Quick tips for cat sailors S01 E01

This is the first video of a new format - small things that can make your cat sailing life easier. Here we're firstly looking at putting the trolley under the boat which sounds, and should be simple but many people struggle to make it look easy. then hoisting the mainsail, so obvious once you see it. Then an easy upgrade, making attaching and detaching your mainsheet sooooooo much easier. I hope that this is all helpful. Ways to support the channel - https://www.patreon.com/joseph_bennett Online Store for t-shirts and hoodies - https://totaljoyrider.com If you need any biking or general outdoor clothing check out this website for the best prices, https://www.sportpursuit.com/join/totaljoyrider https://www.facebook.com/totaljoyrider/ https://www.youtube.com/user/joeyenglez https://www.instagram.com/totaljoyrider/ https://www.patreon.com/joseph_bennett

Quick tips for cat sailors S01 E01 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 0

Sailing 6 years ago 1,288 views

This is the first video of a new format - small things that can make your cat sailing life easier. Here we're firstly looking at putting the trolley under the boat which sounds, and should be simple but many people struggle to make it look easy. then hoisting the mainsail, so obvious once you see it. Then an easy upgrade, making attaching and detaching your mainsheet sooooooo much easier. I hope that this is all helpful. Ways to support the channel - https://www.patreon.com/joseph_bennett Online Store for t-shirts and hoodies - https://totaljoyrider.com If you need any biking or general outdoor clothing check out this website for the best prices, https://www.sportpursuit.com/join/totaljoyrider https://www.facebook.com/totaljoyrider/ https://www.youtube.com/user/joeyenglez https://www.instagram.com/totaljoyrider/ https://www.patreon.com/joseph_bennett

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Most popular comments
for Quick tips for cat sailors S01 E01

Hobie_Cat - 6 years ago
Nice Video. (please think over a Book) Oh man! Thanks! Pity that I did not know the trick with the trolly yet. Cat sailing can be so easy.
Here is perhaps a tip for the sailors who want to take the mainsail in the HC16 maximum closde, but do not want to give up the comfort of a quick opening.
There are three different sizes of Hobie Cat original shackle (s,m and L). I took a hobie "s" shackle for the mainsheet, where I had lost the bolt, and drilled it on the thread side on (4.8 mm). Afterwards I took a patent pin https://hobiesailing.de/index.php?a=1089 and connect this with an aramid thread on the shackle. So on the HC 16 I was able to close the mainsheet as usual and sail closed gap. Then I fixed the whole shackle with another aramid thread on the main block. So I couldn't lose it.

For the attachment of the mainsheet system to the Traveler, I also used a patent pin. https://youtu.be/V8ufsts8KYI?t=135

Greetings from the cool north. Unfortunately, the sailing season here is over. Olli
The Rig Loft Matthew Otto
The Rig Loft Matthew Otto - 6 years ago
just a quick question what cordage are you using for that mainsheet? my new boat came with Trophy and it's got to go. I've already replaced the jib sheets with Buzz line and I have an idea as to what I'm going to replace the main sheet with but that looks like a nice soft piece of line so I was just hoping to ID it. Thanks
Joseph Bennett
Joseph Bennett - 6 years ago
we're using 9mm Mafioli Swift Cord - it works really well once it's worn in.
Matthew Knock
Matthew Knock - 6 years ago
Great start to the new series.. in no time at all you'll have a great set of reference material for us to follow!
Colin Grover
Colin Grover - 6 years ago
Great videos. Super helpful. Cheers!
Steven Vachon
Steven Vachon - 6 years ago
Also might be a possible video for when that sad time comes to put our steeds away to hibernate for the winter months. Understandably not expecting any advice for snowy conditions....
Joseph Bennett
Joseph Bennett - 6 years ago
Good idea, I'll be taking apart a lot of boats next week so I could certainly do some of this.
Steven Vachon
Steven Vachon - 6 years ago
Thank you for the shedding light on some of the cat sailing basics. I do have a couple of questions....On a Hobie 16 is it normal for the rear traveler to be stiff ie: doesn't move freely, when the main sail is under tension? Also, when tacking or jibing in light winds the mast has trouble snapping (for lack of a better term when it is still bent to one side) over to the other side. Should something be loosened like the downhaul or main sheet?
Joseph Bennett
Joseph Bennett - 6 years ago
Hi Steven, I'll put these answers in video format - same answer for both problems - easing the mainsheet a little will make the traveller move more freely and the mast to rotate.

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