Dyess - 7 years ago
An 18 volt cordless Milwaukee grinder for both cutting and grinding would be priceless onboard -
ae4xo - 7 years ago
man how long does it take to get through the canal. you have been saying that you are going for a long time
ae4xo - 7 years ago
its way to hard to do this life. but I like watching their adventures
Gillian WV
Gillian WV - 7 years ago
ae4xo I'm pretty sure it can take 6 months or so to get the paperwork and time slot arranged.
Most other cruiser/vloggers don't show that part.
They just make it look like they showed up and were let through.
It takes months of planning and organizing, the lines, getting 4 linehandlers and the administrative stuff is very drawn out.
When I see cruisers hanging out at San Blas islands, it means they are just cooling their heels waiting for their turn.
Robert Skillings
Robert Skillings - 7 years ago
Nice job guy's
Chuck Johnson
Chuck Johnson - 7 years ago
Why is the chain so expensive? Some sort of anti-corrosive coating or something? You can get 50” of logging chain for $100.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
+Chuck Johnson If it's for a boat they automatically double the price! Seriously though yes, galvanized for us in saltwater.
Roadking 2003
Roadking 2003 - 7 years ago
Wow chain is expensive ...I had no idea. Thank you for sharing and be safe .
Vern C
Vern C - 7 years ago
You want expensive, price out some stainless chain.
Kettletrigger - 7 years ago
Great video! And great to see the continued effort to lose the landlubber terminology (when you corrected yourself and said "line" after saying "rope"). But...that particular line is called a "rode". :)

Can't wait to see you go through to the Canal!
acmeopinion factory
acmeopinion factory - 7 years ago
Kettletrigger Anchor "rode" consists of everything that connects the anchor to the vessel, there is no distinction between chain and line.
Bit of a lubber yourself?
mbcris - 7 years ago
Do you rinse your chain with fresh water as it's being brought up?
Savant - 7 years ago
Rinsing helps but it'll still rust. Salt spray and salt creep gets everywhere. Maintenance gets you like 50% more life, but it'll still crap out on you even if you keep your ship ship-shape.
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
+mbcris Yes we do
Em And the Gang
Em And the Gang - 7 years ago
I have seen them rinse it in other episodes. I think they generally do.
Widdox - 7 years ago
They do rinse it. They’ve shown multiple times. This was the original chain from when they bought the boat.
Steve Mazz
Steve Mazz - 7 years ago
It does not appear to be the case.
Steven H.
Steven H. - 7 years ago
I noticed that they weren't. Most likely the cause of the rust.
jose ant Ramirez
jose ant Ramirez - 7 years ago
Thank you and a nice dance from your neighbour "leopard 58"
Katherine Crosbie
Katherine Crosbie - 7 years ago
Great video. Really enjoy these problem solving videos!
Todd Simpson
Todd Simpson - 7 years ago
Your friends in the background are a riot!! I have been very impressed with some of the equipment on your Leopard. Lofran windlass is in my opinion the gold standard of deck hardware. Take care of it and it will always serve you well.
Billy King
Billy King - 7 years ago
Oh the dancers!
Denise TTM
Denise TTM - 7 years ago
Well done guys!
Jeffrey Wood
Jeffrey Wood - 7 years ago
Great video, thank you...I would have never thought it would have been the chain -good to know. :)
Chase McCants
Chase McCants - 7 years ago
Tell your friends I said thanks for making me spit up my coffee from laughing!
Andrew Gunn
Andrew Gunn - 7 years ago
Nice work . Chain looks great! Why not replace the bridle as well? Looks like it's has seen it's days....or maybe seeing just marine growth below the waterline?
Stephanie M
Stephanie M - 7 years ago
thanks for sharing. love your videos!
CJD - 7 years ago
The new chain is nice enough, but Nikki is ALWAYS gonna be the best looking thing on Curiosity.
renoguy25 - 7 years ago
yes a major screw-up statement on Jason's part ,,, I think " Keel hauling " is in order :-)
Paul Ouellette
Paul Ouellette - 7 years ago
Hey Jason...you should never have the "anchor swivel" attached directly to the anchor !!! There needs to be about 2 ft of chain in front of the swivel to avoid any side-load stress on the swivel. You have a whole lot riding on it...& swivels are meant to bear the load in a straight line. Ask any old sea-dog who knows !!!
Rob and Linda Myburgh
Rob and Linda Myburgh - 7 years ago
Check RAN episode 18 from 1:40
MiQ Bohlin
MiQ Bohlin - 7 years ago
Steve Dickinson, actually it wasn’t RAN but #sailingcatalpa
Steve Dickinson
Steve Dickinson - 7 years ago
Beachcomber Sorry my mistake, it was Sailing Catalpa, Episode 67 at about 17:55.
MiQ Bohlin
MiQ Bohlin - 7 years ago
True if everything works smooth with the ground tackle - sometimes it gets twisted and can be a problem. I would go for the most safe for the whole setup.
Stuart McLeod
Stuart McLeod - 7 years ago
Paul Ouellette What you’re saying is true of some swivels that have a solid forked section that people would connect directly to the anchor shank. The side load would cause the fork to bend or even fail.

The Mantus swivel on Curiosity is connected to a shackle. The shackle will pivot, preventing side load on the swivel.
MiQ Bohlin
MiQ Bohlin - 7 years ago
Right, it is a good advice! Anyway it’s quite easy to to afterwords.
Beachcomber - 7 years ago
What episode? I follow them as well but don't recall this
Steve Dickinson
Steve Dickinson - 7 years ago
Paul Ouellette Agree with this advice. RAN Sailing did an episode on this recently too.
Colby James Designs
Colby James Designs - 7 years ago
Did y’all intentionally time them coming out and jumping in the background as you introduced them or was that a happy accident? Way too funny.
James - 7 years ago
Gotta have a good chain! Glad you guys are keeping your boat up. Enjoy the warm weather, it's snowing here in Colorado!
stroln - 7 years ago
I would have thought they gypsy would wear before the chain.
onthebeaches1 - 7 years ago
That's what I said. The Gypsy is next on the list for replacing.
Pierre Mitham
Pierre Mitham - 7 years ago
that's correct. typically the gypsy is chrimed bronze. and you can see in the video that the "teeth" on the gypsy are basically gone!
jeff  Rostar
jeff Rostar - 7 years ago
Ken Gendron
Ken Gendron - 7 years ago
Fun video. Can I ask why you choose not to replace the ten year old rope the chain was connected to?
Daniel Curtin
Daniel Curtin - 7 years ago
Ken Gendron in most anchoring the rope isn’t carrying any load it’s just sitting in the bottom of the anchor locker and the bridle is carrying the load. Plus like he said he hasn’t learned how to do a rope-chain splice yet.
David Walsh
David Walsh - 7 years ago
As Capt Ron said if it's going to break is going to break out there
SamVanZam - 7 years ago
This was my thought too!!
Project Manaia - Ocean Conservation & Research
Project Manaia - Ocean Conservation & Research - 7 years ago
EVERYTHING Breaks! And when it does at the worst time possible.... as usual in the middle of the night in a gale and everyone else fast asleep or sick as a dog below deck :D
Fair winds! SY Independence
Savant - 7 years ago
And if you get lost, you just pull in somewheres, and ask for directions!
Charles Monroe
Charles Monroe - 7 years ago
Nicely done! Looking forward to your trip across the canal to the Pacific...
Jennifer Albert
Jennifer Albert - 7 years ago
So excited to see how the new chain does - it looks sooooo much better. The background dancing was hilarious :) :) :)
regould221 - 7 years ago
Did you get any money for the chain at a scrap yard?
Andrew Hill
Andrew Hill - 7 years ago
I am no expert but I might have a spare Gypsy on board just in case, It would be pretty hard to pull that anchor by hand..I can imagine it weighs a ton..
Rolling with the Walkers
Rolling with the Walkers - 7 years ago
That looked like a lot of fun (not). Looking forward to more adventures with y'all.
Ed B
Ed B - 7 years ago
I am so confused. I thought you went through the Panama Canal 2 months ago?
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
+Ed B  Our quick posts on social media are up to the minute, but videos take longer to produce so yes, we're always behind real time.
Seafodder - 7 years ago
There is a significant lag between when the videos are shot and when they are posted. Takes time to edit and find an internet connection, plus all that actual sailing, repairing, cleaning, sleeping, diving, eating, maintenance, exploring, etc... I'm not sure what their actual lag time is, but I think (for example) SV Delos is like 6 months or so behind real time.
Dustin Gascho
Dustin Gascho - 7 years ago
Your chain was jumping because it was stretched. That is why it was thinner as well. It elongated. Noticeable if you measure the length of the links. They do that over time when under load.
Karel van der Velden
Karel van der Velden - 7 years ago
Because the anchor is stainless steel and the anchorchain galvanized mild steel there was galvaniccorrosion (potential difference between mixed metals)
The chain acted as an anode thus degraded and thinned. Rusted !
(not so much does it stretch by force in their settup)
Kristian Lundell
Kristian Lundell - 7 years ago
The links gets worn on the inside over time, they wear where the links meet up. The rest of the link can look 100%. The result being the links gets just a little longer apart, just enough to not fit 100% in the winch anymore, hence the jumping. The links measured on the outside, doesn't necessarily have to be longer, but the hole in each link will be!
Robert Colvin
Robert Colvin - 7 years ago
FYI.  A bicycle chain stretches the same way over time and will also skip if not replaced.
Air Hemisphere
Air Hemisphere - 7 years ago
What kind of boat do you have?
Air Hemisphere
Air Hemisphere - 7 years ago
Gone with the Wynns, thanks I'll take a look
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
+Air Hemisphere  Here's all the info https://www.gonewiththewynns.com/curiosity-sailboat
Air Hemisphere
Air Hemisphere - 7 years ago
onthebeaches1, thx
onthebeaches1 - 7 years ago
I believe it's a 43 Leopard. I don't remember the year but around 2003
Jurgen Ritzhaupt
Jurgen Ritzhaupt - 7 years ago
I think that chain needed to be changed as soon as the rust took over.
Catamaran Channel
Catamaran Channel - 7 years ago
Nice to get some boat parts replacement info, thanks!
Keep sailing!
Mr. Slawomir L
Mr. Slawomir L - 7 years ago
Hey, no "pulling my chain"jokes??...LOL
Great video guys!
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
billyoverboard - 7 years ago
In case your temporary clevis turns into longterm, you can put seizing wire from the eye to the body of clevis
will2326 - 7 years ago
I would put wire in there either way in my experience those clevises have a tendency of working themselves loose and a bit of wire would save you from a disaster.
Savant - 7 years ago
Hey now, it's okay. We'd like Jason in a Speedo too. It's all good.
onthebeaches1 - 7 years ago
REALLY?! That's your intelligent comment...objectifying Nikki! SHAME ON YOU!
Joe the Computerguy
Joe the Computerguy - 7 years ago
Friends jumping and dancing in the background was fun. I learned how to splice a line back when I took the Coast Guard certification course in 1988 :o
Tía Solterona
Tía Solterona - 7 years ago
It will be so fun knowing you're on the "Pacific Side of the World".
Cheers!!! Here's to a gentle passage through, and as always...
Fair winds & Following seas, Wynns!!! =D <3
Susan C
Susan C - 7 years ago
Love watching you guys! Poured my coffee, got all cuddled up, and boom, it was already over!! Can't wait till next week. Feel free to make really long videos!! Lol!
Rixanne H
Rixanne H - 7 years ago
movin up to the Triple D(itto)
renoguy25 - 7 years ago
ditto the ditto
Bucket List Retreats
Bucket List Retreats - 7 years ago
ROBYN S - 7 years ago
Sure is more expensive to keep that boat as compared to the RV! But this is another stage of your journey. ❤️
Tom Wheeler
Tom Wheeler - 7 years ago
You forgot to safety wire the line to the chain ?? Would be a good idea.  Good Luck Safe Wynns!!
Gary Criswell
Gary Criswell - 7 years ago
Someone got his workout in that day. Hopefully that braiding holds up if you haven't gotten it taken care of my now. Can't wait for next Sunday now. Have a great day guys!!
James Wrate
James Wrate - 7 years ago
Love you guys!
JAMES EDWARDS - 7 years ago
Heat video. Would have been a good time to paint distance markers on the chain.
John Christopher
John Christopher - 7 years ago
They mentioned they have a counter.
xmask321 - 7 years ago
Em And the Gang
Em And the Gang - 7 years ago
Great idea. I wonder if they have a digital counter of some sort that tells them what length of chain they use each time they anchor, though.
Benjamin Frazier
Benjamin Frazier - 7 years ago
In the first shot did anyone notice the two men in the back dancing and waving
Start The Rebellion
Start The Rebellion - 7 years ago
lol, I have to ask... were they cued like by radio or line of sight or something? The timing was flawless and the execution seamless. - The wannabe geek video maker in me is dying to know! :p
Gone with the Wynns
Gone with the Wynns - 7 years ago
Ha ha, yes, we pointed them out, that's our friends Rufus and Kate photo bombing us. It was super funny!
Naivan Mladic
Naivan Mladic - 7 years ago
Your friends made my day with that dance in the background :)) Love your content, keep it coming!
Adippen - 7 years ago
My coffee spurted out through my nose at 1:20 Ha ha ha
Kelly O'Neill
Kelly O'Neill - 7 years ago
Rufus & Kate are hilarious in the background! hahaha
johnVidBozo - 7 years ago
Those dancing fools need their own YT channel!
TNA2Me - 7 years ago
Oh my word I laughed so hard I old man coughed. Lol

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About Old Rusty & Jumping The Gypsy - Replacing Our Anchor Chain (Sailing Curiosity)

The "Old Rusty & Jumping The Gypsy - Replacing Our Anchor Chain (Sailing Curiosity)" video is part of the Sealing, tipps, boating category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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