SCARED FOR MY LIFE! Sailing at 22 knots boat speed down HUGE waves (Sailing La Vagabonde) Ep. 105
Sailing 7 years ago 1,652,179 views
Yep, La Vagabonde reached 22.7 knots boat speed. We couldn’t believe it. With a max of 28 knots wind behind us from about 120 degrees, we surfed down one wave and then caught the next one in front of that. Before we knew it we were all looking at a 22.7 on the nav gear. I had a close eye on the bows making sure they weren't going to bury, they looked like they might but Riley "promised" me that it was normal and fine!! Matthieu says we could have got 25 knots so looks like Riley will be aiming for that next time… I never thought I’d go this fast on a sail boat. Still in recovery from this wild experience. Very happy to still be here to tell you this tale, to be alive and writing this very description is a miracle. I love you guys, Elayna. Song Credits: 00:08 So It Seems - The Natterjacks - 09:52 Land Of Trees - Get Rid of your Ghosts - 12:24 Under the Sun - Mark Badinson - Videos made by Elayna and Daniel! Don't forget to like us on Facebook! Want the chance to come aboard/unseen footage privileges? Please become a Patron and support our production! Riley on Instagram: Download Elaynas album here! Pick up some official La Vaga merch and help support our journey! Subscribe to our new sexy website for blog posts and updates! Follow us on Twitter! Like Elaynas Music page on the book! FAQ What cameras do we use? BIG CAMERA: OTHER BIG CAMERA: HANDY CAM: GOPRO: DRONE: SELFIE STICK: What software do we use? Premiere Pro
you were Required to put on Deep Purple - I'm a Highway Star. LOL
10. comment for SCARED FOR MY LIFE! Sailing at 22 knots boat speed down HUGE waves (Sailing La Vagabonde) Ep. 105
Great videos of you both living the dream of thousands.
As far as I could see, the speed was not constant, therefore you sailed around 25AW, what is not a lot of wind, but as some of the other commentators mentioned, probably a good time for tethers. I don't really know who is who but she seems scared and trusts "babe" fully. If babe accidentally goes in to the water, the crew looks like they would not be able to slow the boat down, and do the maneuvers needed for a MOB.
Btw, the line dragging in the water, if it is a drogue then adjust the slack on it. And indeed if it is (I know it is not) then conrads again, that would definitely help if things get out of control. God speed and be safe.
20. comment for SCARED FOR MY LIFE! Sailing at 22 knots boat speed down HUGE waves (Sailing La Vagabonde) Ep. 105
30. comment for SCARED FOR MY LIFE! Sailing at 22 knots boat speed down HUGE waves (Sailing La Vagabonde) Ep. 105
I will never donate to patreon. I wanted to sail and learn to and figured I might some day as I just got invested..... but holy shit! to be in seas like that with a captain so reckless HAHA! no.
But please don't fall overboard , to lose one of you , would be like losing a family member now .
Love you guys .
Petualangan yang mengasikkan
“Oh yes you do”
The vagabond is a strong tuff boat
50. comment for SCARED FOR MY LIFE! Sailing at 22 knots boat speed down HUGE waves (Sailing La Vagabonde) Ep. 105
Taking a reef => reduce mainsail area as wind is getting stronger
22 knots sounds like a sharp hiss behind the boat
When you are seeing wind speed between 18 and 20 Knots put in the first reef
When the wind gets to 25 knots it is time for reef number 2
When the wind is constantly at 28 to 30 knots put in the third reef
When the wind is blowing above 30 Knots and gusting, it is time to put the jib away completely and sail with a fully reefed mainsail only
In extreme conditions the fully reefed main can be set up to spill wind by luffing which will enable you to sail in very strong winds without damaging the rig or sails.
I say Riley is the sailor!
Good to see you've ignored any safety advice since your channel started, well done.
The hum is the Osolation between the hulls its like the pop you hear on some monos when you plain.
Train wreck is right .
100. comment for SCARED FOR MY LIFE! Sailing at 22 knots boat speed down HUGE waves (Sailing La Vagabonde) Ep. 105
This is a role model for getting views on youtube but not for sailing...
Anyway, 22 knots., very cool. I hope you guys have time to cruise the
Adriatic and Aegean seas. The med is crazy beautiful, Italia, Dalmatian coast, Greece...fantastic.
Never knock back a bit of speed. By the way this 46 foot monohull did approx 24 knots (22, is the last marker and the stopper is roughly 24) this was downwind surfing with a massive rooster tail in the Sydney/Hobart in the last 1980's on masthead sloop yacht Impatience.
This was with Main and Spinnaker ("Kite"), but with no Blooper. I was not on board but my father was. My fastest on board was again downwind surfing peaking at 15 knots and being on the helm at that speed was a damm good rush.
22 is a fine speed, this is why I love cats. I love dogs too, don't get me wrong.
Experiences like that you treasure for life.
I'm sure you could beat it.
great sailing and a beautiful, strong, boat.
by the way were you actually trampolining off the crests of those waves at any point?
seemed like a real wild ride, glad you are safe!
we rented a smal kat of elba and RACED ab and down the coast VERY fast for one day.
the only thing i notice is that you dont have the clear waters and clean air we used to have in 70's. welcome to environmental changes. yes yes you get winds like that.. it's a thrill in a kat. nice speed. dont be afraid.
Yea..i said it! Shes got an incredible body and is a gorgeous girl. (Time for YT'rs to "hate hate hate"- D. Chapelle
I found a beautiful yacht here in Melbourne for a steal, minimal work needed (maybe 10k) and am in the process of buying it now..... now to learn how to sail!
Its J.Crim here.
In 1975 I sailed from San Diego to Honolulu with my hand built 19' mini cutter.
At 5 points I hit 28 knots in flat seas. They call it God's wind and it lasted for 15 hours.
Your doing GREAT !!!
No make up and still better looking than most.. and down to earth at that..
Many good looking ladies are so stuck on themselves which makes them an ugly person..
If i got my hatteras up to 22knts. It would burn 25gal an hour... she is a thirsty old gal..
the humming means that the boat is going fast and that is something does go wrong shit will hit the fan
just to let you know
The Old Coastie.
You can't learn by others experiences, you must earn those experiences yourself. We all must learn our limits, they can not be imposed by others, remember mother nature is the all powerful, respect her and know when to hide. On another note, if you, any of you, are interested in residual income working your own hours, where you want to be, email me
Do the math over a glass of wine. Assume it takes, say, 120 seconds to notice a MOB, then 30 seconds to get to the helm and switch the auto helm off, then another 60 seconds to turn the boat into the wind. How far are you away at say 15 knots? (Close to a nm, about 1,600 metres.)
Also, life-jackets do not only assist the person overboard with flotation, they also aid the skipper / 1st mate because they add visibility to the MOB, including to other boats. When things go wrong, it happens at the worst time, and it happens FAST.
It's not like it's the fastest cat around, I think 74 knots is the record so far with "Hydroptere", but that thing is even bigger and have foils to cut through the water as well, but hell yeah, let's leisurely ease your way through the seven seas :)
Mine will have foils if I get to create one, definitely
And, please, if you're gonna reef while going 22 knots, please either hook in or put on a jacket or BOTH! You're beautiful people and it'd be a shame if you became fish food.
I did a search on AliExpress to see what they had
Maybe it is time to invest in a few for the boat for such situations or other general ones,
I also could imagine on very calm nights at sea the chance of some excellent Pictures and videos could be had also so many ideas of great pics as well
Love the Videos keep up the Great work
Tony from Western Australia
While speed is fun it does come at the expense of reduced sail/rigging life-$$$$.
Taking a sailing cat which by design is light and fast to the north pole is like-
I confess I got scared at 2 things:
- 1: those huge knives hanging in the open visible at 5:14 and 6:45. I would not like to see one of those flying across the room! Or somebody bumping on them... If you need so many large knives, I strongly suggest getting them protected and in a secured drawer during navigation.
- 2: (I might be wrong but looks very common in videos) the apparent scarce attention to what lies ahead. Max visibility is <3 miles to the horizon if you are 6 feet standing at sea level, waves can hide even tall objects for several minutes, at 22 knots you can cover 1 mile in less than 6 minutes, and from sight to collision in case of opposite direction the time available can be just one-half of it: just 2-3 minutes!! Even if you have a radar with an acoustic alarm (do you?), you cannot be sure it would see a sailboat in those conditions.
Try and avoid this...
But don't worry, you only feel weightless when the hull is coming back down. :-)
Love touch!!!!.....
Korsika is sooo beautiful.....go to Porto Vechio......a Beach call Palombaggia