SAILING SINGLE HANDED WITH A SPINNAKER. Tutorial with hints and tips on the way we do it

Our first film on sailing single handed was so well received that we thought we would do another. This week its how we fly a spinnaker single handed. Please note this is just the way we do it, if you have any comments or observations please feel free to leave them below so that we can benefit the experience. Music from

SAILING SINGLE HANDED WITH A SPINNAKER. Tutorial with hints and tips on the way we do it sentiment_very_dissatisfied 5

Sailing 7 years ago 13,283 views

Our first film on sailing single handed was so well received that we thought we would do another. This week its how we fly a spinnaker single handed. Please note this is just the way we do it, if you have any comments or observations please feel free to leave them below so that we can benefit the experience. Music from

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for SAILING SINGLE HANDED WITH A SPINNAKER. Tutorial with hints and tips on the way we do it

Robert Durio
Robert Durio - 7 years ago
Thanks for sharing
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Hi Robert
Our pleasure, thanks for letting us know that you appreciated it
billaros23 - 7 years ago
brilliant idea with the hallyard in the water....
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Thank you but I cant lay claim to it the idea myself, although i dont recall who first told me, but it does work
AlanClarke57 - 7 years ago
Thanks Ian, great video, I learnt a lot.
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Hi Alan
My pleasure, thanks for watching and commenting, have fun with your own sailing adventures
FREE SOULS - 7 years ago
Hello! Compliments! I liked it very much!
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Hi Free Souls
Thank you, nice to hear from you
kevin mulvihill
kevin mulvihill - 7 years ago
I'm new to sailing and was wondering if you could explain when you put up the spinnaker pole the way its rigged, I also noted you left the pole alone as you took down the spinnaker itself, did you then go forward and release the lines controlling it?
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Hi Kevin
The first thing you do before hoisting the spinnaker is to raise the pole, that way you can get control of the spinnaker as quickly as possible. In the same way the last thing you do is to drop the pole so that you can keep control of the spinnaker for as long as possible.
The pole has an up haul and a down haul attached to it. These need to be attached to the middle of the pole so that when you gybe the kite, and swap the pole end to end, the pole will remain set in the same position. As most poles arent strong enough to take all this loading when supported in the middle most yachts attach these lines to a bridle that runs between both ends.
Our boat is very conventionally rigged so If you google how to fly a spinnaker you will come across plenty sources explaining this better than I can.
Have fun
Zedex 12
Zedex 12 - 7 years ago
18:30 the term I've always heard is "sail trim by helm"

Cheers, great channel. Re: your opening comments, Don't worry too much about quality and such. The only way to get better is to just throw Vids out and get your practice in. Compared to sailing there is really NOTHING bad that can happen if a video isn't what you want it to be. And your stuff really is pretty good anyway.
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Well thank you, its appreciated and have fun in your own adventures
Zedex 12
Zedex 12 - 7 years ago
I dabbled with making some videos a while ago so I know how much work it is to film vs just having fun. The stuff we were doing was an hour or two of fun that dragged out all day when we added setting up cameras and making sure we got everything. Then teaching ourselves editing. It was a ton of work and not a lot of fun. So I just wanted to let you know I appreciate it because I find your videos really helpful. Most of the small amount of sailing I do is short handed.
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Hi Zedex
Glad your enjoying channel our channel, great to hear from you.
Re quality. yup it is difficult balance as our channel was originally only intended for our family and friends... and although its moved on a bit from that now, we have no desire of becoming an internet star or film producer so we dont want the effort we put into it all to take away from our own enjoyment.
Thanks for commenting
Fraise Raboteuse
Fraise Raboteuse - 7 years ago
"There's not enough wind to keep the spinnaker tight' Reef the main light wind running? Great film, love your instruction style
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Thanks, glad you enjoyed the film. Thanks for commenting
Michael Brigmann
Michael Brigmann - 7 years ago
Thanks for the trick with the halyard in the water...
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
I dont have a problem hoisting the jib, and when I do, its a problem that is particular to Sea Horse and its battened jib. The trick is to give your self plenty of time thats all. I dont know which ones to look at but we have filmed a few of the races that I have done single handed now, and I'm sure in some of them you will see me getting the jib up and down. Not much more to say really as there are no special tricks I'm afraid
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Let us know how you get on then, hope it all works out for you
Michael Brigmann
Michael Brigmann - 7 years ago
Also... how do you handle the Jib in a race. You mentioned that you would hoist it before you drop the Kite. How is it when you hoist it? I could imagine that it could be tricky to get the Jib down when the Spi is flying on your own...
Michael Brigmann
Michael Brigmann - 7 years ago
We have a training run in a couple weeks double handed out of Fremantle in Western Australia. With this video of yours I have some new ideas of how to work with the Spinnaker.
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Hi Michael
No problem, good to hear that you have found the film useful. Thanks for commenting
Paul Horn
Paul Horn - 7 years ago
I hate spinnaker-sail. When sayling dinghis I had trouble everytime with it. If I ever sail again no spinnaker or gennaker or something like that...
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Hi Paul
They are not for everyone and it doesn't matter who you are, sooner or later one will give you a world of pain so I understand your thinking. But in between these moments they can be a lot of fun :-)
Thanks for watching

10. comment for SAILING SINGLE HANDED WITH A SPINNAKER. Tutorial with hints and tips on the way we do it

Phil Clark
Phil Clark - 7 years ago
Ian, I am just learning to sail Dingys but want to get a small craft, you are so inspirational, I am learning in advance, I thank you for the video's keep them coming.
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Hi Phil
Nice to hear from you and glad to know that your finding our films useful.
Thanks for commenting and have fun in your own adventures.
Federico Garofalo
Federico Garofalo - 7 years ago
Awesome videos! I do sail singlehanded spinnaker with my small sail boat up to 10 knots wind, however I often have trouble with the drop. I will try the trick of throwing the halyard in the water to speed up things! I see you release partly the guyline, but of course not entirely. Do you use a mark to know much to release?
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Hi Federico.
Great news, thanks for letting us know
Federico Garofalo
Federico Garofalo - 7 years ago
I got the chance to test your tips yesterday a couple of times with wind between 6 and 10 ms and it worked out wonderfully! Thanks
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Good luck just don't do it the first time on a windy day :-)
Federico Garofalo
Federico Garofalo - 7 years ago
Alright thanks! I will try to let go completely the guy and drop the halyard behind the boat :) Thanks for the tips
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Hi Frederico
Nice to hear from you and good to know that your liking our films.
I use a mark on the guy when gybing, so that I know how much to let off for the pole to easily swap sides but when I'm dropping I get hold of the sheet, then just let the guy go. With the kite then behind the main I let the halyard go and start dragging it all on board.
Hope that helps
Kerry Deare
Kerry Deare - 7 years ago
In a word: superb!  I have an identical setup (including the marks on the sheets), end-for-end pole, Autohelm, etc.  I've been running it this way for several decades, but frankly in retrospect, not often enough.  Really good trick dragging the halyard  as a mini-drogue.  Best regards to you, Ian.
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Hi Kerry
Nice to hear from you and glad to hear that you found the film useful. Yup the halyard over the back trick is good, I got it from a Figaro sailor and I figured if it worked for them...
Thanks for commenting
Mike Scala
Mike Scala - 7 years ago
Outstanding !   enjoyed, and I think I'll try it your way. Thanks a lot .
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Hi Mike
Nice to hear from you and thanks for commenting. Glad to hear that you found it useful.
Walid Feghali
Walid Feghali - 7 years ago
Fantastic! Learning a lot from these videos, Ian! I have just started sailing, and I got a 28 footer "Compis 28". I do have a spinnaker, but haven't tried it out yet - need to figure out how to rig it up and then sail it, so perhaps I should wait for some more experienced sailor to join me onboard and help out!

I'll keep following your videos - love this single handed sailing stuff. The practical way!
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Hello Walid
Lovely to hear from you and thanks for the kind words. Have fun with your own adventures
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Hi Ian
Thanks, glad you liked it and found it useful
Nice to hear from you again, have fun
MartinPHunter - 7 years ago
A really nice clear video Ian. Thanks it gives confidence.
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Hi Martin
Thanks, glad to hear that you have found it useful
Tim Lamarre
Tim Lamarre - 7 years ago
Hi Ian,

This is a skill I really need to develop. I have a tri-radial and an asymmetrical but have not yet flown either.
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Hi Tim
Nice to hear from you again. Spinnakers can be a lot of fun on the right day. You should convince some friends to go sailing with you the first time you fly one, it doesn't make things much easier as such but its always better to have people around if things go wrong, then when you get the hang of it have a go on your own. Have fun :-)
Kevin Johnson
Kevin Johnson - 7 years ago
Thanks for your videos. Great lessons that a good for the family to watch :) You asked for ideas for other videos? My karate instructor use to say "A master knows how to make all the mistakes and how to fix them." Showing us common mistakes and how to fix them for each of your topics would really help us move forward in skills. Thanks :)
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Hi Kevin
Glad you liked the film and thanks for the idea... I'll give that some thought
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Hi Damien
Thanks, glad you liked it, and thanks for the positive comments :-)

20. comment for SAILING SINGLE HANDED WITH A SPINNAKER. Tutorial with hints and tips on the way we do it

Simon Jones
Simon Jones - 7 years ago
Another great video Ian. Just one thing perplexes me - you don't clip on. When it's windy and you are managing the pole with two hands above your head whilst balancing on the sloping coach roof, have you considered that if you fell overboard, Seahorse will continue to Belgium without you? I know it's restrictive but I'd advocate all single handed sailors to be tethered to the boat. I also have a piece of rope with foot loops over the back so if I did go over, I'd have a chance to get back on board. Something to think about......
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Hi Simon.
Your right in that everyone should be careful in this regard. My excuse is that i am sailing on a sheltered river, with flat water and with limited space and in a situation like this the threat of falling over is greatly reduced and a tether can be a hindrance to my movement and timing that might actually make things more likely to go wrong. When I am in open water or rough seas I always tether on and your right, I would encourage any one contemplating doing this for the first time in anything other than idea conditions to do the same.
Nigel Donald
Nigel Donald - 7 years ago
Nice work Ian I learn more from your video's than most others keep up the good work.
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Hi Nigel
Good to hear from you again and thanks, glad you find them useful. Thanks for commenting
Just about sailing
Just about sailing - 7 years ago
Another excellent video In.  A bit too advanced for me at the moment.  I haven't even tried getting my cruising chute up on my own yet.  However, I do have an article buried away somewhere that shows how to turn a cruising chute setup into an 'almost' spinnaker.
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Hi Paul
Nice to hear from you. Everyone starts some where... my thinking with these films was just to give people some confidence. I'm not really trying to teach people how to sail just give them some ideas that might make them have a go themselves.
Wilfred Darr
Wilfred Darr - 7 years ago
You are far too apologetic: you may not be a superhero, but you are teaching a skill that
a: many crewed boats shy from,
b: most single handed boats shy from, and
c: which I have not found a better video for.
There are a couple videos that show single handed sailors practicing, but I haven't found a single video yet that attempts to teach single handed symmetrical sail handling, so, at the time of publishing, I'm certain you have the finest videos on the subject. No apologies required for that!
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Thats very kind of you, thanks
Clifford Baron
Clifford Baron - 7 years ago
I so much enjoy your videos. The Brit charm, family approach and such skillful boat management is a treat to behold. Thank you for all you do.
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Hi Clifford.
Thankyou, lovely to hear from you and thanks for the kind words
Adventures of Graywolf
Adventures of Graywolf - 7 years ago
Mate, you are one of my absolute favorite sailing channels and I watch pretty much all that people have published. I just bought a Moody 34 and am just learning how to sail. One thing I'd like to see more of is emergency procedures whilst single-handling. What do you do if you lose your keel? What do you do if you accidentally gybe and lose your mast? What if you rip a sail during a storm? How do you bring down your main if it's stuck in your lazy-jacks during a squall? How do you seal a leak that's not a through-hull? What do you do when you're out at sea and lose all power and need to find your way back to safety? I have so many questions and I'm not even at the point where I know what questions I need to ask.
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Hi Sean
Nice to hear from you and thanks for the kind words. Great questions... and to be honest id like to know the answers as well :-) but I'm not the really right person to answer many of these as I dont have any real life experience of them.... and I'm not in a position to simulate them. I'll keep your ideas in mind though, especially if we ever meet some one that does have the experience, perhaps I could do a video on your behalf and we can both find out the answers. Have fun
David Spelmans
David Spelmans - 7 years ago
Great video, tnx for sharing!!
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Hi David
Thank you, glad to know that you liked it, thanks for commenting
Andrew Devenish
Andrew Devenish - 7 years ago
Hi Ian, another great video. On my '27 I fly my Asym out of a snuffer(sock) by myself quite often. With my set-up, if it gets breezy I take the sheet with me to the foredeck, so I can control/release it with one hand as I pull the sock down, but sometimes the sheet will snag on something and I get stuck. I'm now wondering if trailing the sheet, as you do the halyard, might be worth trying..
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Hi Andrew.
I dont have much experience of snubbers I'm afraid but it does sound like it might help you. Have fun and good luck
Uisge Pick
Uisge Pick - 7 years ago
Thanks for this! I had decided that flying the spinnaker single-handed on my 16' dinghy would be too much, but I've got some good ideas now, and may give it a try.
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
In some ways its easier on a dinghy because the loads are so much lighter but then you do have to worry about keeping it up right, a problem you dont have on a bigger boat. The most important thing when flying a conventional kite on a dinghy is can you reach all the controls from the helm, and its helps if you tie a piece of elastic around the helm so that when you go forward to sort out the pole the boat stays roughly on course. Have fun
Ray Mtl
Ray Mtl - 7 years ago
Nice video Ian! Especially in the narrow confines of the river. I have used a gennacker with a snuffer which makes it quite manageable p but would be difficult to do singlehanded. Here's a video you might enjoy about using a gennaker/snuffer.
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Hi Ray
Nice to hear from you, glad to hear that you liked the film and thanks for the link... it will be very useful fro those using a snuffer.

30. comment for SAILING SINGLE HANDED WITH A SPINNAKER. Tutorial with hints and tips on the way we do it

David Pettett
David Pettett - 7 years ago
Thanks for the vid. Very instructive. More demo, less talk would be good.
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Hi David.
It is always hard to strike a balance... but hopefully we'll be able to film some more of the racing this year in which we'll be able to show more of the sailing.
Neill Smart
Neill Smart - 7 years ago
auto-helm sniff
Neill Smart
Neill Smart - 7 years ago
Sailing with the Foxwell Family auto helm on the Noel ex = bungee cord rail to tiller to rail :). Kind of works
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
I guess when you have a descent autohelm your not really single handed but it does make a big difference
cycling with kiwi
cycling with kiwi - 7 years ago
i enjoyed that .
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Hi Alan
Thanks, nice to hear from you and nice to know that you liked it.
Ben Gordon
Ben Gordon - 7 years ago
Thanks for sharing Ian. You make it look super easy.
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Hi Ben
Our pleasure, glad you enjoyed it and thanks... its not that hard when you pick the nice days and have practiced a bit :-)
redsnappersadler34 - 7 years ago
Thanks! Could you do a video on flying a cruising chute? Thanks again,

Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Hi Red Snapper
Sorry I cant help really without fully understanding how its all roped up but the principles are the same, get the kite behind the main, easing the tack line as the snuffer comes down might help and if need be re-rope it to suit your single handed situation. Have fun
redsnappersadler34 - 7 years ago
Sailing with the Foxwell Family Yes - I use a snuffer. The only bit I can't work out is to get it down again - the halyard is led back to the cockpit.
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Hi red Snapper
Good idea. we dont have a cruising chute but we'll keep that in mind if we get to spend some time on a boat that does. All the basic principles are the same its just the sail handling that will be different. Do you use a snuffer?
Paul Fox
Paul Fox - 7 years ago
Another great single handed video... cheers. I love how you keep to basic pointers and leave the rest to our common senses.
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Hi Paul
Thank you, and glad to hear that you like the level of content. Its always a tough call deciding what we think people will already know and therefore the things that are useful to describe or show.
George Canakis
George Canakis - 7 years ago
Excellent video thank you. keep them coming.
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Hi George.
Our pleasure, glad to hear that you enjoyed it
LAS - 7 years ago
Fantastic!! Thanks for your ideas!
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Hi Lawrence.
Thank you, glad to know you liked it and thanks for commenting
chris ward
chris ward - 7 years ago
Thanks for a great video, out of intrest what is your auto pilot. cheers chris
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Hi Chris
Nice to hear from you, glad to know that you liked the film. All our electronics are recent B&G, the autohelm being one of their Triton systems with a below deck drive unit and its excellent
Wind on Water
Wind on Water - 7 years ago
Thanks for all your work! You do a REALLY nice job with your videos.
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Hi WoW
Thank you, glad you like the films.
Eight Crows Media
Eight Crows Media - 7 years ago
If you ask my daughter what happens when dad goes out sailing solo in the Fraser River. She will say, "He's out for the afternoon getting beached again". I use a setup that makes the cockpit to demanding. I have been trying to make all steps as smooth as possible. I will be applying some of your spinnaker tips next time I go out. Thanks this informative video.
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
Sailing with the Foxwell Family - 7 years ago
Hi Eight Crows
Nice to hear from you and good to hear that you have picked up on some things that might help you in your own adventures. Thanks for commenting

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