Quick tips for cat sailors S01 E03
Sailing 6 years ago 2,106 views
Here we're looking at a few things that could help. 1- Doing a good job folding your spinnaker single handed 2 - How to get a good rough idea of how much rig tension to put on your 16 3 - A slight set up alteration that could help you to get back on your boat after a capsize. 4 - How to get your shackles tighter (or undo them if they're too tight) 5 - A handy protector for your forestay chainplate. I hope this is useful to someone, if you want to see anything in a future video please put your suggestion in the comments below. Ways to support the channel - https://www.patreon.com/joseph_bennett Online Store for t-shirts and hoodies - https://totaljoyrider.com If you need any biking or general outdoor clothing check out this website for the best prices, https://www.sportpursuit.com/join/tot... https://www.facebook.com/totaljoyrider/ https://www.youtube.com/user/joeyenglez https://www.instagram.com/totaljoyrider/ https://www.patreon.com/joseph_bennett #joyridertv #catsailing https://www.amazon.com/shop/josephbennett #catsailing #joyridertv
I'm not sure about the under tramp take away as i've always gone through the fromt beam.
What I've done in the past is to drill a hole in the plastic endocap on the beam and then put a plastic insert into the hole so that i could route the lines into the beam.