SEA OF THIEVES — Set Sail with Captain Russ
Sailing 7 years ago 78,095 views
Avast! Captain Russ is here to teach ya the difference between fore and aft. Join us for an early look at Sea of Thieves. SUBSCRIBE for more videos! Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram: And for more great news and coverage, check out: Polygon is an entertainment website founded in 2012 in partnership with Vox Media. Our mission is to cover not only games but the artists who make them, the fans who love them, and the culture surrounding them.
10. comment for SEA OF THIEVES — Set Sail with Captain Russ
Hopefully, a Pirate
20. comment for SEA OF THIEVES — Set Sail with Captain Russ
Never seen four guys be so passive and confused when under attack from an enemy ship. REKT
Dustin and 90s were really shiteheads!!! Probably a couple of 13 year olds.
30. comment for SEA OF THIEVES — Set Sail with Captain Russ
Sigh, oh boy here we go again.
Only 1 minute into the stream.
50. comment for SEA OF THIEVES — Set Sail with Captain Russ
I’m getting this game and I have no friends
I respect all of you. The only reason I complain is because I know you can do better. I believe in you. Get some rest and bring some good pirate spirit to tomorrow's stream.
And this is from someone that enjoys Russ on Awful Squad every week....this was just frustrating to watch. I couldn't finish.
I mean, justin and griffin WORK for polygon, and have been working for polygon for as long they've been popular podcasters (give or take) of course people will want those they like on a youtube chanel to show up (or at least not be insulted undecidedly). Also when you say toxic do you mean as in they care about "social justice" topics and don't like it when creators are bigoted or toxic as in they've actually done something bad enough to warrant the term toxic? Cause calling a fanbase toxic and leaving it at that has become a pretty dangerous thing to say nowadays given the double meaning
"So is the snobby thing a good look for you? Do people appreciate it when you act better then them how often do you call those around you children"
for anyone out of the loop and curious as to what they said.
I really don't see who I'M the snobby one for calling you out for saying nasty and hateful things about a guy on the internet who, like I said, has only acted like a try hard to keep aggressive commentators such as yourself from getting aggressive, which has obviously failed since you continue to go on the attack at anyone who thinks you saying he's never missed was a childish and hateful thing to say. Also, I never called you a child, please stop trying to put words in my mouth so you can fail at villanizing me, I called you childish, and as such, immature for the way you acted and the way you continue to act.
I don't call people children but I will call people who are acting uneededly spiteful and childish out for doing so. And I've never acted like I was better then you here, please stop trying to victimize yourself here by reaching like that, I've called you out for saying hateful things and continuing to stomp your feet and throw a fit over the fact someone called you out for saying hateful and insulting things rather then just stating your opinion ina constructive and not insulting and then leaving to find a video you liked. Also if you're going to comment don't just delete it five seconds after or else stop commenting, it's sad
There's a big difference between having opinions and saying someone's presence isn't missed which is a hateful and childish insult, but you know, keep trying to paint what I said in a completely different light as to what I actually said becuase I didn't say anywhere that you shouldn't question things, I said that being generally nasty to someone that much over your personal preferance is ridiculous and yyyou need to grow up. And like I said, if griffin ruins streams for you then don't watch the streams with griffin, don't even mention griffin if he seems that incompatible with your comedy style, rather then throw petty insults about a guy who's only crime has been to be a bit of a try hard as a result of having extremely hostile audience members (hint hint nudge nudge) who are ready to tear him and his friends to shreds just for playing a game and not being great at it.
And tbh I'm not even an adult (hell I wouldn't even be counted as a young adult yet since I'm still in my late teens), yet here I am with a better understanding of how to communicate personal distaste for something in a much better and constructive and less cruel way then you seem to
Exactly what is your logic here? You are the adult, inform us all about how not questioning anything makes you one.
The proper way to handle that situation is to steer the ship so the wind isn't comming head-on like that, then you "tack" left & right, slowly making your way upwind. It's upto the helmsman to fix it, although i guess it'd help if someone told the helmsman to turn away from the wind (if they don't know).
TL;DR: I'm glad yall not on my ship, coz Russ's actions were correct.
At least what I'm going to do once I have some more time :D
Edit: At first I wrote Windows Game pass like an idiot, but it's still valid with the pc download!
doesn't even bother to glance around himself, jumps on the wheel, gets stabbed from behind.
I laughed, i cried...