A sailing adventure from remote Canada out to the open water of the Pacific Ocean. We're tackling the craziest water we've ever seen exploring remote British Columbia on a 45' sailboat, stopping at Bishops Bay hot springs, and the abandoned Butedale Cannery before tackling some seriously insane water of the coast of Vancouver Island. Eventually we take on the open ocean and sail down the West coast of the USA facing the full swell of the Pacific Ocean. ❤ This Series is ONLY POSSIBLE WITH YOUR SUPPORT! ❤ JOIN THE CREW: »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» ✔ SUBSCRIBE: Don't miss what happens next ⇄ «««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««« ✔ READ OUR BOOKS: ✈ CONNECT WITH US OFFICIAL PAGE: FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: SNAPCHAT: NEWSLETTER: (so you never miss a post) PODCAST: ► Our Filming Equipment - (Amazon Affiliate Links) ▷ Our Current Main Camera ▷ Our Current Favorite Lens ▷ Our Current Action Cam ▷ Our 360 VR Action Cam ▷ Our Current Content Creation Software ▷ Our Current Editing Laptop ▷ Our Current Glider ▷ Our Current Drone ▷ Travel Tripod ▷ Studio Lighting ▷ Our Current Stabilizer ▷ Our Current Audio Recorder ▷ Our Current Main Camera Microphone ▷ Our Current Lav Microphones You Are Subscribed...right?

SAILING REMOTE CANADA & THE PACIFIC OCEAN sentiment_very_dissatisfied 15

Sailing 7 years ago 46,898 views

A sailing adventure from remote Canada out to the open water of the Pacific Ocean. We're tackling the craziest water we've ever seen exploring remote British Columbia on a 45' sailboat, stopping at Bishops Bay hot springs, and the abandoned Butedale Cannery before tackling some seriously insane water of the coast of Vancouver Island. Eventually we take on the open ocean and sail down the West coast of the USA facing the full swell of the Pacific Ocean. ❤ This Series is ONLY POSSIBLE WITH YOUR SUPPORT! ❤ JOIN THE CREW: »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» ✔ SUBSCRIBE: Don't miss what happens next ⇄ «««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««« ✔ READ OUR BOOKS: ✈ CONNECT WITH US OFFICIAL PAGE: FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: SNAPCHAT: NEWSLETTER: (so you never miss a post) PODCAST: ► Our Filming Equipment - (Amazon Affiliate Links) ▷ Our Current Main Camera ▷ Our Current Favorite Lens ▷ Our Current Action Cam ▷ Our 360 VR Action Cam ▷ Our Current Content Creation Software ▷ Our Current Editing Laptop ▷ Our Current Glider ▷ Our Current Drone ▷ Travel Tripod ▷ Studio Lighting ▷ Our Current Stabilizer ▷ Our Current Audio Recorder ▷ Our Current Main Camera Microphone ▷ Our Current Lav Microphones You Are Subscribed...right?

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Most popular comments

Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 7 years ago
Thanks to ya'll for sharing the ride with us!
If you would like to help us continue creating our series next year - check out our Patreon page! There is tons of awesome perks like Binge Watching The Entire Season and exclusive previews of our exciting new project! Thanks for believing in us and for making this production possible!
Neal F
Neal F - 7 years ago
Thank you for my sticker and wallet! =D
Navy Papi
Navy Papi - 7 years ago
What did you bring with you to s.america? (Cash,items,anything?)
David Heiser
David Heiser - 7 years ago
Kombi Life so if this happen awhile ago for you guys where are you at now? Are you still on the move or are you guys staying in one place for a little bit ?
Johnny Brown
Johnny Brown - 7 years ago
Time to give up the travel life and take that girl home with you after you get one! All good things come and an end and new good things begin. You make a good team, you should go into making documentaries with your editing skills.
Hector Santiago
Hector Santiago - 7 years ago
You are a Legend Man! Thank you for sharing your experience. Because of you my Life approach have changed completely and I am loving every second of it :) God Bless you and allow you to continue your awesome life. Sincerely Thank you!
Aaron Hinrichsen
Aaron Hinrichsen - 7 years ago
Kombi Life I was nine back then...
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 7 years ago
Tea Time Chan
Tea Time Chan - 7 years ago
i swear you are made out of iron you do so much many people couldn't :)
Aaron Hinrichsen
Aaron Hinrichsen - 7 years ago
When did you start the adventure?
Aiden Mediocre
Aiden Mediocre - 7 years ago
Alaska nooooo
dylan scronce
dylan scronce - 7 years ago
Oh yea boiii..about time you semi acknowledged that your was makin some sexy time. L ol
Arielle Duenas
Arielle Duenas - 7 years ago
I just binged over 50 of you videos in the past few days. I have been inspired time and time again by van life channels on youtube, but this series and my new job (with more $$ to save) has really got me starting a long term plan. Thanks for the inspiration! Keep it up and hope to see you one day!
Frank - 7 years ago
7:10 Oh, so that's why they call it a "foghorn". Having never been on a boat at sea, the meaning of the name never clicked until watching this scene.
Janet Northam
Janet Northam - 7 years ago
newport oregon is the best place ever.of the whole west is before big sur which is #2
Rajessh Kamath
Rajessh Kamath - 7 years ago
I think this in one of the best travel blogger video.
Can't Beat The BAY!
Can't Beat The BAY! - 7 years ago
Alaska is AWESOME. Best dog a guy could ask for!
Hailey Brown
Hailey Brown - 7 years ago
I love it damn dog!!!!


Frank Bowne
Frank Bowne - 7 years ago
Needs to put season and episode in thumbnail so I don't have to click on it to find out where I am....apparently there is no season 5 episode 8 yet.
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 7 years ago
but tomorrow there will be :)
khomveer singh
khomveer singh - 7 years ago
what's the name of song at 4:55
OutWestBound - 7 years ago
Once-in-a-lifetime stuff guys! Awesome. Merry Christmas
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas
Hold.Fast.Sailing - 7 years ago
what kind of dog is Alaska?
jasper asis
jasper asis - 7 years ago
Thanks for sharing your adventures...
Enjoyed watching...
JAPN Jim - 7 years ago
Great stuff. Jim in Yosemite, Ca.
Von - 7 years ago
It just keeps getting better every time! Really nice job you two, sending my love and happy travels! Such a beautiful journey south!
warp21drive - 7 years ago
Definatly an amazing trip , the inside passage is very special , you are in a fairly rare group or folks who have done the trip in a small boat.
Thanks for sharing. Cheers Warren
Jdeft Defrost
Jdeft Defrost - 7 years ago
I've been a follower for a long time... Seems like your timeline is screwed up....or are you that far behind? Is the van still parked in AK? burned out and/or busted? Seems like that was a year or so ago. I'm losing touch with your journey.
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 7 years ago
If you like the videos you should watch the series - it's taken 6 years to produce and is one of the craziest travel stories to ever be documented.
Jdeft Defrost
Jdeft Defrost - 7 years ago
I remember you made the goal and gave away the van.... Delete this if your trying a restart of some kind. I followed but lost you guys in the confusion. I remember Leah as Sharne.. What gives? The whole thing seemed to fall apart a couple years ago for me. Love your vids!!
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 7 years ago
Hey thanks for watching - Season 5 is the full story of our experience pushing for the Arctic. As you've been following for a while you may have seen sneak peaks / vlogs / posts about some of this story as it happened.
Kris Anderson
Kris Anderson - 7 years ago
Thanks kids. You guys are doing a wonderful job and look forward to every episode. Cheers.


Mudda Alex
Mudda Alex - 7 years ago
Are u gonna go back to see alaska (doggy) again?
Life is Like Sailing
Life is Like Sailing - 7 years ago
Bishop Bay hot springs are probably my fav spot on the coast. Glad to see you found them. :)
Tom Pelleg
Tom Pelleg - 7 years ago
You give me the strength to keep up with my day job until my next traveling session.
Keep up the videos! Awesome job!
Greg Johnston
Greg Johnston - 7 years ago
Alaskas Life Jacket.... No good hanging in the cabin
GeorgeMoose 88
GeorgeMoose 88 - 7 years ago
Who else says he should do a draw my life
Danny02 - 7 years ago
I have a question at any point in this adventure did you feel lonely or out of place?
Justin C
Justin C - 7 years ago
It might be a bit slower on a boat, but you do your maintenance while underway, you cook, wash, sleep, read, everything, while you've covering ground, there is no need to stop until you reach your destination. Yes, you cover less distance in a day than you did in the combi, but it does require less input and concentration to keep heading where you want to go. Glad to see you're enjoying yourselves out on the briny blue.
Koke Koke
Koke Koke - 7 years ago
are you thinking in a long trip sailing??? saludos from chile patagonia
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 7 years ago
maybe someday
PianellaHoneyPot - 7 years ago
That dog is AWESOME!!!!!!
pete49327 - 7 years ago
Kombi Life might want to consider adding a sailing vessel to its logo, doesn't matter whether crew is in a Kombi or a sail boat, the adventure and quality is consistent.


Jade Kelly
Jade Kelly - 7 years ago
I can't believe u split with Alaska that's just not right
pete49327 - 7 years ago
trust me, it's temporary
Mastermuffin - 7 years ago
love your content, for your next adventure it'd be awesome if you got a sailboat and sailed around the world. I'm sure you would be up there with the top sailing you tube channels.
Ted Tedster
Ted Tedster - 7 years ago
Derik Vessey .That's what he is planning....he has read about sites like Vagabonde sailing....making 350,000 dollars per year from gullible subscribers....he is probably already making over 150,000....The guy is a fake and using subscribers to get rich....he is a user of people.
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 7 years ago
John Rock
John Rock - 7 years ago
you guys need more subscribers!!
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 7 years ago
Tony Castro
Tony Castro - 7 years ago
What was the water conditions?
Gerrit Faber
Gerrit Faber - 7 years ago
It can get better than this Alaska on a sailboat in the beautiful landscape of canada
Miska Härkänen
Miska Härkänen - 7 years ago
Alaska will always be in our hearths. ❤
William Mc Gregor
William Mc Gregor - 7 years ago
Ben I love your life!
Berniimae - 7 years ago
Scary whirlpools! What an experience rolling on the open sea.
Mzat M
Mzat M - 7 years ago
just ahead of finding simon!
Manuel Rivera
Manuel Rivera - 7 years ago
Been watching you since your engine had a nervous breakdown in South America. You've come a lonnnggg way---now, on a boat;) cheers, mate
moondoodt - 7 years ago
My dream is to live in a van and then move out to a boat once I have more money. So this last vlogs inspired me even more, thank you for the amazing content you guys bring every time.
Steve Leonard
Steve Leonard - 7 years ago
Not sure what your plans are, but why not finish your trip north to the Arctic Ocean in Canada.  As a Brit you should not have any trouble getting in.  Next spring you can drive the Dempster Hwy. right to the rocky beach on the Bering Sea (Arctic Ocean) in Tuk on a fully public highway that just opened in November as an all-season road.  Good luck.
Dave Barron
Dave Barron - 7 years ago
Sorry, but every time a watch a boat piece, I feel sorry for the dog. What a trooper!
Nor Cal Dave
Nor Cal Dave - 7 years ago
Awesome adventures...hope you make it back soon...:)
Viktor Pravdica
Viktor Pravdica - 7 years ago
Turtles are great Silver
Turtles are great Silver - 7 years ago
Hi I was wondering what your last name was
patrick vg
patrick vg - 7 years ago
IT s amazing to follow this video’s. The nature is stunning, and what a life to live.
The Travellers Cooke Book
The Travellers Cooke Book - 7 years ago
Do not want it to end ..... A continued inspiration mate .. the whole crew, the story .... love u guys ....
lance butler
lance butler - 7 years ago
pure awesomeness
Claudine Lahaie
Claudine Lahaie - 7 years ago
No! NO! You had to leave your friend and Alaska sad! Hope you guys get to reunite soon! You make a great team! Can't wait for your next adventure!


Na Rota De Um Sonho
Na Rota De Um Sonho - 7 years ago
Que aventura, que coragem, eu fiquei tenso aqui vendo as imagens. E aquela água estava quente?
Muito bons seus vídeos. Parabéns.
Um abraço.
smartmonkey777 - 7 years ago
You two didn't desecrate that hot springs did you ? .....You did , didn't you?.............
Buscurious De Warren
Buscurious De Warren - 7 years ago
Keep on rolling, rolling, rolling! Sea legs. Great travels, best chapter so far. You two are glowing! Happy for you! Now sad for you!
DnSAdventures - 7 years ago
Love the adventures guys! Thanks for sharing!
anandu e vinod
anandu e vinod - 7 years ago
Love you guys
Memetoya - 7 years ago
Alaska is so big how old is she now?
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 7 years ago
She was born on March 25th 2012
Dirty Malone
Dirty Malone - 7 years ago
woot new ep
American Expat In The Philippines
American Expat In The Philippines - 7 years ago
I don't have to wait. I already know what happened.
Mazda Road Life
Mazda Road Life - 7 years ago
Love it!!!!
As always the very best.. thank you
BenTheBikerBoy - 7 years ago
No orca? :(
Vegan Viking
Vegan Viking - 7 years ago
Where is the dog Alaska? Did you leave it in Canada?
MrAreix - 7 years ago
Kombi is the bestttt
older yogi
older yogi - 7 years ago
sailors have sleep well in hammocks for centuries :)
Tech News
Tech News - 7 years ago
wonder how much sex is going on in this kombi life
SailnBlue - 7 years ago
Great video! You get hooked on sailing...I know, I did. If you went after life under sail, I don;t doubt you would have a top sail channel.
Taylor Washburn
Taylor Washburn - 7 years ago
Those currents were crazy!!!
SailnBlue - 7 years ago
Every time I hear the VW engine start, I think of the great box of tools it caused me...
Marcy Tsan
Marcy Tsan - 7 years ago
Love watching your videos your voice your companions beautiful. Thanks for keeping it real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sending love from the San juan Islands!
Sail Before Sunset
Sail Before Sunset - 7 years ago
I think I missed something in your earlier vids. It looks like you're aboard a Columbia 45.
Chccy - 7 years ago
16:05 I see it ;)
Uncle Bob
Uncle Bob - 7 years ago
Bitchin' whirlpools!
Iksan Haris
Iksan Haris - 7 years ago
do you have video upload schedule?
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 7 years ago
+Iksan Haris Thursday's 12pm pst
man's soul travel
man's soul travel - 7 years ago
Watching this episode really remembering me when I was part of fisherman crew back 11 years ago. I cant say I miss it so much. Hope I will get chance to sailing one day soon. Thanks guys for sharing your epic journey. cheers!
7:53 cute perky nip!
Alex Wood
Alex Wood - 7 years ago
should sleep in hammocks guys. and yeah that constant adrenaline feeling and waking up like that is definitely no fun. I get really travel sick and sailing is my life so this brought back a lot of feels. I try to stick to the coast nowadays.
Ryan - 7 years ago
Where do u live now?
Finn Battersby
Finn Battersby - 7 years ago
I was in bishops bay and those hot springs this past summer
Keaton Sullivan
Keaton Sullivan - 7 years ago
Jack T
Jack T - 7 years ago
I started watching you guys about a week ago, and I have watched so many videos by you guys. The editing and quality is next level! And your dog Alaska, the cutest dog ever! Keep up with the travel, videos and adventure! God speed!
Dr. Steve Brule
Dr. Steve Brule - 7 years ago
5:13 Alaska is full of weirdos living alone. I meet plenty. Question. Did you ask why? Why live with nothing and no one? I tried it. Cabin fever is real. It should be called Cutting Loneliness. Isolation is actually a form of torture. Quite sure you met one of the hundreds of humans with a not-so-sparkiling past.
Yeah. Escape the rat race, I get it, but that isolation quickly makes one unbelievably sad, lonely.
Mark Zunnberg
Mark Zunnberg - 7 years ago
How many episodes are in this season (and dont say not enough, that's obvious)?
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 7 years ago
Sebastián - 7 years ago
Ben, master of cliffhangers
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 7 years ago
just wait for it, just wait for it! You ain't seen nothing yet!
Ben Heinrich
Ben Heinrich - 7 years ago
Hey again! Do you have an email that I can contact you? I want to know how you managed to take the kombi out of the country(Chile) without having to go back to Chile after the ?6month? period permit expired. Cheers
Amr Mansour
Amr Mansour - 7 years ago
I'm not really sure where exactly is little Alaska and why did he leave her ?
broti1968 - 7 years ago
cannot see alaska without a vest...
Theodore Combos
Theodore Combos - 7 years ago
Your show has inspired me. When I graduate college I am just going to "go." See where the road takes me. Where adventure takes me. Maybe I'll find a job along the way. Maybe I'll meet some friends. Maybe I'll find a new home. I'll definitely see new places and experience new things.
Destruction Bmx
Destruction Bmx - 7 years ago
Videos keep getting better! I can't wait to see what happens next week! You guys are the best!
Wezel SA
Wezel SA - 7 years ago
I really enjoy these sailing episodes too :)
Dragon Ram
Dragon Ram - 7 years ago
Don't stop uploading plz
RootFleer - 7 years ago
Not sleeping can cause angry problems
Bob - 7 years ago
You should be being paid by the Tourist Promotion Boards of the countries you visit, the quality and content of the videos are fabulous and I am sure all your followers are just itching to go to these places.
Gilbatrar ヅ
Gilbatrar ヅ - 7 years ago
That's absolutely something they could go after!
Delirious Rabbit
Delirious Rabbit - 7 years ago
Bob I live 6 hours away driving from bc... it’s nice
george maguee
george maguee - 7 years ago
cheers! you guys are an example for human beings.
Vincentae Pricce
Vincentae Pricce - 7 years ago
I have been enjoying all your Adventures...Thank You for Sharing all of them...waiting until your next Chapter... take care always.
Its Crayon
Its Crayon - 7 years ago
I love this series I got into not too long ago but I have gone through a bunch of the older ones already this is just an amazing series and I don't want it to end
Emily Holland
Emily Holland - 7 years ago
Bob Sponge
Bob Sponge - 7 years ago
Any news on getting your own show on discovery
Bobo Nthese
Bobo Nthese - 7 years ago
Why leave the dog??? Surly you could some how bring her. She's the o my faithful one you have!
Mahoney Tribe Of Travelers
Mahoney Tribe Of Travelers - 7 years ago
Bloody brilliant mates! This makes me want a boat even more!!! Can’t wait to see the next episode!
Mahoney Tribe Of Travelers
Mahoney Tribe Of Travelers - 7 years ago
Kombi Life BBQ this weekend?
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 7 years ago
cheers mate
Stephanie-Jennifer Bremer
Stephanie-Jennifer Bremer - 7 years ago
oh noes!.... i will miss leah and alaska way to much! get back together asap! lovely adventure on the boat! haha maybe you should forget about the vw and but a boat ! :P


Mac Murfitt
Mac Murfitt - 7 years ago
Why does Alaska have to go ?!!
taz1109 - 7 years ago
evony tree
evony tree - 7 years ago
you didn't vid sooo much of beautiful british columbia but i did notice the whirlpools of the seymor narrows around campbell river b.c. yeah i've been through them and you DO NOT want to go swimming overboard there haha
A ASN - 7 years ago
Capitan Jordan must be so cool man:) all the best for all of you:)
Mirko Magnaghi
Mirko Magnaghi - 7 years ago
Thanks for the opportunity to see through video places i might never see with my eyes. Means a lot
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 7 years ago
you're welcome buddy
pat mac
pat mac - 7 years ago
Looks like the boat life is treating you well.
Paul Hitchman
Paul Hitchman - 7 years ago
Loved every minute and can't wait for the next episode. Cool cliff hanger stuff
zackAttacks69 - 7 years ago
How long ago did you film all these because there's no way your doing them every week
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 7 years ago
We have new stickers out at the moment:
zackAttacks69 - 7 years ago
Kombi Life. wow what we see today we think its just happen but for you its all old news do you sell stickers by the way?
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 7 years ago
Many of the videos in Season 5 took weeks or months to film and weeks to edit! Season 5 was filmed between 2015 and 2017
Maureen - 7 years ago
aww I hope you're okay - missing those two girls would be the worst ugh so sorry
Joao Diniz
Joao Diniz - 7 years ago
By the way I am from Miami Florida
scoobygms210 - 7 years ago
I cried just thinking about leaving Alaska :( that dog is amazing lol
Bob - 7 years ago
So did I
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 7 years ago
she really is
james Van Eerden
james Van Eerden - 7 years ago
Your adventures at fantastic! Thank you for sharing this journey with us!
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 7 years ago
cheers James
Peter Gavin
Peter Gavin - 7 years ago
Looks amazing
Mau Romero
Mau Romero - 7 years ago
I can´t wait for the next episode! I see you since 1 year and I have been wondering about how your lives have changed, always involving you in new adventures.
Greetings from Mexico City
Chrisbatti - 7 years ago
16:05 He wasn't even writing xD
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 7 years ago
I thought it was an etch-a-sketch!
Anon M
Anon M - 7 years ago
The discrepancy between this channel's quality of content and subscriber base is astounding. I don't understand
Bassmint - 7 years ago
Anon M are you talking about how many views videos get compared to subs? Maybe he did too good of a job and inspired many of them to go adventuring themselves, so they stay subbed but don't watch. Just a thought.
Peter Lillie
Peter Lillie - 7 years ago
Ya ik, everyone just wants to watch beef, memes, and rich teenagers lol.
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 7 years ago
Michael Wilson
Michael Wilson - 7 years ago
such a rich life full of amazing experiences that money can not buy........awesome
Ted Tedster
Ted Tedster - 7 years ago
Michael Wilson Dont worry he is making large amounts of money.... by you subscribing to his b.s..
ronP __
ronP __ - 7 years ago
this reminds me of my Navy days, worst seas I've ever endured were the South China sea heading into Subic Bay during a nasty storm on a DDG!
lim jing hao
lim jing hao - 7 years ago
Alaska :(
Andres Järv
Andres Järv - 7 years ago
I just spent 2 days bingewatching every single video you've uploaded here on youtube.. the entire thing got me so hooked that I just couldnt stop! It's been awesome seeing your video production and storytelling skills get better over the episodes as well :) Keep up the awesome work because I can't wait to see more :D
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 7 years ago
thanks Andres - glad you've enjoyed the binge watching. Season 5 is available complete now via Patreon or weekly here on YT - Be sure to enable notifications so you'll see the new episodes when they come out
Burnthesof - 7 years ago
Really love your adventure so glad you guys share it with US!
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 7 years ago
thanks for watching
steve h
steve h - 7 years ago
What do you do about health insurance?
Joe Black
Joe Black - 7 years ago
The Vikings never need health insurance
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 7 years ago
don't currently have coverage
Ajay Ramlogan
Ajay Ramlogan - 7 years ago
Man always keeping me in suspense for the next episode!
John McGuire
John McGuire - 7 years ago
So.... livaboard sailboat next?
Blair Barnes
Blair Barnes - 7 years ago
John McGuire I'd watch that
Romme Hoebe
Romme Hoebe - 7 years ago
Hell yeahh anoth sailing video! Keep it coming much love from the netherlands
No1Brightonian - 7 years ago
Received my stickers today in the post and they are already stuck on the wall in my motorhome and look brilliant! Many Thanks
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 7 years ago
AWESOME! So glad to hear they made it there! Thanks for your support!
scoobygms210 - 7 years ago
I need an adventure soon ! Getting an apartment was the worse idea ever lol
Pierre-Etienne Boiteau
Pierre-Etienne Boiteau - 7 years ago
Thanks for the new video. You're such an inspiration!... splitting up with the dog has been the most heart breaking thing I've seen on your channel so far.
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 7 years ago
it really was!
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 7 years ago
soooo good
Fredrik Sejr
Fredrik Sejr - 7 years ago
I really enjoy your adventures :) and I was wondering what do you guys think about the VW t3 as an adventure van, if you have any knowledge or experience about that? Thanks!
Fredrik Sejr
Fredrik Sejr - 7 years ago
Awesome! Hopefully see you on the road in a few years time ;)
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 7 years ago
great adventure van!
BlockHeadGuy - 7 years ago
I have a question, how do you get away with no seat belts in the kombi?
BlockHeadGuy - 7 years ago
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 7 years ago
older vehicles
don't have to have seatbelts by law
Howard Burns
Howard Burns - 7 years ago
If you crossed my path in Washington, I would drop everything and run away on this grand adventure with you. I'm so jealous for your life.
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 7 years ago
Hope you are inspired to create an adventure in your near future Howard!
far Away
far Away - 7 years ago
This is more nail biting than coronation street!!!
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 7 years ago
it's finally happened - Kombi Life has been compared to Coronation Street - we knew it was only a matter of time!
Bab bon
Bab bon - 7 years ago
Live a life with out fear , it's the only life worth living . trust quote ever . you are living .
Gabe Inch
Gabe Inch - 7 years ago
You two need to marry. She seems like a great woman!
Ted Tedster
Ted Tedster - 7 years ago
Gabe Inch He won't marry her...he is using her to help get more subscribers....
Vanessa Diaz
Vanessa Diaz - 7 years ago
I remember when you were stuck in the U.K. w/o a visa. That was so long ago! I have a feeling that everything will work itself out! Great storytelling! Great episode! :)
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 7 years ago
Sebastian szylkowski
Sebastian szylkowski - 7 years ago
Someone got laid in that hot spring
Seth Hartz
Seth Hartz - 7 years ago
Sebastian szylkowski don’t you mean bathed.
Y-ai Chan
Y-ai Chan - 7 years ago
termal waters in the deep unknown wild AWESOME !!!
Šiaurys Bėrontas
Šiaurys Bėrontas - 7 years ago
Heyy how long ago did the events of this episode actually happen?
Ike - 7 years ago
Kombi Life October 2015? Are you serious, 2yrs ago? Where are you now, what are you doing?
Šiaurys Bėrontas
Šiaurys Bėrontas - 7 years ago
okay yeah the message in the end did not sound good :(
Šiaurys Bėrontas
Šiaurys Bėrontas - 7 years ago
alright, thanks :)
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 7 years ago
Season 5 takes place between 2015 - 2017, this episode was shot in October 2015 - when you see the next episode you will understand why so much time passes.
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 7 years ago
For the 1st hour after we publish we're always here to hang out with you guys and respond to your questions and comments. Another good reason to Enable Notifications for KOMBI LIFE!!!!
Nicolas THESC
Nicolas THESC - 7 years ago
Kombi Life Hello!. I would like to know if your are going to do any conference or meeting with us, the people who are subscribe to the channel and helping with some pounds. :D. I saw that you live in London. I live in Bristol. If you are thinking on doing any meeting, I want to know. Cheers and take some rest hahaha.
Anne Tiro
Anne Tiro - 7 years ago
yey! new episode!
Anne Tiro
Anne Tiro - 7 years ago
will definitely watch those! the whirlpools look so scary, safe travels guys!
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 7 years ago
Well you are in for a treat, because we have 10 more episodes from this season!
Anne Tiro
Anne Tiro - 7 years ago
I've watched all of your videos and loved your adventures, that's why I'm always looking forward to the new episode :)
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 7 years ago
welcome back :)
BigTall - 7 years ago
So I have just binged watched maybe a dozen episodes. This adventure has been amazing even with the troubles. Traveling from SD to AK with a friend by motorcycle, I cannot wait to do it again. Looking forward to the next episodes!
BrandoBrap - 7 years ago
BigTall what kind of bike?
Brad Coleman
Brad Coleman - 7 years ago
2 months is a long time to be on a boat, having never sailed before! Your perspective is different though, coming from an even smaller living space in the Kombi. Excellent episode! Those currents were terrifying. I kept imagining you spinning around like a toy boat in a bathtub as the water runs out. Looking forward to the next adventure. :)
John McFarland
John McFarland - 7 years ago
I thought the same thing but poor Alaska was the only one not given a life jacket. Shame on you, Ben.

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