▶ Check out my gear on Kit: Trying to find a place to anchor near reefs which don't appear on your navigation chart is fraught with danger and means sailing by eyeball only! Once safe, we added a few annotations to Navionics to help the next people who come to these remote deserted islands. Sailing and provisioning is high up on any sailor's list of priorities, so we needed to find people. After weeks far from any settlements in the Anambas our fresh food was running low, so we were relieved when Google Earth showed us there was a small town nearby. There was no name, just buildings along the coastline, and it didn't appear on the chart or any of our navigation devices, but it was definitely there. Laden proved to be a fertile provisioning ground, so we stocked up! After a gift of fresh mango, we headed off to our next island playground in the direction of Moon Rock Bay... 💖 If you enjoy or have even learned something from our videos, please LIKE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE to our channel! 🥂JOIN PATREON & TELL US WHERE TO GO NEXT! *************************************** 🛒 FOLLOWTHEBOAT SHOP: *************************************** 🕮 E-BOOKS: HOW TO BECOME A LIVEABOARD CRUISER! HOW TO BUY A BOAT! *************************************** ⛵ SUBSCRIBE TO US ON YOUTUBE! (IT'S FREE!!) Click the red SUBSCRIBE button...and don't forget to HIT THE BELL so you get notified each time we upload a new video 🙏 SAY THANKS THROUGH THE RUM FUND! 🙏 SUPPORT US ON PATREON! *************************************** LET'S CONNECT! 🌎 FTB WEBSITE 📧 RECEIVE FTB EMAILS: 📷 INSTAGRAM 👯 FACEBOOK 📱 TWITTER *************************************** GEAR USED IN OUR EPISODES 📷 NEW CAMERA (Ep 68 onwards) Panasonic GH5 📷 OLD VIDEO CAMERA (Ep 1 - 67) Olympus OMD EM-5 Mk2 📸 MAIN VIDEO CAMERA LENS Olympus Zuiko 12mm prime 🚁 4K DRONE DJi Mavic 🎥 LIZ'S 4K CAMCORDER Sony AX53 🎤 MAIN EXTERNAL CAMERA MIC Rode VideoMic Pro 🎤 LIZ'S CAMERA EXTERNAL COMPACT MIC Rode Video Micro Compact 🎙️ MAIN EXTERNAL FIELD MIC Roland R-05 🎙️ SECONDARY EXTERNAL FIELD MIC Zoom H1 🌊 WATERPROOF CAMERA Olympus Tough TG5 🏂 MAIN 4K SPORTS CAMERA GoPro Hero 4 Black 🏂 SECONDARY 4K SPORTS CAMERA SJCAM 5000X 👩‍💻 EDITING SOFTWARE Adobe Premiere Pro CC *************************************** 🛳️ MMSI/AIS Follow us on using our MMSI number: 235026188

SAILING BY EYEBALL IN REMOTE DESERTED ISLANDS! Ep 92 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 7

Sailing 7 years ago 10,124 views

▶ Check out my gear on Kit: Trying to find a place to anchor near reefs which don't appear on your navigation chart is fraught with danger and means sailing by eyeball only! Once safe, we added a few annotations to Navionics to help the next people who come to these remote deserted islands. Sailing and provisioning is high up on any sailor's list of priorities, so we needed to find people. After weeks far from any settlements in the Anambas our fresh food was running low, so we were relieved when Google Earth showed us there was a small town nearby. There was no name, just buildings along the coastline, and it didn't appear on the chart or any of our navigation devices, but it was definitely there. Laden proved to be a fertile provisioning ground, so we stocked up! After a gift of fresh mango, we headed off to our next island playground in the direction of Moon Rock Bay... 💖 If you enjoy or have even learned something from our videos, please LIKE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE to our channel! 🥂JOIN PATREON & TELL US WHERE TO GO NEXT! *************************************** 🛒 FOLLOWTHEBOAT SHOP: *************************************** 🕮 E-BOOKS: HOW TO BECOME A LIVEABOARD CRUISER! HOW TO BUY A BOAT! *************************************** ⛵ SUBSCRIBE TO US ON YOUTUBE! (IT'S FREE!!) Click the red SUBSCRIBE button...and don't forget to HIT THE BELL so you get notified each time we upload a new video 🙏 SAY THANKS THROUGH THE RUM FUND! 🙏 SUPPORT US ON PATREON! *************************************** LET'S CONNECT! 🌎 FTB WEBSITE 📧 RECEIVE FTB EMAILS: 📷 INSTAGRAM 👯 FACEBOOK 📱 TWITTER *************************************** GEAR USED IN OUR EPISODES 📷 NEW CAMERA (Ep 68 onwards) Panasonic GH5 📷 OLD VIDEO CAMERA (Ep 1 - 67) Olympus OMD EM-5 Mk2 📸 MAIN VIDEO CAMERA LENS Olympus Zuiko 12mm prime 🚁 4K DRONE DJi Mavic 🎥 LIZ'S 4K CAMCORDER Sony AX53 🎤 MAIN EXTERNAL CAMERA MIC Rode VideoMic Pro 🎤 LIZ'S CAMERA EXTERNAL COMPACT MIC Rode Video Micro Compact 🎙️ MAIN EXTERNAL FIELD MIC Roland R-05 🎙️ SECONDARY EXTERNAL FIELD MIC Zoom H1 🌊 WATERPROOF CAMERA Olympus Tough TG5 🏂 MAIN 4K SPORTS CAMERA GoPro Hero 4 Black 🏂 SECONDARY 4K SPORTS CAMERA SJCAM 5000X 👩‍💻 EDITING SOFTWARE Adobe Premiere Pro CC *************************************** 🛳️ MMSI/AIS Follow us on using our MMSI number: 235026188

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Most popular comments

mobiltec - 7 years ago
I was amazed at that restaurant/store. Looks like they are getting ready for a lot of business. Very relaxing video this time. It made me feel like taking the day off! :) Time for another rum fund donation mates...
Sailing followtheboat
Sailing followtheboat - 7 years ago
+Stephen J [Liz] Yay! Happy Australia Day!
Stephen J
Stephen J - 7 years ago
We already have Friday off! Happy Australia Day all.
Hui San
Hui San - 7 years ago
The mango experience is so spot on. We used to work in jungles in Sumatra, Papua, Borneo and Celebes for a month or more. Since we solely could only eat rice, instant noodle, salted fish, canned food or fresh fish/bird, the thing I always missed were fruits and vegetables. We're so grateful if we could find fern, spinach, banana blossoms etc or better if we could buy fruits from local tribes.
Sailing followtheboat
Sailing followtheboat - 7 years ago
It's so true, isn't it? Not until you've been deprived of fresh fruit and veg do you understand how delicious it is. Peace and fair winds! Liz
Kevin Fisher
Kevin Fisher - 7 years ago
When I was in the navy, one of the highlights was getting fresh produce from the ports. Most everyone looked forward for the fresh :D This was many years ago and memory might be overdone, but I swear about half of the fresh produce was gone in first couple days as everyone scoffed it down, with remaining half lasting for another week or two the less fresh it got. Anyway yea, nothing beats eating fresh produce especially around the ocean salty air. Seems like the saltiness in the air just enhances not only fresh food but most food really.
Sailing followtheboat
Sailing followtheboat - 7 years ago
I'd say your memory is spot on. A beautiful, fresh fruit is beyond delicious after weeks at sea or anchor and you're down to dried food and cans! Liz
grakkerful - 7 years ago
Damn, making the locals uncomfortable with the camera @ 4:28! LMAO.
abdullah alsulaiti
abdullah alsulaiti - 7 years ago
hahahaha ..Captain what you are saying about mango make me Lough!! . You might get confused about the taste of the ( sweet things ) maybe as result of missing them for long period.... but i agree with you both taste goooood....
Sailing followtheboat
Sailing followtheboat - 7 years ago
Mangoes are the king of fruit! (Liz@ftb)
Damjan Planinc
Damjan Planinc - 7 years ago
Are there any particular reasons that these places are not well mapped? Do you maybe know? ☺
Sailing followtheboat
Sailing followtheboat - 7 years ago
They are mapped and they're charted too, just not very well. Most chart data is taken from official government sources and I guess Indonesia just hasn't got round to, or has the money for, doing a thorough survey.
man... what a place! Absolutely stunning! Maybe we should make a move and get there too.....
Not yet, gotta check it though!
Sailing followtheboat
Sailing followtheboat - 7 years ago
+Project Manaia - Ocean Conservation & Research [Liz] You would both love it here! Have you seen the latest? Just uploaded to Patreon - underwater footage is breathtaking!
Frank Rice
Frank Rice - 7 years ago
Great job with the camera thank YOU
Sailing followtheboat
Sailing followtheboat - 7 years ago
+Frank Rice [Liz] Thanks for the appreciation!
sm6wet - 7 years ago
Thank you for sharing - great as usual. Cheers from Sweden.
Sailing followtheboat
Sailing followtheboat - 7 years ago
[Liz] So pleased you enjoyed it. Thanks for commenting!


Prof. Michael O. Zeee JCD ECS
Prof. Michael O. Zeee JCD ECS - 7 years ago
Thanks Jamie, and, of course Liz (great editing job), for the valuable information and beautiful scenery you bring into our homes (hope some do have that;-)). These places you visit just now are so beautiful. I wonder if the locals do have a sense of preservation...
Sailing followtheboat
Sailing followtheboat - 7 years ago
+Prof. Michael O. Zeee JCD ECS [Liz] Thanks for the nice comment. Bringing somewhere like this into people's homes is a privilege. I believe just getting by is at the top of the local people's list, they don't have the luxury of worrying about the world's environmental problems.
Sailing followtheboat
Sailing followtheboat - 7 years ago
+Chad Chorniak [Liz] Nice one!
Detroit Jack
Detroit Jack - 7 years ago
There is a band you might include in your videos while in the area . . . , I discovered this government banned protest group while walking around a street market in Bangkok in 1991. They were still banned at the time (not now), but the street seller told me to come back the following day and he'd give me a cassette recording for free: Caravan (Thai: ฅาราวาน, rtgs: Kharawan), is a Thai folk-rock band that formed out of the 1973 democracy movement, when thousand of students were murdered and arrested. Caravan launched the Phleng pheua chiwit (เพลงเพื่อชีวิต) (songs for life) genre. They escaped to Vietnam during the mid-70s to avoid arrest. This history was reiterated to me by the street seller. I hope you enjoy their music as much I have . . .
Sailing followtheboat
Sailing followtheboat - 7 years ago
[Liz] Thanks so much for this info! Very interesting. I had a listen, and there might be something there we could use when we're next in Thailand, but the problem is going to be getting a copyright licence, and a clean recording...if you have any ideas please let us know. Peace and fair winds!
David Owen
David Owen - 7 years ago
She said enak when you were given the mango. Pronounced en-uck..
jeff sonnichsen
jeff sonnichsen - 7 years ago
Sailing followtheboat
Sailing followtheboat - 7 years ago
[Liz] Fish Attraction Device. The previous episode is all about FADs.
LinuxUser119 - 7 years ago
Guys lovely scenery and all, but I wanna see more of Millie!!!!
craig me
craig me - 7 years ago
Another exploration to strange new worlds, keep boldly going guys. And inspiring hydroponics, who would have thought on a railing like that.

Fare winds...
Ryan Salyers
Ryan Salyers - 7 years ago
Loved the transition music!
josh silver
josh silver - 7 years ago
guys , time to drop the tacky lounge music with the tatty zoom outs all looking a bit boring and contrived.
Saltwest Co
Saltwest Co - 7 years ago
haha, sips martini in SE Asia with feet up while listening to sultry lounge music and watching the sun set over turquoise water..."meh" lol
Sailing followtheboat
Sailing followtheboat - 7 years ago
Oh well.
James Westhart
James Westhart - 7 years ago
Great video Liz and Jamie. It's always a treat when your videos pop up. The locals are as usual amazing and other worldly friendly. The woman offering you the mango slices was just lovely, you could see it in her sweet smile. Someday maybe, saved by zero. My question is only one. How do you return?


Peter Free
Peter Free - 7 years ago
You two have what I call a real sailing channel and not just boobs and arse flashing about to attract viewers. Great camera work and really interesting content. Keep up the good work and thank you guys.
David Owen
David Owen - 7 years ago
Sailing followtheboat cmon Liz... Just a little!
jjaus - 7 years ago
Another really pretty area. This is what cruising should be about.
Daniel Pearson
Daniel Pearson - 7 years ago
Your videos are so beautiful but also very educational. From here in the states many cruise to the Caribbean and party and you, Liz and Jamie, sail the seas less traveled and for this I thank you both.
Sailing followtheboat
Sailing followtheboat - 7 years ago
[Liz] It takes all sorts! We’re so pleased that some people enjoy coming along for the ride with us. Thank you. Peace and fair winds!
SV Barry Duckworth
SV Barry Duckworth - 7 years ago
Did you eventually get a spot in Moonrock bay? This kind of cruiser etiquette and working one's way along is what I love to see in videos. I hope that we will quickly catch on with this kind of thing ourselves, and can comfortably travel around even a fraction as well as you guys have learned to cruise.
Sailing followtheboat
Sailing followtheboat - 7 years ago
[Liz] You’ll find out next week! I hope you get to enjoy this kind of cruising too!
Tom S
Tom S - 7 years ago
great pics and great content, as always
Stevie FordRanger
Stevie FordRanger - 7 years ago
I think that’s just hydroponics not irrigation as such Jamie.
Sailing followtheboat
Sailing followtheboat - 7 years ago
[Liz] Thanks, a number of people have told us that. It is brilliant, isn’t it? For someone living in a stilted house on the edge of the ocean, that gardener has really green fingers!
Sailing followtheboat
Sailing followtheboat - 7 years ago
[Liz] Thank you, we’re so thrilled you enjoyed the music too!
Al Smitherman
Al Smitherman - 7 years ago
Loved the veggie setup at the restaurant! A well thought out bit of kit. Be safe guys!
Sailing followtheboat
Sailing followtheboat - 7 years ago
[Liz] Seems it is a hydroponic system, according to the comments here. It’s always inspiring to see someone pursuing a passion so thoroughly like this.
PNWesty - 7 years ago
Jeez.  Now I know what Jamie sounds like when he almost orgasms.  Not sure how I feel about that.... lol :-)  That restaurant is incredible - the hydroponic setup is pretty smart.  Cheers!
Sailing followtheboat
Sailing followtheboat - 7 years ago
[Liz] Probably best not to think about it! Yes, that hydroponic system (we’ve only discovered that’s what it is through the comments here) is a brilliant set-up, isn’t it?
Brian Farmer
Brian Farmer - 7 years ago
Loved Liz’s guffaw at the orgasmic mango comment. Hilarious.


Ed Rymes
Ed Rymes - 7 years ago
Always nice to take in your travels. A thought on that empty restaurant: Could it be Ramadan? That could explain why nobody was dining.
Sailing followtheboat
Sailing followtheboat - 7 years ago
+Kieran Bennett [Liz] Yes, that's exactly what we've found. Even in East London where our flat is, during Ramadan you can't get a table or a takeaway when the sun goes down!
Kieran Bennett
Kieran Bennett - 7 years ago
People trend to eat out in the evening. During Ramadan a place like this will be packed once the sun goes down.
Sailing followtheboat
Sailing followtheboat - 7 years ago
[Liz] It wasn’t Ramadan, but we think this place is probably used for special occasions and festivities in the town. Peace and fair winds!
Alex Donici CAD-CAM Dental Restorations
Alex Donici CAD-CAM Dental Restorations - 7 years ago
Vegetables are growing in a Hidroponic System
Alex Donici CAD-CAM Dental Restorations
Alex Donici CAD-CAM Dental Restorations - 7 years ago
You can grow your own lettuce on the boat ( I do this every sommer )instead of pipe use a box, stiroform to float your plants , a air pump( like aquqrium pumpu 2-3 h. /day ) plant food desolved in fresh water.... I love sailing the Med . and growing chalange plants : Love A lot you chanel... your wife , you and Millye.... I go salling with 2 dogs.. next year I must take a cat with us too... stay safe and kipp us posted!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sailing followtheboat
Sailing followtheboat - 7 years ago
[Liz] Yes, a number of people have explained this, Thanks for the advice!
Charles Thomas
Charles Thomas - 7 years ago
I love how you two are not just cruising the known and established places, but are blazing and marking a path for others to follow. Put me first on the list to buy the cruising manual when you do one!
Sailing followtheboat
Sailing followtheboat - 7 years ago
[Liz] Very glad to have you along for the ride! We like finding more out of the way places, but I think there are fewer and fewer these days... Peace and fair winds!
Cigarmann - 7 years ago
Fresh mango is orgasmic, the fruit most of us experience tastes nothing like a tree ripened fruit from its native land. Good time to be multi-orgasmic in this case Jamie!
Sailing followtheboat
Sailing followtheboat - 7 years ago
[Liz] In India mangoes are called “the King of fruits” and I wouldn’t disagree. The best we’ve ever eaten were halfway down the Suez Canal when we stayed in Ismailia. Unforgettable!
Richard Walker
Richard Walker - 7 years ago
G'Day Liz and Jamie,
Is it possible that you could give Goolge Map for Google Earth Coordinates for you VOGS.  I am so sorry to ask, 'cause it's more work.  However, when you are in a group of islands in Indonesia, which is often, Following the Boat, Esper, on the map, is not always easy.  You show such beautiful and interesting places, I like to find them on the e-maps and zoom in to your locations to get more informations.  

I continue to be impressed by your dedication to your viewers, by producing such wonderful mature, even scholarly, material.  We are dedicated Vlog watchers.  I am also in awe of your writing, videography, drone piloting talents,  as well as emotional openness in front of the camera.  You've added much to our retirement years.  Thank you, again,  Richard in Lutz, Fl. USA.
craig me
craig me - 7 years ago
Yes great idea, would love to see your trip plotted on a map through strava or something.
Bill Baker
Bill Baker - 7 years ago
Good on ya for taking the time to add to the Navionics database. I'm sure future visitors will think kindly of you.
Eight Crows Media
Eight Crows Media - 7 years ago
It is great being able to see all these places and people, thanks to you. Safe sailing.
Sailing followtheboat
Sailing followtheboat - 7 years ago
[Liz] We love meeting new people and sharing our experiences here. Thanks for the comment!
Jaime Pando
Jaime Pando - 7 years ago
Great Saxophone piece, as usual, right on spot to lift our souls out of the mundane! I have to confess, I enjoy food far more than I should, and my figure shows it. I have to declare myself a bit of a foodie, which I am starting to realize, it seems is a characteristic I share with you Jamie. To me, the act of eating, fills far more the need for basic nutrition; I enjoy color, texture particularly in addition to flavor, in fact, I came to realize, that texture is probably as important, and in some cases more important than the actual intensity in the flavor. I definitely prefer intense flavors, although I do not care for highly spiced foods, in my opinion they dull my senses, which keeps me from appreciating the rest of the experience. Nothing can replace fresh, ripe fruit and vegetables, they add so much more to any meal. I am glad you found a source to replenish it, and you are enjoying that dreamy place. Cheers, from the land of (right now) Ice and cold!

On another note... we were thinking of you this past Saturday. Kim and I replaced the gear case of our Quick windlass. Poor Kim, had to get into the chain locker and work the spanners, while I was on deck, supplying support and keeping the bolts and wrenches from going overboard (one did, we lost our 10mm combination wrench), but the dirty deed was done! What a wonderful feeling, when we started the windlass and quickly and efficiently brought back on board the 200' of chain and 100' of nylon back was singing halleluja! So, yes, you guys were in our minds, remembering the episode of the changing of the windlass...thank goodness we didn't have to replace the whole thing...yet! We also had to replace our LPG solenoid, which had gone the way of the Earth, and also replaced all hoses since we had everything apart. Now we can bake bread again and have a cup of hot whatever, more toaster oven and microwave for us!
Sailing followtheboat
Sailing followtheboat - 7 years ago
[Liz] Thanks for sharing your boat maintenance misery with us, we know how it feels once a job like that comes to a successful conclusion! And food...Yes, it’s a pretty important part of life on board SY Esper - glad you noticed! We’re big lovers of spicy food, after three years in India and another four in SE Asia,I guess that’s inevitable. Peace and fair winds!
Toni Wijaya
Toni Wijaya - 7 years ago
Really nice beach restaurant. You both look so relax and enjoy the culture of the island. Wonderful indonesia he he
Sailing followtheboat
Sailing followtheboat - 7 years ago
+Toni Wijaya [Liz] Yes, fabulous Indonesia!
MrSharkphoto - 7 years ago
You may already know this, but I just learned this morning to never store your onions and potatoes together. There both release a gas that promotes rapid ripening in each other and they won't last long. Cheers!
Donald Owens
Donald Owens - 7 years ago
I like cats but I am VERY allergic to them.
Cigarmann - 7 years ago
Donald Owens I have a mini dachshund and a rat terrier, both fart well into the night. Worse is that they sleep with their backsides to my face.
Donald Owens
Donald Owens - 7 years ago
My french Bulldog releases a gas that promotes rapid ripening (and gagging). You wouldn't want him on your boat, but we still love him.Ha!
Cigarmann - 7 years ago
can't imagine what happens in ones bowels when the two are eaten together.....
Shaun Sim
Shaun Sim - 7 years ago
I think you should build liz a small garden for the boat out of that pipe, you could be the first cruiser to have your own garden, No weed tho! Nice location by the look of things, But that pesky fish farms need a decent anchor by the sound of it.
arumrunner - 7 years ago
Escapism at it's best!
Judd _S
Judd _S - 7 years ago
The white pipes are a form of hydroponic gardening. The big blue containers are reservoirs used to hold the nutrient rich fresh water which is recycled thru the white pipes.
Sailing followtheboat
Sailing followtheboat - 7 years ago
+Judd _S [Liz] It was a labour of love, beautifully executed in this far away place. Thanks for sharing!
Sailing followtheboat
Sailing followtheboat - 7 years ago
Yes, I wasn't too happy about that either. Maybe like the fishermen in the previous episode it was caught in a catch. Don't like to think about what will happen to it.
irrelavant13 - 7 years ago
Yea... Mango can have that affect
Sailing followtheboat
Sailing followtheboat - 7 years ago
[Liz] It was so refreshing in that heat, a mango never tasted so good!

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