Removing a Seized Propeller with a Multi Cutter! ⛵ Sailing Britaly ⛵

8 days until we splash and we managed to get our very badly stuck propeller off! In this video you will see exactly what tools we used and what we did to do remove our seized prop. Today was a very good day, but time is marching on so we need some more like this one to make our impending deadline... Great value 10-ton hydraulic puller ► ***Please note*** We read every single comment but we will be too busy to reply to any in the near future. Please keep your comments coming though - we love hearing from our viewers! As a few people asked in the comments after yesterday's video, here is where we bought our cheap 8 mm galvanised steel anchor chain: ⛵ Sailing Britaly ⛵ brings you the sailing shenanigans of Chris (British), Rossella (Italian), and baby Emma (Britalian) as we sail our 35 ft sloop. We make sailing vlogs of our cruising adventures and share any tips and tricks we can along the way. After all, sailors are one big family! Thank you very much for watching, subscribe to see more of our videos! (It's FREE) Join our Patreon Crew! More Sailing Britaly here: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Fair winds! 👍 Chris and Rossella -------------------- 'Sailing Britaly' is a Helvellyn Ltd brand. Disclaimer: Due to factors beyond the control of Helvellyn Ltd, we cannot guarantee against unauthorized modifications of this information, or improper use of this information. Helvellyn Ltd assumes no liability for property damage, injury or death incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. Helvellyn Ltd. recommends safe practices when working with power tools, automotive lifts, lifting tools, jack stands, electrical equipment, blunt instruments, chemicals, lubricants, open flames, or any other tools or equipment seen or implied in this video. Due to factors beyond the control of Helvellyn Ltd, no information contained in this video shall create any express or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not Helvellyn Ltd. Disclosure: any links in this description may be affiliate links. If you decide to buy some items from them, Helvellyn Ltd may receive a small percentage compensation for having suggested the suppliers to you. (This costs you nothing) As an Amazon Associate we receive compensation for qualifying purchases. Helvellyn Ltd only recommends suppliers and products which we believe in, so there is never any conflict of interest. p.s. Check out our Sailing Tips here: p.p.s. Check out our Sailing Adventures! #sailing #boatwork #refit

Removing a Seized Propeller with a Multi Cutter! ⛵ Sailing Britaly ⛵ sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2

Sailing 6 years ago 11,141 views

8 days until we splash and we managed to get our very badly stuck propeller off! In this video you will see exactly what tools we used and what we did to do remove our seized prop. Today was a very good day, but time is marching on so we need some more like this one to make our impending deadline... Great value 10-ton hydraulic puller ► ***Please note*** We read every single comment but we will be too busy to reply to any in the near future. Please keep your comments coming though - we love hearing from our viewers! As a few people asked in the comments after yesterday's video, here is where we bought our cheap 8 mm galvanised steel anchor chain: ⛵ Sailing Britaly ⛵ brings you the sailing shenanigans of Chris (British), Rossella (Italian), and baby Emma (Britalian) as we sail our 35 ft sloop. We make sailing vlogs of our cruising adventures and share any tips and tricks we can along the way. After all, sailors are one big family! Thank you very much for watching, subscribe to see more of our videos! (It's FREE) Join our Patreon Crew! More Sailing Britaly here: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Fair winds! 👍 Chris and Rossella -------------------- 'Sailing Britaly' is a Helvellyn Ltd brand. Disclaimer: Due to factors beyond the control of Helvellyn Ltd, we cannot guarantee against unauthorized modifications of this information, or improper use of this information. Helvellyn Ltd assumes no liability for property damage, injury or death incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. Helvellyn Ltd. recommends safe practices when working with power tools, automotive lifts, lifting tools, jack stands, electrical equipment, blunt instruments, chemicals, lubricants, open flames, or any other tools or equipment seen or implied in this video. Due to factors beyond the control of Helvellyn Ltd, no information contained in this video shall create any express or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not Helvellyn Ltd. Disclosure: any links in this description may be affiliate links. If you decide to buy some items from them, Helvellyn Ltd may receive a small percentage compensation for having suggested the suppliers to you. (This costs you nothing) As an Amazon Associate we receive compensation for qualifying purchases. Helvellyn Ltd only recommends suppliers and products which we believe in, so there is never any conflict of interest. p.s. Check out our Sailing Tips here: p.p.s. Check out our Sailing Adventures! #sailing #boatwork #refit

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Most popular comments
for Removing a Seized Propeller with a Multi Cutter! ⛵ Sailing Britaly ⛵

Sailing Britaly
Sailing Britaly - 6 years ago
* We read EVERY comment and we love to hear from our viewers, but we simply don't have time to reply to comments for a while... Please keep them coming though as you really help motivate us! *
Bob Fetterman
Bob Fetterman - 6 years ago
I'm confused (not unusual) - what part of that puller is hydraulic? It looks mechanical to me ...
Jon Madsen
Jon Madsen - 6 years ago
Sailing Britaly
Sailing Britaly - 6 years ago
Archibald Tuttle
Archibald Tuttle - 6 years ago
Thanks for showing us the sunny day in a year that is called Summer in England! Emma was clearly irritated.
Wyr Twister
Wyr Twister - 6 years ago
Try some anti-seize on the prop shaft .

God bless
al math
al math - 6 years ago
Thanks great video hats off to the both of you we have a 5 year old and it hard work keep him occupied while try to work on the boat. Got to admit would have went straight for the angle grinder however you opened my eyes to the multi tool. What material was the prop you cut?
faircompetition1 - 6 years ago
So one day down at the boat yard my buddy a really good mechanic and I watched a guy struggle for about 4 hours with no luck getting his prop off while we were busy on our boat . When he went for lunch we snuck over and popped it off for him - right tools and a tap with a hammer in the right spot and it came right off in 5 min. So we put it on the table and went back to work on our boat . The look on his face a when he came back and the elves had fixed his boat was priceless . He kept picking it up and looking around dumbfounded LOL . He eventually figured it out that it was us .

A few years later my buddy needed a new shaft coupling , and that showed up by boat elves. A favor repaid . Good people .
John Christopher
John Christopher - 6 years ago
Really love these splashdown countdown videos.
Michael Mulryan
Michael Mulryan - 6 years ago
Good work! DIY Sailors always find plan A won't work out. Re think and Re tool! Can you share the name of the multi-tool? Fair winds, Capt Mike

10. comment for Removing a Seized Propeller with a Multi Cutter! ⛵ Sailing Britaly ⛵

John Malloy
John Malloy - 6 years ago
Thanks for all your shares. Appreciate MUCH.
John Malloy
John Malloy - 6 years ago
Awesome Family.
Sailing Inconceivable
Sailing Inconceivable - 6 years ago
Cutting anything within close proximity of something that shouldn't get cut always gives me the heebie-jeebies.
Joe Schmeltzer
Joe Schmeltzer - 6 years ago
Looks good, best of luck with refit
Rob Meyer
Rob Meyer - 6 years ago
Another super video Chris! Very well done die good luck to the 3 of you!
Rob Meyer
Rob Meyer - 6 years ago
Whoops spelling error... good luck to the 3 of you..
You're working hard youre doing so well thanks daily vlogs are fascinating.
S/V Happy Mondays
S/V Happy Mondays - 6 years ago
Great stuff so satisfying when boat work comes together one question isolating tool or grinder ? I need to get one or the other
mike hollin
mike hollin - 6 years ago
nice job , you guys deserve a break !
Mick OBrien
Mick OBrien - 6 years ago
Great video, I know what tool I will be buying next.
Sailing Project Atticus
Sailing Project Atticus - 6 years ago
Wohoo! Nice Job Chris! We agree about safety gear! We've met so many yard guys who just don't bother with safety gear- so crazy! Gotta stay safe! Congrats on the prop! You're a champion!

20. comment for Removing a Seized Propeller with a Multi Cutter! ⛵ Sailing Britaly ⛵

Michael Groff
Michael Groff - 6 years ago
Antisieze is your best friend.
Jonathan Landwer
Jonathan Landwer - 6 years ago
Great job!
Stephen Mundane
Stephen Mundane - 6 years ago
Thanks for taking the time to post the chain info on the other video *thumbs up*. Hope you find a bit of time to enjoy the sun.
Jeffrey Wood
Jeffrey Wood - 6 years ago
Brilliant! Thank you for sharing how you took the prop off and you thought process - that puller is amazing :)
Project Manaia
Project Manaia - 6 years ago
Best of luck guys! We just left the boatyard last week, video will be out tomorrow.... lots of Boatyard work this time of the year.... Fair winds and calm seas! And best wishes from Bodrum, Turkey! SY Independence
gus quintela
gus quintela - 6 years ago
Well done Chris!!
Andy B68
Andy B68 - 6 years ago
Nicely done. Patience paid off eh?
Luca Braschi
Luca Braschi - 6 years ago
Yes, sometimes there is the sun, I live in Shropshire and I love it!
Thomas Gregory
Thomas Gregory - 6 years ago
Another Shropshire sailor here...
sean mulligan
sean mulligan - 6 years ago
Great could you have given it a squirt with a fire exstinguisher
Jeffrey Robbins
Jeffrey Robbins - 6 years ago
Nice to see a young couple approaching a life at sea w passion, sincerity and a total lack of pretension.
Love the idea of your daily video journal. It gives an immediacy and intimacy to your storytelling lacking on most sailing channels. Keep it up and get to sea and the patrons will follow.
Your enthusiasm is infectious.
Project Manaia
Project Manaia - 6 years ago
I agree, the daily journals are a nice feature, I do see how they eat up a lot of time though... so even more so thank you for sharing them! We are only doing them ones a week and already invest 1-2 days of editing work into the videos.... couldn't (yet) do a daily version (completely aside from connectivity problems) but maybe es my video editing skills get better ;-)

30. comment for Removing a Seized Propeller with a Multi Cutter! ⛵ Sailing Britaly ⛵

Terry Harms
Terry Harms - 6 years ago
Nice job getting the old prop off,
Mark Bernier
Mark Bernier - 6 years ago
good on you for getting that spline apart. Power of hydraulics is always amazing. No shaft lapping required either YAY! Might want to double check the prop you buy. What was on the drive isn't necessarily the right prop. Lots of cases of the prop they have versus no prop when you are back of beyond. If the budget will stand it stock a spare.
Lisa Conley
Lisa Conley - 6 years ago
I don’t mind watching ads at the beginning but a couple minutes in is a bit much. Love you guys. Love the videos.
S/V Happy Mondays
S/V Happy Mondays - 6 years ago
Lee Conley I didn't get any ?
andrew - 6 years ago
download firefox as your browser, they have an ad blocker as an option...FREE
korgeth - 6 years ago
Good work. love these, but wish you didnt have to stay up half the night editing them.
D J - 6 years ago
Strong work with that prop! I'm really digging these videos where you're doing projects. Keep them coming.
Cory Brown
Cory Brown - 6 years ago
wow good for you both I'm glad you got the prop of I was thing of saying yesterday that you should cut it off . wow getting closer nice see you tomorrow have a good night .my time Wa. USA 7.43 pm.
Steve Holett
Steve Holett - 6 years ago
Nice job

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The "Removing a Seized Propeller with a Multi Cutter! ⛵ Sailing Britaly ⛵" video is part of the Sealing, tipps, boating category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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