POTCO - Sailing & cannon for beginners
Sailing 16 years ago 3,626 views
POTCO - Pirates of the Caribbean Online One thing I see very regularly in-game, are bad drivers. The notion of getting close to an enemy ship is usually disastrous for low level pirates. In this tutorial, I tried to condense about 50 tips and tricks I use regularly. While many will be common knowledge to seasoned sailors, I doubt anyone viewing this, will fail to pick up at least a couple things they didn't know about. Doing still-shots for cannon aiming tutorials is very unsatisfactory. Since this worked, I'll probably follow up with medium, long range and advanced distance shooting techniques. (Only what I consider to be short range is covered here.) The main way to get good at shooting deck cannons, is to shoot deck cannons a lot. If you have a friend that will park your ship long enough for you to practice, well done. Otherwise, your best bet is to launch a frigate from Padres Del Fuego, but don't sail out - only shoot from those goofy front cannons.
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