POTCO - Sailing & cannon for beginners

POTCO - Pirates of the Caribbean Online One thing I see very regularly in-game, are bad drivers. The notion of getting close to an enemy ship is usually disastrous for low level pirates. In this tutorial, I tried to condense about 50 tips and tricks I use regularly. While many will be common knowledge to seasoned sailors, I doubt anyone viewing this, will fail to pick up at least a couple things they didn't know about. Doing still-shots for cannon aiming tutorials is very unsatisfactory. Since this worked, I'll probably follow up with medium, long range and advanced distance shooting techniques. (Only what I consider to be short range is covered here.) The main way to get good at shooting deck cannons, is to shoot deck cannons a lot. If you have a friend that will park your ship long enough for you to practice, well done. Otherwise, your best bet is to launch a frigate from Padres Del Fuego, but don't sail out - only shoot from those goofy front cannons.

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Sailing 16 years ago 3,626 views

POTCO - Pirates of the Caribbean Online One thing I see very regularly in-game, are bad drivers. The notion of getting close to an enemy ship is usually disastrous for low level pirates. In this tutorial, I tried to condense about 50 tips and tricks I use regularly. While many will be common knowledge to seasoned sailors, I doubt anyone viewing this, will fail to pick up at least a couple things they didn't know about. Doing still-shots for cannon aiming tutorials is very unsatisfactory. Since this worked, I'll probably follow up with medium, long range and advanced distance shooting techniques. (Only what I consider to be short range is covered here.) The main way to get good at shooting deck cannons, is to shoot deck cannons a lot. If you have a friend that will park your ship long enough for you to practice, well done. Otherwise, your best bet is to launch a frigate from Padres Del Fuego, but don't sail out - only shoot from those goofy front cannons.

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Most popular comments
for POTCO - Sailing & cannon for beginners

TheJackyJooJ - 9 years ago
It's a good vid but to much lag
EdwardEdgemenace - 13 years ago
@potco100 No, this is what the game USED to look like, before most of the downgrades. Shots would go where you aimed them; sky, seas and islands were pretty; ships fairly reasonable. The server-side lag epidemic had only just begun, when this was recorded. I bought a new computer 3 months ago - game is unplayable on old and new alike, for the server-side lag it has now.
EdwardEdgemenace - 15 years ago
Glad this tutorial could help then. Since the December 2009 game changes, the aim is now very close to the center-tip of the cannon and much lower. Chain shot is much more effective on sails while all other ammo has been "nerfed" significantly. But the general principles here remain.
Lispy Dipshit
Lispy Dipshit - 15 years ago
My Pirate Stats Name:Patsy Level:31 Cutlass:MASTERED Gun:11 Doll:15 Dagger:18 Grenade:13 Staff:17
EdwardEdgemenace - 15 years ago
Absolutely correct! Going for level-appropriate targets is ALWAYS best. It's true for for all land weapons not just sailing and cannon...land enemies with yellow level tags are your fastest points (always.) The point of doing a juggy? Just being showy...and very very very slow. Seriously...over 1/2 hr for 1 ship? Never again. Ugh. Surprising how many of these hints still apply, even after the last changes. :-) Thanks for the props! See you in-game!
piratepplz - 15 years ago
Leo Hi dude I saw u one time in cc
EdwardEdgemenace - 15 years ago
Triple strength siege charge - similar to the triple-shot thunderbolt SVS glitch (that still works.)
Overlord in Training
Overlord in Training - 15 years ago
I'm talking the ship PVP, and what siege glitch are you refering to (and I said patched... not fixed)?
EdwardEdgemenace - 15 years ago
Infinite ammo is back. PvP on Tortuga is back. Invincibility is back. Speed is worse than ever. Invisibility is back. Siege glitch was never fixed. Fast switching was never fixed. Instant desolation is back. What "fixed" are you referring to? Slightly changing the method of access to these glitches, is not "fixing" them by any stretch of the imagination.

10. comment for POTCO - Sailing & cannon for beginners

Overlord in Training
Overlord in Training - 15 years ago
from what I know, all current glitches in that PVP system have been patched, that is untill they add more content to it...
EdwardEdgemenace - 15 years ago
I avoid full servers. Ideal servers are very convenient when you want to work on cannon on someone else's boat. Quiet servers are best for sailing, as you have fewer pirates interfering. Aiming is pretty much the same on each. In Ship vs. ship (SvS) it is a whole different story - glitching and lag become significant factors in SvS - even on quiet servers.
drblaze2 - 15 years ago
does it make a difference if you are in a quiet ocean server or an ideal one or a full one?
EdwardEdgemenace - 15 years ago
:-) Picked that name, partly because I wanted the same first letter in both words, partly because that's what the random feature gave and partly because my pirate generally wears white (in-game...but I almost never wear white clothes in RL.) Wearing bright clothes in-game, means you can be seen by other pirates and healed. Computer enemies are color blind.
EdwardEdgemenace - 15 years ago
Death Omen.
EdwardEdgemenace - 15 years ago
Right now, yes, you have to aim a little to the right. You also have to adjust for the speed of your ship if it is moving ot turning (even slightly.) FOR THE COMPASS: Yes, you must zoom it in all the way, to have any accurate distance estimates for your broadsides shots. You can zoom out to get a quick overview of where groups of ships are, but you must zoom all the way in, if you use the compass to estimate distance for broadsides.
EdwardEdgemenace - 15 years ago
Yes, this still works this way. Note that for the video, I used a very large target so you can see relative aiming aspects. The "top right corner of topsail" reference point works near the edge of the compass on all ships that have square-sail rigging. Check your compass zoom frequently - it is resetting itself more often now. What ship-type were you sailing and what ship type were you attacking?
EdwardEdgemenace - 15 years ago
Probably. If you shoot the masts first, you will get almost twice as much rep. Remember that you get rep for each HIT not for the damage you do. So if you aim your shots better (as shown in this guide) your level 12 cannons will soon be level 25.
Leon Barns
Leon Barns - 15 years ago
POTCO has gotten less laggy for me....i am a lvl 24 and it is all fine but until i get to sea...-_-
EdwardEdgemenace - 16 years ago
Since January 2009, all of POTCO is very laggy. But the video recording makes it that much slower. If I try to capture all the frames, it becomes severe; so instead, I let it drop frames during recording. Amazing how many people don't know to use the tip of the cannon, as their aiming reference point.

20. comment for POTCO - Sailing & cannon for beginners

Ling - 16 years ago
Good graphicks Bit laggy Ty for tips First commeny

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