SEA OF THIEVES — Set Sail with Captain Russ

Avast! Captain Russ is here to teach ya the difference between fore and aft. Join us for an early look at Sea of Thieves. SUBSCRIBE for more videos! Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram: And for more great news and coverage, check out: Polygon is an entertainment website founded in 2012 in partnership with Vox Media. Our mission is to cover not only games but the artists who make them, the fans who love them, and the culture surrounding them.

SEA OF THIEVES — Set Sail with Captain Russ sentiment_very_dissatisfied 64

Sailing 7 years ago 78,095 views

Avast! Captain Russ is here to teach ya the difference between fore and aft. Join us for an early look at Sea of Thieves. SUBSCRIBE for more videos! Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram: And for more great news and coverage, check out: Polygon is an entertainment website founded in 2012 in partnership with Vox Media. Our mission is to cover not only games but the artists who make them, the fans who love them, and the culture surrounding them.

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Most popular comments
for SEA OF THIEVES — Set Sail with Captain Russ

jada - 7 years ago
if you come here expecting to see expert video gamers who are gonna be incredible at a game that just come out then you came to the wrong place lmao watch someone else if you’re that frustrated
Matt R
Matt R - 7 years ago
instead of negative unproductive comments, people who don't like the streams could just...not watch them. I know, I know, it's a crazy idea.
Matt R
Matt R - 7 years ago
they had a headwind if you're talking around minute 18-20, you turn the sails parallel in a headwind, or try to tack, but turning them against the wind is literally the worst idea. Remember they're all learning how to play, maybe give them a break?
jada - 7 years ago
chat is always so annoying why can’t they just let things go omg
Mouth House
Mouth House - 7 years ago
37:45 the cracks are your crosshairs.
Thomas Neal
Thomas Neal - 7 years ago
it's like watching the three stooges (+1) try to be pirates.
masamune2984 - 7 years ago
This was amazing. But I demand vengeance somehow on Dustin and 80's...
chinchy111 - 7 years ago
"what is the purpose of loading the cannonballs?" does he really not know the answer to that
épinards & caramel
épinards & caramel - 7 years ago
I wonder how's the character creation mode for this (and is it monster factory material? :))

10. comment for SEA OF THIEVES — Set Sail with Captain Russ

MrAdam802 - 7 years ago
great game, bad gameplay lol
ridetohounds - 7 years ago
thank u russ for my life
Jiggaboo G
Jiggaboo G - 7 years ago
Guys! Don't you have to lower sails in storm??
kwcozort - 7 years ago
The game DEVS can't fix the loop of u sucking
Matt R
Matt R - 7 years ago
but camping is always an objectively terrible mechanic that there needs to be an easy way around.
Louis Marti
Louis Marti - 7 years ago
I demand Griffin and Justin to be in every Polygon video even if that means they can't sleep and have to record multiple videos simultaneously.
Prettypinkdork - 7 years ago
Louis Marti - Justin’s toddler, newborn, and doctor wife be damned! (Srsly these boys can’t do everything)
Jared Berrien
Jared Berrien - 7 years ago
Russ is an idiot, dave was actually right about the northeast vs west thing.
Daniel Smid
Daniel Smid - 7 years ago
I like the game when it was in beta, serisosly, now it cost so much fucking money and the only thing they added is Kraken, like serisously..? It is very boring when you don t fight with other players. What a waste Im gonna prefer God of war but this game is failure for me :/ I would buy it for lower price but no for that.
Hot Femalé
Hot Femalé - 7 years ago
Watching you adjust the sail angle is so frustrating haha
Elliot Mangini
Elliot Mangini - 7 years ago
I love russ but god damn his POV kills me
Julian Rollinson
Julian Rollinson - 7 years ago
Dear Polygon video production, Yar! Such a delight to see this swashbuckling content! I be looking forward to see an Arrful Crew sailing ashore soon!
Hopefully, a Pirate

20. comment for SEA OF THIEVES — Set Sail with Captain Russ

Wim Boeren
Wim Boeren - 7 years ago
Getting motion sickniss just watching the stream. Looks good, but no idea what it is really about. Goofing around like a pirate? No real goal.
Andrew Glenn
Andrew Glenn - 7 years ago
Russ is literally the worst at moving sails. It's so obvious where to move them.
Sleeping Rabbit
Sleeping Rabbit - 7 years ago
Shea Crowley
Shea Crowley - 7 years ago
this made me sick to watch. i sure hope that im able to play this without getting motion sick from the waves.
Joel Savage
Joel Savage - 7 years ago
Sea of Generic
ForrestFox - 7 years ago
omg.. This video should be called "Idiots on a boat" o_O
Never seen four guys be so passive and confused when under attack from an enemy ship. REKT
G.M. Wolos
G.M. Wolos - 7 years ago
this is great
incredible frown
incredible frown - 7 years ago
I can't watch this one all the way through. I don't expect displays of high skill, but ninety minutes of a team of four all making very avoidable mistakes and getting frustrated over it is pretty rough.
myplane150 - 7 years ago
These guys are sooooo bad right now! I would love to see them in a day or three.
Dustin and 90s were really shiteheads!!! Probably a couple of 13 year olds.
Jackson Tiberius
Jackson Tiberius - 7 years ago
You can’t say that. I’m drunk and firefly is my favorite show. Watch how I soar. I am a leaf on the wind

30. comment for SEA OF THIEVES — Set Sail with Captain Russ

Goosesarius - 7 years ago
wow, were you guys deliberating trying to go as slow as possible by not turning your sails into the wind.....all of you standing there doing nothing while the sails were parallel to the wind.....yikes
Brad Poer
Brad Poer - 7 years ago
YAAAR!!!! Been waiting to get the crew into SoT for the duration!
Anne Beach
Anne Beach - 7 years ago
Thank you for the content everyone! And Pat, why are you always hungry? You need to eat more!
News 24h
News 24h - 7 years ago
RatatouilleTired Channel
RatatouilleTired Channel - 7 years ago
This is the way budas
bejiman longman
bejiman longman - 7 years ago
never has watching someone try n play something pissed me off so much
mintjaan - 7 years ago
The poetic death of Pat, only at polygon
Robby Bowers
Robby Bowers - 7 years ago
Please help, I bought it and its says I'm too early
W Layton
W Layton - 7 years ago
Love too complain that they aren't good at the game that isn't even officially out
Gem of the Night
Gem of the Night - 7 years ago
Why is everyone so unkind to Russ?? He's so sweet and soft-spoken and tries his hardest. I'm honestly really sick of this, I thought it had died down regarding Awful Squad but as soon as he has a new stream the assholes are out of the woodworks. Y'all realize he reads these comments, right? If you have an issue, leave constructive criticism or just don't say anything. God I probably shouldn't be this mad but I'm not gonna lie I'm pissed.
jada - 7 years ago
Tobastion yikes bro
roidroid - 7 years ago
1:14 "stop playing music Dave"
Sigh, oh boy here we go again.
Only 1 minute into the stream.
Gem of the Night
Gem of the Night - 7 years ago
Tobastion What’s it like, being such an unabashed bully?
Tobastion - 7 years ago
Gem of the Night I sure hope he reads these comments. Maybe he'll learn we don't want him in videos.
BlueLemon - 7 years ago
Honestly I've seen a fair bit of griffin hate begin to grow in the community and honestly, both russ and griffin haters need to grow up and learn that if somethings that frustrating, watch some of polygons other content, or at least keep your complaining to constructive criticism rather then straight up saying a member of the polygon crew's abscence isn't missed and other bnasty and cruel things
Prettypinkdork - 7 years ago
I can’t believe Russ water boarded a chicken
Ignazio Acerenza
Ignazio Acerenza - 7 years ago
Tuna and Mayo underwent some serious torture in this video.
Meg Croll
Meg Croll - 7 years ago
This game clearly has a bit of a rough learning curve, but it also has a lot of promise to be fun to watch in streams. Can't wait to see how games go once everyone is more familiar with the controls and gets used to sailing.
twstedmnds - 7 years ago
Black dog pack is from pre-order
Baron11704 - 7 years ago
I'm so jealous, unfortunately plebeians like me have to wait till tomorrow
mikerms12 - 7 years ago
Starburst.... Smh
Katie Akin
Katie Akin - 7 years ago
This stream was so fun! All the SoT streams have been so wonderful, I’d love to see more
BJCGaca - 7 years ago
Don't be mean to him but "East East South" is exactly how to describe Russ.
Hunter E
Hunter E - 7 years ago
Want to be clear that this is MY problem and not theirs, but I have to control my squirming so hard when they use non-nautical terms for things with nautical names...
Ben Jones
Ben Jones - 7 years ago
I agree, its a bit graining, but I think if people don't know it off hand then it would only lead to confusion and death. Personally I will be using proper terms, but thats just me.
pozmack - 7 years ago
I imagine things like port/starboard and for/aft instead of left/right and front/back
Anafyral Weyferling
Anafyral Weyferling - 7 years ago
What is nautical names?
Logan Venters
Logan Venters - 7 years ago
don't have to be a douche about it
SUCCA THICCDICC - 7 years ago
Who cares dude. You know boat words, great.
Hunter E
Hunter E - 7 years ago
(I would be such a pain in the ass to play this with)
Benjamin Chetty
Benjamin Chetty - 7 years ago
Man I hope there's a private session function, because if not this game looks unplayable
Derp Derp
Derp Derp - 7 years ago
There is
AKGold AKDiamond
AKGold AKDiamond - 7 years ago
Nope there isn’t going to be it’s always going to be pvp sorry bud
El Pez
El Pez - 7 years ago
Benjamin Chetty it has been stated that there will always be pvp
Joe Savero
Joe Savero - 7 years ago
i love how you guys picked the fight and then hes the "jerk " lol
Komichi - 7 years ago
Joe Savero right? And the PVP is the best part of the game. Of course they're gonna pursue.
Mike Spud
Mike Spud - 7 years ago
Joe Savero true, they did. but did they have to kill them over and over after they bested them the first time? no.

50. comment for SEA OF THIEVES — Set Sail with Captain Russ

JTundra - 7 years ago
I would get this game but i have no friends
Derp Derp
Derp Derp - 7 years ago
I'll play with you.
Prettypinkdork - 7 years ago
candysnakes - 7 years ago
The sea of thieves discord makes it super easy to find other players by just joining a game room There is a trial for this game too, i think. It's worth checking out!
Jamm - 7 years ago
I’m getting this game and I have no friends
Komichi - 7 years ago
I think some people wanted to make an Arrrful Squad Jr discord to play together!
Bee Maddox
Bee Maddox - 7 years ago
Is this live?
James Mentz
James Mentz - 7 years ago
I really want to see more of this game, but parts of this stream were painful to watch. This game has the potential of being super funny and exciting, and this stream was neither. I honestly don't care about the quests, I just want to see y'all having a good time. But that can't happen if you're so bad you get killed for 30 minutes straight by two people and have super uncomfortable passive aggressive comments every time someone gives someone else an instruction. I love all you guys, but please figure out what your goal is for the stream. You have no idea how much these videos mean to people. You don't have to be good at the game to make a good video, but Russ was like checking twitter half the time he was angling his sails. Ambling around while the ship was getting sunk. And then your goal was to avoid ships??? That's by far the most exciting part to watch! No one watches this to see you collect skulls. The player interaction is what makes this game so cool! Go smash up some sloops and forget about the quest. I really like you guys, but you didn't even make jokes or anything. Look inside and ask yourself why people like your videos.

I respect all of you. The only reason I complain is because I know you can do better. I believe in you. Get some rest and bring some good pirate spirit to tomorrow's stream.
Matt R
Matt R - 7 years ago
I also thought it was incredibly funny content, they're not supposed to be good, and they're all still learning
Komichi - 7 years ago
This comment is kind critique and I absolutely agree with every word of it. Thank you.
Mike Spud
Mike Spud - 7 years ago
what part of "impromptu stream" did you miss? you can be critical when they actually plan something.
kelcat18 - 7 years ago
I thought this video was awesome, I was constantly laughing my ass off. Just because you didn't enjoy the video, doesn't mean it's bad.
Spoonman87 - 7 years ago
James Mentz Normally I stay off the git gud train but this video had me yelling at the screen. All they had to do was board the enemy ship while Hit80s music was down and steer it into some rocks or something.
And this is from someone that enjoys Russ on Awful Squad every week....this was just frustrating to watch. I couldn't finish.
Daele - 7 years ago
russ haters and people who keep demanding griffin in chat are banned you can never watch polygon content again, sorry i don't make the rules
BlueLemon - 7 years ago
Matt R
I mean, justin and griffin WORK for polygon, and have been working for polygon for as long they've been popular podcasters (give or take) of course people will want those they like on a youtube chanel to show up (or at least not be insulted undecidedly). Also when you say toxic do you mean as in they care about "social justice" topics and don't like it when creators are bigoted or toxic as in they've actually done something bad enough to warrant the term toxic? Cause calling a fanbase toxic and leaving it at that has become a pretty dangerous thing to say nowadays given the double meaning
Matt R
Matt R - 7 years ago
Stick to the podcasts if you come for McElroys. They are three lovely fellas I personally enjoy, with a fairly toxic fan base, and catering to them is never they way to improve your content.
BlueLemon - 7 years ago
Ah the old send someone a message but delete it so only they can see it in their notifications trick so you look like you've stopped replying how, well, childish and silly. In response to what you said, which was:
"So is the snobby thing a good look for you? Do people appreciate it when you act better then them how often do you call those around you children"
for anyone out of the loop and curious as to what they said.
I really don't see who I'M the snobby one for calling you out for saying nasty and hateful things about a guy on the internet who, like I said, has only acted like a try hard to keep aggressive commentators such as yourself from getting aggressive, which has obviously failed since you continue to go on the attack at anyone who thinks you saying he's never missed was a childish and hateful thing to say. Also, I never called you a child, please stop trying to put words in my mouth so you can fail at villanizing me, I called you childish, and as such, immature for the way you acted and the way you continue to act.

I don't call people children but I will call people who are acting uneededly spiteful and childish out for doing so. And I've never acted like I was better then you here, please stop trying to victimize yourself here by reaching like that, I've called you out for saying hateful things and continuing to stomp your feet and throw a fit over the fact someone called you out for saying hateful and insulting things rather then just stating your opinion ina constructive and not insulting and then leaving to find a video you liked. Also if you're going to comment don't just delete it five seconds after or else stop commenting, it's sad
BlueLemon - 7 years ago
Huh seems like the reply you tried to send either got deleted or was so bad that it refuses to show up anymore even though it existed long enough to spam my notifications so thanks for that
Daele - 7 years ago
hey syntheticgerbil bad news you're banned as well, i still don't make the rules
BlueLemon - 7 years ago
There's a big difference between having opinions and saying someone's presence isn't missed which is a hateful and childish insult, but you know, keep trying to paint what I said in a completely different light as to what I actually said becuase I didn't say anywhere that you shouldn't question things, I said that being generally nasty to someone that much over your personal preferance is ridiculous and yyyou need to grow up. And like I said, if griffin ruins streams for you then don't watch the streams with griffin, don't even mention griffin if he seems that incompatible with your comedy style, rather then throw petty insults about a guy who's only crime has been to be a bit of a try hard as a result of having extremely hostile audience members (hint hint nudge nudge) who are ready to tear him and his friends to shreds just for playing a game and not being great at it.

And tbh I'm not even an adult (hell I wouldn't even be counted as a young adult yet since I'm still in my late teens), yet here I am with a better understanding of how to communicate personal distaste for something in a much better and constructive and less cruel way then you seem to
syntheticgerbil - 7 years ago
Uh huh, because grown ups can't have opinions about people who scream and boss people around and therefore ruin streams?

Exactly what is your logic here? You are the adult, inform us all about how not questioning anything makes you one.
BlueLemon - 7 years ago
Honestly, there's soon gonna be as many griffin haters as there were russ haters, and can yall just chill, don't like that that one person is missing or you think someones presence is "Never missed" (which btw is a horrible and uneededly nasty thing to say about anyone) because you don't like them then don't watch the video, don't make a nasty comment about the person and be a grown up
Jack Irons
Jack Irons - 7 years ago
It's not like his videos consistantly pull in more views than all other polygon content or anything.
syntheticgerbil - 7 years ago
Griffin would just be like twice as loud as everyone out and shout directions. His presence is never missed.
kelcat18 - 7 years ago
Hey, your hands are tied, you gotta follow the rules.
Cardboard-Box Games
Cardboard-Box Games - 7 years ago
L - 7 years ago
don't be mean, they make these for our entertainment. they arent professional gamers, they are professional game reviewers.
jada - 7 years ago
a lot of these folks don’t seem to understand that this game just came out and literally no one is a pro at it yet
Matt R
Matt R - 7 years ago
you can always not watch if you don't like it, it's really easy to just click on something else, like, crazy easy
Dark Ceaser
Dark Ceaser - 7 years ago
That's an actual thing? Professional Game Reviewer? And these guys are that? Because they seem pretty.....not good at video games. loL. Do you not have to be good at games to be a "pro reviewer" ? I'm being 100% serious right now and I mean no disrespect. This is mind blowing to me.
Jack Irons
Jack Irons - 7 years ago
If I had to play games everyday as my job, I would try to achieve a basic competency. Most of their audience has more of an aptitude than they do. Also, it seems like it would be difficult to review something if you can't operate it at a decent level.
princey - 7 years ago
everyone who is mean to russ owes me 20 dollars
Jill Hurley
Jill Hurley - 7 years ago
princey Why you? It should go to Russ.
Cardboard-Box Games
Cardboard-Box Games - 7 years ago
princey Congrats on gaining millionaire status. So glad to hear the news.
Giovanni Fernandes
Giovanni Fernandes - 7 years ago
These guys are a disgrace to video games
charles nette
charles nette - 7 years ago
wow to think you get paid to play games and while getting destroyed by a 2 man sloop someone actually asks... ""why do we need to load the cannons?" uhhhh duhhh
BlueLemon - 7 years ago
There's also editing videos and writing reviews on their website as well as payment for their thousands of other videos but yep, THIS is their magnem opus that they get paid for S//
Kathleen Geigley
Kathleen Geigley - 7 years ago
These are professional video gamers.
kelcat18 - 7 years ago
I wasn't being rude, I was correcting you. Tone is difficult to tell in writing, so I misread your "joke" as sarcasm. Such is the internet!
Kathleen Geigley
Kathleen Geigley - 7 years ago
kelcat18 I don’t want to argue with you about a joke I made on a video. Please remember that people that write comments are real people, and being rude or snippy with them doesn’t help anything, esp the good vibes that polygon tries to put out. Have a good day!
kelcat18 - 7 years ago
No, they're professional game reviewers. There's a big difference.
Jill Hurley
Jill Hurley - 7 years ago
Dustin and Hit80s were real bummers.
Austin M.
Austin M. - 7 years ago
to be fair, pretty sure they fired on Hit80s first
Asteranx - 7 years ago
Captain 3 times! The ship is stinking!
ahtari - 7 years ago
Russ is killing me with the sails. We need Griffin yelling at him to complete this family
ahtari - 7 years ago
I think it works best when 1-2 people are good and 1-2 of them are kind of clueless. Too much either way and it's not so fun to watch.
BlueLemon - 7 years ago
I don't think griffin is "No fun allowed" as much as he gets stressed easily over trying to do things right so it's enjoyable for the people watching, especially since they're in front of a live audience who are very vocal about their dislike for something and don't hesitate to completely tear them to shreads rather then doing the mature thing of simply not watching the video (thanks syntheticgerbil for being a good example of this multiple times) also he's mentioned on multiple occasions in his other work about anxiety and stuff like that when it comes to working in front of crowds which may lead to his try hard attitude in these specific videos, cause I've noticed in literally all his other videos he's chill and fine, it's just in these live videos with a group of people not doing things correctly 100% of the time he becomes tense and seems to get stressed
Jack Irons
Jack Irons - 7 years ago
I just don't get how russ is always making the worst possible decisions regardless of the game, and he is always the one streaming.
syntheticgerbil - 7 years ago
Considering his no fun allowed attitude also means hurting my ears, I'd rather him just be absent.
Duncan Urquhart
Duncan Urquhart - 7 years ago
on one hand, I usually get annoyed at griffin for being all 'no fun allowed' and taking things too seriously. but sometimes it really is nice to have someone voicing what you've been shouting at the screen for five minutes
Very Basic Viewer
Very Basic Viewer - 7 years ago
so bad
atomic ouija
atomic ouija - 7 years ago
Very Basic Viewer well I guess your user name is accurate
Very Basic Viewer
Very Basic Viewer - 7 years ago
much cringe
Tristan Wells
Tristan Wells - 7 years ago
Why no simone? She was an awesome pirate last time
SUCCA THICCDICC - 7 years ago
Have you heard any of the noises she makes?
Anafyral Weyferling
Anafyral Weyferling - 7 years ago
Kele Vader don't be fucking rude
Amai Freeman
Amai Freeman - 7 years ago
it's a shame russ is like...the least woke of the polygon squad. like, i gotta go through him to get the content.
roidroid - 7 years ago
You can only turn the sails in a 180 arc centered on the rear of the ship, so if the wind is comming from the front of the ship then SIDE ON is literally the BEST you can do with the sails. Even if you were able to turn the sails into that wind, it'd literally cause your ship to sail IN REVERSE anyway.

The proper way to handle that situation is to steer the ship so the wind isn't comming head-on like that, then you "tack" left & right, slowly making your way upwind. It's upto the helmsman to fix it, although i guess it'd help if someone told the helmsman to turn away from the wind (if they don't know).

TL;DR: I'm glad yall not on my ship, coz Russ's actions were correct.
Eli Glickman
Eli Glickman - 7 years ago
That seemed weird to me too, Ive never played the game but it seems like it might be difficult to turn the sails the right way? Either that or russ just did not know that you can see the direction of the wind
Wood Hightower
Wood Hightower - 7 years ago
Duncan Urquhart yeah I'm usually a Russ apologist but that was just ridiculous
Duncan Urquhart
Duncan Urquhart - 7 years ago
i really love and enjoy it when he goes up to a sail and turns it perfectly parallel to the wind and then walks away without commenting on why he would ever choose to do that
buddyGames - 7 years ago
russ it russian ?
Sam R
Sam R - 7 years ago
Is this game really going to be almost £60?! I just googled the price and that's what it seems it might cost. It looks fun and cool, but that seems like a lot!
Sycai Defranco
Sycai Defranco - 7 years ago
$60 is the average game price
glitterlesbian - 7 years ago
You can sign up for a 14-day trial for X-Box Game pass and Sea of Thieves is included in the list, if you want to check it out and play for a while before deciding if you want it!
At least what I'm going to do once I have some more time :D
Edit: At first I wrote Windows Game pass like an idiot, but it's still valid with the pc download!
dj shenanigan
dj shenanigan - 7 years ago
Sam R if you have friend's its definitely worth it
Leminid - 7 years ago
I already pre-ordered it for $59.99 US
Jared Berrien
Jared Berrien - 7 years ago
No yiffin???
Robo Goofers
Robo Goofers - 7 years ago
45:00 Russ: "is he on the boat? i'm scared"
doesn't even bother to glance around himself, jumps on the wheel, gets stabbed from behind.

I laughed, i cried...
Matt R
Matt R - 7 years ago
Russ' natural state is fear, it's great!
Rose Richardson
Rose Richardson - 7 years ago
It became a part of me
Karl Smith
Karl Smith - 7 years ago
Lmao, also he's clearly visible at 45:09 lollll
AngryChicken555 - 7 years ago
Ignazio Acerenza
Ignazio Acerenza - 7 years ago
Are you per chance related to Mayo and Tuna?

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The "SEA OF THIEVES — Set Sail with Captain Russ" video is part of the Sealing, tipps, boating category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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